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We do da D Ranks [Shinsui] [Mission]

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1We do da D Ranks [Shinsui] [Mission] Empty We do da D Ranks [Shinsui] [Mission] Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:46 pm



Today was a seemingly normal day once again. As he sat up, wiping his eyes, Oboro squinted them open to view his surroundings. The scratch marks from last night were still visible as he couldn't sit still from where Hobbes was sitting on his chest. "Shit." He would say to himself. One had reopened and was now bleeding slightly. "How unfortunately clumsy." He would say while looking at his baby tiger. He hoped that Hobbes would learn how to retract his claws soon, as those little suckers stung when digging into his flesh. He poked at the marks on his skin slightly wincing when touching too roughly. What was he going to do with this little scamp? He chuckled to himself slightly before making his way to his shower in the nude, as always. He lathered his body from head to toe before rinsing and making his way out of the steamy, sauna like tub. The most erupted as soon as he opened the glass door, fogging up the bathroom. He rubbed his fingers up his obliques and abdomen, feeling rather tingly today. He made his way to the sink before giving a quick shave and putting on a little more than just his puffy suit. Today he wore the tunic as well, the black and yellow. The light pink and red didn't seem too flashy today. He made his way out of the rest room and scooped up his baby Hobbes from the bad. As usual, Hobbes did a stretch immediately before. It was time to go meet up with Shinsui at the administration building. The two would be doing an abundance of missions throughout the next fee days. With a lack of Genin in the village, the missions still needed to be fulfilled and so, they would be tending to a good bit of the D Ranked missions today. It was likely going to be a good day, but it was a good chance for Hobbes to get some experience, seeing as how he was only a D rank. He had been an E until just yesterday in reality. Oboro smiled at the cub before heading out the door with him on the right shoulder, continuing his nap.

Luckily, Oboro lived rather close to the administration building. Oto wasn't really a huge village, they were actually seen as one of the weakest. The thought made Oboro scowl slightly. Would he be able to defend the village should there be intruders? He needed to talk to Shinsui some time soon about setting up traps around the village. As they were now, all they had were walls. They wouldn't hold very well should a ninja of high caliber raid. However, hopefully the ninja in the village would be able to withstand a barrage from another land. That was why Oboro had to get stronger. He and Shinsui seemed to be the only ones serious enough to protect the village. They were the ones out doing odd jobs to maintain the small home of theirs. They wouldn't let it fall so easily. However, that being said, Oboro would not die so easily. Should there be no other option, he would surrender. He couldn't leave Hobbes. He couldn't leave Akira. He grit his teeth as he passed his old, worn down home on the way to the administration building. This was all to overwhelming to think of. For now he needed to focus on his duties.

Once in the administration building, he met up with his best pal, Shinsui. The wolf boy seemed as good as ever. The two would make casual conversation before Oboro would make his way to the mission board. "There's ten up today, for D ranks at least. How's about this? You know out five, I'll knock out five?" Oboro carefully chose the five that he would be doing, allowing Shin to do the other five. First come, first serve ya know? Looking up, Hobbes was still asleep on his shoulder, lackadaisical as ever. After gathering his jobs, Oboro would nod at Shinsui and ask him to meet up here afterwards. The two had a bit of business to discuss. Oboro needed a huge favor from his best bro. "I'll catch ya later man!" He would say as he exited the building.

With the doors behind him, the world was his oyster. He would probably complete these missions within the next hour, this was easy stuff. He would probably get some odd looks, seeing as how he would be a grown man doing such low level missions. The thought amused him simply. The first task was to go and collect three specific stamps from around the village for a local collection shopkeeper. They needed to be from the Hokage series and printed during the 5th era of Hokage. That wouldn't be super difficult. He made his way to a local pawn shop, hoping to find the stamps and if not, gather clues on where he could find them. As he made his way in, a seemingly toxic smell entered his nostrils. Something was absolutely putrid in the air, but he ignored it and talked to the clerk who wore a basic outfit topped with a name tag that read 'Stanley'. He would simply as him, "'Scuse me sir, you have any fifth era Hokage stamps of different variety?" The man explained that he had two different ones but was out due to the fact that the man currently leaving the store just bought ten. The man looked to be at least in his sixties, using a cane to walk. He had silvery hair on his scalp as well as a bit on his face. He was extremely polite when speaking to the Uchiha before him. After a bit of talking, Oboro convinced the man to give him one of the stamps with the silver tongue he was proud of. He looked at the stamps and gawked at their glossy coating. He was actually a bit surprised that the man would just hand it out to him. He was truly restful and would be sure to spare the old, silver haired man should he decide to destroy the world.

