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Tsuchikage & Anbu Leader Situation [Sabo] Pixel

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Tsuchikage & Anbu Leader Situation [Sabo]

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Kansuke walks threw the village is his regular morning walks. His long white hair flowing threw his face and his body as the wind passes by in Iwagakure. Kansuke's yellow eyes watch the civilians have a normal day as always, Kansuke notice something within the village something that make this village weak. Something that the village needs something that he has to be discuss with the Tsuchikage. Kansuke as the head of the Anbu needs more members to his Anbu he has no one and there's nearly any Jounins and genins. The village could be taken over by another village with a larger amount of ninja not thy Kansuke was scare of the other villages but still in case of any war the village needs more ninjas.

Kansuke looked at the sky the blue sky reflected from the water. Even of Iwa was a dry land the sky was as blue as were it was near a place surrounded by water. The Clouds were white as sugar a normal day indeed Kansuke continued his walk to the Tsuchikage office the place were Kansuke got his title of Anbu leader. His serious face like always the master of genjutsu was the Tsuchikage an Uchiha a master at everything indeed he was the best in the village specially with his sharingan. Kansuke made it to the Tsuchikage palace this place was known to all even Kansuke he open the door and walked threw the steeps to get to the office. One he made it to the door he stopped and looked at the door as he knows what waits for him. As he open the doors and walks in as he closes them, "Garuda we need to talk about something" Kansuke says.



Tsuchikage & Anbu Leader Situation [Sabo] 166lvcx

"Hmmm? What is it you need, Kansuke?"Garuda would ask as he looked up from the paperwork he was going over at the man who had just entered his office, a blank look was on his face as he looked at him as he was just doing work and didn't expect anyone to come and see him. Something important must be going for him to call him by his first name; because even though Garuda didn't require people to address him by saying Lord Tsuchikage or something on that line. But whatever it wasn't that much of a big deal to Garuda so he wouldn't say anything about it, well unless it started to become a habit of the man.

Garuda's bodyguard on the other hand, Shika, felt that the newly appointed Anbu captain was really disrespectful when he spoke to Garuda. So Shik would move from the corner he was in and walk in front of Kansuke. Even though the man wouldn't beable to see the angry expression on his face his words would show the anger he had with the man."How dare you! You will address the Tsuchikage with the proper respect he deserves! No matter what your standing is within the village you aren't permitted to call him by his first name, unless he gives you permission." Shika would say to the man behind his Anbu mask. He spoke like this because he was the personal bodyguard of the Tsuchikage and didn't allow anyone to disrespect him.



The bodyguard of Garuda would show the meaning of respect to Kansuke. As Kansuke would slowly take off his dragon Anbu mask and who his face with total seriousness he would calmly address Garuda's bodyguard. "Look Child I have no time for your insolence, we stand in two different positions ... Me calling the Tsuchikage By his name is my way off showing respect of course I won't say it around the village but in his office were the only two people is me and him I would call him by his name so if you don't like it deal with it" Kansuke said as he slowly pass by the guard as his long white hair passes by him also and his yellow eye targeted the Tsuchikage again as the other eye was cover in a eye patch for a civil war in the village years ago. Kansuke stood in front of the Tsuchikage desk "Lord Garuda I have to talk to you about the village" Kansuke pause and then continued "We have nearly no Jounins nor Anbu in the village itself how long are we going to wait for recruiting Jounins or Anbu members if another village knows that we lack in ninjas they could gang up on us ... Not that I'm saying that we can't handle harsh situations we been in it for a while I'm just saying we should start recruiting more people" Kansuke says as he looks out the window behind were the Tsuchikage stand.

Kansuke stand there waiting for his response. As he slowly walks over the desk to the nearest window looking over the village with silence it was either Garuda-sama or the guard to respond ether way he would answer both of them. Kansuke care about the village but he never show it, hard for him to show feeling something his heart was full of darkness and hatred just like almost everyone. Known his the only one left of his clan it made it ever harder to express happy thoughts with.



