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A kid in a bar?? [Open | No Fighting.] Pixel

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A kid in a bar?? [Open | No Fighting.]

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1A kid in a bar?? [Open | No Fighting.] Empty A kid in a bar?? [Open | No Fighting.] Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:28 am



Kirigakure the home of the bloody mist, the home of the most ruthless killers, the home of the assassins... basically the home of deaths. Kirigakure wasn't the best place to grow up due to all the endless screams you could hear at night time, it was more of a nightmare to be exact. The sun had just left town and nightfall was upon us. Kids were not encouraged to leave their houses at night time due to all the deaths however this wasn't the case for one in particular kid known as the black wolve Sato. He was only a mere boy but if mistaken for his age, he would easily kill you.. after all he was from Kirigakure.

Sato had walked the streets looking for somebody to test his ability's so he could get some extra practice in however since he had been doing this every night, it seem he gave himself a reputation so he had another idea? why not try a bar where a lot of drunkys would try fuck with him? so if he wanted a bar, why not try the most ruthless bar in the village full of the strongest and most notorious killers so Sato made his way towards the bar.

Sato finally made it to the bar walking straight into the bar without any thoughts or hesitations. He knew that if he traveled with Kurai, it would give his position away so he hid Kurai in a near bush. Sato and Kurai could communicate through thoughts so when given the right signal, he would arise from the bushes and prepare for a fight. Sato looked around at the rouges in the bar seeing nothing special however he didn't get the same response. 'Is that a kid haha...' , 'Who the fuck is that kid' , 'Whos kid is that HAHA.' were some of the responses Sato got but didn't let get to him. Instead Sato would walk over towards an empty table and sit down; ordering some lime flavored milk, his favorite kind of milk. As Sato waited for his milk, he would stare at the rouges around him seeing nothing to interesting at the moment.....




After a few minutes a old lady that felt like a model because of all the horny rouges slapping her ass and whistling at her like a dog. The lady would come over to Sato's table to drop his flavored milk off then walk back behind the bar counter. Within a few seconds, Sato grabbed his flavored milk and began to drink until he was rudely interrupted by a huge man that invited himself over to Sato's table. "Hey little kid. Where is your mummy? is she fine? does she suck? does she swallow? does she fuck? where is she?" The huge man would say in a rusty deep voice however he would not get a reply back from Sato. Instead Sato would just continue to drink his milk and act like nothing happened. "Hey you rude little brat! you better answer me." Sato heard as he took one last sip of his drink. "Rude... you are talking about my mother... and plus you don't talk about women like that? thats disrespectful. We all came from a women so mind your mouth you big old ugly man." Sato would say softly closing his eyes for just a moment when he felt the man send a right fist directly to his face. Being the speedy kid Sato is, Sato would easily move to the right and counter the fist with a kick that went over the table, coming from the sky directly on top of the huge mans head. With the kick connecting, the table would shift sending the cup full of flavored milk into the sky but before it could lose momentum in the air, Sato would push off his right hand into the sky grabbing the milk and preventing any mess that could of come from the situation. On his way down, he would land perfectly on the table taking another sip of the milkshake before looking at the huge man lay there unconscious.

Sato showed the people in the bar that he wasn't just a normal boy so basically his plan to find a fight failed.... instead he would just plan to finish his flavored milk and get out of there seeing as nobody will fight him now after what he they seen.




It has been awhile in the bar, ginjo kept himself in secret. In his black cloak that covered his whole body, his full anbu suit was worn underneath the cloak along with his red and white mask covering his face, the hood covered the mask so his appearance looked like a grim reaper. He was sat in the corner in the bar with his presence hidden from everyone even in plain sight, the chances to detect ginjo was zero as he liked to be unknown. With this opportunity he was able to scan everyone in the room as he heard there was a few bandits making a nuisance and needed to be taken care off, well it was the bar he thought. Ginjo had his attention over to the boy at the table, a young genin who appeared and ordered a drink. It was either his mission to be here or he just wanted some action, but the bar was filled with a couple strong bandits no doubt but nothing ginjo could handle.

When he saw the man pestered the young boy, the genin made mince meat of him and it was over in a flash. The anbu captain marveled at the potential of the genin generation, and with that thought he then stood up from his table slowly and with a slow walking pace made his way over to the bandit who was knocked out and laying on the floor. He would crouch over to check the mans pulse on his neck before identifying the bandit in his mind. Ginjo could feel many eyes on him while performing his duty but once done he stood up to look towards the boy. His hood still over his head and mask still covering his face, he would speak but in a low tone which sounded distorted for the reason of keeping his identity hidden. "Quite some skill..." 



After the small interruption from the huge man who was now unconscious, Sato would move down to his seat getting off the table before taking another sip of his flavored milk. After the sip he would notice a figure moving on the corner of his eye however the figure appeared as nothing more then a black shadow.. maybe because of his black cloak that he had been wearing so in order for Sato to get a better view of the figure, he would need to turn his head so turning his head was something he did. After turning his head Sato would notice that the cloaked stranger bent down to check the pulse of the huge man. Upon him regaining his normal form Sato would gaze at the stranger even after the popularity Sato seemed to just earn. He didn't reply to the cloaked figures remark, instead he would just take another sip and look away before he began to hum a melody.