The package he needed to deliver was just across the street coincidentally. He picked it up, almost allowing Hobbes to fall off his shoulder, though his feline claws dug into Oboro's flesh, preventing his fall. He seemed happy with the result. However, this left the Uchiha with a stinging sensation in his shoulder as he lifted the package from the ground. The box was brown with yellow tape and a red tag reading 'Confidential'. It would probably be a good idea not to open it and to take it directly to the location directed on the package. It seemed as if it needed to be delivered a few blocks away. Odd that the person didn't just take it himself, seeing as how the distance wasn't far at all. However, he wasn't complaining about the practically free Ryo. 'Can't complain about that,' he would think to himself. As he made his way down the street, Hobbes hopped off of his shoulder, walking about freely. Oboro made sure to keep him in eyesight. If Hobbes got away, he would be forces to chase the little runt around, he refused to lose him. However, Hobbes kept close to him, seeming to be a bit frantic while walking on his own feet. He strutted around rather clumsily, leading Oboro to think that he should make him walk by himself for the remainder of the day.

As he made his way to the allotted address, Oboro weighed the package in his hand, testing its weight every few seconds. It wasn't exactly heavy and it didn't rattle about or give off a fragile feel. It was probably something plastic or wooden given the former information. However, Oboro didn't care too much, it was just something to keep his mind on. He had to keep himself busy, otherwise he would get bored very quickly. However, he was now at the location. It was a house, blank white with a door and many windows on the front. There seemed to be about three stories with each story supported by a set of pillars. "How... Spooky." Oboro would say with a smile. He kinda liked it, but had no time to be dealing with a haunted mansion for the moment.

It was now time to move on to the next mission. He checked his mental list while contemplating which to do next. "Well... I guess we're plucking some weeds." Oboro would say to his feline companion. He begrudgingly dragged himself back to the Daimyo building of which he would be pulling the weeds from. The building itself looked new, as Zanji pointed out before that it was recently renovated. However, the garden was already infested with weeds as well as dandy lions. The next few moments would be rather minor, though Oboro did enjoy working around beautiful, exotic flowers. The vibrant colors, the sweet, strong aroma, it was all perfect. He would begin with he west side of the patch as it had the most. It seemed as if the area was more dense with the dandy lions than anything else. One by one, he picked the buds as well as the blooms, separating the flowers from the toxic weeds. He would be done in no time. Hobbes laid to the side, nipping at a dandy lion of his own. He swatted it with his claw and caused the spores to hover out and go everywhere. This included in one of his nostrils. He sneezed and flailed furiously as the fuzzy ball invaded his nostrils causing him to go haywire. Oboro laughed loudly and asked his cub what he was doing, expecting to get no response from the beast as normal. He would get back to work and pluck the little strands of unwanted plants one by one. He decided to take a quick break after a few minutes, leaning against the stone walls. He rubbed his fingers across where the bricks were placed together, memorizing the texture. It was rough on his fingertips, however not noticeable by the human eye from a few feet away. He could appreciate this hidden texture. However, he was only wasting time as he observed it. He was sure that Shinsui wouldn't mind entirely too much if he was forces to wait a few extra minutes.

After a good bit of time wasting, ten minutes or so, Oboro began finishing up the plucking of the weeds. The garden was now looking as gorgeous as ever, sporting only the most colorful flowers as well as a weed free green grass. "Perfect, we're done here." Oboro would day to Hobbes before lifting him and cradling him in his arms belly up, like a baby. He rubbed the white chest of the tiger cub, causing the little runt to purr softly. He looked absolutely adorable as the sun shined on his red reddish orange fur, allowing it to glisten. What a resplendent little creature he was. He was reminded of himself as he looked at the tiny Hobbes. He was still rather small, able to fit in Oboro's palm. Such a delicate little creature held such a large part of his heart.

