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Isaya Shijin [ W . I . P ] Pixel

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Isaya Shijin [ W . I . P ]

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1Isaya Shijin [ W . I . P ] Empty Isaya Shijin [ W . I . P ] Sat Mar 01, 2014 4:36 am



Isaya Shijin [ W . I . P ] X67ppXS
people lack power. i want to give that power to everyone.
all i want to see in return is whether they use it, or it uses them.

personal information

Name: Isaya Shijin

  • | Isa | A simple nickname she is called by people who know her well enough, usually her brothers.
  • Blue

Age: Twenty-five
Gender: Female
Village: Kirigakre no Sato
Village Rank: Mizukage
Skill Rank: S

appearance information

Height: 5' 7"
Hair color:
Eye Color:
Looks Image:
Looks Description:
stands a comfortable height of 5'7", which in turn makes her just a few inches taller than the average woman is. Her height is something she is grateful for along with her beauty as it grants her the ability to stand out a bit more than the average woman like she loves to. Tall as she is, and with a well endowed figure, she more weighted than the average female as well, at 140 lbs, but regardless her weight is still desirable as she is neither overweight nor underweight. The rest of her body leaves much to be desired by both men and women alike, with her having deeply admired features. Her breasts are quite large. Not large that it makes her seem artificial, but large enough that it draws a lot of attention to her. Her hip, waist and her rear are all proportionate to the rest of her body, not exactly standing out like that of her breasts, but certainly no ordinary woman would compare.

To match with her attractive facial features, Mikoto has a body to go with it all. She stands at 5'4", making her pretty much average in the height department in comparison to other women. Height wise she is pretty much done growing having been this height since she was sixteen. To match with her height, she has the weight to match. She has very light skin, but not to the extent that she appears deeply paled. Her skin is naturally smooth to the touch, yet another trait of her genes, but since she is constantly in battle, she would usually need to expose herself to the water. Like other mermaids, she is blessed with great sexual assets. Her breasts had always been rather large on her chest, as DDs, which was enough that it distinguished her from most women. After her first pregnancy though they grew slightly and receded over time, making them slightly larger than originally, but still able to fit comfortably into a E cup. Further down, she happens to be a very big eater, and the effects of her last pregnancy haven't fully faded away and it shows on her stomach slightly. She doesn't have a large belly, but while most women would have completely flat stomach, she has a small bit of fat there. This is actually more attractive though since when a person touches her stomach they'd actually feel something tender rather than bone or tight muscle. Her belly button is a "innie"/inverted type, and coincidentally, her nipples are inverted just the same.

personality information

Personality Description:
Isaya is the embodiment of calmness. The woman typically is shown baring a stoical expression, which at times have most wondering whether she actually bares any feelings. Her face is essentially an unreadable book, albeit you just can't help stare at the perplexing page wondering what goes through her head. Almost everything she does is calm and serene, baring a level of grace that others can tell isn't intentional, but simply natural.

she is able to keep a calm head over things that others people would lose their mind over, especially in battle. If she is placed in a situation, she quickly assesses it and comes up with simple solutions. Panic, fear, anger, lust, greed, are simply things that you won't find with her without pushing the few buttons in her life that can make her crumble.

Isaya has long since built up this perception that it is her obligation to help others.

Isaya is not a woman to to lie to someone's face. If a person ask her for the truth, she tells them exactly as it is, with the emotion to match. She essentially believes that the problem with most people is that they are lied to from the moment they're born as their parents would always tell them what would make them feel best. In short, she doesn't believe in "babying" others, having called even her closest friends out on their flaws when need be.

Breaking Isaya is literally next to impossible. She hates weakness, so she herself strives to never show it. She'd rather die before she grants someone the satisfaction of seeing her degraded. If someone takes something precious to her, she wouldn't sit around and mope over her lost. She'd cry a few tears and then get up and make them suffer a hundred times over.

Tying with this, she fears nothing other than the people close to her. Even when it comes to death it something that she is always ready for as she knows it inevitable. She would charge into a battlefield knowing that she is certain to die. Even as it relates to losing loves one, she is able to overcome such as she knows that it is inevitable.

Isaya, while powerful in her own right, isn't knwon for her power, but rather her impeccable intelligence. Most of her time is spent reading books wherever she can find them. She has in fact read every single book from Kirigakure's library, and her own collection of books amount to thousands, which she has just the same read. In spite of this, she still reads over all of these books whenever she can if she has nothing else. All this reading has granted her vast knowledge in various fields, as she is able to identify jutsu by hand-seals alone, she is a expert psychologist, she can speak multiple languages, eve one's not used in the modern shinobi age, and much more.

She applies this knowledge to combat, but most of her knowledge is shown where strategy is needed. She has somewhat of a paranoid disposition, which causes her to always strive to make people stronger, for whatever threat, in turn she says that it is her way of "thinking steps ahead".

