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The Sacred Stone[Sub Plot, Open, No killing] PT2 Pixel

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The Sacred Stone[Sub Plot, Open, No killing] PT2

Aerie Locke
Franken Stein
8 posters

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Franken Stein

Franken Stein

Passing through the gates of the sand village, Stein and his company were on his grounds. The genin would also have an advantage but the new guy wouldn't, hopefully he wouldn't try anything funny. Walking down the dusty pathway towards the busy market district, the villagers were keen to look at the guy trailing behind stein, he was foreign. Being the medical chief they didn't suspect anything of the matter as stein had a reputation like that so he kept steady. The sun was beating down on them and it wasn't long before stein found a place in a shade to stand, he viewed the area as ninjas of suna were on patrol above on rooftops and on the ground, it was a busy day. "Well Arturo... We have arrived in the market district... As you can see its very busy... where was your first destination...", Stein said with a calm tone of voice, his lazy eyes peering onto the foreigner as he pulled out a cig to light it up and smoke. He kept his glance over the man and his fellow genin comrade.


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

Wahyu stood directly next to, Arthuro with as he crouched downward, and began to study the alien from a different land. The sun continued to bare upon the shoulders of the young, Majin. His studying of Aurthro had ceased for the moment. Wahyu was intrigued he had never travelled to the district of merchants. He placed his hand in his pockets to find out how much ryo he currently had on him. His butt pressed firmly above the warm sands, as he would let the adults, talk as he began to sway his head left to right. He began to count out his pay on his fingers.


Wahyu said aloud as he continued to count.



Those who post beyond this point, must understand death is enabled for this event, since it deals with the SSM Event.

Through the Sunagakure Gates, it was all very nice, he was finally in the safety of the great walls, but . . . he wasn't. A sharp pain struck his body and his veins seemed to glow and eerie red, as his eyes bulged as if they would pop out from his skull. God no . . . they're close . . . they're searching for me . . . please take me to the hospital!" He hunched over and the glowing throughout his veins seemed to pulse and illuminate with his heart beat and each beat came quicker after the last.

Out in the sands of the desert now in sight from the village gates . . .

They seemed to march by the hundreds, myriads upon myriads, from a distance one could mistake the traveling mass as the sands themselves or perhaps a sandstorm sweeping the desert. Regardless the sight would surely shake the masses and in due time the village would be on full alert. Bells ringing and ninja's readying up for battle.


Once his forces were a fair distance from the village gates, about 30m, he emerged from his troops parting like the Red Sea. A large bandage wrapped blade on his back, he simply waited to be addressed, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.

Franken Stein

Franken Stein

Standing with the genin and the man, stein was pre alerted as the patrol started commencing village evacuations, it wouldn't take too long before he knew what was happen. It was a faint thought but he knew the man was hiding something, it was only a matter of time before the ruth comes out, it always did. Turing his mind into the matter of battle about to break out, he was still smoking on his cig keeping his composure, training his doubt nothing scared the doctor at all. Gazing his sights over the two he was wondering if the genin has been in this situation before, this was no drill it was real life. Approaching the 2 quickly he would notice the man acting very strange, before admitting that he was being chased down by a group that alert suna. All this was steins responsibly and he was going to sort it out. The mans veins seemed to glow an eerie red, as his eyes bulged as if they would pop out from his skull, this man was unwell. "Well in this situation now the agreement has changed... You are held under my supervision so the hospital is a no zone... This started because of you... but if you wish to stay alive you have to tell me whats happening...", he said to the man who seemed to be having a miniature stroke in front of him. Peering over the genin his glance turned serious as stein always liked to make rash choices, always to see how the new generation handled themselves. "Wahyu... help this man towards the entrance of suna... and when you get there ask the jounin in charge to keep him bounded up and checked up... I need to make my way to the frontline to see whats happening...", his tone changed as it was cold and full of authority.

Flicking his cig away he left a great responsibility on the genin, and hoped he never failed the doctor. The mans body was strange enough to flash red as something happen to his body inside, taking thought of the wound he healed when he met him, he didn't examine the insides properly before closing it. Leaving the scene at top speed with his hands in his pockets he would make way to the sun gates.

-- Suna Gates --

Arriving at the gates, all of his comrades where there, it was known that Ryo was elected kazekage and that he was operating in the kage office. Getting the fill in from many advisors and such the area was very busy and readying their counter attack if anything happened. Taking to the ANBU who where at the gates, he said in a calm cold tone, "Ill approach this group on my own... I might have what they need... Dont worry when it comes to this situation im the most informed...", with that he was let through as he made his way to see an army camouflaged with the sand with the leader standing at front with arms folded and narrow eyes. This guy meant business as they were 30 meters from the gates of suna, Stein made his way to confront the guy standing 5 meters between them, he was not scared at all, his doubt was eliminated from his body so this was a walk in the park."By my first impression I would say this is war... But for what reason... State your business? ...Why are you here...", he would sya still with his right hand in his lab coat and his left hand in the air twisting his bolt in his head. He awaited the guys reply.


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

Wahyu could feel the beat down of the radiation upon his skin. The sun seemed to be drooling kerosene upon the land of wind. Wahyu however none of that seemed to bother him, he simply turned his head to the side as he watch Arthuro began a slight metamorphosis as his the fluent in the mans veins began to flicker a scarlet orange. Wahyu, didn't understand what was going on with the human's body but, he attempted to replicated it. Wahyu closed his right eye, and began making faces at Arthuro, while also making an endeavor to carbon the pain he felt. The Djinn's leisure time, had escaped the grasp of the genin. It was time to get back to work, as Stein had given him an assignment to help produce. Wahyu spoke no words, he simply stared at Stein as he disappeared from his view in flash of magnificent speed. Wahyu turned his head to the left as he saw his friend move towards the Anbu by the gate. Wahyu looked back at Arthuro, and blinked before point with his left index finger.


Wahyu said silently, as he began to sway from the left, and right. He stood about three meters ahead of the glowing alien.