However, that was enough gazing at his beautiful little pet. He would need to move on to the next mission as soon as possible. Since he was already dealing with something similar. He would go and cut the lawns of the local villagers. He had to cut at least three to receive the proper credit for the mission. In any other case, the mission wouldn't even count and only act as a waste of time. That just wouldn't do. However, Hobbes would no longer be able to cat nap around the sounds of lawnmowers. Poor little kitten. Oboro chuckled to himself slightly.

His first lawn he would mow was Misses Michiwaka. She had a medium sized yard. However, her house was rather impressive. It was large and white with marble pillars reaching up what seemed to be reaching at least four stories. It was almost like a building at that point. However, she seemed to be wearing dirty clothes upon meeting him. It seemed awfully suspicious that she owned a house so nice, however he did not speak out and only mowed the lawn down by about four inches. It was a nice even cut by the time he was done. The air smelled of freshly cut grass as Oboro lifted his head into the air, inhaled and exasperated in pleasure. He would then make his way to the next house, Mister Wanta's. This yard was a bit smaller though not much easier when it came to difficulty due to the assorted shrubs in the area. Mister Wantas yard was a lot more logical considering its small house. It seemed a bit run down, the yellow paint slowly peeling of the sides. One of the windows seemed chipped at the edges, perhaps having a good bit of pressure pushed against it. The roof was even missing a good bit of shingles, leaving the bare wood visible. However, Oboro did not judge based on the mans home, he would still cut the grass. It was a bit rough forcing the lawnmower into the tighter spaces, though with a good bit of precision cutting, he eventually got the job done. Hobbes was terrified as Oboro hit a rock, once again leaving scratch marks in his flesh. He was almost tempted to have the cat declawed. It was getting frustrated. He then visited the final house. One that was average. The allotted house owner wasn't home, so Oboro just got straight to the job. This house was a greenish tint. It looked pretty gross in comparison to the first. It was impossible to tell if the green was from the weather or if it was painted that way. Either way, it was rather nasty. He had to cut a full foot off of the this persons yard, this was the definition of lawn cutting. He also had to cut down a few small bushes with supplied hedge clippers. He didn't mind doing a little bit of extra work. He had a good bit of the day left over anyways. It was now time for his last mission.

He made his way to the academy in little time. The kids gathered around and petted Hobbes for nearly half an hour. Hobbes simply stretched every few minutes, providing them something to exasperate at every now and then. He was doing a great job as the mascot for Team Oboro. He was cute and entertaining. Now all the furry feline really needed was to be strong and powerful. However, Oboro was required to teach the children a Jutsu. So he would teach them how to use the transformation technique. About nine tenths of the class was able to perfect the technique in very little time. The remaining two students were just goofing off and failed to grasp the aspects of the lesson. However three students in particular made amazing progress that Oboro was almost proud of. One student had even managed to do it on her first try. This one was a young girl named Nyaomi. She had perfected it in just one try. While she was seemingly unimpressive, she seemed to have amazing Chakra control. Oboro would speak to the girl privately. She was short as most children were, had black hair and no amazingly noticeable features other  than that of her abilities. She blushed as Oboro spoke to her, flattering him a bit. He would give her tips on how to further train and told her to seek him out should she ever need further help in balancing her Chakra. He was proud to have helped her.

With his day finally done, Oboro was ready to go back to the administration building after chit chatting with the sensei as Hobbes played with the students a little more. He seemed to enjoy the presence of Oto citizens, though he didn't generally like outsiders, constantly snarling and growling at them. He scooped up his cat and waved goodbye to the children, promising to visit in the future again. He left the building with a smile on his face as he was legitimately happy spending time with the kids. The Ryo was just extra.  Upon his exit, he made his way to the administration building, ready to meet up with Shisui.

