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Rise above the Rest [Shinji/Mission - Village Council]  Pixel

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Rise above the Rest [Shinji/Mission - Village Council]

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Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

For the first ten seconds, his eyes were glued to the pavement beneath his feet but then he raised his head and glared at every soul that stood on the training grounds this revolting morning. Chiro's narrows his eyes and took a single step forward with his right foot and his left foot follows as he walks through the gate with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. Today the higher ups were going to hold a competition to entertain those discrepant old village council members who watched the battle from a far.

Initially, this arrogant young ninja did not want to take part in, what he first thought was a, banal contest but when he heard that every Genin within the village of mist was participating then he decided to join in order to prove that he is indeed the cream of the crop. Remembering the rules was an easy task, take out any and all ninja's in your way and collect as many vouchers as you can before time runs out. The one with the most vouchers will be the winner and if the event were to occur that two shinobi would have the same amount of vouchers then they will participate in a spar that would act like a tie breaker.

It was simple enough to be sure. As Chiro looked for an empty spot to sit and contemplate on how he was going to go about this contest when it begins, he had made no eye contact with anyone as he walked the sidewalk as his hood shrouded his eyes even when he held his head high and it did not take long for a handful of the other Genin around him to notice the rosy pale skinned child with a scowl on his face gave off an arrogant air that seemed to force others around him to shoot a few angry or irritated glares at him.

Another result was that he ended up bumping into another shinobi before he continued to walk closer to the stone walls without paying the insect much mind. It was easy to see that the boy walked like he was like a king, No a God among them and that was exactly what Chiro thought about himself. What a nice little thought. It was enough for a smirk to appear between his lips. The mist in this area made it difficult to move around this area without use of Sensory techniques but if he stayed close to these walls then he'll be able to navigate the coliseum just fine.

Last edited by Junnichiro on Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

Finding his way to the soon to be battlefield, Shinji was in high spirits. Comfortable in his 'casual clothes' the boy was, not to anyone who knew him's surprise, over dressed.
A half white half yellow half zipped vest with an ebony hood, liver colored long sleeve shirt, hunter green slightly baggy jeans, and an eye catching pair of high top tennis shoes. They were black with white lining, not too much white though, for that would take away from the effect of the electrifying cheddar colored shoe strings. Perfectly laced this morning, each laying flat on the shoes tongue, which was hanging at its peek. On purpose of course, this was a bit of flavor to Shinji's style, he also let remaining length of the shoe lace hang free. The flowing laces weren't long enough to make him trip however, they would only reach two or three inches out of their respective holes. He also couldn't forget about accessories, usually a woman's kind of thing, but some men with decent taste could pull it off. For today's special occasion, entertaining some higher ups and elders, Shinji had carefully chosen a ivory metal bracelet. It was more of a simple circle actually, but upon touch one could feel the chill it had obtained from its metal elements. A simple touch, but even though it was simple, it added to the feel of his outfit. And even though basic, this trinket would only be found on his right wrist, for when Shinji dresses, he tends to stray away from balance. Why would one be balanced, would it not make them more predictable? A fundamental to be applied to fashion and life, though balance of course is a necessity.
Also accompanying him to today's activities was his Long Length Katana. It was nothing special, black sheathe, clean sharp metal blade. Of course the teen wouldn't dare kill anyone with it. He disliked killing as it was, but to kill ones comrades is truly treacherous. Anyhow, the teen had spent about thirty minutes, before departing to where he was currently, trying to find a place to house the blade. The back was too typical, it just made his image shout urban ninja, the hip . . . too  . . . it just didn't work out, that spot was better left for more formal ninja wear. But then he decided, why not just carry it in his hand? A new approach to things and it was quite trendy.
So here he was, in the coliseum all dressed up and feeling confident. He was wide awake, from spending at least an hour just putting together his outfit and warmed up from is light jog here. He knew the outfit could and most likely would get ruined or trashed in the rumble, but he didn't mind. Why? Well that was because the crowd already had a chance to absorb his yelling outfit. All of the other shinobi participating, had on their typical ninja gear, lacking color and personality, but Shinji was an explosion.
Scanning through the mass of the drab Genin, Shinji searched for a familiar face. Someone to call an ally. He knew the battle wouldn't be too tough, but he wanted to be sure the final battle between the last two participants, selfishly assuming himself, was a show for the audience. They and the figure heads came for a spectacular battle and Shinji, being oh so generous and far from battle hungry, wanted to give them one.
Not finding a face he could name as an ally Shinji sighed and in that moment was welcomed with a bump. Not a passing glance, a 'sorry', a 'my bad', an 'excuse me', and probably not a fuck was given to Shinji. As the boy continued on his way, Shinji digested his appearance. Narrowing his eyes, he shamelessly helped himself to sensing the boys chakra levels. He was a Genin, but he was obviously stronger than most, the teen would be sure to keep an eye on him.
As chatter went on, eventually someone important started his quacking. The event was about to begin and the crowd roared in excitement. Small coins and other things were thrown into the coliseum center, where most of the Genin were residing. Shinji took this opportunity to slip out of the scrambling commotion and find the rings walls. A few other smart frames did the same, while majority of the idiotic people stayed center. The place bound to be home to devastation. Shinji scanned the battlefield again, and saw the boy from earlier was among the few smart souls against the wall. Looks like it will probably be me and him in the end. He sighed heavily and phased out the crowds booming cheers. Now focused on the event at hand his blood began to rush in excitement.


Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

The cheers and roars from the other genin echoed through the battle arena and although Chiro neglected to pay attention to what the village elder had to say about the competition because he already knew the rules, nevertheless it was time to get started. In only a few minutes, the sounds of swords clashing against each other rang through the training coliseum as if an actual war was taking place.

Even with the adrenaline running through his veins, the conceited Junnichiro kept a calm and cold expression on his face when he reached into his partially open weapon bag that was strapped around his shoulder and pulled out a kunai with an explosive attached to the handle. Of course, there were suppose to be no killing in this battle but these things could prove to be excellent distractions for him. Suddenly, three shurikan plummeted from above him that Chiro caught at the last minute and they prompted him to spring off his feet and back flip on to his hands and back onto his two feet. When he landed, he saw another two shurikan being thrown at him.

After he sucked his teeth in frustration, Chiro leaped up and allowed the shurikan to travel towards Shinji who was positioned at a fair distance behind him. This insect was using the mist to his advantage while staying on top of the walls and acted like scout to thin the numbers. "A sensory type..?" Taking him down won't be hard, it's getting close to him that would be excruciatingly difficult on multiple levels. Being talented in both Taijutsu and Ijutsu makes Chiro an extremely dangerous close combat oriented shinobi but it wasn't like he didn't have a few long range tricks up his sleeve. Memorizing the speed of those previous shurikan, Chiro estimated just how far his opponent was but instead of just throwing weapons right off the bat, Chiro decided to first get closer to the wall.

The farther away from those walls the more of a sitting duck he'll become. So with that though, he dashed forward towards the direction of the walls and as expected more shurikan came flying towards him. Swinging his kunai in front him to deflect each shurikan, Chiro narrowed his eyes and threw his kunai in same path where the shurikan was thrown. The genin on the wall managed to evade it by a hair but didn't see the explosive attached to it. "Kai..." Chiro thought before the tag ended up exploding and although the ninja avoid most of the blast, it still ended up sending him flying off the wall and through the air where Chiro sighted him. "You're done..." He mused pridefully before he leaped and pursued his target by leaping into the air after him.

"Damn it!" The Genin said as he drew his sword in mid air and tried to cut Chiro down but the Taijutsu specialist grabbed his wrist and turned around to throw him towards the ground. The nimble genin landed on his feet but before he try and get some distance, his left arm where Chiro grabbed went numb and soon so did his legs. "Hahaa... What..." Chiro landed in front of him and casually walked around his temporarily paralyzed body to retrieve the yellow slip of paper with red markings that served to be one of the vouchers he needed to collect out of the Genin's weapon pouch. Without another word, Chiro turned around and headed towards the direction of the wall while stashing his second voucher into his weapon bag. On his way back towards the wall, Chiro once again came across Shinji but this time he actually bothered to pay him attention for only one obvious reason.