As the leader stood there stoically, irritation plagued his face as he saw an insect begin to approach from the Gates of Sunagakure. The leader, Baki, spat out precious hydration into the sand which immediately evaporated when it hit the scorched surface. This man in white's frame was waving from the heat of the cursed sun, but soon enough the figure solidified and stopped a few meters away. His lips parted to speak, but he would be coldly interrupted with shameless disinterest. "I'm not here for idle chat or interested in whatever you have to say. I want the thief here in front of me now. I'm aware he's here and me nor my troops will be stepping back until he's in my possession. You have five minutes worth of time to bring him to me." His eyes didn't look at the man who approached and instead they focused on the towering walls of Sunagakure, right past the mans head.

Arturo was now cringing in pain and also discomfort. The origin of the glowing began to move up and turn and churn throughout his stomach before eventually stopping at his throat. Dry heaving and dry heaving, his eyes bulged bigger and bigger and were simply ruby orbs at this point. Soon enough, he would unleash a blod curdling cry as he vomited up a curious red stone, that was bathed in his own blood and watery gruel. Drinking up the blood as if the jewel itself needed hydration from the persistent sun, it grew in size and seemed to shudder with delight. Arturo would now be face down unconscious in the sand at the gates.

Aerie Locke

Aerie Locke

Mission Details:
The Sacred Stone[Sub Plot, Open, No killing] PT2 464310IconOcypte

Rubī had woken from her large bed that had shear covers and a large red cotton sheet. She quickly rose from her position to get dressed for her big day. This day would involve helping thee guards at the gates. She would help them stand watch and also help them stay healthy with water and food. Sure, it was grunt work from time to time, but it was easy. She donned a red ruffle tank with white straps and breast cover. She also donned the usual ninja pants, but tighter and in black along with red and white heeled ninja shoes. She tightened up her hair into a ponytail and applied her usual stylish products.

Once finished, she made her way to the gates. She stopped by the market beforehand to pickup materials and supplies needed for her task. She carried said supplies in a wicker basket that conveniently had straps. However, upon arriving at the main gate, she began to notice the anxiety and pressure the guards felt just by looking at their body language. When she finally reached the outside of the wall, where the guards had been stationed, she was welcomed by a horde of angry sand hermits. The guards quickly grabbed her basket and tried to usher her away, but she was not having any of it. She shoved the single guard to the side and stood directly in front of the sand gate. It seemed there was a battle afoot, and She just wasn't going to sand by and let them take the Village. She also noticed the big dual handled blade the leader had on his back, something that intrigued her.

Words Needed: 500
Words Achieved: 278
Ryo Earned: 25
Mission Ryo: 120


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

OOC: I'll be using this as my arrival thread in Suna since it's at the gates, makes sense right? The Sacred Stone[Sub Plot, Open, No killing] PT2 1075371996 .

The Land of Wind hadn't been kind to the Hozuki, for with each passing second he lost hydration, precious, precious hydration. Tilting back the water bottle dubbed Agua that was in his hand he took the last sip or should I say gulp of water. It did little to rehydrate him back to normal, but for the most part he could still function correctly. The sights of the great walls of Sunagakure were also a sight for sore eyes as he could use some AC and a cold ass glass of water, but that'd have to wait. He had no clue what this was, but as Junpei's dull crimson eyes rested on the sight of the accumulation of masked humans he wasn't sure what to think. Were they enemies or was this a training program a new sort of Anbu or maybe a new uniform for Sunagakure ninja. Whatever they were, the air was tight and it didn't seem like whatever was going on was to be interrupted. "Dammit . . ." He mutter, a safe distance away from the conglomeration of odd men and still unnoticed, so he used the chance to think of an approach. "Ha . . ." If his company was still present he'd tell him to sit tight while he figured things out and that he'd be back with info. So without further ado, Junpei would put his Doton training to use and seep under the surface of the sand and move to Sunagakure Gates and surfaced one hand at a time. One planting itself on the hot sands firmly before the other, Junpei then forced himself out of the ground and casually brushed the rains of sand from his ivory hair.

Looking around for someone who was in charge, so he could figure out what was going on or to see if he could be permitted entry, he approached a young girl, who seemed pretty invested in the ordeal. " 'Scuse me, but would yo happen to know what's going on here. I was out on the other side of this blockade, but I was a little skeptical of just walking around and approaching the gates . . ." After his words he would gaze out to see a single man standing before the hoard of sandy men, but then one thing in particular caught his eye. The rest of the blade was obscured from the man in the lab coat, but the unique handle of the blade was undoubtedly Hiramekarei one of the legendary swords from the mist. "Hiramekarei . . ." He muttered almost inaudibly as his eyes were now narrowed onto the owner of the blade. In his own possession on his back in plain sight was the legendary blade Nuibari in fact, then on his right hip the famed Sword of Kusanagi. If someone had an eye for blades or common sense they'd be able to tell Junpei was a sword collector. In addition to the two legendary weapons in his possession, he also had to blades on his left hip. "Test of character, shit . . .
He thought to himself as the imagined taking Hiramekarei for himself whether it be by dueling this man on fair grounds if he were a Suna ninja, or killing him in cold blood if he were a foe, was strong in Junpei's frontal lobe. But he knew he was here for diplomacy, so giving the weapon to the village would be in Junpei's best interest if he put himself aside.


Wave of the Sand

Wave of the Sand

Akira had sensed quite the ruckus of chakra spikes near the outer limits of Sunagakure and as the new leader, felt it in her duty to meet with them.  Robed from neck to toe, her shaded kimono would offer little vision to the skin underneath unlike most of the white clothing people wore. She also had her pink hair up in a ponytail as to keep it from streaming down her back to far. Eyeing the city around her she would recall that it had been quite a long time since she took over as Kazekage, all work and no fun it was always miss you mustn't sully yourself with that, paperwork this, the anbu leaders have some important information for you about rogue ninja's or villages having issues. She couldn't tell who they were but she knew that the few chakra signatures were far stronger than most wandering travelers. "Funny I didn't request anyone to meet with me? Oh dear could we possibly be under attack, that wouldn't be a loving thing for them to do if it was the case." Sighing she would walk at her slow paste, being mentally strong as appose to physically made her positioning difficult because unlike the last Kazekage she had reasons to believe that people weren't all to trusting of her yet, but it wasn't like she wanted the roll always looking over her shoulder to make sure her Anbu's weren't prepared to stabbing her in the back. Not that many of them were capable of sneaking up on her, she enjoyed her gifts of perception and deception.

