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The Sacred Stone[Sub Plot, Open, No Killing] Pixel

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The Sacred Stone[Sub Plot, Open, No Killing]

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Deep in the endless sand of sea lied a man trudging along, crawling to get to his destination. This location being the safe haven Sunagakure. He could careless about the village actually, but what he needed was a place to rest and for his wounds to get treated. With each move he made his stab wound leaked more blood out onto the scorched sands and one could see the distance the man had traveled crawling to get where he was now. This spot still being miles away from Sunagakure. He began to wonder if he would die like this, if so it was a shame, because he planned on wearing a better outfit for when he died. Today he wore a brown cloak, that was dirtied up and had blood stains smeared over it, no shirt, black shinobi pants, and black shinobi sandals . . . such a shame. Sand plastered onto his face and dried lips his head reached up a final time before his vision blurred out and went black. Unless another person could come by and save this mans life, it would be a matter of hours before the vultures located him and made themselves a meal.

Franken Stein

Franken Stein

The blazing sun was covering the doctor from all angles, the heat was intense even for the young doctors sake. With his white lab coat flapping away in the winds, his left arm slowly raised as he screwed his massive bolt in his head clockwise. He was indeed out searching for rare desert plants that was needed for his project, he didn't come out much but when he did he made sure to hurry back to his darkness in his lab. He felt most comfortable locked away from everybody else, experimenting with things that should be below radar. A small sigh escaped his lips as even in this heat he managed to light a cig before puffing on it, this was certainly going to be a long finding session. From far his glasses would reflect the sunlight, ever so often he would have to take them off and wipe them because of the heat wave steaming up his huge glasses.

Having over calculated on the where a bouts of his rare herbs it would properly spring forth if he weren't paying attention, he took another hit on his cig as he noticed his did venture a long way into the open. Starting to make his way back Stein noticed the odd smell of heated human blood, i mean he was a scientist no doubt, smells like this he couldn't shake off. Following his instinct it led him to a trail of blood and a man in the far off distant, Franken looked down and could tell the blood was still fresh and judging by the color it weren't going be long before the man was dead. This place a grin on his face as he followed the trail closer and closer to the man.

Brown cloak, that was dirtied up and had blood stains smeared over it, no shirt, black shinobi pants, and black shinobi sandals . . . Simple clothes Stein thought to himself. Sand plastered onto his face as he was unconscious and wouldn't take long before he died, the doctor got straight into business taking out his latex gloves from his lab pockets and placing them on his hands. Doing all the normal procedure with check ups and pulses before he found where the wound was, seeing this guy he didn't care if he was the devil himself, he was going to heal him. Utilizing 2 hand seals he made his palms glow over the wound as he started to heal the guy in at a rapid rate, full recovery would been done within 2 minutes. After he was done with healing he slowly arose over the man as he flicked his old cig from his mouth and lighted up a new one waiting for the man to wake up.

Chakra: 232.5/250

Jutsu Used



In due time the man came to his senses, but sadly he was still in depths of the sandy hell. His vision slowly coming back to him, his eyes fixated upon a ghastly looking man that was smoking a cigarette nearby. Ahg! Who are you and what do you want?! I don't have any money or valuables on me, I'm just trying to get to Sunagakure!" Lunging from his sprawled out position the sharp pain from his previously healed wound had ached inside of his body. A grunt would be heard as he collapsed back into the ground while he recollected himself. "I can't possibly hope to run from him, I might as well just play it cool." "I apologize . . . that was rude of me, thank you for your assistance sir, I am Arturo, but I hail from a land far away form here." The man gathered himself into a more comfortable position hunched seated in the sand. His legs were still laid out however, rather than brought in to sit how people normally did, this was more so seen as a feminine way to position oneself, but in the pain and physical exhaustion he was in, Arturo couldn't care less about how masculine he came off as.

Franken Stein

Franken Stein

Hearing the guy come back to his senses, Stein continued to smoke the cig with his gloves on, he peered through his glasses down at the man. It was more the stupid to drastically move when you have just been healed, he was the siting down type the doctor thought. Once he took the last drag on his cig he flicked it away as the cig landed on sand and was covered in seconds from the sand debris. Taking off his gloves before he crouched down to be the same level as the man, he used his left hand to spin the bolt in his head before giving off a smirk while talking.

"Sunagakure... You wont get there in that condition... By the time you make it halfway you'll be too dehydrated to walk and die from lack of water in the thin blood capacity that dwells in your body...", he said with a smirk on his face, his tone of voice was actually very humble, stern but it was the facts he was telling the man."Arturo... well since i would ask for cash sum for my works... I can see you don't have money... The other 2 options are in your reach... 1... Tell me your business here... or 2 .... Become my experiment ...", he said as he stopped smiling and placed his hands on his knee tops while he was crouched, he hated repeating himself it was all too long and the sun wasn't helping, he just wanted a smooth talk before he decided what he was gonna do with him. Stein forgot to tell the guy his name but for now he would be secret. "For now call me... Doctor...".



