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1Welcome Aboard[Private] Empty Welcome Aboard[Private] Sat Jun 07, 2014 10:15 am

OG Swank.

OG Swank.
Iwa Genin
Iwa Genin

Kotaro paused as he looked up at his surroundings and then turned back to see how far he had come. In front of him was what seemed to be and endless path into a dark trench, while behind him was the opening of the trench and a large gathering of light, as it was still day. The trench that surrounded him was about 25m high at its peak, but it had many levels slopes and other plateaus one could walk on, Kotaro though had chosen the lowest path the travel on. Looking up and to his left on one of the higher elevated paths he saw the man he was following, but the man still wasn't aware of Kotaro's presence. The reason he chose to walking the lower path was because it was heavily shaded making it near impossible to see him. So following this shady fellow that was clothed in an all black cloak, Kotaro kept his guard up, constantly checking his surroundings and also watching the man.

"It would be best if I got back up . . ." His eyes reared back to the way he came, but he didn't want to lose the mans trail. He felt he was safe enough with the both of his puppets with him sealed inside the Koi Scroll. So hugging close to the rocky plateau wall beside him, he continued to follow the man until they reached a dead end. Kotaro took the opportunity to duck a little low, for the mans head peered around and checked his surroundings for the first time during his whole trip, that was his main mistake seeing as not until he got to his destination did he check for followers. The man then moved through a quick set of handseals and the wall trembled when he placed his hand on it. Then after a while, it shook again and lifted revealing another man on the other side of the wall. "Where you followed?" The other man spoke, shaking his head no, the man permitted him inside and scanned the area. Luckily Kotaro wasn't seen, but before he knew it the wall was closing again. "Shit . . . stay calm, I can always come back with others to handle this." Nodding to himself, he figured that's what he'd do, so he turned back in hopes of heading back to Iwagakure.

"A-" His mouth was covered, by a shinobi clothed in all black, the only thing visible being his own eyes. Kotaro's heart thumped and his own pupils shook in fear and before he knew it the mans eyes spun into a demonic red shade, revealing three unsettling coma shaped markings. "Sleep." The man spoke and without another feeling of terror, the boy was unconscious.

Coming to his senses, he found himself laid out on a stone floor behind a spectral purple barrier. His scrolls were stripped from him, as were his sealing tags as he checked his body. "They took everything . . . shit this is bad." Looking beyond the seal, he could make out four frames, one being the man he followed, the other being the man who allowed him entry, one being dressed in the fashion the mysterious Uchiha was dressed in, and another was a brown haired man seated with crossed legs and eyes closed seemingly focused on the barrier a few feet away. The one that permitted the man entrance seemed to be also yelling at the man who lead Kotaro hear, but it seemed the barrier made all sounds outside of it inaudible. Kotaro didn't know what to do and waiting would do him no good, so he moved up to the part of the barrier where the man was seated and tapped on it. One eye opened and beneath his the cloth that covered his mouth, Kotaro could see his lips move, but not hear his words. This made the two stop arguing and the Uchiha peer over. Some more words were then exchanged and then the barrier man nodded and the barrier's color went from purple to blue.

Upon this color change Kotaro was granted audibility from tings outside the barrier, this evident from the sound of the footsteps of approaching doorman. "Drop the barrier . . ." He commanded with a raised hand from a signal. As told the man dropped the barrier and rolled out his shoulders. "That was a pain." Walking away, Kotaro focused back on the doorman. "So . . ." He grabbed the Genin by the collar of his cloak and lifted him with his left hand. "Tell me how smart you thought it was to wander off from your village following strangers?" Kotaro's eyes shifted to the mans other hand which was thankfully empty. "I think it was a good idea, but the only flaw was . . . I got caught." The man snickered before his right fist rose to strike Kotaro in the jaw leaving a sour taste in his numbed mouth. "That's for getting caught." Tossing Kotaro back onto the ground, the man tossed his pipe and sealing papers to him. "That's for answering correctly. Wanna try your luck with one more question?" The man withdrew a kunai from his sleeve with the flick of his wrist which Kotaro couldn't take his hands off of. "I don't have much of a choice . . . so yeah" His eyes moved to his pipe as he thought about retaliating with a jutsu, but their would be know way he could take on even one of these guys, definitely without his puppets.