I must admit those who aren't prepared for the elements though of my village aren't commonly comfortable after crossing out strongest defense, second of course to the ninja's of Suna. She glided across the sandy streets of her village till she finally reached the main gates mostly in time to meet the new arrivals. She knew about a few world leaders but some of the minor villages escaped even her. Having noticed a few other sources Akira would blink as she peeked her head out from behind the walls unsure of what precisely was going on. Blinking she noticed as one began using a technique to approach from underneath. She would take a few steps back as the man would appear her eyes standing silently in the shadow as she would watch him talk with on of the guards. "Oh please I'm sure he means us no harm do you?" She wasn't one for subtleties so her charm would immediately offer a glowing presence. "What brings you to my humbled village?" The question was direct and to the point as she began walking toward the man her hand flying up to tell the one who was all but challenging him to stand aside.
Sensing Jutsu:

Last edited by Wave of the Sand on Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:26 am; edited 1 time in total



OOC: Doing same thing as poncho xD

Zanji sighed as he obediently followed behind the daimiyo of the sound. He had never been to the sand village before and now he had good reason not to come back. It was to damn HOT! He panted  and his face was nearly covered in sweat. It had been days since he and the daimyo had traveled from oto to the land of wind and his body was not liking this heat at all. Though he was sure it was taking more of a toll of a toll on the daimyo since he was a hozuki clansmen. He wiped off his left side of his face with his sleeve and took a swig from his canteen of water from his pack. The cool liquid smoothly hydrating his dried tongue. he was so tempted to just to drink the entire canteen but he was not going to be greedy.  In fact he was gonna be a good person and offer him some. He wiped the cap of the canteen and was about to offer the daimyo when something interesting happened.

He quickly put the cap on the canteen and put it in his pack and  blinked and rubbed his eye and saw there were troops marching towards the gates of suna. His blood began to boil and he was beginning to become extremely excited. He was bouncing on his heels of his feet and  momentarily lost sight of the young lord. He began to count the numbers of enemies and sighed. "What fools these men be don't you think so daimyo-sa.." he blinked and saw the lord dive into the earth and  kicked the ground  and dove after him using his own version of hiding like a mole technique. Hee quickly followed in the tunnel left behind by the lord and stooped short when he was just below the enemy and waited. he was sure the lord went on ahead to check the situation. But he couldn't sit idly by and decided to move down the tunnel and  poked his head up in the ground like a rabbit and saw the lord and sighed with relief. "Ohhh oh you gave me such a fright my lord don't run on ahead alone, you know your not supposed to do that I was worried my lord so what the hell is up with the army of fools shall i deal with them my lord?"

Aerie Locke

Aerie Locke

The Sacred Stone[Sub Plot, Open, No killing] PT2 464310IconOcypte

Rubī was prepared to join the fray, seeing as the other ninja disappeared as quickly as they came. It was now only Rubī and a few other guards against a few hundred myriads and their highly dangerous leader. Rubī had only just became a genin as of recent, but she was ready to put her life on the line to save her village, no matter how horrendous it looked. She briskly decided to approach the angry leader to be an advocate for her village, but that's when a man appeared from the ground, his ally close behind him. " Huh? " Rubī would say, a bit caught off guard. The man began to ask about the situation while he could, asking the little blonde senju. " Well, it seems were are under siege by hundreds of myriads. " She quickly reached to help the man out of the ground, whether he took it or not was up to him. " Sorry to ask you so suddenly, but it would be great if you'd help us. Our guards are on short supply, as of recently, because of missions.

Whether he wanted to assist or not, she had no time to wait nor any time to ask his business. She would begin to approach the leader of the crusade. " Please, state your business in Suna. " Since she was the only one that remained ( PC wise ) she had to take it into her hands to be mature and guard as he mission pertained.

Words Needed: 222
Words Achieved: 254
Ryo Earned: 25
Mission Ryo: 120

Mission Complete.


Otogakure Anbu
Otogakure Anbu

ooc: Internet is being really bad. I apologize but I will be posting with this account!


      "Fuck me, this place is hotter than a demon's dick in heat." Baki scraped the back of his throat as he spat out the sand that was blowing all about. Sungakure was no Oasis in the Bahamas. The place was a shit hole of a scorpion trap. Who in their right mind would put down their tents here and call it home? Surely rejects who had no where to go, nomads being chased out of the grassy plains.

He stood there unchallenged for a very long time. Dressed like an Arab warrior prince.   "Reception has gone to shit. No one, absolutely fucking no one." He shook his head. He was wrapped all around so that the annoying sand would not get in but that also meant the heat was cooking him like a turkey on thanks giving. He grew impatient, no one stole from him and got away with it.

  "OI! INCASE YOU HAVENT FUCKING NOTICED! THERE! IS A FUCKING ARMY AT YOUR SHITTY MUD WALLS!" Patience had gotten the better of him. With a hoarse voice he shouted at little parade that had gathered at the Cliff Gates. Baki turned to the side as he coughed. One of the soliders quickly approached him handing him a leather sack of water. From this Baki took a deep drink, the gullet of his throat bobbing everytime he swallowed.

"Please state your business in Suna"
A little girl approached the warband, her nose high and proud.
"Hello there little girl, I'd say my business was with you and your undies but ah. You're a little light for my taste, go call your daddy or something." Baki felt insulted but decided to get somewhere with this. Without looking away from the gates Baki spoke to his men.   "a fucking child."

