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ANBU Cleaner

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1ANBU Cleaner Empty ANBU Cleaner Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:46 pm


Kumo Anbu
Kumo Anbu

Name: Anbu Cleaner
Rank: D
Type: Normal
Mission given by: Anbu Captain
Rewards: 80Ryo
Participants: Kumo Anbu Only
Daily: Daily Mission
Description: Hanzou, since you missed your yesterday's patrol duties you are now assigned to clean the Anbu members armor, mask or weapons. If you want more Ryo you are more then welcome to clean all three.
(If you decide to clean all three the word count needed is 700words and the reward is 240Ryo.)
Hanzou was laying down on his room inside the ANBU headquarters, that was his house, a secret room behind a stone wall that move to the side with Hanzou's Doton abilities reveling a hidden door to Hanzou's room. Just a few ANBU members knew about his room.
Hanzou was laying down on his bed when he hears a knock on the wall, it was a secret knock that one of the ANBU member always did to let Hanzou know that he is being requested.
Hanzou doesn't take to long to put his vest on and leave the room, heading to the mission room, where a masked man with a black hood all over his body gave Hanzou a scroll, without saying anything and going back to the previous position. It was common to ANBU members act shady like that, Hanzou wasn't different, his identity is his most important value and basically nobody knows who he is. Hanzou grabs the scroll with one hand and quickly turn around going back to his room, hiding the scroll under his sleeve during the quick walk.
He reaches his room and touching the wall he opens his secret door to his room, the wall closes on his back and Hanzou sit on his bed, reading the scroll. He didn't have the best expression on his face. The village was going through a calm moment and because of that there were not a lot of important missions to do. Hanzou was assigned to a simple D-Rank mission, which makes Hanzou not happy, he likes hard missions where he can test his strength. To make everything even worse he was getting punished for mission a previous daily patrol, so because of that he had to clean the ANBU members armor, mask or weapons. "I have better things to do so I'll finish this quick" thinks Hanzou while he walks out of his room, walking towards the locker room where all of the ANBU members armor, mask and weapons were.

"At least I'm going to do this right and earn as much money I can.. Since there is nothing better to do" Hanzou stands in the middle of the room while he was thinking about his mission "Alright lets finish this quick. I'm going to use this opportunity to use my favorite jutsu, I don't use this jutsu for a long time". Hanzou closes his eyes and makes a hand seal, concentrating his chakra for a few second. Suddenly two other identical bodies of Hanzou come out of his body, they stand next to each other, all identically the same. Hanzou was a member of the Hanshin clan from Kumo, they have the unique ability of control their cells on such a way that they can force them to divide on two, or more, equal parts. With practice the shinobi learn how to dive his own body into two, creating two equal bodies with half the power each. Hanzou was a master on the clan abilities and because of that he could divide his power into 3 equal bodies.

-Time to work!- Said the Hanzou from the middle. Each of them took care of one part of the job. One body took care of cleaning the armor of the shinobis, the other took care of the masks and the other one took care of the weapons.

The armors of the ANBU were light and not too big, so one of the bodies didn't have much trouble, he took a rug with a bucket with water and soup and start cleaning the armors. All his moves were gentle and precise, Hanzou can be perfectionist sometimes and because of that he didn't want to do anything wrong with any of the armors. "This should be quick"
During that the body responsible for the masks grabs some more gentle and detailed tools to cleans the masks. For a ANBU member their masks are their faces on their jobs, that is what they are known for. Hanzou understand really well the importance of ones identity and because of that he try to be as cautious as he can be.
While the other bodies were taking care of their own jobs, the last body is sitting on a bench, with a sword over his lap, doing his best to clean the sword, using a perfect technique, following all the steps precisely.

After 35 minutes the body responsible for the armors was the first one to finish, he puts all the armors back where they were and go help to clean the masks. With his help they finish in less then 5 minutes and then after everything is back on place all the bodies get together to clean the weapons. It was the part that took more time, but with all of them helping they finished all the job in 15 minutes "Finally done" Hanzou makes a seal and the other 2 bodies go back to Hanzou's body that was in the middle, regrouping all of his power again -My job is done here-
Hanzou walks out of the room, going back to his secret room to rest "I'm feeling a nap since there is nothing to do..."

Word Count: 856/700
Mission Bonus: I clean all three of them, so I get 240 Ryo

Jutsu used:

CHACKRA LEFT: 250 - 17.5 = 232

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