The Bodyguard, Shika, would say not a word as when the man walked passed him Shika would look at Garuda for any type of sign of what he should do next; but Shika wouldn't get the response he thought he would get. As Garuda would just give a signal by gesturing him to get back over to the corner. Garuda felt that they both where showing no respect to him or to each other from how they spoke to each other. But enough of that as Kansuke would begin to speak about something that Garuda has went over countless times with the village elders on what is needed to be done about the problems the village has, and the lack of high ranking shinobi was his most recent discussion with them. And since he has already spoken about people that can help him settle that matter he didn't intend to trouble himself on speaking about it any further; but he would tell, or at least try, Kansuke something that would not have him worrying anymore.

Garuda would stand to his feet and walk away from his desk, he would move himself to the couch that was in front of his desk. As he wanted to sit in a more comfy spot as he spoke."I know about this problem you speak of and I have done all i have to fix it. But I don't think anyone will be attacking us anytime soon...well not any of the other major villages that is."Garuda would stand to his feet and stretch before sitting back down on the couch."Sorry, but I can't really go into more detail about the meaning of my words." Garuda would stand back to his feet and go over to his desk, an expressionless look on his face as he sat back down. He wanted to tell Kansuke what he has planned for the village and the problems it had, but he felt there was no need to.



Kansuke stood looking out the window as the Tsuchikage moved to the couch near his desk. Kansuke stood listening to the Tsuchikage as he explain in the best way he would, Kansuke looke up at the sky thinking to himself as the Tsuchikage continued with the conversation. "hmm I see then ... There's nothing to go over the village then" Kansuke sai as he moved out the window and he went back to the front of the desk. "Well then Lord Tsuchikage we have little to talk about then but there something still blank on this topic but I trust your word" Kansuke said to Garuda as he walks to the couch near his desk and sat down as he lay back a bit  as he looked at both the Tsuchikage and his guard "I know your busy with paper work but I want to have a spar with you my Lord" Kansuke said as he bow in respect.

Kansuke hope he didn't take it as a disrespectful think to say he just want to see if the blood of the Uchiha truly ran threw him. A master at work would be the best for Kansuke I he was a true Uchiha he would fight Kansuke with out any problem he was the Tsuchikage for a reason a man of power and respect a true warrior in battle but Kansuke wanted to see it with his own eyes.



"A spar? Hmmm maybe give me a second to think about it." Garuda would say with a smirk on his face as he rubbed his chin and looked up at the ceiling. He was busy and hated leaving work undone but he was an Uchiha and loved the thrill of a good fight of any kind. Garuda would look over to his guard and then over to Kansuke. To Garuda this was a very tough decision on his part, as he would either be going against his principles or going against his blood. Garuda would stop rubbing his chin and stand to his feet, he would then put his hands in his pockets."No, I just can't. I have many things to do at this time..BUT don't worry as you have given me some ideas. And also I will fight you later on today. I know you understand how busy I can get...You know what...Never mind I guess I could do spar with you for a little bit." Garuda would say still not truly sure on what he wanted to do, as he hoped his secretary wouldn't find out he had decided to spar instead of work. As she truly struck fear in him, which many couldn't even dream of doing.



Kansuke looks up at Garuda as he denied then agreed to his offer of a spar. Kansuke was a bit confuse about it but payed little attention to his denial at first as he stood up and looked at the guard and then at Garuda " Alright what about after we done with this spar ill held you with the paper work my lord" Kansuke said as he had to do his duty as an Anbu leader and help his Tsuchikage.

As he bows down to the Tsuchikage and his guard. As he then walks to the door "Thank you for this spar, you won't regret it a bit My Lord ill see you in the field." Kansuke said as he open the door then closed the door behind him. As he walked down the stairs and left the Tsuchikage palace.




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