"Hey! Shit fucks! What the fuck is wrong with you!? You sent a little girl over to a bunch of Warring Men? Are you fucking out of your mind? Get your Kage ass down here!" Man, this village must be messed up or just plain dumb. He had no business with little children. He grabbed a hold of his blade, resting it in his right shoulder. He held the great blade with a single arm, the muscles bulging and shining like bronze. "scram kid."


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

Accepting the hand of the younger Genin, he smiled to her as she helped him pull his frame out of the sand. "Thanks." He said lightly as he continued to brush himself off and listen to the small phrase she said. "Seige . . ." The word mentally bounced throughout his skull as he registered the ones in front of Sunagakure Gates as enemies. Gripping the black sheathed blade at his right hip with the right hand it would click subtly as he began to draw it before more voices emerged. It was simple banter from guards, but soon enough a woman's charming bell of a voice rang into Junpei's ears. Curiosity peeked his head turned and his eyes lost the sharpness they had as he peered at the legion of foot soldiers at the gates. "Huh, oh I'm from the Village Hidden in the Sound, the Daimyo actually. Taking the fact you said "my village" I'm gonna assume you're the Kazekage, if so nice to meet yah, I'm Junpei Hozuki an-" Pointing behind him to his back with his thumb, he was gesturing to the haori he was clothed in that had the Kanji for sound in black on the back. Before he could finish his speech, he was interrupted by another soul breaking the sands surface. A minor display of irritation plaguing Junpei's face, he exhaled a breath and dismissed the nuisance that gripped his heart tightly in rage. "Zanji, there's not need to talk to me like that, consider us on even terms . . . I think you might even be older than me, besides, didn't I tell you to sit tight back there behind these guys. We coulda had a vantage point, apparently these guys aren't allies of Sunagakure."

Looking past his comrade he could only hear the voice of the barking man, no words were deciphered, but he seemed pretty pissed, but the sight of the girl from early approaching alone did make Junpei a bit weary. "Zanji go back to the previous position behind them and once you hear combat, we'll execute a pincered attack to make this quick alright, be careful though, that guy has one of the Seven Swords of the Mist with him." The dagger like sharpness returning to his glare as Junpei mentally prepared himself for combat, he only turned his head to the Kazekage. "Hope you don't mind me helping." Dismissing Zanji, Junpei would began his walk over to the army in the desert, no fear was evident on his frame as he approached hoping to provide some safety to the girl. Once in the presence of Hiramekarei's wielder Junpei would casually place his right hand back onto the Sword of Kusanagi, but on the sheath showing he meant no immediate harm, or so it would seem. "Hey yo, watch your tongue when you're around a girl, but anyways, what are you shouting for? Just because you got a sword like that in your possession doesn't mean you have to have a head as big as it." He chuckled a bit as his own joke, as he even went the the point of taking his eyes off the mans immediate frame, but not his shadow. At all times the main foes movements were being clocked and with his peripherals, the activity of those behind him.



Zanji sighed with relief once again as he had finally found the daimyo and kept his head above the ground. He chuckled heartily as the daiymo pointed out there age difference and shook his head. " I may be a little older than you  my lord but i am still in charge of your security and protection and i would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to you while on my watch." He shook his head and bowed apologetically to the daimyo then suddenly he smirked.  "Oh I'm fully aware of it that is why I came here to report tabout there movements. It seems there standard military tactic and tropp positions we will be able to take them down with ease."  Zanji reached behind him and grabbed his canteen and tossed it to the daimyo "Drink up my lord drink it all if you want were gonna need you." He turned and faced the women of the village and bowed his head politely to her "Forgive the sudden intrusion my lady we will aid you with these vermin."

Zanji then quickly and comically sunk his head back into the ground like a rabbit and tunneled underneath the ground. He cracked his finger tips and while using the  hiding like a mole jutsu he was able to see everything that was going up above him. He smirked as he quickly positioned himself below the man with the very large double handled sword and remained quiet.  He needed to be quik and precise if he wanted to end this quickly. If he got his hands on this sword first there chances of success would go up immensely. He then shot out his chakra chains and would have them tunnel in the ground surrounding the man with eh sword on all sides.  chuckled happily inside his mind and then shot out the chakra chains at the man with the sword hopefully impaling him  or at the very least trapping him withing the confines of his chakra chains.


Aerie Locke

Aerie Locke

The Sacred Stone[Sub Plot, Open, No killing] PT2 464310IconOcypte
Rubī would cock her head and think, " Really? " to the invading swordsman. She would notice his large blade commonly known as Hiramekarei, or Twinsword Blast. It was a blade that formerly belonged to Kirigakure, but must have been past down to this goof. " Little Girl? " Rubī would ask, rhetorically. I'll show you what a little girl can do. She'd say, beginning to perform hand seals, but before she could finish, chains appeared from the ground, wrapping themselves around the man. Perfect! She'd say in her mind, finishing the hand seals. Her lungs began to feel with water and on its way out from her swollen cheeks, it bubbled into violent bubbles. She would spit it into the man's eyes, most likely blinding him for long enough. She then spit onto the ground below her foes which turned the sand and dust into a mud-like substance. 1

" It's mine! " Rubī shouted, skillfully jumping over the leader of the myriads and grabbing the double hilted blade. She acted as if they were absorbtion prongs and began to allow it to siphon her chakra. Seeing as she is an intelligent lass, the knowledge of a lot of weapons, skills, and history are easy for her. This knowledge allowed her to match a skill to a blade; Chakra Morphing connects to Hiramekarei. Once ten percent of her chakra was siphoned, chakra began to flood into the sword and cover it in Senju Chakra. " Arrow Sword! " She would say in unison with her thoughts. The chakra would begin to form into the shape of an arrow sword; a sword with the tip of it's blade in the shape of a vector arrow or bow with sharp edges. She began to pull the blade from the man's back and break the chains along with it, like King Arthur pulled out Excalibur from the rock. " Gragh!!! " She would shout as she pulled the blade out and switched from pulling to slicing at the myriads clawing at her back. The sharp edges of the chakra cutting through their defenses and flinging a few of them to the side.2

