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1More Magic Empty More Magic Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:41 am

Expression of Will

Expression of Will

Name: Magic.!
Rank:  S
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offensive
Element: Ranton
Range:  50m
Duration: 1-3 posts
Hand Seals/Charge up: Bird—Monkey – Boar – Dog  
Description: The ultimate expression of the Laser Circus technique, this ability follows a similar pattern as the parent ability though incorporates some additional power. Like the original, the user will complete the required seals and focus his storm chakra into a halo-like construct from which a mass of controllable beams will emerge. However, rather than simply create a the energetic circle around the user’s hand, this ability crafts the beam generating construct around his entire body, allowing for the generation of the laser-like beams (forty maximum) from any point of the user’s body, each up to one and a half feet in diameter. Alternatively, the beams may be generated from other masses of storm chakra created by the user. In these ways, the ability possesses a greater degree of flexibility than the parent technique as well as greater piercing power as well. As with most ability of the storm release, the beams generated by this ability can easily penetrate barriers of one rank higher than themselves. In the case of this ability, the beams can slice through S rank defenses with ease and can even penetrate defenses layered atop one another. The user must pay for the increased power of this ability in the form of his mobility. When active, the user must keep his feet planted, unable to move from the chosen location while controlling the beams.
Weakness: Limits mobility by preventing the user’s feet from moving. User cannot perform A rank or higher abilities while manipulating this technique. Barrier style wind release techniques of A rank or higher will reduce the strength of the beams by one rank. Arashi Clan.

Name: Magic!.
Rank:  S
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offensive
Element: Ranton
Range: Self
Duration: 5 posts
Hand Seals/Charge up: Ox – Rat – Dragon | Dragon
Description: A version of the Black Light Dance taken to the utmost extremes, this ability requires a profound mastery of the storm element in order to grasp and preform. With it, the user will complete the hand seals (less if already under the effects of Black Light Dance) and focus his storm chakra. However, rather than causing the energy oscillate around himself, as with the weaker parent technique, this ability causes the high powered storm energy to flow both around and through the user, filling his body with a large supply of storm chakra and creating a kind of cloak similar to the Black Light Dance technique. However, unlike the parent ability, this technique’s cloak generates a powerful defensive barrier, capable of disintegrating incoming techniques of A rank or lower with corporeal forms, repelling B rank or lower techniques of intangible natures, and weakening all others by one rank. Unique to interactions with suiton and raition, this cloak with hypercharge them with the opposite element, morphing the abilities into an equivalent volume of storm chakra which passes harmlessly through the user’s energized body. The ability also grants the user’s body piercing power equal to its rank and presents an astounding threat to any would be taijutsu practitioner as the violent energy can easily vaporize physical attacks.

However, he true strength of the ability lies not in its defensive capabilities but rather in the supplementary nature of the mass of storm chakra. As the chakra flows through every fiber of the user’s being, the user can elect to take control of the chakra as he would with any other ranton technique allowing him to temporarily take on the characteristics of storm chakra and to “flow” through or around incoming attacks or barriers. While seemingly banal, this allows for an astoundingly versatile fighting style while active, the user altering his trajectories and positioning at a moment’s notice in seemingly unnatural ways.
Weakness: S ranked wind release technique of a wide spread, offensive nature can dissipate the ability, reducing the duration by two posts or ending it if the duration would go below zero. Provides poor defense against intangible releases. Ranton formed by contact with water or lighting based techniques frequently cause widespread damage and place allies in immediate way of harm. Usable only one time per thread. Arashi Clan.

Name: Judgment
Rank:  S
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offensive
Element: Ranton
Range: 50m
Duration: 2 post charge, 1 post attack
Hand Seals/Charge up: Ox—Snake—Tiger—Hare  
Description: Upon completion of the aforementioned hand signs, the user will generate a large mass of storm chakra within his body before releasing it into the skies in the form of a quick moving bolt. This chakra then settles temporarily in the atmosphere, jumping about as it absorbs ambient moisture and generates static, ultimately allowing the ability to grow in strength as it charges up in the sky. Once the energy is fully charged [2 posts] the user may call down the orbital strike, releasing the energy in a barrage of a hundred beams of ranton energy, each a meter in diameter and moving at a speed equal to the user’s mastery over ninjutsu. These beams have the characteristic piercing power of their element, capable of easily tearing through S ranked barriers and continuing onward. Additionally, like most other beam-like abilities of the Storm element, these beams can be manipulated, causing their course to alter in accord with the will of the user. However, due to the sheer number of beams and the blinding speed at which they move, fine control over them become impossible and the user is simply able to adjust their course as they fall to earth.
Weakness: The user may not initiate other A or S rank ninjutsu while this technique charges. Indiscriminant and can prove dangerous to allies and friendlies. Technique is rather noticeable and, while not directly pinpointing the user, heralds danger to the immediate area. Arashi Clan.

