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Hotaru S Ranks

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1Hotaru S Ranks Empty Hotaru S Ranks Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:40 am

Expression of Will

Expression of Will

Hotaru S Ranks 73m2

Name: Cannibalistic World Consumption
Rank: S
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offensive
Element: N/A
Range: 20m
Duration: 2 posts
Hand Seals/Charge up: 5 seals
Description: A logically simple application of the fireflies present in a Hotaru clansmen’s body, this ability hypercharges the mandibles and digestive tracts of the insects with high amounts of chakra, allowing them to rapidly consume nearly anything that they should come into contact with. The swarm will expand outward from the user’s body, a mass of black bodies and glowing thorax flying towards incoming threats and possible hostile targets. These bugs, with the addition of large amounts of chakra, are capable of consuming flesh down to the bone in mere seconds should they find it and, due their ability to feed on chakra as well, can consume elemental techniques of B rank or lower or, in the case of fire or lightning based jutsu, A rank or lower (S ranked will be reduced in effectiveness by 2 ranks in the case of fire and lightning releases; other elements by one). As such, the swarm becomes truly insatiable, rushing about and consuming all chakra or flesh based entities in a wide radius around the castor.  
Weakness: Insects cannot consume inorganic objects. The insects in this frenzied state, cannot be used for other clan jutsu (those not empowered with this technique are unaffected). The insects cannot discriminate between friend or foe.

Hotaru S Ranks 73m2

Name: Silken Thunder Matrix
Rank: S
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offensive/Defensive
Element: Raiton
Range: Self | 50m
Duration: 2 post
Hand Seals/Charge up: 2 seals, half post
Description: The user commands the female fireflies within his or her body to begin encircling himself, spinning a silken cocoon all the while. The cocoon, comprised of an immensely strong and sticky silk and empowered with lightening chakra can easily capture incoming physical assaults by the opponent, requiring at least a B ranked movement or strength enhancing/cutting technique to escape from. After half a post of spinning the cocoon, the shell will complete, entombing the user and providing a powerful devensive barrier, proving utterly imprenetrable to conventional fire or lightning techniques or physical tactics and requiring at least an S rank technique of high piercing or drilling might from other elements to break through. Regardless, as the females spin the cocoon, the males will fly outwards, dragging with them strands of the silken fluid as they fly, effectively creating a kind of highly sticky web surrounding the powerful defensive cocoon in the center. Upon the completion of the cocoon, it and the extending webs will be charged with a powerful current of raiton chakra, electrifying anyone and everyone with whom they come in contact, the extensions of the male bugs resulting in a widespread mess of electrical doom. Anyone coming into direct contact with the threads at the time of electrification will suffer extreme, widespread first degree burns of the body and paralysis for two posts. Additionally, anyone foolish enough to hang around amongst the wires will find themselves the subject of large, arching bolts of electricity capable of inflicting similarly devastating electrical burns and paralysis for one posts.
Weakness: The user, once the cocoon completes, must remain stationary for the duration of the ability, though it can be ended prematurely. The males used to ferry the silk threads will die in this process.

Hotaru S Ranks 73m2

Name: Swarming Molten Death
Rank: S
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offense
Element: Katon
Range: 75m
Duration: 3 posts
Hand Seals/Charge up: 5 seals
Description: The user floods a selected group of fireflies with immense levels of both lightning and fire based chakra, increasing the fire chakra to maximum and ultimately fatal levels. By doing so, the insects will glow even more intensely than normal, bright enough to cause one to avert one’s eyes and even cause blinding to those capable of seeing chakra. Additionally, the insects will become deadly bullets of a piercing power nearly unheard of in the shinobi world, easily capable of shredding through barriers of lower rank and burrowing through evenly ranked barriers within one post, the incredible piercing power of the lightning chakra combined with the excessive bodily temperatures granted by the fire chakra allowing the insects to literally melt their way through nearly anything they come into contact with. Additionally, the bugs gain incredible speed, equal to the user’s mastery over ninjutsu, and are essentially shot from wherever they are towards the intended target(s) like living bullets, seeking out nearby chakra sources, particularly those of living beings, and melting their way into the victims’ bodies. Once inside a body, the insects create a localized paralytic effect, preventing usages of the affected limbs which can, with the induction of high levels of fireflies, result in full body paralysis [1 post per limb, then spreads to adjacent body parts], and burrow haphazardly through the body, melting vital organs and resulting in a swift and gruesomely painful death.
Weakness: Insects used for this die after the three posts. Insects can be destroyed as normal midflight by techniques of A rank or higher, or B rank or higher water techniques. Once inside a body, the insects can still be removed, saving the victim, but only by a master level medical technique or completely submerging the victim in an A rank or higher water release technique (note: this does not undo damage caused from previous burrowing). [Flat 70cp cost]