If only the white haired man had his men under control, then the attack could have been done in a more precise and clean performance.
Words Achieved: 383
Ryo Earned: 35

Wave of the Sand

Wave of the Sand

“I have to admit this whole ordeal would appear far worse then it really seems. Apparently they found it necessary to drag out such a large army upon my poor Sunagakure. Not very sporting I must say.And yes Junpei Hozuki Daimyo of the Village Hidden in the Sound, your assumptions are not ill placed.” She would smiled as yet another man seemingly popped out of the sand. “A colleague I presume?” She would state trying to keep a more level head as the tensions outside her gates were quite high. A hand would reach up into her pink hair and begin to rub in a concerted fashion. As the redhead began to banter off praises of his assumable leader it was now Scarlets turn to make a few assumptions. “I assume you know this fellow well enough that you are upon a first name basis. And how terribly rude of me.” She would bow slightly to the two. “I ashamed that you would have to come at such a rampant time but I assume you burrowed through to speak with me about passage of others in your group? Surely they are thirsty but as you can tell we have a miniature embargo.” Not all that worried about the men who were prepared for what seemed to be a siege.

"I'm Akira Scarlet, Kazekage of Sunagakure, Daimyo Junpei." She would respond it up feeling a tad embarrassed. “Vermin you say ah yes that would be delightful if you could render assistance with the ninja’s. I’m sure they can handle it but I enjoy watching newcomers especially ones that are so kind as to help with the troubles of others.” Watching Rubi attack along with the one named Zanji she was quite surprised by his recklessness and how well she responded to such a grimacing display. A promotion might be in order for that one. The young Kazekage smiled enjoying the thought that even the women of her village was as fearless and cunning as ever.


Otogakure Anbu
Otogakure Anbu


IC :

Damn Shinobi, they had this weird habit of training kids to fight. The reaction of hand seals was what made him move. Normally hostile actions would be met with an aggressive stance but the little girl in front was just too cute to hurt, at least for now. He responded by moving back a few steps and as a consequence the chakra chains erupted and speared the air not quite latching onto anything. The sword had already been drawn contrary to popular belief. With his free left hand he unlatched his outer cloak throwing it outward to block the advancement of bubbles.

"Rats in the sand boys!"
He would swing the great sword but not before making it change. Chakra would have erupted tracing the shape of the sword and then expanding out. This extended blade he would slash down through his cloak and at Little girl before she could attempt to jump. His men would coat their spears and swords in Chakra then proceed to stab the grounds below them. Poor Zanji in the sands he would be sinking in mud due to the little girl.

"They send kids. My word. Fuck my life."


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

Not a head shake, a scoff, and eye roll, a look of disappointment, or anything was given to Junpei at his comment, it was completely ignored. That and the fact the girl beside him began to do handseals with o precaution made him sigh deeply. What was the ninja world coming to? An unknown rogue wielding a legendary and a legion of others not as fearsome, but threatening to a Genin and one decides to execute handseals in plain site without prior preparation, Junpei was surprised to see the man hadn't just drew the blade on her and crushed her with its sheer weight alone. Instead he jumped backwards, tossing his cape in an attempt to blind his opposition in front of him, in turn Junpei wasn't too fond of the action. Seeing the weapon the man had, Junepi didn't want his vision to be obscured one bit see he figured he'd attempt to end this before it developed too far along. His right hand already grasping the Kusanagi Blade's heated metal sheathe, with the flick of his thumb, the katana was revealed and airborne, but only a bit away from Junpei, still in immediate arms reach.  So with the flick of the blade, his right arm also moved up to catch the weapon, by the handle, holding it in a back handed grip. Bringing the blade across his body to the left side, deftly he would rotate it to find the blade being held traditionally on his left side, ready to swing. Which he graciously would, but he would see his opponent was also prepared to annihilate his foes, with his right hand clasping Hiramekarei. A test of speed, two sword masters facing off, but Junpei's blade was far lighter and was also drawn, his swing would be first that alone was absolute.

Happily sacrificing his chakra the the Grass Cutter, the hot metal would extend as Junpei was swinging it and if all went accordingly the man wielding Hiramekarei would be cut clean in half before his blade was moved any further or he commanded his troops. Zanj would be spared wrath from the enemies, as his chakra chains were also cleaved into pieces as they emerged from the sand in front of Junpei's dextrous swipe. One swift movement as if the blade's length were still normal and even some sand soldiers on Junpei's right passed their leader could be killed from the sweep, but the stroke of death would end its reign in front on the young Suna Genin. Returning the sword to its natural length and re-sheathing it if all went accordingly, Junpei would wait to see the reaction from the minions of their possibly dead leader. Retreat? Or maybe a last all out attack in the name of revenge? Either or Junpei had no issue dishing out more death, the only issues there were were with his allies. Zanji's inability to follow orders, this making the second time only with a span of about three minutes, the young girl to his right that was maybe acting a bit too tough for her own good. Then the Kazekage that relied on foreigners to protect her village. Junpei was more than happy to help, but by that he did not mean shoulder all the work himself. Maybe it was just a weird Sunagakure thing or this damn heat, but out of all the people to be doing foolish things, not listenign and being lazy, it should be Junpei. He was a Hozuki and in this treacherous climate, Junpei should have been the first to do something that fell under any of those things.




Zanji growled as the meddling interference of somoene from the surface. It was probably someone from suna always ruining well executed plans. had just cost him his surprise attack. He grumbled and muttered inaudible curses at the interfering person and sighed.  He growled as the man with the legendary sword had his men coat there weapons in chakra. He quickly dove  a half a meter deep under the ground avoiding the blades. He knew he was going to get scolded by the daimyo but he really had no choice those men were moving closer to suna after all but he still disobeyed a  order. He sighed and smacked his head against his palm  and shook his head. HE was going to need to formulate a new plan of attack against these men. He closed his eyes and took a few deep calming breaths and then smiled.

