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Great Meteor [Training] Pixel

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Great Meteor [Training]

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1Great Meteor [Training] Empty Great Meteor [Training] Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:20 pm



Immediately after waking up, Oborodzuki Uchiha wiped away the sweat from his brow as his skin was warm. He had dreamt of heat once more, or rather any possible way that he could increase his use of Katon. If he was stuck with it in his blood, he may as well find further waybills to utilize it. After already mastering his own Katon creation, Flare Vortex, he'd need note techniques to further expand his already widened toolbox. Generally, his techs were small an subtle, used to trick and deceive the opponent. However this would not work should he fight a unit of enemies. If a dozen ninja all happened to want him dead and he was in territory other than his own, he would be a sitting duck in a pond full of lava. In other words, he would be completely screwed. At best he could run and entrap them in Bungee Gomu as he attempted his escape. While his speed was far from slow, he wouldn't be able to out speed a Taijutsu mater, he would be caught. Thus, he needed an attack that could target more than one person at a time. He needed an attack that would cause a bit of mass destruction, nothing to classify it as a kinjutsu however. The village wouldn't approve of that. He would have to create a smaller version of his original idea. While jot fully developed, the first blue print consisted of a fire bomb with enough Chakra to rupture a hole in the ground, rendering everything in the area into simple ash. 'An ash Jutsu... Now that's an interesting thought'. He was getting too far ahead of himself now. He needed to focus on the task at hand. Though an ash smokescreen would definitely be helpful in the future. Aside from that, Oboro decided to visit the library within the village, seeing if he could be inspired by any techniques already given. While he did indeed lack inspiration, a bit of knowledge wouldn't prevent him from creating any further. He would simply study up and it would allow him to develop some interesting blue prints.

The earlier models of his attack involved spitting multiple fireballs of gargantuan size. He would do it the old fashioned way with seals of confrontation, allowing him to quickly dish out fire style techniques. He would ultimately use five fireballs back to back, causing an explosion in the area. He would use the power of Katon's incendiary abilities, though use it more as a widespread deal of damage. He could combo this with something such as Fuiton are surrounding trees to cause an even larger spread of the flames. He could possibly combo this with something such as tar or gunpowder, allowing more of a bang. He would be able to destroy a small vicinity of an area with this Jutsu, though it wasn't exactly flashy, thus it wasn't really his style. However, he decided to test this idea with the mindset that it may turn out better than he had expected. He made his way to a plain outside of the village and practiced spouting larger and larger fireballs, destroying a good bit of vegetation in the area. However this wasn't nearly as powerful as an S Rank Jutsu, his ultimate goal.  He frowned in a bit of disappointment as he'd failed to create something of mass destruction other than his personality itself. "Pity... I need more destruction."

Ever since he was a child, Obordzuki has spent his time causing absolute devastation to whatever was in his capacity to destroy. He would stay in the garden every day, squashing beetles for his own amusement. Their husks became a sort of insect graveyard, as their corpses piled up in the dirt, almost as a hunter would display his game on a wall. He was constantly questioned as to why he would do this, every day, slaughtering entire mobs of beetles. Though no one ever attempted to stop him, leading him to believe that they secretly sought the demise of existences lower than their own. No one stopped him because they needed to know that their disgust for lower beings was naturally justified. He was practically a hero, acting as they wished they could, crushing the weak and the strong alike.

Memories of his childhood aroused something up within inside of him. He felt as if he'd changed drastically, no longer killing because it made him giggle, but killing because the creature disgraced the race of humanity with its single existence. Though he didn't let on this much about himself. He was generally one capable of keeping his composure, fooling his rage tormented child self in the process. However, his sense of strength was beginning to change as the spirit of his grandfather, Xamengyuko Uchiha, rested within him. He'd shown Oboro how the boys parents really died, forcing him to question his own morals as he'd thought they'd always been weak simply for dying. With this new perspective, things were changing. However, his lust for obsolete power would never hinder, only change with perspective. That was why the mastery of this technique was of utmost urgency. He had to prove his own strength to himself.

After his failure in his first day of training, Oboro was not content with himself. He made his way back home with feet sinking into the gravely walkway within the training grounds. The pebbles in his feet were a reminder of his softness as he refused to allow himself the comfort in the protection of shoes after wasting a full day on his technique. He laid restless, nude in his sheets once more as he attempted to devise a way to invoke new power within his chakra. He would need a fiery passion to create such a fiery technique, red hot and devastating. However, at the moment he lacked all aspiration and thus could not devise such a plan. He had failed for the day and this was something he was forced to accept.

