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The power of Buki [TRAINING] Pixel

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The power of Buki [TRAINING]

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1The power of Buki [TRAINING] Empty The power of Buki [TRAINING] Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:36 am


Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

Zevas had come up with a new jutsu that would help him survive in the ninja world. Something that used multiple skills of his, but what he needed was moving targets, and he knew of the perfect place do such such a thing. Zevas gathered up his gear, throwing on his side packs, and tossing on his sunglasses he headed out the door.

Zevas had ran all the way to a hidden training are, an abandoned building that housed mechanisms of all sorts. Something he had found but had no part in making, so he had no idea how things really worked and couldnt guess before hand what theyd do, not with knowledge alone. Zevas had never been all the way inside, because he was slightly scared of what exactly could be inside, but now he knew he had to do exactly what he feared to become stronger.

Zevas pushed through the first door, finding no resistance. He assumed there was something he must activate or trip in order to get the traps started. Zevas was careful, he didnt want to be ill prepared in any sort of situation. Zevas continued to walk, turning down a few corridors, and finally coming to a large empty room. Zevas looked around, seeing nothing. He continued to the center of the room, coming to a rest. Then he felt it.

Zevas noticed the ever so slight drop in his view, the small decent in his height, the light breeze against his skin from moving down mere centimeters. He had stepped on a pressure plate. There was a small whining sound, and a metallic voice clamored over a hidden speaker.

"scanning...kirigakure shinobi identified...begin humanoid protocol."

Zevas looked around frantically, till he heard a crash behind him. He could taste the salt in his mouth from the sweat, but the smell that lingered in his nose wasnt from him. Turning around Zevas saw what looked like a puppet, but it was made of metal. He could see gears turning inside it, and pistons powering its arms and legs. It's head was somewhat sunk into its body, as if it were made to resemble a largely muscular man.

The thing started to move, and Zevas immediately shook himself from his stupor, forming a single hand seal. Zevas focused the chakra into his eyes, but all it did was strain them. His vision blurred slightly, and he realized he was putting to much effort in, forcing too much chakra, but it was too late. The thing had made its move, and Zevas felt the cold metal against his face.

Zevas felt the pain rush through his face as his neck bent and his body was flung back. He cussed as he hit a pillar in the room. Zevas shook his head and looked up to see the thing walking towards him, blood dripping from its fist. Zevas felt his nose, and to no surprise, was bleeding. Zevas stood up and held his head with one hand while grabbing a kunai with another. Unless he could somehow out maneuver this thing or take it down he would be done for. He could tell it was  holding back.

Zevas eyes widened for a second, as it was still blurry, but he noticed it was getting better. It was like parts of his vision were being warped in and out. He lessened the chakra amount of chakra output and tried focusing it to the center of his eyes. The warping bubbles lessened and started to swirl towards the center of his vision. The thing started to charge, even though it was clunky it still had speed to it. Zevas held up the kunai, and thats when everything clicked.

Zevas' vision bubbled from the center, and he could see the gears and pistons with a clarity that was almost inhuman. The left shoulder gear spun slightly faster, and the right hip rotator cuff spun clock wise. Zevas was able to ascertain it was going for a left hook. Zevas ducked left, under the swing while it was in motion.

Zevas held the level of chakra in his eyes, focusing his vision, scanning for any opening. His eyesight seemed to work on its own, following normally unseen paths. That's when Zevas noticed a small plate on the back of the machine that had hinge bolts. It was a control panel!!! Zevas threw the kunai at it, popping it open while quickly pulling out his katana as he passed, slamming it into the back of the machine's neck. The machine froze, coming to a grinding halt as Zevas hung there. He let go of the handle and slumped to the ground. There was a beep as the machine dropped. Zevas retrieved his weapons, and stood up fully. A door opened, and Zevas watched it slide on ball bearings just under the door.

He did it, a jutsu that'll put him on top. He wasnt going to stop there though. This was only the beginning to his dreams. To his goals. To all his plans...


[[training http://www.narutonexusrp.com/t3879-the-power-of-buki#18911]]

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