He watched as the daimyo unleashed the power of the legendary blade kusanagi. Oh how he wanted that sword for his own he felt a certain magnetic pull almost to it like it called out to him. He would have that sword one day. He licked his lips and dug towards the  surface moving behind the enemy lines. But just before he surfaced he made the snake hand seal and activated his earth spear jutsu covering his entire body. His skin turning a dark almost coal like appearance. He then quickly and silently breaking the smooth sand and pushed his head band up away from his right eye. He was going to have a little fun with these flunkies. He opened his right eye and sighed and drew his own katana with his right hand and would charge into the fray against the foot soldiers and cut through any remaining soldiers that had survived the daimyos attack. Using his earth speak he was nearly invulnerable and his own physical strength would increase dramatically enough that he would cause craters where he struck with his free hand sending opponents flying as he would punch them when he countered there attacks while using his sharingan he could easily predict where they would attack and counter them and land a offensive hit.


Last edited by Zanji Uzumaki on Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:33 am; edited 1 time in total

The Blue V

The Blue V


Fuck my life..... Baki thought. The great legendary sword, Hiramekarei drawn and out in the open, grasped in his burly, muscular hands, he was ready to make his attack on the girl who got in his way. The cloth thrown, it was particularly heavy, literally bringing down the trajectory of the bubble wave with its sheer gravitational weight, causing the chakra-produced jet to fall uselessly on the heated surface, its aim failing to hit the superior Baki in anyway. He had no had this much trouble since those two chicks he bent last week. They kept on struggling and yelling in bed, which annoyed the shit out of this sexual champion. So he got rough, and what ended up happening by the morning came was one bloody orgy. Those junkies stopped moving by then, so they had to be... trashed. Well, these mix of foreigners were starting to bug him to no end. Little pests. Who in the devil's name do they think they are? Barging over here to defend a village not theirs? Honestly, the killer mindset in Baki has been perfectly awakened.

The cloth falling prematurely, he could now see the Otokage drawing out a more legendary sword - the Sword of Kusanagi. The Grass Cutter. What a valuable addition to his collection it would be. Their eyes met; the Daimyo seeing the Hiramekarei drawn and ready to roll, and Baki seeing that the glowing heat from Kusanagi is ready to burn its edge onto his meaty flesh. "Fucking prick" The Daimyo made the first move, as expected - he had drawn his weapon first and his weapon was lighter. Clearly, he was one flashy swordsman. But Baki was a veteran at butchering motherfuckers like him. His Hiramekarei infused with tons of chakra beforehand, ready to be swung at the little girl and killed - mercilessly leaving her parents childless and with a funeral check. But Baki changed tactic this time, focusing on the ivory-haired swordsman. The Daimyo, nine meters away from him, still had to have his sword cross at least that much distance for the Kusanagi to reach him. Baki, on the other hand, only had to move no more than two feet - executing actions within his own personal space. As he was also a Kenjutsu and martial arts master, he too had comparable speed-reactions as the Oto Daimyo, although for Baki - he had to move less distance, whereas the Daimyo has to move more. With the Hiramekarei in his right hand, he stabbed the fish-like blade onto the hot pussy-tight sand and rotated his body angle towards the flat side of the blade, and that's all he had to do. The extending Kusanagi, although launched first, could be dealt with the simplest, shortest actions. The edge of the blade hit the Hiramekarei's hard skin, the heated blade trying to slice its way into it. But with the increased distance between the two of them and the chakra aura focused onto the blade, the Kusanagi did not slice any further than  perhaps half a centimeter into the valuable Hiramekarei. "'Ey there billy, don't try to fuck with me! You betta didn't damage my fucking favorite dick-blade!"

Kicking his knee to the flat end of the sword to support its defense, eventually he didn't budge any more than a meter before the Daimyo's strength faltered, and the cutting power didn't drive any more pressure onto Baki's sword. His goons were safe. But the shinobi were not. Now it's time for Baki to go HAM! Focusing a massive level of chakra into the Hiramekarei, it is time for him to execute the fatal blow - the attack that will end it all. No more pain or suffering in life. A quick, spectacular finish to what would have been a great duel. Eat my shit, boi!"

With the chakra infused, he would swing with great force. The swing would knock the Kusanagi blade aside, repelling it meters away from him with the monstrous force he exerted from his strong muscles. But at the same time, it would also throw a large, rectangular-sized chakra projectile straight at the Daimyo, while the Kusanagi blade was still knocked aside. This chakra rectangle would have several, considerable spikes on the side facing the Daimyo. Upon contact, it would stab the man right in the mouth, neck, and all the way down to the middle of his chest right where his lungs were. Possibly, it would go even further and even shred him into two halves. The girl who was right besides the Daimyo would probably be hit by the impact of the attack, and be knocked out, without major injuries.

By the time the Kusanagi and the Hiramekarei had connected earlier, one hell of a mole named zanji uzumaki had risen from the surface - right behind his army. Having have failed to impale the sucker earlier, the desert raiders would be surprised at the sound of a sword being drawn and by the time someone turned, they were swiftly cut down by the sword of the black Sharingan warrior. But he was a foolish genetic freak. For ramming through the legions of men like parting through the sea, he is leaving himself completely open for group attacks. Although the desert raiders were not particularly skilled, they could still utilize chakra - the power of the shinobi, and some of them can even utilize jutsu. Although several men had their limbs sliced off, their guts stabbed, and some punched away into the crowd, Zanji would find himself completely surrounded - enclosed by several dozen men, all of whom were charging in upon him. Armed with chakra-enhanced spears, scimitars, knives, swords, they all came at him like a raging bull, attempting to overwhelm him with sheer numbers and instill fear from their combined, thunderous loud cries and shouts! The human brain could only take so much pressure from resonating battle sounds. The raiders did not really care for one another, they wanted glory, money, and power. Only the death of their leader would depart all but a select few. Concaving upon this man, their energized weapons would do far too little; only landing a scratch on the darkened skin at best. But some were more competent, aiming at the eyes and into the cranium... and some others aiming at another weak point - his genitals. Balls, testes, etc, even when hardened into a raging boner, would still be subject to pain. Baki's desert raiders; numbering close to 130, would pile upon Zanji rapidly, attempting to get into contact with him, even if it meant jumping from the crowd and landing upon his head, beating him with their bare hands. There were still more coming in to fight the guy, some men standing by with preparations ready while the rest ganged up on him. Blindsided by the numerous men and his own darkened personal space from such overwhelming numbers, he would have to fight on an omnidirectional level to defend his life, having almost no time to weave any more than one hand seal before some other guy comes into contact with him.