However, that night he had a dream of the ancient Uchiha. One of the most powerful entered his mind. This Uchiha was known by the name of Madara, and was seen as one of the most powerful Katon users of all time, capable of burning down entire villages with a single breath of fire. He had destroyed half of the entire shinobi alliance within an hour, forcing the majority to surrounder. His power was matched by no single man, wreaking devastation on all who opposed him. This was the result of his Katon training. This was a true Uchiha god.


Within the same sleeping, Oboro saw visions of ancient Katon users, the ones who developed the first fireball jutsu. Those who created fire traps as well as those who trained with what seemed to be fire breathing dragons to harness the true potential of the flame. This must have been where their strength within their lungs came from. Within his dreams, he once again met with Xamengyuko, who told him of the way of the old and how they came to create intricate shapes such as a fireball. “What is your favorite fire style technique my grandson?” the old sage would ask. To this, Oboro would reply with the one he used the most simply due to strategy. “My favorite would probably have to be intelligence hard work. Mainly because you can branch it as well as hide ninja tools within it. It’s just a really great use for anyone who manipulates a toolbox.” Oboro was truly a toolbox user, devising traps for his opponents to constantly fall into. While he had bungee gomu, he had no need for chakra threads, though the gum itself acted as a better tripwire than the wire itself ever could. His toolbox was unmatched by anyone within the shinobi world, at least those that he was aware of.

His grandfather placed his hand on his own knee as he sat in the middle of nowhere. Rather than resting in a chair, he was floating, as if in one. He rested his other hand, curled beneath his jaw as he spoke to his grandson. "My brother was the same. That technique was his staple, though he wasted time with the hand seals. While his hand seals were mediocre, his ability to use that technique was of high caliber. It was the one Jutsu he fully trusted." Xamengyujo looked into the eyes of his ancestral child and could see the same glisten as his brother had. Though, this was more ominous than enlightening, for his brother had been a man of many evils. Would Oboro turn out the same?

Once again, the Uchiha was conscious, lifting himself from below the sheets was no major task. He would once again be forced to leave the village and make his way to a land less occupied by civilians of his own village. He also could not harm the citizens of the other villages. Otogakure was not yet strong enough to survive a war with major villages. He couldn't wish that kind of death on his future people. He would be logical and travel normally as the orthodox would. He made his venture to a few thousand meters out of the village. It took nearly a half hour for him to arrive to the destination he felt comfortable with. This far away, few would be able to see his technique in use. A rather large bit of secrets were secluded within him at this point. This was just one more to hide until need shown.

Here he practiced the hand signs to use for this specific Jutsu. While it would be similar to that of Intelligence Hard Work, it would have to be on a much, much larger scale, as it had to be as flashy as possible. Oboro refused to ever create a dull Jutsu. This one would have to be just as grand as his flare vortex or even such as his Bungee Gomu techniques. A flashy technique was a strong one to those who dressed as a jester each and every day. One who wears makeup could settle for nothing less than magnificent. The water droplet and star on each side of his face were more than enough proof of so.

The wind was rather strong this day, allowing the grass as well as surrounding trees in the distance to rhythmically sway back and forth. The creatures in the surrounding had no idea what kind of heat was soon to erupt the small meadow as Oboro rapidly developed the necessary hand seals needed to produce this massive fire style technique. He soon discovered exactly what he wanted from the technique, forming the hand signs he felt were perfect. They simply elongated the intelligence hard work ones, creating a theory of a more powerful one. Snake, Ox Dig, Horse, Monkey, Boar, Tiger. Snake, Ox Dig, Horse, Monkey, Boar, Tiger. He repeated these seals over and over again, focusing on allowing his chakra to manifest from the sky as he lifted his hands. His skin began to boil from beneath the epidermis as he could feel his chakra propelling itself from every orifice within his own body. However, the largest issue was summoning the fire from the sky. Though, it seemed a small pebble of blaze was beginning to manifest within the lower level of the atmosphere.

This small pebble soon began to grow into the size of a rock, and then that into the size of the boulder. With his hands lifted, it seemed as if Oboro himself were holding it in the sky despite its own will keeping it afloat. It grew larger and larger, radiating energy as if it were the sun before plummeting into the earth, exploding upon impact. Upon its contact with the ground, medium sized fireballs radiated from its location, only to spawn an army of smaller meteors to rain down onto the ground.

"I'll call this one... Madara."

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