Last edited by Expression of Will on Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Hotaru S Ranks Empty Re: Hotaru S Ranks Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:22 am


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

Name: Cannibalistic World Consumption
Rank: S
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offensive
Element: N/A
Range: 75m
Duration: 2 posts
Hand Seals/Charge up: 5 seals
Description: A logically simple application of the fireflies present in a Hotaru clansmen’s body, this ability hypercharges the mandibles and digestive tracts of the insects with high amounts of chakra, allowing them to rapidly consume nearly anything that they should come into contact with. The swarm will expand outward from the user’s body, a mass of black bodies and glowing thorax flying towards incoming threats and possible hostile targets. These bugs, with the addition of large amounts of chakra, are capable of consuming flesh down to the bone in mere seconds should they find it and, due their ability to feed on chakra as well, can consume elemental techniques of B rank or lower or, in the case of fire or lightning based jutsu, A rank or lower (S ranked will be reduced in effectiveness by 2 ranks in the case of fire and lightning releases; other elements by one). As such, the swarm becomes truly insatiable, rushing about and consuming all chakra or flesh based entities in a wide radius around the castor.
Weakness: Insects cannot consume inorganic objects. The insects in this frenzied state, cannot be used for other clan jutsu (those not empowered with this technique are unaffected). The insects cannot discriminate between friend or foe.
Nerfing radius to 20 meters and then it'll be approved.

Name: Swarming Molten Death
Rank: S
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offense
Element: Katon
Range: 75m
Duration: 3 posts
Hand Seals/Charge up: 5 seals
Description: The user floods a selected group of fireflies with immense levels of both lightning and fire based chakra, increasing the fire chakra to maximum and ultimately fatal levels. By doing so, the insects will glow even more intensely than normal, bright enough to cause one to avert one’s eyes and even cause blinding to those capable of seeing chakra. Additionally, the insects will become deadly bullets of a piercing power nearly unheard of in the shinobi world, easily capable of shredding through barriers of lower rank and burrowing through evenly ranked barriers within one post, the incredible piercing power of the lightning chakra combined with the excessive bodily temperatures granted by the fire chakra allowing the insects to literally melt their way through nearly anything they come into contact with. Additionally, the bugs gain incredible speed, equal to the user’s mastery over ninjutsu, and are essentially shot from wherever they are towards the intended target(s) like living bullets, seeking out nearby chakra sources, particularly those of living beings, and melting their way into the victims’ bodies. Once inside a body, the insects create a localized paralytic effect, preventing usages of the affected limbs which can, with the induction of high levels of fireflies, result in full body paralysis, and burrow haphazardly through the body, melting vital organs and resulting in a swift and gruesomely painful death.
Weakness: Insects used for this die after the three posts. Insects can be destroyed as normal midflight by techniques of A rank or higher, or B rank or higher water techniques. Once inside a body, the insects can still be removed, saving the victim, but only by a master level medical technique or completely submerging the victim in an A rank or higher water release technique (note: this does not undo damage caused from previous burrowing).
- Specify how long it'd take for the paralysis to take full effect.

- Do note that this jutsu would cost you 70 CP.

3Hotaru S Ranks Empty Re: Hotaru S Ranks Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:33 pm

Expression of Will

Expression of Will

Changes made. Everything should be squared away now!


4Hotaru S Ranks Empty Re: Hotaru S Ranks Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:29 am


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

Oh uh, this is approved

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