What a clusterfuck this invasion has been.


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

The too legendary blades clashing, making the sound of metal sweetly ring throughout the air, it woke the beast that was Junpei Hozuki. Fuck the Sound Daimyo title, the mouth this bastard Junpei was facing had, had successfully got the teen in the mood for some real fighting and it had been such a long time since he relished in such pleasures. Just as the blades rang, Junpei's grip on the handle tightened and loosened, this being him tossing the blade and imbuing the blade with the enhancing jutsu known as the Samurai Saber Technique. Using the body of Hiramekarei as a fulcrum, the blade would rotate around in a surreal fashion, still with the intention of executing its target and also guided by the power of Junpei's mind. This in actuality was the Sword of Kusanagi's ability to be remote controlled through telekinesis and if this bandit wielding Hiramekarei didn't move as fast as the rotating blade, he would be cut clean through like how guillotines operated.




Zanji right eye  moved about reacting moving as he watched all the incoming attacks. So many attacks and yet they all seemed so slow. He smiled as he brushed off the attacks at his groin legs and back. but all they're attacks would be for naught. He had covered every square inch of his body with his earth spear. The blades barely even making a scratch against this blackened skin. He narrowed his eye and weaved his head avoiding the attacks to his eyes and growled. They would dare to attack his precious treasure. He kept moving his head avoiding the attacks against them there blades would be destroyed by his iron skin. He quickly covered his  right eye as a man tried to stab it and he growled viciously. He right hand smashing the pointed blade to pieces after it made contact. Even with there feeble chakra coated weapons they would be no match for his earth spear.  

He cracked his fingers open allowing his sharingan to peer through and allowing him some visual. He then brought his hands together and six chakra chains erupted from his body heading out towards the enemy. They crossed and extended to a full 15 meters he made sure the chains would go to vital areas in there chest each one would impale through the flesh easily and continue going through one person to the other. The chains would easily kill most of the men near hiim and covered hims in flecks of blood as he would have the bodies he caught dangle in the air. the chains would finally cease and then sink inot the ground after they went there full 15 meters away from him. though he had one chain continue through the sand like a burrowed create he was barely ale to reach the guy with the special swords leg nd he would shoot the chain and wrap it around his ankle and pull him off balance.  He chuckled as he slowly turned and looked over with his left a eye at the carnage the daimyo was doing. He shouted "Daimyo-sama hurry it it up with that guy I wanna get something to eat, and I got dibs on that guys special sword you promised me a a special item and I want that one!."


The Blue V

The Blue V


Fuck my life..... Baki thought. The great legendary sword, Hiramekarei drawn and out in the open, grasped in his burly, muscular hands, he was ready to make his attack on the girl who got in his way. The cloth thrown, it was particularly heavy, literally bringing down the trajectory of the bubble wave with its sheer gravitational weight, causing the chakra-produced jet to fall uselessly on the heated surface, its aim failing to hit the superior Baki in anyway. He had no had this much trouble since those two chicks he bent last week. They kept on struggling and yelling in bed, which annoyed the shit out of this sexual champion. So he got rough, and what ended up happening by the morning came was one bloody orgy. Those junkies stopped moving by then, so they had to be... trashed. Well, these mix of foreigners were starting to bug him to no end. Little pests. Who in the devil's name do they think they are? Barging over here to defend a village not theirs? Honestly, the killer mindset in Baki has been perfectly awakened.

The cloth falling prematurely, he could now see the Otokage drawing out a more legendary sword - the Sword of Kusanagi. The Grass Cutter. What a valuable addition to his collection it would be. Their eyes met; the Daimyo seeing the Hiramekarei drawn and ready to roll, and Baki seeing that the glowing heat from Kusanagi is ready to burn its edge onto his meaty flesh. "Fucking prick" The Daimyo made the first move, as expected - he had drawn his weapon first and his weapon was lighter. Clearly, he was one flashy swordsman. But Baki was a veteran at butchering motherfuckers like him. His Hiramekarei infused with tons of chakra beforehand, ready to be swung at the little girl and killed - mercilessly leaving her parents childless and with a funeral check. But Baki changed tactic this time, focusing on the ivory-haired swordsman. The Daimyo, nine meters away from him, still had to have his sword cross at least that much distance for the Kusanagi to reach him. Baki, on the other hand, only had to move no more than two feet - executing actions within his own personal space. As he was also a Kenjutsu and martial arts master, he too had comparable speed-reactions as the Oto Daimyo, although for Baki - he had to move less distance, whereas the Daimyo has to move more. With the Hiramekarei in his right hand, he stabbed the fish-like blade onto the hot pussy-tight sand and rotated his body angle towards the flat side of the blade, and that's all he had to do. The extending Kusanagi, although launched first, could be dealt with the simplest, shortest actions. The edge of the blade hit the Hiramekarei's hard skin, the heated blade trying to slice its way into it. But with the increased distance between the two of them and the chakra aura focused onto the blade, the Kusanagi did not slice any further than  perhaps half a centimeter into the valuable Hiramekarei. "'Ey there billy, don't try to fuck with me! You betta didn't damage my fucking favorite dick-blade!"

