Hey there! Our site is fairly new however we've flourished in users over the past couple of weeks. We'd love to affiliate with Nexus if at all possible.
Here's our button:
Our site URL: http://magiworld.forumotion.com/
And we've already added your own button to our site. Of course we have our own advertisement and such, but I figured that this was a tad more formal.
Here's our button:
- Code:
<a href="http://magiworld.forumotion.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b566/Tinboh/Magi/MagiAffiliate_zpsbc8b86fd.png" /></a>
Our site URL: http://magiworld.forumotion.com/
And we've already added your own button to our site. Of course we have our own advertisement and such, but I figured that this was a tad more formal.