The man nodded to Doctor's words. It was obvious dehydration would kill him, but of course Arturo didn't know all of that extra details. Taking a moment to analyze this man Arturo had become very uneasy around him. The smile, to the grin, the stitches, the bolt jutting out of his head. The wanderer wasn't one for cheesy puns, but it was evident the man was missing a few screws. Then Arturo's judgement was solidified with the nut cases next statement. Presented with the ultimatum of telling the Doctor his business in Sunagakure or becoming his experiment, this was apparently in exchange for his life. His business in the village was none of the Doctor's business and he damn sure wouldn't become this freaks experiment. At this moment death was looking pretty swell . . . but then a small little devil crawled onto Arturo's shoulder. Maybe the man was really losing it or maybe this was truly a devil, regardless the red imp gave him the key to his problems. Lie. "I don't really have business in Sunagakure. It's just the closest village that I could think of and it would also make a great place for me to recollect myself before I head back home." Believable enough of a story and told with a tongue of silver. That came with the perk of being a thief.

Franken Stein

Franken Stein

Watching Arturo very carefully he was lost in thought of doing a crazy thing, his head liked to pick out certain body parts he would love to dissect but some reason this guy seemed rather boring to him. Taking his stance back up to standing with a straight back and his hands in his lab pocket, if was as if this guy was trying to lie his way into Steins mind. Mind games was something he didn't enjoy, what ever happened to the truth will set you free?, there was something uneasy but the doctor couldn't place his finger on it. Making a few steps away from the man heading in sand villages direction he turned his head towards the man, "Well Arturo... Theres a problem with that statement just now... Either I was born yesterday or you said you had no business with Sunagakure...1st thing when you woke out of your state was Sunagakure was your destination... You was injured and on the verge of death when i saw you... To my knowledge your not being followed and the other close villages are away from this area indeed... My 2 Assumptions are either your a runaway....or a thief... But thats just my idea... If you really need to go to Sunagakure i will escort you... But on one condition that you tell me the truth...", he said with a grin on is face before he adjusted his glasses. Usally he wouldnt be too fussed on what happens but in a death situation and your still trying to hide something big. Stein was on a verge of finding out the real motive. He kept walking slowly towards the village in a slow manner, still keeping his eye on the man behind him.



Arturo's face displayed a puzzled expression as the Doctor spoke. "He sure is one to jump to conclusions, but it won't be that easy to catch me." "Yes, as I said I don't have business in Sunagakure, I said I needed to get there, because it was the closest village I knew about and so I can prepare myself for my journey back home, like I said before. I think anyone bleeding in the desert would want to get to the closest village they knew about, whether they had business in it or not heheh. You ninja sure are quick to jump to conclusions or maybe that bolt in your head needs a few more clicks huh haha." In mild strain be pressing off his knee, the man came to a stand and rubbed at his wound. "Could you still escort me to your village though? If you need to frisk me or whatever feel free to." Arturo did have much to hide, but it wouldn't be found on his person or would much be learned if it came from his tongue, for not even the thief knew much about what he had stolen other than it held untold power. Looking at the man waiting for his decision, Arturo mentally thanked him, not only for his healing, but also for covering up the evidence of the item he had stolen, as he had planned on taking the item to the grave with him. That in mind it had be shoved deep into his wound, so grave robbers who simply checked the body's pockets and things wouldn't have a chance at finding his treasure.

Franken Stein

Franken Stein

Watching the guy talk from the corner of his eye, Stein kept a steady pace across the hot sand, the blazing sun would hammer hard on the both of them. They both where gaining closer to the gates of Suna and it was time to tell the man that, "Jump to conclusions? or maybe that bolt in my head needs a few more clicks? ... Your lucky I haven't killed you... and gutted your insides out... Autopsy is my specialty you know... But yeah you are right to get frisked... And because of your condition still you would have to be at my hospital with surveillance... Maybe interrogation after just to see if you know any secrets... All standard procedure Arturo...", Stein said with a smirk on his face, he slowed his pace down so the guy behind has a chance to catch up, but Stein kept noticing the wound even though it was healed was still bothering him. "How did you get that wound may I ask...?", Stein tried to keep the atmosphere light as they soon would enter the village, he wanted to know as much as he could before going into the village, as the laws on new comers especially shady ones would get dealt with like criminals. He was practically saving this guys neck, stein hated liability so he thought this guy better be useful if not its the end of him.


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

Wahyu's generality was set up with his spine branded upon the sandy soils of, Sunagakure. Wahyu was a strange boy, a kind one, but strange. As his mass lay upon the sands, the evening sun giving him a slightly tan, others seemed to run inside away from the flames of light, but Wahyu wasn't bothered by it despite the fact the boy's attire was consisted of all dark colors. His ebony skin tight suit hindered most of skin excluding his hands, feet, and eyes. Speaking of eyes, Wahyu's were rolled into the back of his head, as he continued to mutter to himself.