His knee kicked to the flat end of the sword earlier to support its defense, eventually he didn't budge any more than a meter before the Daimyo's strength faltered, and the cutting power didn't drive any more pressure onto Baki's sword. But that was all part of the scheme, for the Sound Daimyo had simply imbued his legendary Kusanagi with chakra and released his hand over the handle. His own sword used as a fulcrum for the Kusanagi to rotate around unpredictably, at close range, he'd no doubt lose his life. But Baki already went HAM! A massive amount of chakra already focused in the Hiramekarei, Baki immediately counter-attacked. Eat my shit, boi!"

With the chakra infused, he would swing with great force right before running towards the enemy. The swing would knock the Kusanagi blade aside just as it began to rotate from the Hiramekarei as fulcrum, repelling it several meters away from him with the monstrous force he exerted from his strong muscles, knocking its spinning pivot point off balance. But at the same time, it would also launch a large, rectangular-sized chakra projectile straight at the unarmed Daimyo six meters away, extending at Weaponry/Taijutsu Mastery speed while the Kusanagi blade was still knocked aside. This chakra rectangle would have several, considerable spikes on the side facing the Daimyo. Upon contact, it would stab the man right in the mouth, collar, and the middle of his chest right at the top of where his lungs were, no doubt keeping him from retaining consciousness. The girl who was right besides the Daimyo would probably be hit by the impact of the attack, and be knocked out, without major injuries.

The men who had been fighting with Neah failed miserably. Failing to have attacked his vital points, their options and hopes were lost. They were fodder men, with no hope of even taking down the powerhouse Neah. He was shielded by his jutsu, immune to physical attacks. Not even attacks at the un-hardened worked. Bits of metal flying into the air, some of them even stabbed other men. A last ditch effort. Three guys ran from his back to try to beat his head in. But it was too late. Hands rubbed against each other, and out came six chakra chains, which manuevered like snakes to impale any of the desert raiders that were within 15 meters of him. In just twenty seconds, the desert raider count of 126 plummeted. Zanji Uzumaki had killed 80 men overall. The chains dangled with the men in air, like a carnage masterpiece of the ancient Uzumaki clan. Vlad the Impaler would be no less impressed. It was an impaling art, a painting that could strike more terror than what he was depicted doing. People were penetratteeeedd.

The 46 men knew that they were going to lose. Six of the men already jumped ship, leaving the forty frightened that were at a distance, just waiting to get onto the fight shaking. They were still circled around him, but now at a distance. The chains had disappeared, only some men could see that one of the chains was underground. It did not matter though. By the time the chain popped up from where Junpei and Baki were fighting, Baki had already left the scene, getting closer to the Sound Daimyo in order for the distance to be of sufficient range for his chakra attack to hit. But anyway, just as the chains disappeared and before the hidden one went up from underground, the guards went desperate for a final futile assault. Spears, bits of blades, swords were all thrown towards zanji, some of them having jutsu casted upon them. Channeling their chakras through them, they came down upon him like a rain of arrows. They were a desperate, clumsy attempt to keep him going any further, trying to protect their master Baki from the likes of him. Zanji must not approach any further, as his chain was still right under where Baki used to be. Chakra lent its helping hand against the Earth Spear defense. Most were aimed at his legs. Dozen at his hips, several at his lap, a set at his ankles, a bunch at his shin, a barrage at his ankles, a few at the feet, two at his toes, and a singular stray gliding like a missile into the right canthus. But the guards did not just stop him from coming further with predictable ranged attacks. With broken spear-heads and scimitars, twenty guards charged from behind Zanji after all those attacks would hit. In truth, some of them used the Bunshin no Jutsu, trying to confuse good ol' Zanji with sheer numbers. They would try to get up close and try to pin him to the hot ground before beating him up all over with their hands. The raiders were being quickly mowed down, with the turnout of the duel resting in between Zanji and Baki's guards, and between Baki and Junpei.

Baki's chakra:
250-25 = 225 (10% toll)

Not gonna do chakra for fodder men, especially since how fight's probably gonna end by the next turn.


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

"Such a pain in the FUCKING ASS!!!"Junpei had yelled, simply liquifying himself to void the chakra influenced attack. In that instance, the wall of possible death was rendered useless as it simply slashed Junpei's frame that was water. All was good, at least in this instance, but with the heat form the sand and sun, he couldn't stay in this state for long, so he was quick to reform himself about 3m to Baki's right. The Kusanagi blade suspended in mid air was still in range for Junpei's telekinetic control, but there was no fun in such simple combat. Gripping Nuibari from his back, a thin line of silver was the trail the blade had left as it was aimed straight for Baki's head. Using a technique known as Freefrom, a custom made Hozuki jutsu to hold the thread of Nuibari, Junpei's hands were freed and in this instance he made a simple Tiger handseal. Cheeks puffing, then squeezing inwards from the expulsion, the orb would be following the needle of death closely. This sphere was almost as big as the soul it was intended to kill.




Zanji reveled in the carnage he was onslaughting upon the weak bandits. His chains ripping through them impaling there bodies one after another. their screams of pain sounded like a symphoney played by the greatest orchestra. he couldn't help but grin wildly as one after another there lifes were extinquished. then he felt something wet and warm trickle onto his shoulder. He looked up and saw the beauty of his art he created. His chains suspending them through there chests blood trickling down his chains slowly the blood began to trickle down onto him fsster and faster soon a downpour of blood covered him from head to toe staining him crimson.

He slowly licked his lips as he placed his headband back over his right eye. he turned hisnhead slowly facing thr remaining forces around him. his chakra chains rattling excitedly almost "anyone else care for anothe dance lesson?" his fingers clentched exitedly open and closed over the handle of his katana. These men never learned it seemed a pitty... for them. His grin grew as he kep5 up his earth spear and sighed as there weapons once again were utterly useless and shattered on his skin. He sighed and smirked as he had his chains do another round of impalation of the surviving members having his chains go there full extent striking with deadly accuracy.

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