The man didn't bother to comment on the Genin's shifty eyes, but instead moved on. "This one is very simple . . . Do you want to live or die?" Kotaro's heart beat painfully in his chest, not because of fear from dying, but because he already knew the answer. Then with the answer came the unknown, but assumed repercussions. Kotaro was silent as he truthfully thought about the choice he'd make. Even if he chose to die right now he wouldn't be recognized for it. He wouldn't be seen as a Genin who chose to die rather than commit some unknown task. He would be known as a Genin that disappeared and was never found . . . he couldn't let that happen. "So . . . what's it gonna be kid, I don't have all day!" Kotaro looked at and scoffed at him. "If I was choosing to die I would at least be retaliating in effort to kick your ass right now, so what do you think my choice is?" Kotaro then came to a stand brushing himself off and spitting a small accumulation of blood to the side.

"That smart mouth will get you no where kid, but you're lucky our friend here says you're pretty useful. He told us about that scroll you nabbed for him." The man pointed back to the cohort he was previously yelling at and Kotaro then recognized him and mentally cursed in rage at the man and his whole damned lineage. "So what do you want me to do . . . can I get all my shit back?" Addressing his scroll in such a disrespectful way, he hoped to paint the idea that it didn't mean much to him, when it actually meant the world. "Not yet, cause the moment I do, you're gonna try to high tail it out of here . . . so." He motioned his hand and he was tossed the scroll, by the barrier man who was walking over. Balancing the scroll on the spool, the man rested a hand on the opposite end. "Open your mouth." Kotaro's eyes shifted over to the barrier man now by the other mans side. He was a bit skeptical on the idea of it, but he figured he'd better communicate and follow the mans commands. Opening his mouth, the Genin nervously eyed the two of them and then the barrier man moved through handseals to soon make his thumb glow green with flames. "Repeat after me. I swear to keep all secrets of this organization a secret to outsiders." Kotaro didn't have much of a choice and he repeated the mans words. As soon as he did, not a moment to breath after, the thumb was pressed against his tongue and a seal was painfully burned into the teens pink flesh. "Welcome aboard Kotaro." Tipping the scroll towards the teen, Kotaro caught it with an extended hand and cursed the man mentally as he walked away, his tongue burned with the same fire that fumed inside of his soul. Each of the men, though some hadn't done much, he all hated equally.

"Wait . . . your names, what are they?" Kotaro spoke loud enough for all of those present to hear and then some as his words seemed to endlessly bounce off the caves walls. "That seal prevents me from speaking about this stuff to others, so it can't do any harm in knowing names can it?" Kotaro had an idea, to rid himself of the seal and with the peoples names he hoped he could exact his revenge on each of the souls present. "Hmmmm, so along with your puppets, you have skill in Fuinjutsu or just knowledge?" The man who seemed to run things turned and asked. "I believe I asked my question first." Though he was at these peoples mercy he figured since he was sworn into their clique that he was valuable in some way, shape, or form, and hopefully none of those involved him being dead. If so then he could press their buttons a bit and live to tell the tale . . . tell the tale to one of them, he supposed remembering the seal. "That mouth of yours really is something, but you have a point. I am Kagura, the Uchiha is known as Rain our stealth op, our Fuinjutsu specialist is Jun, then our foolish and newest addition before you is Tsubasa, who somehow manages to be our information gatherer and ambassador." Kotaro scanned the area, putting a face to all the names, but noted the only face identifiable was Kagura's the others being hidden by face mask of some sort. "Now I hope you have the decency to answer my question, Kotaro, do you have proficiency in Fuinjutsu." Kotaro turned and pointed to the sealing papers scattered on the ground next to his pipe. "What do you think those sealing papers are for . . . Kagura?" The mans face went from snarky to fumed in an instant as he stormed over to Kotaro's location and struck him down to the stone floor. "Are you skilled in Fuinjutsu or not boy, do not toy with me or that mouth you love to whip around so carelessly will be removed from your skull." Kagura's ninja sandal pressed hard against Kotaro's face, making the pressure against his face and the ground almost unbearable.

"Kagura, stop you're going too far!" The voice that emerged was that of a female and just the kindness behind it alone was enough to make Kotaro forget about the pain his face was going through, until the man released his foot. "You haven't seen too far, even killing the boy wouldn't be far enough with the mouth he has." Just like he came he stormed away into an opening in the cave room, that apparently lead to another area. Who would have known there were people actually living in this mountain, rather than on it. Just as Kagura left the other males did and Tsubasa was the only one to give Kotaro the slightest glance before entering the room and going out of sight. The girl who was more than beautiful then crouched down to the recovering Kotaro's side and in an instant her hands glowed with a calming green aura. "A Medical Ninja . . . go figure." Kotaro watched as she healed him, then he noticed he had almost forgotten to thank her. "Th-thank you, but I'll be fine, just a few bruises and scratches." He began to stand up, but her grip on his shoulder brought him back down. "Don't act tough please, just let me heal you." The look she gave Kotaro, made it impossible for the Genin to say no to her, so he sat back down and she continued to heal him. Just like he expected though, as she spoke, her tongue bore a seal on it, probably the exact same one as him.

