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Kurosawa, Takeshi (Konoha Genin) Finished! Pixel

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Kurosawa, Takeshi (Konoha Genin) Finished!

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Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin

Kurosawa, Takeshi (Konoha Genin) Finished! Roxasfull1074327_zps8c4a3dcd
"If I cared about your opinion I'd have asked for it."

Kurosawa, Takeshi (Konoha Genin) Finished! P91b

Name: Kurosawa, Takeshi
Nickname: N/A
Age: 12
Birthday: April 29th
Gender: Male
Village: Konohagakure
Village Rank: Genin
Skill Rank: D

Kurosawa, Takeshi (Konoha Genin) Finished! V128

4'9'' (144.78 cm)
Weight: 88lbs (40 kg)
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Takeshi's eyes are predominately blue but seem to fluctuate in many instances from blue to green. Often times the boy's eyes can be described as having a greenish blue hue rather than a standard blue.

Looks Image: Kurosawa, Takeshi (Konoha Genin) Finished! 42e761bd-61fb-465c-b88f-006141d98e72_zpsbb3a57c9

Looks Description:  In terms of appearance Takeshi is nothing too impressive nor does he seem to stand out amongst his peers at first glance. With a thin facial bone structure, the blonde-haired youth sports a set of somewhat narrow and angular features, far from the full, rounded faces that are usually associated with those of youthful appearance. Indeed, though only aged at twelve years, Takeshi has often been cited for appearing older than his true biological age. Adding to this charade of maturity, the boy possesses a striking pair of large greenish blue eyes that always seem to hold a stern scowl or threatening glare. It is rare for anyone to witness the youth smiling, though those few that have often have stated that such a sight is a rare treat that should be more common place in the boy's day to day affairs. It is in this train of thought that one would be hard pressed to find any sign of smile lines or even dimples on the boy's taciturn visage. Though the child's features rarely betray his emotions due to his ability to hold a stoic expression, there is no denying the seemingly sad nature to the child's eyes. The pained glances from the youth can often be spotted from a mile away with little trouble for anyone with an iota of empathy.

To go along with the boy's uncanny facial features is a mess of flaxen hair with the tendency to stretch in every which way it can. Bed head doesn't even begin to describe the chaos atop the child's head but despite this little is done to tame the unruly main beyond an occasional hand running through the tufts to bring some semblance of order. Though minimal effort is spent on the hair that seems to do whatever it wants, the overall windswept effect seems to work for the boy in most situations, allowing for him to retain some of that youth that his face has seemed to have foregone.

Matching the narrow nature of his face, Takeshi's frame is also rather small though very much in proportion in almost all areas. Being at the low end of his weight class, Takeshi has little in the way of both muscle and fat and as such can be described as being "skin and bones" rather than wiry or lithe in appearance. Though the boy is seemingly well proportioned for his age, there is no denying the child's noticeably larger hands and feet. Much like a puppy who has yet to grow into its paws, Takeshi seems to sport this similar trait. While it is indeed noticeable it is often overlooked by many older individuals as the sizes of these appendages are still smaller than those of a full grown male, though to the boy's peers they can sometimes seem almost freakishly large and have been a point of ridicule from time to time.

In terms of attire Takeshi is rarely fussy and will wear just about anything (dresses and the like excluded of course). In most cases the boy can be seen sporting a short sleeved shirt of some form or fashion along with a pair of jeans or cargo pants. In terms of coloration of his attired, the boy tends to favor darker and earth tone shades as opposed to those brighter hues that might garner him more attention than he'd care for. Footwear often consists of a pair of shinobi style sandals or a pair of grey running shoes. For missions the child will often also adopt a jacket of some design, it's longer sleeves offering a bit more protection than his bare. To match the boy's rather casual approach to his appearance, Takeshi's headband can usually be found tied through one of the belt loops of his pants. It is very rare to ever see the child wearing the insignia properly and proudly like most standard shinobi would. Rather than display the insignia clearly on his forehead, arm, thigh, or wherever, the child usually opts to keep it half concealed by the tailing end of his untucked shirt, leaving about half of the symbol visible for all to see.

