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Delivery [D-Rank Mission]

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1Delivery [D-Rank Mission] Empty Delivery [D-Rank Mission] Sun Nov 16, 2014 4:36 am




The Mask of Kohona

Dark grey clouds hung high in the sky, looking as if it will give rain today, Yuuji awoke with a loud yawn as he say up, even with his hair being cut, he had quite the case of scruffy bed hair, he let out a groan as if to say he couldn't be bothered to deal with it as he got up from out of his bed, not having the best nights rest as usual, still being haunted by the faces in his dreams.
"When will I ever be able to let that go."
He muttered in a quiet sad tone of voice before getting dressed in his usual attire, leaving his hair with it's scruffy morning style, as he slid the door to his bedroom aside and poked his head out into the hallway to have a look around, his mother and father were still asleep, it was odd that his mother skipped some of her usual work to spend more time as her husbands side, Yuuji very rarely went to visit his father after his fathers condition got worse, none the less he had a promise to uphold and nothing would stop him.

Yuuji exited his room and closed the door behind him before noticing a package and a letter, on a small end table in the hallway, as he walked over to inspect it the letter was addressed to him, however the package had a different name and address this stuff must of came yesterday while he was working and had completely missed it when he came home.

Yuuji opened the letter as he began to read it, the letter asked of him to deliever this package to the weapons shop before the afternoon closure, he shrugged and thought to himself, how hard could it be?
He took the package from the table and placed it under his arm before leaving through his front door to complete the task he was given, stepping outside he was met with strong winds, blowing his hair and the loose parts of his clothes aside as the golden sun began to rise and illuminated the dull sky with color, it looked like it'd be a nice clear day.
"Right, let's just get this over with."
Yuuji mumbles quietly to himself before making his way along the streets with the package under his arm, he knew exactly where the store was, he knew the owner pretty well too where he was a frequent visitor, it's where he picked up the majority of his ninja tools from.

After a short walk, Yuuji had arrived at an old looking store in an alleyway, the door was wide open with some beads hanging down from the the door frame, he pushed some of the beads aside before stepping in as they fell back and rattled against the wood, an elderly looking man appears from behind the counter
"Welc-Ah, Yuuji-kun! Good to see you again!'
Yuuji bows his head once politely to the elderly man and places the package onto the counter in front of him.
"I was told to deliver this package to you before the afternoon."
The elderly man smiles and nods frantically a few times.
"Yes, yes, special order this afternoon, very important customer."
Yuuji raised his eyebrow slightly curious on who it might be, but it'd be best not to pry on the subject.
"Well, if that's all I'll take my leave."
The elderly man waves and bows once towards him.
"Peace out Yuuji-kun!"
He signed and bowed his head once in return before leaving the shop, the old man tried his best to stay in fashion with the times but ended up sounding foolish, but that's what people liked about him with his humour, Yuuji made his way out if the alley and his way back into the streets and made his way to the training grounds to continue his day.
Word Count: 636/636

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