Last edited by Junnichiro on Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

As mosh pit erupted into instant chaos, the crowds roar was basically shaking his frame. What less to expect from the citizens of the Bloody Mist. A couple of Genin pummeling each other for pieces of paper, now that's a show! Shaking off his distractions he tuned into the battle.

There, there, there, and that one. He nodded as he had solidified which opponents he had planned to eliminate first. Applying chakra to his feet, a couple of rouge shuriken found their way towards his frame.  Placing his right hand on the handle of his blade, which was cradled firmly in his left, he cut them down. He cared not who threw the deadly metal, for they would feel their punishment sooner or later. Sheathing his blade and now flanking right around the center of the chaos, Shinji dashed in vigorously to start some real combat.

In the blink of an eye . . . quick draw. A muffled thud was heard, as a Genin who was preparing handseals was attacked from the back and hand fallen. A bit of blood splattered, but Shinji had sliced the boy from a distance where the cut would only be about an inch deep, but about a foot long through his shirt along his back. Nothing deadly, just business. The shock from the unexpected pain, seemed to send the boy's body into a shocked state and he had fallen unconscious.

Look left . . . look right . . . sense behind . . . sense above. These four actions would be done in groups of two in mere seconds, if that. Making the amount of time a non-sensor Shinobi would take to do these actions look ridiculous. Shinji noted everyone was linked in combat, so he took the opportunity to snag the boys voucher, eliminating him from the event. He again sheathed his blade and prepared to slice down the next unsuspecting victim, that was until he felt guilty about leaving the unconscious body vulnerable to be trampled. Hoisting the limp weight over his shoulder, he retreated with a few hops backward, finding refuge at the wall. Setting the body down, he took the chance to also steal a few Senbon, which he gripped between his teeth for a surprise attack when they would be needed. Unless staring excruciatingly hard the mist would hide the existence of the metal spikes held firmly by his teeth and lips.

Preparing to re-enter the rambunctious fray Shinji spotted the boy from earlier. Yes . . . yes it was him. He had the same air about him and to Shinji's surprise the boy noticed him also. He assumed a crouched ready stance, right hand on handle of his blade and slyly prepared his newly scavenged Senbon for firing. He knew the boy was top tier material, easily standing out from the rest of the Genin. Not because of the way he dressed, like Shiji who was relishing in the glory of the eyes of the crowd taking in his sense of fashion, but because he indeed did have a head on his shoulders. A fair one at that.


Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

While being ten meters away from the boy who Chiro caught wielding a sword, both of teh Genin's hands reached back into his weapon pouch and he pulled out a single kunai with a bomb attached like before for each hand. He assumed that since this kid had a sword that he would know a bit of Kenjutsu but because of how fat he was with pride, Chiro assumed that he would go down just as easily as the other one.

When he came close enough, Chiro leaped up in to the air and preformed a somersault over his target before sending on his kunais at his back during the jump however a shurikan was thrown from out of the must and it deflected his projectile which was much to his surprise. After landing on the ground, the genin leaped away from his target which earned a chuckle from someone who was moving through the mist. "Sorry about that Chi - Chi... My hand slipped." A mysterious and rather flamboyant voice echoed around both of the genin and shadows of ten genin surrounding both Chiro and Shinji are formed through the mist.

Unbeknownst to Chiro, they were all shadow clones that each had the original's chakra distributed into them which would make it difficult to tell which is the real one. "Akira..." He mumbled the name of one of the bullies he had to deal with back at the academy.

A violet eyed harlot who was known for his incredible skill with shadow clones and chakra control. "Hey blondie." Akira said as the clones show themselves in front of everyone. "I know we are suppose to be enemies and all but do you want to team up to take this guy down? He is a pretty decent shinobi but it'll be easier to take him down if he combined our abilities. I have plenty of vouchers already so you could take his if you want." One of the clones asked as he has seen Shinji's skill with the sword and had originally planned to attack him but that planned was foiled when Junnichiro appeared. The arrogant Genin kept a close eye on the shinobi behind him suspecting that he would most likely join that coward's side. Whether he did or didn't really did not matter though, his voucher already belonged to Chiro as soon as the boy set his eyes on him.