It was quite a rude thing to do but Sato wasn't the social guy and never liked talking to others. He would prefer not talking at all. Kurai, i might need you to come in now.. There is a strange figure looking at me and i think this might be a hard battle? we might even lose ha, just come now. Sato would tell Kurai through his thoughts. Suddenly a few seconds later a small, pitch black dog with a bone mask on his face would walk in through the doors and jump up onto Sato's head. With this happening all the bandits in the bar immediately knew who Sato was. "No way.... thats.... 'BLACK WOLVE SATO!" Sato would hear as he would shift his attention to another bandit that yelled that out. As soon as his identity was known, the environment changed! it went from every bandit happy, drinking and laughing too shaking and scared. The temperature seemed to also drop down a bit; quite an awkward situation if you ask me. "Look at that Kurai.. these people know who we are." Sato would say softly under his voice looking at Kurai before smiling at him. Kurai would respond back with a smile, rubbing his fur against Sato's cheek. Sato paid the cloaked figure next to him, no attention at all.




Ginjo peered over to the boy but he never moved from his spot. He was standing like a shadow and it was his time to take action. Identifying the bandits and the customers for the whole day, he had a clear presence of everything around him. His kaguya blood was boiling as he had to take out the targets that was in the bar. Without sudden movement he vanish fom sight of everyone in the room in a blur type fashion using his speed in taijutsu to approach his targets. Gingo would utilize his kaguya style with swift motions he would appear behind the targets before they notice him. Killing 4 low class bandits was easy for ginjo, this was light work. The neck and the spine was the chosen spots as multiple cuts from ginjos attack, blood spraying over the bar as the wounds showed. Bloodbaths was what ginjo displayed,if it was for the justice of kiri then he would take any measure. As the bodies laid on the floor he turned to face the genin.

The boy had a pet with him, seemed he was from clan if he remembered right. judging by the people in the bar this genin has reputation. Usually he would be on a mission so he would have time to gather information about outside matters. Ginjo walked slowly to the boy. "Fight or Obey...", , He said in a voice that was cold. His blood was boiling and being ANBU Captain he could commit any justice second to the mizukage. He had thoughts of killing the genin and everyone just to clean up the village a bit. He stood 5 meters in front of the the boy, his eerie and murderous intent emitting from his presence. 



Sato sat there noticing the movements of the shadowed figure, seeing everything that happened and understanding that the figure was from none other then the Kaguya clan however he didn't know who he was. A few seconds later, the figure had made a bloody mess with the place which was pretty disgusting to drink his flavored milk with the place in the state like this so he put his milk down letting out a stretch. He was then asked to obey or fight which was a weird phrase to use however Sato just smiled at the figure. Without saying anything, Sato got up and turned his back walking towards the door but at the same time doing a set of secret hand seals that couldn't be seen just encase the figure tried to do something sneaky. Well his back was turn't Kurai was watching the figure on top of Sato's head. Before he pushed the door open to walk out he would stop and close his eyes. "Its your move..." Sato would say as the room suddenly became shrouded in thick white mist making it impossible to see. Sato was in plain sight but as the mist continued he soon became a shadow and then vanished within the mist.

With the mist up, Sato would jump straight up using his chakra to stand on the ceiling knowing exactly where the cloaked figure was.

Chakra: 120 - (D) 15 = 105CP




Ginjo was surprised as how the genin was silent enough not to be scared. The kaguya wouldn't pick fights at random, but to see the skills of the new genin generation he was intrigued to do so. While the boy was smiling he happen to make his way to the entrance of the bar, his pet was observing ginjo but he never moved from his same spot. He could sense everyone still maintaining his position, with the targets killed it would of been normal for ginjo to leave but the genin wanted to fight him. He found it hard to say no and waited to see how the genin would react, ginjo could fight the boy but weren't really into a light spar as he liked the thrill of long battles. Not long after the boy moved closer to the door the mist started to spread in the room, really thick and heavy, it was kiri's signature technique, no surprise to ginjo. He couldn't be seen with the mist up but someone with ginjo's mastery in sensory wouldn't be affected, this was normal as he was aware of the genin waiting on the ceiling above him.

Ginjo would then mask his presence, his ANBU suit gave him a hidden status to ninjas with adept sensory skill. With the mist up this gave ginjo the advantage without a doubt. He would say, "Cover up ones attacks... Make sure your next attack aims to kill...", He said in a low tone but directed to the genin, without much speech ginjo would blend in with the mist as he quietly moves around the bar to find a suitable spot. With all the entrance and exits cover, he waiting for the genin to make his move. 

8A kid in a bar?? [Open | No Fighting.] Empty Re: A kid in a bar?? [Open | No Fighting.] Wed Mar 05, 2014 12:59 am



(Sorry i got to leave for the event :p)

With the mist up Sato had made a perfect distraction.. He didn't want to cause any more drama and for sure didn't want to start something with someone so strong... well at least not at this moment. Sato wasn't ready and Kurai is far to weak so the smartest idea is to make an escape and leave the area as soon as possible, which is exactly what Sato was going to do. With the mist up and him standing on the ceiling, Sato would smirk a bit before vanishing out of the area. Another time my dear friend... another time. Were Sato;s last thoughts.

Exit ----


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