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Bug Boy, Hotaru! Pixel

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Bug Boy, Hotaru!

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1Bug Boy, Hotaru! Empty Bug Boy, Hotaru! Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:00 am

Hotaru of The Aburame

Hotaru of The Aburame
Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

Bug Boy, Hotaru! Tumblr_mcpqxfoXOn1rrdqxbo1_500_zpse7cd8cd3
"Don't let your fears decide your fate!"

Bug Boy, Hotaru! P91b

Name: Hotaru Aburame
Nickname: Fire Fly
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Village: Kirigakure
Village Rank: Genin
Skill Rank: D

Bug Boy, Hotaru! V128

Weight: 135
Hair color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Looks Image:
Bug Boy, Hotaru! Large20_zpsd11115fc
Looks Description: Hotaru is a pale fair skinned boy with a slender build but still in shape. He often time referred to by others as quite handsome. He stands in at 5'5 and weighs about 135-140 at any given time. He has thick messy hair that stops at the nap of his neck, with the bangs cut to go around his eyes with a strip of hair laying in between his eyes. His dark hair and dark brown eyes contrasting with light skin.
Hotaru typically dresses in a a white button up shirt with a collar that is short sleeved with a large brown hooded coat over it that he normally wears half button up, revealing half of his torso. Occasionally he will wear a red short sleeve short under his coat with a red coat instead of a brown one as well. His pants normally consists of dark black shinobi styled pants and grey shinobi styled sandals.

Bug Boy, Hotaru! Cy10

Personality Description:
Loyal| Hotaru is extremely loyal to the village, he likes to follow the rules of the village and hopes to be a tool for the village. He has a strong dislike to those who are against the village or his comrades. He will do whatever it takes to help the village its people. This loyalty also shows when interacting with friends, being loyal to those he cares about.

Intelligent| Hotaru is a very intelligent boy who uses his cunning to rise above others. He tries to remain two steps ahead of others and thinks things through before just jumping in. He also just tends to have a general a knowledge about how most things work and is quick to pick up onto stuff.  

For the Village| Hotaru is the type of person will do something that is questionable as long as it will benefit the village in some shape, way, or form. He is often times told that he has real 'Anbu' or 'Military' like attitude about him. Although, he can still joke around and enjoy himself around others.

Friendly| When not tending to serious shinobi matter, Hotaru is a fairly kind boy. He goes out of his way to make his friends and family smile and really enjoys being apart of his village. His allies mean quite a bit to him.

Likes: His family, the village, and insects.
Dislikes: People who don't have reason, those who kill for no reason, and those who are against the village.
Catch Phrases: What do you fight for?
Nindo: I'll be a tool for the village!

Bug Boy, Hotaru! 73m2

Element Affinity: N/A
Sub Element Affinity:

Bug Boy, Hotaru! 32es

Hotaru was born into a healthy family with a loving mother and father. His mother and father were both members of the Aburame clan. The mother being part of the village's sensory division while the father was part of the clans higher ups.
As part of the ritual of the Aburame clan, Hotaru's body was offered as a host to the parasitic insects that the clan is known for. The insects accepted Hotaru as a host, thus pre-deciding that Hotaru would be a full fledged member of the clan.
His parents named him Hotaru which means Firefly, because the parents meet when both attempting to see the sight of the firefly migration.

Hotaru had a fairly calm childhood. He was close with his parents and close with his younger sibling who was born two years after him. Her name being Shione. She was also accepted as a host for the Aburame clan and would become a life long training partner for Hotaru.
Hotaru was never brought to the academy to be trained and instead was trained by his parents and other clans members of the village, giving him more skill in the Aburame based techniques than any other type of jutsu. He became quite fond of insects actually was interested in them quite a bit.
Hotaru and his sister developed a sense of rivalry between one another, but still cared about each other quite a bit. Making it a friendly rivalry.

A bit of time before becoming a registered genin in the village, Hotaru witnessed the death of many clans men and the villages shinobi during the time of a attack. Hotaru felt saddened by this and never wanted to see a comrade die in battle, although he knew it was going to happen.
Hotaru most of all never wanted to see the village be damaged or destroyed again. This lead him to grow a great sense of loyalty to the village and now hopes to become a member of the Anbu one day help protect the village. He seems himself as tool to the village and would gladly die for the greater good of the land.  
RP Sample:

2Bug Boy, Hotaru! Empty Re: Bug Boy, Hotaru! Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:03 am

Hotaru of The Aburame

Hotaru of The Aburame
Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

Ready to be checked!

3Bug Boy, Hotaru! Empty Re: Bug Boy, Hotaru! Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:56 am


Kumo Anbu
Kumo Anbu

Bug Boy, Hotaru! YNTTgCS

Bug Boy, Hotaru! 2417351922
- Vince

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