Along the way, he stopped and got himself and Hobbes and ice cream cone each. While he loved the strawberry, the kitten seemed to prefer that of vanilla ice cream. The cold numbed his tongue and gave him quite a brain freeze after devouring it too quickly. How foolish of him. He should have been more careful after all.

He ran his hands along the wall as he entered the administration building to meet with his squad mate, Shinsui. Though, he did not see him in the lobby yet, meaning there was a good chance that he had not completed his missions yet. As much was to be expected considering it only took Oboro and hour and a half to finish his, including time in which he'd slacked off. It was now time to rest and wait for his pal to finish up his half so the two could split the reward. He definitely needed the Ryo. Hobbes needed new toys. And as for Oboro Uchiha himself... Well he had ideas for things that he wanted. And for these things that he wanted, he needed to make a good bit of pocket change. This was the perfect way to make that Ryo, or so he thought. Minimal effort for a decent pay and no chance of losing your life to a stranger. He was truly happy with that.

He simply stroked Hobbes chest as he awaited Shinsui.

WC: 3005
(I'll be right by your said til 3005)

2We do da D Ranks [Shinsui] [Mission] Empty Re: We do da D Ranks [Shinsui] [Mission] Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:02 pm



Shinsui awoke from his slumber in the confines of his room on this sunny morning. He opened his eyes and climbed out of his bed, walking over towards his closest to get his gear ready. The ANBU mask, his normal shirt and pants as well as his ANBU armor and some shoes. With these things ready, he headed to the bathroom to take his morning shower so he could be fresh for the remainder of the day until he had to shower at night. When this was done he was ready to get his breakfast down stairs. The stairs from the second floor of this "house" if you will, or palace, either will do for the royal Prince of the lycans. These stairs were taken to go down to the first floor where Shinsui would be met with the smell of sunny side up eggs, toast and bacon, and a whole lot of it. He took his time eating, as he had nothing really special planned today. He and Oboro would be doing some rather strange things today, D ranked missions. It was weird, two of the highest and strongest shinobi of The Sound doing these missions, but nonetheless money was needed and petty jobs were out there.

The ANBU dressed shinobi of The Sound headed from his home to that of the administration building where he'd meet Oboro. This Prince was accompanied by none other than his new pet, Draco. Nothing dangerous was going to happen as far as Shinsui planned so bringing him along with the missions was a good time for them to bond, especially considering the missions he was going to do. Shinsui finally arrived at the administration building where Oboro was waiting for him. "It seems we're a bit late Draco." Shinsui would say as gave a little laugh during his sentence. The two of them, being Oboro and Shinsui, made some conversation until Oboro removed a piece of paper from his pocket with the missions listed on them. Shinsui had five and Oboro had five, that was the even split between the two of them for the total ten missions listed on that paper in Oboro's hand. "Sure thing." He said in compliance to the arrangement. He picked Draco up from the ground and held him firmly in his hand by his side as he started to walk towards his first mission.

The post office needed someone to deliver a few notes and stuff, they were running low on staff and decided to hire shinobi to do their work for them. Shinsui took his package he needed to deliver to get paid to the receiver listed on the package's top. "Mr. Bango, 4th Kanui street" That was exactly where Shinsui had to travel to in order to get the package to its receiver. He started walking with Draco in the same hand as before and the package in the other towards this "4th Kanui street". He knew where it was, luckily though it wasn't far from where he was needing to go after delivering the package. He passed by a lot of buildings, houses and such as he walked to his destination. "Big isn't it, Draco?" Shinsui spoke to his pet partner and got a cute and excited shake of his head as a reply. The wolf pup was a newborn pup and hadn't really gotten out, so he was indeed excited to see the outside world of Shinsui's house.

"Ninth Kanui street" Said the house board outside of the building as Shinsui neared his destination. He took a few more steps forward and the house came closer. "Eighth Kanui street" Said the next house's door, written in silver plated letter on the nice and clean wooden door. "Seventh Kanui street" said the next, and so on it went down and down, "Sixth Kanui street" "Fifth Kanui street". It was the next house for sure that Shinsui had to deliver the package to. As he walked closer and looked at the door he saw the address clearly. "Fourth Kanui street". A smile grew on his face as he reached his destination. His anbu mask hooked onto the top of his pants by the side of his waist meant that his face could be seen, however he didn't really care as this was no top secret mission. With three knocks on the door using his middle finger, a man came to open it and thanked Shinsui for delivering the package. Shinsui greeted the man a goodbye after of course a hello when the man opened the door.