Kurosawa, Takeshi (Konoha Genin) Finished! Cy10

Personality Description: What is there to say about Takeshi? While rather young by most standards, the young male has already experienced his fair share of hardships and misfortunes. As such the boy is very much an individual whom was forged from his experiences rather than someone who is able to mold circumstance with his own personality. This is not to say that the boy lacks strength of character but rather the wisdom needed to take the world in stride is very much lacking due to his young age compounded with missed opportunities for personal growth. In short, the boy is very reactive as opposed to proactive. The world is constantly shifting and life is constantly moving forward and Takeshi is often swept up in the current. Dazed and confused, the boy often struggles to come to terms with things beyond his comprehension and as such the young male will meet most obstacles with an unbridled rage or an overwhelming confidence born from ignorance. Always the victim, the boy is prone to emotional outbursts that are interspersed with periods of deep brooding. Naturally intelligent, the child is often curious about the world around him yet lacks the knowledge to comprehend most things. This lack of knowledge is often mistaken for lack of potential and as such the child is often regarded as an idiot. This pattern of treatment has caused the young male to shun most esoteric or academic subjects. Reading, writing, mathematics, philosophy, history, and just about anything artistic or expressive have fallen to the wayside for the young, angry male. This aversion to what the child has deemed "book learning" has further cemented the notion that Takeshi's intelligence is rather low and as such has served as a major obstacle for most of his life, especially during his years at the academy.

Along with the child's anger comes a massive degree of trust issues. In short the young male is incapable of trusting most people and as such is constantly second guessing almost everyone on a day to day basis. While most of the time the boy tends to be rather vocal about his mistrust in others, there have been several instances where such suspicious attitudes are masked with a feigned submissive attitude. Generally though Takeshi is not someone to trust others easily and will regard almost everyone with a hefty level of scrutiny and suspicion. After all, everyone is out for themselves, right?

As mentioned earlier, there are plenty of times where Takeshi will brandish a strong sense of confidence and cockiness. It is rare to see the boy get openly disheartened or displaying any sense of uncertainty or hesitancy. To most who witness this behavior, Takeshi can come off as an overly confident and self absorbed individual. In truth the child puts such airs on as a front to hide the massive sense of insecurity he feels in dealing with others. While still very young the child does carry scars that refuse to heal. His mistrust and anger often lead him to depressed states but rather than show this to the world Takeshi chooses to hide such feelings all in order to appear strong in the eyes of others. To add fuel to the misconception of Takeshi's self-centeredness is a strong sense of ambition. Takeshi is without a doubt an ambitious person in regards to his training. Always willing to challenge and better himself, Takeshi will rush head long into many situations without thinking things through. If there is a fight to be had or an obstacle to be overcome, Takeshi will be the one charging head first into it. It is through this behavioral pattern that Takeshi is able to hide and possibly crush his insecurities and one day become strong and powerful.

To add the final piece to the complex puzzle that is Takeshi's psyche is his desire for justice and retribution. While Takeshi is far from a just or even good person, the boy does seem to possess a rather strange if not archaic code of conduct. Those with power should not terrorize the weak. No one should ever give up on things important to them. Let one's actions match their words. If someone hurts you then hurt them back. Don't be afraid to fight for what's important to you.


●Food (He is not a picky eater.)



Catch Phrases:
"Shut up, Stupid."
"I'll kick your ass!"
"I'm not giving up now or ever!"
"I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to make legends!"
"I hate quitters!"

"Find something you want and chase after it with all your power. Never give up no matter what gets in your way or what others say!"

Kurosawa, Takeshi (Konoha Genin) Finished! 73m2

Element Affinity: Untrained.
Sub Element Affinity: Untrained.

Kurosawa, Takeshi (Konoha Genin) Finished! 32es


The Betrayal

Takeshi's beginnings were normal enough. The child was born to two citizens of Konohagakure. While the family wasn't one of the more well known families, they were proud shinobi all the same, both parents having served Konoha's army all their lives up until Takeshi's birth. Upon having their first child, Takeshi's mother retired from her career as a shinobi in order to spend as much time with her son as possible. While both mother and father desired to serve the village, neither wanted their son to grow up without parents and as such the two agreed that it was more important for Takeshi to grow up with a mother rather than a father if it came down to only one of them being around. And so it was that Takeshi's father remained a member of Konoha's military force while his mother dedicated her time to the upbringing of her child.

The birth of Takeshi had seemed like a blessing to the young couple but such happiness did not last for long. On one key mission of which Takeshi's father was a part of, disaster struck. Under the leadership of an experienced Jounin, the attack squad infiltrated enemy territory with the aim of assassinating a key military figure. Sadly the squad was intercepted and ambushed. Caught off guard the squad was heavily unprepared. Fearing for his life, Takeshi's father fled the fight, barely managing to escape with his life. His departure from the battle however further weakened the squad, sealing their fate...or so it had seemed. Against all odds the squad leader survived, his experience and strength carrying him to safety and further as he retreated back to the village. The mission was a failure and not only that but news of Takeshi's father's cowardice reached the ears of village. While failure of important missions is far from acceptable, the reality of the situation is that it happens, especially in the face of ambushes or leaked intelligence but the act of running away and failing to defend your comrades is unforgivable. As a result Takeshi's father's name was scorned and in turn so was Takeshi's family.