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

Shinji had noticed the foe's party of clones creeping close, when Chiro had begun his attack. Upon being surrounded he examined his options. Join forces with this Akira fellow and more than likely defeat the rival Genin with ease, or be a good little Kiri Genin with honor and not stoop to such low, disgusting, cowardly, methods.I think Shinji's choice was clear. With a sharp spin he fired the Senbon in his mouth with elite precision, dispersing multiple clones. A few still stood, but it made Shinji's choice clear and gave him and his new temporary buddy an upper hand Though the offer was tempting, I have honor. And also these people came for a show and the longer the event last, the longer they can explore my dazzling fashion sense.Shinji smirked and bounced his shoulders a bit loosening up. So why not dazzle them wit an explosion yo! Swiftly withdrawing a smoke bomb from his tool pouch he slammed it onto the coliseum ground. Hopping to Chiro's back he whispered the location of the clones. Take 4 o'clock, 7 o'clock and 8. I will get the others. Not waiting for a response, for the smoke would only last a short while and Akira could easily back step out of it, Shinji charge with his sheathed blade. Delivering fierce blunt attacks with each swift strike, Akira was bound to be defeated by the duo.


Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

After listening intently to what this genin had to say, Chiro couldn't help but scoff at his idiocy. Yes, this man was quite chivalrous but it seems he doesn't know the difference between honor as a commoner and honor as a Shinobi. As disgustingly cowardly as they are, tactics like what Akira was showcasing was exactly one of the things that make a great ninja or at least that was what Junnichiro thought.

The boy then took action and threw senbon at a few of the clones to dispatch them quickly. "Honor? Ha! You seem just to be another idiot. This kind of thing is what makes Shinobi legends! We have no use for such banal things like honor. you want honor? Become a samurai dumb a**" One of Akira's clones taunted before Chiro noticed the boy swiftly pulled out a smoke bomb and at that same time, Chiro pulled out yet another Kunai with a bomb attached and loosened his legs as his body leans back when the insect came up behind him and whispered the locations of only three clones.

Without a word, Chiro suddenly vanishes within the smoke as his body moved at incredible speeds and he was found behind the 4 o'clock clone and stabbed him in the back before he zipped over to send his front foot crashing into the 7' o clock before he turned around and sent foot into the chest of the 8'o clock clone who tried to take him down from behind. Having fought Akira before, just taking down his clones one by one would prove to be both pointless and stressful since he never stays in one place. The fact that five clothes had took the place of the ones both Chiro and Shinji had defeated so the best thing to do is to take them all out at once and he had just the plan to do just that.

The wily shinobi leaped into the air while tossing both of his kunai down into the ground before he landed outside of the smoke cloud. That's right, he was planning to set off the explosive on both Akira and Shinji. Did the kid really think that he'll trust him so easily? "Kai..." After weaving a single hand sign the explosive tags went off and a magnificent white light enveloped the area while Chiro performed various hand signs when he waited for one of the two fools to just try and dodge the explosion. The explosions had taken care of the clones but the real Akira had narrowly avoided the explosion with a burned arm. "Tsk...I should have suspected that from that a**..." He said in mid air before he caught Chiro with a grin on his face.

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

To expect to surprise Shinji, the Adept Genin sensor, with an attack previously used, don't be silly. Shinji had the tendency to let his foes and allies alike, on. Letting them believe he was but a easy trusting, cannon fodder ninja. Little did Chiro know he just made the wrong move.
Having finished his clones with not as much speed as Taijutsu Adept Chiro, Shinji was doing a perimeter check with his visibility being hindered from the smoke, to find his last clone. Though he didn't scan far, he didn't need to, to notice his buddy was making some fishy moves while Akira also hopped out of the smoke.

Planning to back stab me and side with Akira eh? Is what had ran through Shinji's mind. Though the two were not teaming up, Shinji was under the impression they were and shrugged it off as a fellow shinobi's deceit. Such a powerful little skill, but also it can be simply learned, or like how it will be demonstrated now, executed.