Last edited by Expression of Will on Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:59 am; edited 1 time in total

2More Magic Empty Re: More Magic Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:51 am



Expression of Will wrote:Name: Magic.!
Rank:  S
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offensive
Element: Ranton
Range:  50m
Duration: 1-3 posts
Hand Seals/Charge up: Bird—Monkey – Boar – Dog  
Description: The ultimate expression of the Laser Circus technique, this ability follows a similar pattern as the parent ability though incorporates some additional power. Like the original, the user will complete the required seals and focus his storm chakra into a halo-like construct from which a mass of controllable beams will emerge. However, rather than simply create a the energetic circle around the user’s hand, this ability crafts the beam generating construct around his entire body, allowing for the generation of the laser-like beams (forty maximum) from any point of the user’s body, each up to one and a half feet in diameter. Alternatively, the beams may be generated from other masses of storm chakra created by the user. In these ways, the ability possesses a greater degree of flexibility than the parent technique as well as greater piercing power as well. As with most ability of the storm release, the beams generated by this ability can easily penetrate barriers of one rank higher than themselves. In the case of this ability, the beams can slice through S rank defenses with ease and can even penetrate defenses layered atop one another. The user must pay for the increased power of this ability in the form of his mobility. When active, the user must keep his feet planted, unable to move from the chosen location while controlling the beams.
Weakness: Limits mobility by preventing the user’s feet from moving. User cannot perform A rank or higher abilities while manipulating this technique. Barrier style wind release techniques of A rank or higher will reduce the strength of the beams by one rank. Arashi Clan.

I actually really like this, it sounds visually beautiful to be honest. Hahaha. APPROVED.

Name: Magic!.
Rank:  S
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offensive
Element: Ranton
Range: Self
Duration: 5 posts
Hand Seals/Charge up: Ox – Rat – Dragon | Dragon
Description: A version of the Black Light Dance taken to the utmost extremes, this ability requires a profound mastery of the storm element in order to grasp and preform. With it, the user will complete the hand seals (less if already under the effects of Black Light Dance) and focus his storm chakra. However, rather than causing the energy oscillate around himself, as with the weaker parent technique, this ability causes the high powered storm energy to flow both around and through the user, filling his body with a large supply of storm chakra and creating a kind of cloak similar to the Black Light Dance technique. However, unlike the parent ability, this technique’s cloak generates a powerful defensive barrier, capable of disintegrating incoming techniques of A rank or lower with corporeal forms, repelling B rank or lower techniques of intangible natures, and weakening all others by one rank. Unique to interactions with suiton and raition, this cloak with hypercharge them with the opposite element, morphing the abilities into an equivalent volume of storm chakra which passes harmlessly through the user’s energized body. The ability also grants the user’s body piercing power equal to its rank and presents an astounding threat to any would be taijutsu practitioner as the violent energy can easily vaporize physical attacks.

However, he true strength of the ability lies not in its defensive capabilities but rather in the supplementary nature of the mass of storm chakra. As the chakra flows through every fiber of the user’s being, the user can elect to take control of the chakra as he would with any other ranton technique allowing him to temporarily take on the characteristics of storm chakra and to “flow” through or around incoming attacks or barriers. While seemingly banal, this allows for an astoundingly versatile fighting style while active, the user altering his trajectories and positioning at a moment’s notice in seemingly unnatural ways.
Weakness: S ranked wind release technique of a wide spread, offensive nature can dissipate the ability, reducing the duration by two posts or ending it if the duration would go below zero. Provides poor defense against intangible releases. Ranton formed by contact with water or lighting based techniques frequently cause widespread damage and place allies in immediate way of harm. Usable only two times per thread and has a two post cool down in between uses. Arashi Clan.

Neat, neat idea. But, I'm going to need you to reduce it to only being used 1 time in a thread just due to the flexibility and almost un-damageable state you're put in. Sorry bud.

Name: Judgment
Rank:  S
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offensive
Element: Ranton
Range: 50m
Duration: 2 post charge, 1 post attack
Hand Seals/Charge up: Ox—Snake—Tiger—Hare  
Description: Upon completion of the aforementioned hand signs, the user will generate a large mass of storm chakra within his body before releasing it into the skies in the form of a quick moving bolt. This chakra then settles temporarily in the atmosphere, jumping about as it absorbs ambient moisture and generates static, ultimately allowing the ability to grow in strength as it charges up in the sky. Once the energy is fully charged [2 posts] the user may call down the orbital strike, releasing the energy in a barrage of a hundred beams of ranton energy, each a meter in diameter and moving at a speed equal to the user’s mastery over ninjutsu. These beams have the characteristic piercing power of their element, capable of easily tearing through S ranked barriers and continuing onward. Additionally, like most other beam-like abilities of the Storm element, these beams can be manipulated, causing their course to alter in accord with the will of the user. However, due to the sheer number of beams and the blinding speed at which they move, fine control over them become impossible and the user is simply able to adjust their course as they fall to earth.
Weakness: The user may not initiate other A or S rank ninjutsu while this technique charges. Indiscriminant and can prove dangerous to allies and friendlies. Technique is rather noticeable and, while not directly pinpointing the user, heralds danger to the immediate area. Arashi Clan.

It's wild. literally. Which is cool, makes for a good drawback. APPROVED.

3More Magic Empty Re: More Magic Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:00 am

Expression of Will

Expression of Will

Thanks so much!

Second one has appropriate edits. Totally reasonable, by the way.

You're the best Syndra! Thanks!

4More Magic Empty Re: More Magic Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:11 am



With the power of the of my Senju blood and the gift of modding. .  I claim the second jutsu: 

5More Magic Empty Re: More Magic Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:36 am



User is no longer active so this is now Archived.


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