"You're gonna love the next one Draco!" Shinsui said excitedly at his pet which laid on his right arm, leaning against his side. Shinsui looked at a few addresses and headed over to the close houses where he collected a few dogs which he was tasked with to walk around the block for a while. He planned on having Draco also walk with the dogs to get some exercise and let loose some of that energy. With the dogs on their leashes and Shinsui ready, he took Draco's leash from his pocket to which he would connect it to Draco's body. The animals were ready and Shinsui started the walk around the block. Draco was new at this, but luckily he had a few extra animals around him to show him how this was done. All he needed to do was relax and walk, though not to fast or he'll tug too much on the leash. "That's good Draco." Shinsui said as he noticed Draco was coming along just fine with this walking thing.

They were about halfway done with the walk when Draco decided to go a bit faster, but the dogs he was assigned to walk weren't as energetic and got all of the leashes tangled up with each other. "No Draco, you should stay with the pack. Your pack is your family, we do not abandon family do we?" Shinsui explained to his wolf pup. He then bent down and started to untangle all of the leashes, which he eventually did. Now that that was sorted out Shinsui continued the walk and saw how proud Draco walked. He knew he was the superior species of the dogs clearly, but his size and age put him at a disadvantage. The dogs didn't care much though and just kept on walking, which made Shinsui giggle a bit. "Alright guys, time for your wash." The white haired man said to the animals.

That was his third missions, to wash the animals he walked. Luckily all of the dog owners who paid him to walk the dogs were also wanting them to be washed so he didn't need to drop any dogs off before continuing to wash the dogs as his next assignment. "These civilians sure are lazy at times.. Who are we kidding, they're always lazy." He thought to himself. Shinsui got two big buckets of water, one with soap and one without soap which would be used for rinsing the soap from the animals' bodies after they got washed. "In ya go." He put the first dog into the big bucket of soapy water and started to scrub away, after which he'd rinse the dog clean of all the soap and start to dry it off with an old towel.

Draco sat by and watched as the dogs went for their wash when their turn came, simply looking at Shinsui with a somewhat confused look but also an interested look. "Almost your turn Draco." Shinsui said to the small wolf pup next to him standing on the table which held the buckets and towels firmly above ground. The dogs were eventually finished when Shinsui decided it was time for Draco's first bath. He picked him up and gently placed him into the bucket. He was a bit startled but quickly got used to it as he started to play in the water. Shinsui scrubbed the pup clean and placed him into the bucket of water used to rinse off the soap from their bodies. When that was done Draco was removed from the bucket of water and placed on the table again where he would shake his body dry instinctively. However he wasn't completely dry and Shinsui couldn't let his pup get sick now coiuld he. He took a clean towel and started to rub the wolf pup with it to have the towel absorb the water on Draco's fur.

With that done Shinsui cleaned up the area he used to wash the animals. After that was done he saw that it was feeding time and opened a bag of food for the animals. However it was only dog food and Draco couldn't eat that, but Shinsui brought Draco a snack for when he got hungry. A raw piece of bacon from this morning's supply. The pup took good care as to show his manors when he took the strip of bacon from the hand of the Lycan Prince. Shinsui picked up the leashes after this and took the dogs back to their owners. The final thing he had to do was a mission he issued himself, to scout around the village.

He took Draco along so he could see the beauty of the world outside of the village walls as well. When they walked around the village Draco's eyes widened as he saw the forest, the animals and the beautiful sky caressing each other. "Beautiful isn't it Draco? I long to live in the wild again.. But I have duties to our people, and the village." Shinsui said. He then walked back to the administration building where he would be meeting Oboro again and handing in the missions for his well deserved ryo.
[1618/1500 WC]

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