Using his Adept skills in Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu, Shinji quickly hurled a prelaced Shuriken by a clone and bound it to the ground, with a short length of nearly invisible ninja wire. In a flurry of hands placed a palm on the clone and used his Transformation jutsu, to force the clone to appear as a battered Shinji as if he had gotten slightly beaten from the clones. These actions would be done around the time Chiro had jutsu tossed his bomb tag. Shinji could tell that since they had cleared out of the smoke and a small *chink* could be heard, signifying the kunai had made contact with the dirt. From Shinji's and the clones placement the explosion wouldn't cause too much damage, but still, such a perfect outfit couldn't be allowed to take any damage, especially not explosive. The char would never be washed off and the mending it would take would be ridiculous, so he would be better off re-purchasing the clothes. But an outfit like this wasn't easily found, no no no. The shoes, the jeans, the vest, the long sleeve shirt, no. Shinji was hellbent of letting these clothes take any fire/heat damage.

Cute Shinji simply chimed mentally. Performing Body Flicker, in an instant from its minimal hand signs and experience in ninjutsu, he ejected himself from the soon to be incinerated smoke cloud, conveniently placing his stylish frame behind his buddy. Again in a blur he activate another Jutsu, but not just any jutsu, the world renowned Silent Killing Technique. Oh how much fun this would be. With the smoke cloud clearing from the explosion only Shinji would be visible on the ground slightly wounded. The wires binding the clone would be too thin to see, definitely in Kirigakure's natural mist.
Now silently approaching his new target, Chiro, who had proven he was acquainted with the ninja path of deceit. Shinji's existence was excellently masked, not soul in the world would see him other than a few spectators. But they would have to be high-ranked Sensory shinobi themselves, to have traced Shinji's movements to this location. The surrounding Genin would be too busy thrashing each other to notice him also. Plus the mist ever so welcomed the teens body, shrouding him as if he was it's very owner, but of course Shinji knew he was nothing special. Everyone else was well hidden also, but Shinji could find them almost too easily, being a sensory ninja. With a light grin upon his face his golden locks brushed through the atmosphere, immediately closing in the distance between him and Chiro. By the time Shinji would have made his approach, Chiro would just be able to examine the body that appeared in the clearing explosion. As the saying goes, 'Silence is golden. Just like Shinji's hidden blonde hair.

Now for his attack which he could aim with the utmost precision. His presence was not noticeable by any participants in the arena and the real him appeared to be wounded on the ground, Chiro would have no justified reason to turn his back. 'Shinji' was right there in front of him and he nor Akira and the other Genin could sense him. Easily Shinji could have killed the poor boy, but he wouldn't. One he had no intention of killing anyone, two he didn't want blood to ruin such a nice outfit, three Chiro was such a fun opponent he wouldn't want him dead, they were buddies after all, and four Shinji only wants a goddamn voucher. But of course there would be a price to pay for crossing the fashionable shadow. With a swift draw he aimed his weapon for Chiro's arm. This would sadly leave the boy arm-less for life unless of course he got a prosthetic limb or something.

But Shinji would never perform such a deed he was too pure of heart just like his golden locks, and he was too filled with honor, instead while still hidden from the effects of his jutsu and the mist, he went to deliver a blunt, swift, sheathed blow from behind Chiro. Since Shinji is right handed and his blade was residing in his left hand, the metal scabbard would make devastating contact with Chiro's left arm. This would probably shattered the poor fellows arm and sadly eliminate him from the event and make him need some time off, but he would receive his payment for the mission for participating anyhow. So Shinji, wouldn't harbor too much remorse if the blow landed and would gladly visit his buddy in the hospital.

Techniques Used:

Chakra Remaining: 30/120 1 E-Rank=5 1 D-Rank = 15 together that is 20. Ninjutsu adept halves chakra cost of B-Rank and below so that's 10. Then A-Rank cost 80 Chakra, so that's 90 ^_^ hope it makes sense meep.

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

OOC: I need to do stuff IC, so I'm gonna exit with a vague post, still open for you to dodge. I prefer that you dodge it, because I don't want to hurt your char and have him harbor ill feelings, but that's up to you. Say I hesitated or you heard me mumble or something

Seeing the effects of his efforts, Shinji quickly realized that he was caving into the ways of the Bloody Mist. The murderous way, the violence, the bloodshed, yes this was an organized battle event, but Shinji wasn't a fan of this violence. Quickly withdrawing his sheathed blade, he tossed his vouchers out of his pockets, letting them dance their way to the ground. He then performed another Body Flicker to exit the arena, with conflicted feelings.

Chakra Remaining: 22.5/120

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