He had been saying that all day, as he was assigned a simple D-Rank Mission to pass water to every one who was returning or leaving the village. Wahyu's body twitched, as heartbeat began to slow, while the condensation continued it's exile from his pores. Part of the Majin's duty was to aqua vitae  all the bottles of water. He could hear subjects traveling his artery. The dark skinned pre teen slivered his tongue outside the right side of his mouth forcing it to the left side, before sheathing his tongue once more. He left a thin coating of inundation upon his lips, as he began crawling, towards the gates, he slowly began his metamorphosis into a more common way of travel. Wahyu began, his slight towards the couple, as he paused, as he had met one of them before. The light shinned brightly off the bolt. A few paces behind him was a man, Wahyu had not met, and from the viewing his wardrobe, Wahyu could tell this man was an alien. He didn't feel uneasy, but he wasn't someone he felt was a innocent victim. Judging from the pattern upon his clothing the alien was attacked, and the crimson fluid that had dyed most of his cloth gave, Wahyu more questions than answers.

Wahyu approached the man wearing the frames.

"Hello...Lord Smokey"

His utterance was soft as he raised his left index finger pointing towards the outlander.


Wahyu asked softly, as he waited for the man's retort.



Arturo's heart pounded hard as he fathomed killing himself right now, but he felt this man would probably be the creepy kind and dissect him or some crazy shit. Even if he was dead and his treasure was unusable, he didn't want it in the hands of a man like this one. "I'd rather not be treated in your hospital seeing as you sound like you want to kill me. Also the fact that I'm pretty much fine and it's just a matter of walking off my wound now. All that exist is a bit of pain, since you healed me." Arturo's eyes darted ahead of him to then see a new entity. Rather short 5`5, 5`4ish, he seemed to dress the role of the mysterious ninja. "Hmmmm things are seeming a bit risky." Arturo, would remain calm though and give a faint smile to the new shorter ninja. Even if lead to a hospital against his will, he felt he would still be able to escape the clutches of this Doctor man.

Franken Stein

Franken Stein

Still heading to the gates, the gates was in sight already, and this man gave Stein a slight uneasy vibe until his genin that he met the other day came into view. The last time he wanted to fix Steins head with his basic skills in Ijutsu, it wouldn't take long but now that he has an extra set of eyes e could continue with his walk in peace and leave the watching to the genin. His white robe was trailing behind him as both of his hands was in his pockets, the shimmering over the glasses kept his eyes from plain sight, he kept his small smirk on his face. "Oh Greetings Wahyu... And the way he is now... A friend... Watch his movements... He was just recently hurt... We dont want him hurting himself...", Stein said with out moving his head or facial expression, as he kept it focused on the gates.


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

(Sorry, had nooooo days off, but I got time now!)

Wahyu levitating his left, and right palm offering each gentlemen a capsule of water to remedy their thirst. The body could only go so long without hydration, and it seemed the two men have begun an arduous migration towards, Sunagakure. One was native, the other was an alien whose realm, and desires were unknown. Wahyu didn't smile at the newcomer, he simply waited for him to take the water. Wahyu placed, a sign upon the stand saying he was out to lunch, as he turned back towards the four eyed doctor, and spoke.


He stated, as he placed his palms inside his pockets, walking side by side ,Authuro.
Wahyu's eyes did not leave, the man's presence like a sad dog staring at an owner for attention. However, Wahyu displayed no emotion,just blankly stared at the guest, and made no efforts to hide it.



"Buncha creeps, my luck . . ." Arturo moved his eyes to meet the staring child which he simply wrote off as a mental impairment or just not having proper social skills. He heard a great deal of ninja's had crazy ass past, but to actually have two present to prove that rumor was a little shocking. "So where are we going Doctor? I'm afraid I don't have much time to stay in Sunagakure. I have important responsibilities at home to deal with, so if that hospital idea is still in your head, I'll have to deny that offer. I'd much prefer to be lead to the villages market district so I can begin preparing for my journey." The man looked at the bolt headed creep with lazy eyes as he took the opportunity to drink whatever substance he was given by the boy. At this point even if it was poison he didn't mind it as long as it killed him and got him away from these guys, for his time he could spend in Sunagakure truly was limited.

OOC:Even if the guy tries to leave, the next chapter of this sub plot will unfold, so don't feel like you have to incarcerate him. Main priority keep him alive.

Franken Stein

Franken Stein

Stein heard the mans plea not go to the hospital, he didnt know why but the man could be on a mission and would have to go back. Being calm in this situation he turned back to the 2 of them before nodding and pushing back his glasses on his face. It would be long before where at the gates.

[Exits to; The Sacred Stone[Sub Plot, Open, No killing] PT2]


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

Wahyu began swinging his left leg back and forth, as he twitched a bit. He was kicking sand upon, Aurtho's shoes a bit as he continued to stare directly at his face. If Wahyu stared any longer he might have burned a hole in the mans face. He looked at Stein, as he pushed up his glasses, attempting to do the same thing he had none, but continued to mimic, his elder. [Exit]

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