Growing up, Takeshi was forced to witness the way in which his mother was treated. Refusing to serve active duty while her son was still so very young, the woman did her best to support herself and her child. Life was hard and the people of the village, especially those of more esteemed ninja families, treated the broken family poorly. The fake smiles and loud whispers were all too easy for the child to see and hear. The insults thrown out on the streets and the angry glares of disgust seemed to hurt the woman far more than she ever cared to admit. She had served for these people. She had been willing to die for these people and now she was treated like a pariah. What hurt the most though seemed to be the deep feeling of betrayal she had toward her former husband whom had never returned from the infamous mission. The man whom she had thought she loved had abandoned her and his child without so much as a goodbye. He had abandoned his friends and his nation. He was a rogue ninja by all accounts and she carried his family name along with her son. While Takeshi's mother received the worst of the abuse, Takeshi had no easy time of it either. The cold stares cast upon him by others burned into his mind. The nasty words of other adults cut him deeper than any knife could. The constant reminder that his father was a coward and a criminal weighed heavily on his shoulders and what made it worse was that he seemed to be held responsible for something his father had done.

The two lived several years in this fashion, too hurt and helpless to do anything in the face of such abuse. Even as young as Takeshi was, he could see how it wore away at his mother. He heard the desperate sobs at night and saw the light slowly vanishing from the woman's eyes. Soon she became nothing more than a shell of the person she had used to be. Still, no matter how bad things got, she always seemed to love Takeshi and she was always there to comfort the small child. Until the day she wasn't.

On a quiet spring night Takeshi awoke from a horrible nightmare, sweat covering every inch of his body as he searched through the darkness for any sign of trouble. His small, frantic mind struggled to make sense of what he had just experienced. In the end though, the child was unable to calm himself down and with fearful and hurried steps he made his way toward his mother's room, seeking comfort from the only parent he had truly known. With a small, grasping hand, Takeshi slid the door open, his small voice crying out meekly into the darkness like he always did when he had a bad dream or nightmare. No answer came though. Once again Takeshi cried out and still no answer came. Moving slowly, the boy inched into the dark bedroom, only to freeze in horror at the sight before him. Hanging from one the ceiling rafters was his mother's body, her feet dangling nearly a foot off the floor with a fallen stool nearby. Takeshi could only stare as his mother's body swayed side to side, her lifeless green eyes staring down at him.

It was only about a week later that Takeshi was found in his house, nearly starved to death as he lay curled up in the corner of his mother's room, her decaying corpse still hanging, slowly swaying every so often as her eyes remained staring at the small boy.

A New Life

After the death of his mother, Takeshi was relocated to Konohagakure Orphanage. Surrounded by other children whom came from similar circumstance, it was thought that perhaps the boy would be able to come to terms with all that had happened. Sadly that was not the case. While the boy was somewhat freed from the ridicule he had received from his fathers actions while within the walls of the orphanage, he was not free from bullying of bigger and stronger kids who carried just as much anger and hurt as he did. Fighting became a way of life for the young boy and it didn't take long for the boy to become known as one of the most violent kids in the orphanage. There seemed to be no one who was safe from Takeshi's rage. None but one. A lone girl who found herself victim to the other children's cruel treatment was the  only one who found herself safe from being on the other end of Takeshi's fist. Takeshi saw how much the other kids picked on her and remembering the result of the villager's bullying of his mother took it upon himself to defend and stand up for the girl.

It was this tendency to stand up for the young female that bore a strange friendship. While the two didn't seem to grow especially close, there was definitely a bond there. It was her who taught the young boy how to read and write despite his protests and it was her who seemed to be able to calm Takeshi's anger, even causing the young boy to become somewhat self conscious about the level of violence he used when her presence. Indeed it was not a rare occurrence in the slightest that Takeshi would hold himself back from a physical fight, resolving to just using words when in the girl's presence for fear of scaring or upsetting her.

The two continued this friendship of theirs even as they both entered the academy. While she seemed to excell in the academics of the class, she struggled with the more physical and practical applications of her ninja training. Takeshi was no expert but seemed to fare better than she. Still, with his aversion to all things academic and his prepubescent clumsiness, the boy struggled to pass the academy exit exams, failing on his first attempt before managing to barely scrape by on his second.

Genin Arc

Having passed his exams, Takeshi had become an official member of Konohagakure's military force much like his parents before him. Unfortunately it is within the ranks of the military that old ghosts seem to linger. While the younger generation remains largely ignorant and even those of older age whom are either equally as ignorant as the children below them or those who remember but choose to let go allow Takeshi to move forward in spite of his family's short comings, there are those who are not so easy to forget the past. Takeshi's very name was dishonored by his father's cowardly act and as such Takeshi is forced to march forward in hopes of one day reclaiming that lost honor and one day finding the man whom the boy can attribute all his pain to.

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