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Subchapter: Re-Ignite Pixel

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Subchapter: Re-Ignite

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1Subchapter: Re-Ignite Empty Subchapter: Re-Ignite Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:01 am



Subchapter: Re-Ignite L9WWTop
" Vengeance is key . . . "

After finishing her training in the Thunder Grounds, Kōka needed to recover. She had a very difficult mission, so she had to be fully rested and recovered. She also had to wash up because the heat and concentration from and for the fire training happened to make her glands secrete sweat. A usual thing when it came to training. When she walked inside, she was greeted by the receptionist. " Oh, hello! Are you here for a Chakra Checkup or are you injured? " She would ask Kōka. Kōka walked over to the counter, resting her palms on it. " Yes, I am here for a Chakra Recovery Checkup and also a lung Checkup. " Kōka answered, attempting to give a smile, albeit, it was a simply unemotional look with a slight raise of the eyebrow. Even though that was given, her childish build and kawaii face happened to pull off an expression that seemed genuine and happy.

The woman tapped her neck mic, a collar that held a small communication microphone, and began to call an open Ijutsu Ninja. " Yes. Sending a patient over to you. " She would say, tapping the choker again and smiling to Kōka. " He is waiting for you in the door to the right. " She said, pointing the directions. Kōka nodded and walked to her destination. Upon opening the door, the doctor turned from looking out the window and motioned to the patient operating table. Kōka simply sat there raising her head. " So, you're here for a Chakra and Lung Checkup, yes? " He'd say, clapping his hands together and closing his eyes in concentration. Kōka nodded slightly, " Yes. " His eyes then opened abruptly and his hands were now shrouded in a colorful aura. He then placed his hands on Kōka's chest and closed his eyes once more. Kōka slightly blushed at his hand placement considering that they were dangerously close to her breast. He simply smirked as he noticed her heart rate increase, but quickly reverting back to checking her chakra and lungs.

After moments, his hands stopped glowing and he opened his eyes. " Well, you're healthy and I've restored your chakra. Your lungs are just getting used to your newly found fire element chakra. " He'd say, beginning to grab his pencil and clipboard, beginning to report the appointment. " Oh, thank you Doctor. " She'd say, giving a slight smile that was improved by her kawaii face. He smile back and stop writing, handing Kōka a small health report paper. It had ' 100% ' on it, which made Kōka happy, showing that she could perform in the upcoming mission.

After leaving the hospital with her good news, Kōka began walking home for her shower. She was happy that she was ready to participate in her assign mission, even though she wouldn't know the full details until later.


Words Needed: 250
Words Achieved: 483
Ryo Earned: 25
CP Remaining: 120

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