"I have no problem with killing. Likewise, I have no problem with dying."
Name: Sairento Kira
Nickname: Ghost
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Village: Kirigakure
Village Rank: Jounin
Skill Rank: A Rank
Height: 6"1
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair color: Jet Black
Eye Color: Black
Looks Image:
Looks Description: Sairento has quite a feminine figure, with skinny limbs and a frail-looking body. At the same time, the man is also fairly tall, standing just over 6 feet, with a ghostly pale skin complexion. His face is generally expressionless (the only emotion visible is surprise, and that itself is rare for Sairento), and the man's eyes are generally kept wide open unless he feels drowsy or tired. Kira's smooth hair is jet-black, and stretches all the way down to his waist. His regular attire consists of very little, even during cold weather. His usually seen wearing a sleeveless blue vest,long blue armbands, a grey cloth around his waist which serves as a belt of sorts and cyan pants which cover most of his legs.
Personality Description:
Likes: (at least three)
Dislikes: (at least three)
Catch Phrases: (What would your character say in certain situations? Can have more than one.)
Nindo: (Must have one. You're ninjas way)
Element Affinity: D-1 , C=1 train 1 , A=2 , S=2 train 1
Sub Element Affinity:
History: (Please try to make this large enough considering your rank or skill levels in question, this means that if you have a higher skill level you need more history in order to have that skill level in the roleplay. If you don't you probably won't be accepted.)
RP Sample: (This will boost you're chances on getting an higher rank)