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Tea Time[Travel]

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1Tea Time[Travel] Empty Tea Time[Travel] Sat May 17, 2014 12:53 am

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

A sweet sincere tune was being hummed by Kumogakure's foreign ninja Kobachi. It seemed impossible to catch this one in a negative mood. No matter the circumstances he always wore a smile that was ready for the world. Today the would spend his time recovering from some strenuous training from the day before and how he did this was by practicing his English. "Ahh hey there Kobachi, I expected you'd be here eventually. Got some good stories to tell?" The Genin's smile brightened up even more as the gate guards welcomed him and seemed eager to hear a story. Not only were they entertaining, but story telling was also a great way to brush up and practice his English rather than just reading books.

"Yes, I have one I have itched to tell for a while now. It is about the Raikage." The guards eyes widened, as he pulled up a seat for Kobachi. With one guard on each end of the gate and then also on the other side of the gate, as to track the numbers entering and exiting, their days were brought some enjoyment every time the Genin would stop by to share his stories.

"So I was there on the mountain path. The Raikage was with a woman, she walked very funny and had a weird odor, but that is not all. When the Raikage stopped his walk, I had to hide, so I chose to hide behind a big rock." His head turned to scan his audience as it seemed each was listening. "Then, the Raikage touched the earth and WAM! A big rock turned into a house." The Jounin guards chuckled, half believing Kobachi though he was dead serious. As the day went on and Kobachi told more stories and one about the time he learned how to speak to squirrels, the Jounin thought it was time to blow the Genin's mind with a story of their own.

"So kobachi . . . what if we told you that a star fell from the sky and hit the earth?" Kobachi's eyes opened wide and he looked up to the sky then back to the Jounin. "I would think that Nakshatra was punishing offenders by sending a star onto them." Each of the ninja raised a curious brow, but figured it was something that Kobachi was taught in his past. "Well in the Land of Tea a meteor fell. The Raikage should be putting together a squad to go investigate actually, were you invited?" Kobachi's lips moved to the side and his face scrunched up a bit. "Hm, I do not remember being invited. Maybe I will head to the Land of Tea now and meet them there as a surprise."

Each of them again exchanged looks and figured it couldn't be too dangerous. If anything the site would be covered with other investigating ninja and tourist. "Ok, well send word that you are leaving, be very careful though Kobachi." The Genin nodded and gave them a thumbs up as he immediately started on his way to the Land of Tea. He didn't live with anyone and his front door was locked, so he hadn't any real preparing to do. He was an efficient hunter having grown up doing so and knew what plants and berries were safe to forage. All he needed was his weapon Furrashu and that was strapped to his hip like always.


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