Their are very few things she is incapable of doing, and she does do them they are usually with complete perfection as she admits to being a perfectionist. Things she can't do, she learn quickly and usually won't stop until she has mastered it.

Anther trait which originates back to her clan's habits. Since her clans tends t mark things, thus claiming them as pets, Isaya has a very possessive disposition. This doesn't apply to non-living things, since to her even money is means little other than for basic necessities. When it comes to people and objects though, she considers those close to her her pets, which may seemingly seem insulting, but she considers herself their pet as well, so it matters little.

Once she grows attach to a person, or once she feels it is her obligation (as with the case of her village), she'd do anything for them. Whether it be giving her own life or doing something she doesn't favor. Of course though, she does have a hierachy for everyone's importance in her life, which would probably go family, her village on a whole, then her friends, but regardless of a person's position on the hierarchy, she'd still do anything for them.

While a lot of the times, Isaya may seem stoic and terrifying to some, she is in fact extremely easygoing. Most people though perceive her to be prissy and snobbish though, and she commonly proves them wrong in that belief. How down to earth she can be is mostly shown when she is eating, as she commonly just eats with her bare hands, or when she is drinking she drinking several bottles of alcohol. Further testament to this is her strong dislike for people referring to her formally, preferring them to call her her real name or her nickname, "Isa".

She is easily able to forgive and forget unless it is something really bad (don't touch her love ones). So, a person throws oil on her, even intentionally, fine... no problem. They hit her (with no actual menace behind it)... she'd say that she probably deserved it. They walk in on her bathing... she'd say join her. They kill or drastically hurt her family... they better start running. Sometimes, she'd show a sharp glare, to warn people, but this is mostly done with people close to her as they should know better.

There is the Isaya that everyone likes, who is calm, easygoing, kind, a tad bit rough, but nonetheless justified. Then there is Isaya; the ninja; the woman who has no remorse. When need be, Isaya is one of he most ruthless shinobi there is. She prefers not to kill, bbut if she knows sparing someone's life, she'd kill them or however many people she needs o kill.

This though is if a person doesn't anger. If a person does anger her, by hurting those she loves, she administers torture. She spends a lot other spare time in the interrogation base helping torture if needed.

Isaya has a lot of quirks which people don't expect from her, which she shows when she's at ease. She has a few childish ones, such as her sometimes sulking when she doesn't get what she wants or the fact that she can't sleep unless someone (preferably Chikara) cuddles with her.


  • Reading: Isaya spends a lot of her time reading. She has read every single book in her village's library, has her own collection of imported books totaling to thousands, and even though she has read most of these, she still rereads them several times over.
  • Animals: A clan habit, Isaya loves animals, in fact more than she loves people. Most of her closest friends or the animals she has bonded with. Animals just the same are easily drawn to her.
  • Food: Most originating from her clans affinity for animals, Isaya loves food. She eats several times a day, and given how professional and mature she can seem, most people are surprised when they see her eat as sometimes she forsakes all manners and grace she usually has. She can eat several plates of food and not even feel half full. She particularly loves meat.
  • Alcohol: Isaya has a very strong liking for alcohol. She states that it keeps her head calm. She is mostly seen drinking fine wine, several bottles a day in her spare time, but she would go out quite frequently to bars and have a drink whenever she could. Her tolerance for alcohol is as incomparable as her gluttony.
  • Family: Plain and simple, don't hurt anyone in Isaya's family. There are many she is very close to who she'd go out of her way for, but her love for her family is unmatched. Her family includes her best friend and pet, Chikara, and her two younger brothers.


  • Weakness: Isaya practically hates anything that is weak. Hate is a bit of a strong word. But, essentially, she would never settle for having anything weak, and so even if she meets something/one weak, she'd make it er job to make them stronger. This applies primarily to character, meaning she doesn't like to see fearful people, people without resolve, etc.
  • Disloyalty: Having a possessive disposition, and always striving to include new people in her circle, Isaya hates traitors. she'd never forgive someone who betrayed her, and those who have betrayed others, even if their reasons were good, she'd have a hard time trusting them.

Catch Phrases:
Nindo: "Power runs this world. Plain and simple. If you don't like it, then become more powerful, and become the ruler."

jutsu information

Element Affinity: N/A
Sub Element Affinity: N/A

history & rp sample

History: (Please try to make this large enough considering your rank or skill levels in question, this means that if you have a higher skill level you need more history in order to have that skill level in the roleplay. If you don't you probably won't be accepted.)
RP Sample: (This will boost you're chances on getting an higher rank)

2Isaya Shijin [ W . I . P ] Empty Re: Isaya Shijin [ W . I . P ] Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:49 am



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