"Sorry . . . so what's your name." The girl smiled and replied without taking her eyes away from her work. "It's Sheena and yours?" She hen looked at Kotaro and his eyes nervously veered away which made her giggle. "Kotaro, nice to meet you." Oafishly he then extended a hand to her as a gesture for a handshake. Covering her mouth as she chuckled once more, she stood and grabbed his hand helping him up instead. "ah, that was more of a-" She cut him off, as she walked to his belongings still lying on the stone floor. "I know, but you don't typically shake a girls hands unless, you're business partners or something right?" She didn't turn to Kotaro as she began to pick up the sealing papers. "Well seeing that we are both in this hell hole and have that seal on our tongues, I figured that would make us kinda business partners . . . right?" He walked over and began helping pick up the seals and then quickly went to grab Ryu. Her hand had grasped it first though and she lifted it to examine it. "A pipe? This isn't yours is it?" He found himself a little embarrassed a feeling he wasn't used to and he didn't know why he was feeling it. "Ye-yeah it's mines . . . but I only have it for a jutsu . . . I don't smoke . . . hey and what about my question." Again he earned a giggle from her as she handed him the pipe. "Yeah I guess we are business partners, must have slipped my mind." She smiled cheerfully to him and he could only wonder how she could due so in a place like this. "So, do you ever get to leave th-"

"Sheena! Come in here at once!" It was the voice of Kagura and he sounded quite angry, the girls expression changed to blank as she responded to her summon and without and extra thought or look, disappeared into the room, but soon Tsubasa materialized from outside of it. "So we're about to head out on your first assignment. Ready?" Kotaro was surprised at the teens enthusiasm present in his voice and at the sound of his voice. "Hey, why does your voice sound different than before?" Placing his belongings in his cloak, he forgot that he was suppose to be angry at the teen and regretted his words and their delivery. "Haha, it's a simple jutsu actually, just a voice change through using chakra, but you ready, don't want Kagura to erupt if he sees we're still here." Kotaro looked over Tsubasa's shoulder to the room then back to the weird ninja. "He's not going to hurt Sheena is he?" Tsubasa then laughed and began walking to the exit, obviously ready to get moving. "Oh her, of course not, Kagura couldn't bring himself to harm her if he wanted. Perks of being a medic I suppose." Tsubasa shrugged, before shifting through the handseals and placing his hands against the stone wall, making it rise allowing the dim aura of night time to pour into the cave. "Shit my parents are gonna be pissed." Probably not the first thing Kotaro should have thought about, but it was.

"Oh your parents, don't worry about them. Rain already told them you'd be gone on some missions for quite awhile, so no need to report home. Now come on, you can talk on the way to the village." The whole idea of him being in this organization was unsettling by itself, but the fact that this man so casually mentioned going to the village, was another thing. Just to know that criminals so easily got in, made Kotaro's stomach churn as he caught up to Tsubasa. Walking through the gorge, Kotaro replayed the events that unfolded just that morning and cursed himself out in sheer vehement rage for being so foolish. "Opps, let me close the entrance, don't want to forget that again, boy was Kagura pissed. Got a whole two weeks in the hole for that one." Kotaro watched as the male ran back to the entrance and sealed it shut. He not only noticed the handseals used to open it and close it were different, but they were also different on the other side of the door as well, meaning he would need to remember four sequences before he could hope to exact his revenge.

"Do I even want to know what the hole is?" As Tsubasa returned his eye brows peeked up at Kotaro's question then he laughed. "Haha, no you sure don't but you're bound to learn for yourself sooner or later, just hope it's more later." Patting Kotaro on the back, the teen could only think about this wretched hole and also killing Tsubasa here and now. Looking over at the teen, Kotaro began to size him up and he didn't seem like he would put up much of a good fight, but then again most dangerous ninja didn't. After all it seemed like the ninja in this group were recruited for a reason, each for a particular skill actually, so Kotaro wondered what Tsubasa possessed and now not if he could kill him, but if he could outrun him. "Thinking of killing me and running off? Or just running?" Tsubasa smiled deviously with his hands in his pockets at Kotaro and the teen stopped in his tracks. What had he gotten himself into? "Haha, I only know that, because I thought the same when I was on my first assignment with Jun, no worries, I'm not psychic or anything." Tsubasa widened his eyes on the words psychic and though it was a bit reassuring, Kotaro still felt defeated. Upon running back, what would he do then? The seal on his tongue still stopped him from speaking about the organization and he had the strange feeling that the Uchiha, Rain, was watching him.


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