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Ōsharu Kōkkai | Versatile Destruction

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Ōsharu Kōkkai | Versatile Destruction  1zvdddx
"I . . . Am the punishment of God . . . If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you . . ."

Ōsharu Kōkkai | Versatile Destruction  P91b

Name: Ōsharu Kōkkai

  • Ōshu | A nickname bestowed upon him by his mother as an infant, the women in his life tend to call him that to swoon Ōsharu over. Sadly, it does work.
  • Bleu | Due to the traits passed down through the Kōkkai bloodline, the nickname "Bleu" has come to be an interchangeable with his first name. Ōsharu actually takes pride in being called it as it is a symbol of his clan.
  • The Twenty-First Head of the Kōkkai clan | As the name suggests, this is an alias of Ōsharu's being that he is in the process becoming the leader of his clan. Typically, this title is used for political purposes.
  • Kirigakure no Mizuyajuu [ Sea Beast of the Hidden Mist ] | A fitting nickname bestowed upon him by enemies and allies a like due to the nature of his attacks and the intense chakra levels he possesses.
  • Whale's Stomach | This happens to be the only nickname that get's under his skin. Given to him by his peers because of the large portions of food he consumes at a single sitting, they say he holds a bottomless stomach like a Whale.

Age: Twenty-Eight (28)
Gender: Male
Village: Kirigakure
Village Rank: Mizukage
Skill Rank: S

Ōsharu Kōkkai | Versatile Destruction  V128

Weight: 171 lbs
Hair color: Blue
Eye Color: Hazel/Bronze
Looks Image: Provided Above
Looks Description:

[ Academy Arc ]

    - Head: From birth, certain traits in his genetics have come to blossom blue colored hair to sprout from his head, this is the most common and outstanding feature among his people. Ōsharu typically kept his hair at a medium length and with spikes tapering the back of his head, his bangs well exceeded beyond his jawline. For the most part, his hair would stay laid down with the exception of a spiked section of his hair that falls down in the middle of his face, resting smoothly in the center between his eyes. His eyes appear as bronze in low lighting while in areas of high lighting making them appear to glow a golden color. Being the unique type of person that he is, Ōsharu received a pair of snake bite piercings just below his bottom lip.- Torso: Being only a Nine(9) year old academy student, Ōsharu's body has not yet reached the very confusing stages of maturity, thus he is quite scrawny with little to no muscle on his body. Another characteristic trait of his people is the pale white skin of his body, some say this is due to the salt that they produce. As for clothing, Ōsharu wears nothing but a jacket with a furry hood attached to it and a zipper running down the front, dark blue line stream down the lengths of the sleeve before connecting with the same colored cuffs. Nothing is worn underneath this jacket because Ōsharu typically fights without it being on due to the nature of his techniques. His forehead protector is not in the typically place, instead it is tied around his right arm. In addition, he has bandages upon both of his arms, these unwind themselves when he performs his technique then wrap themselves when a technique is not in use.- Lower Body: Upon the lower half of his body Ōsharu wears a pair of standard shinobi pants dyed in a black hue. His feet are protected by a pair of blue sandals, a common piece of clothing in his village. Ōsharu is commonly seen with his right thigh bandaged a few times over, the purpose behind this is unknown in reality.

[ Genin Arc ]

    - Head: From his Academy Student years into those of his Genin, nothing really has changed about Xsalice besides the length of his hair and a few additional piercings. Ōsharu typically keeps his hair spiked all around the back of his head, his bangs well exceeded beyond his jawline. For the most part, his hair would stay laid down with the exception of a spiked section of his hair that falls down in the middle of his face, resting smoothly in the center between his eyes. His eyes appear as bronze in low lighting while in areas of high lighting making them appear to glow a golden color. Being the unique type of person that he is, Ōsharu received a pair of snake bite piercings just below his bottom lip. His hair has increased in length considerably, his bangs reach down to his chest while the rest flow just below his shoulders. More than one spiked region of hair now occupies the region between his eyes. Ōsharu has increased the amount of piercings he has to include a double helix piercing on his left ear. - Torso/Upper Body: As Ōsharu has moved on into his teenage years, Genin years, his body has begun to take on that of which his prime shall be composed of. His abdomen has begun to come through his now rather flat stomach and in addition his body has taken on slightly more muscle which is visible upon flexing. His forehead protector is no longer an accessory to his upper body. The jacket has been turned in and Ōsharu now dawns a short sleeved charcoal grey V-neck shirt with black trimmings along the neckline and the sleeves, metal fittings have been added to the shirt's designs along the shoulders. In addition, he has bandages upon both of his arms, these unwind themselves when he performs his technique then wrap themselves when a technique is not in use. Ōsharu has added a pair black gloves with the fingers cut out to his standard wear.- Lower Body: The lower half of his body is the least to have changed over the years. Upon the lower half of his body Ōsharu wears a pair of standard shinobi pants dyed in a dark grey hue. These are commonly tucked into a pair of black military styled boots that travel up and just below his knees. Ōsharu is commonly seen with his right thigh bandaged a few times over, the purpose behind this is unknown in reality. In addition, Ōsharu now wears wrapped around the bandages a maroon shuriken & kunai holster. Rather than traditionally being tied around his neck or, as seen in his younger years, around his arm; Ōsharu wears his forehead protector tied around his left thigh with a black cloth, adjacent to his bandages.

[ Mizukage Arc ]

- Head: Upon first sight the roundness of Ōsharu's head is really brought forward with his new choice of hairstyle. Albeit, still naturally blue, rather than the punk style look composed of many tufts of hair jetting out into spikes, Ōsharu now sports a more mature look with the majority of his hair flowing toward and past his shoulders. Unfortunately, only four tufts of hair were untrained and still remain jetted into spikes in what appear to be the four cardinal points. For unknown means, his hair splits above his left eye and his bangs have grown to cover the left side of his face, ending just above his lips. Neither of his ears are visible, but the same piercings from previous choices of styles remain.

- Torso/Upper Body: Still sporting the white under-shirt, though now utilizing a variation due to the tear in the center of the collar traveling slightly downward five (5) inches. A high collard charcoal grey zip-up jacket rests atop this, fur traces around the ends of the sleeves. Ōsharu retains his finger-less gloves, the only other addition is the spikes embedded in the shoulder area which are commonly used in conjunction with jutsu.

- Lower Body: Having switched sides, Ōsharu now wears his headband around his right leg rather than his left. Finally being convinced to buy a new pair of charcoal grey plants, Ōsharu has now found a way to incorporate his own style by ripping placing a rip in the area near the mid thigh. Rather than having the strapped combat boots, in their place are a pair of standard black lace up boots. A chain and a belt are wrapped around his waist.

Ōsharu Kōkkai | Versatile Destruction  Cy10

Personality Description:

[ Overview ]

In a brief summary, Ōsharu is a complex individual who has a difficult time with putting himself before others, he will put himself before others not out of greed, but because he knows that people will live their lives how they wish to and he'd rather ensure that his life keeps to how he wants it. Although he may not be evil or associated as a bad person, those moments do spring up that make people stop and wonder if he really could go all the way. The bond he shares with his brother holds through the most intense of strains. Patience has always been his strong point and from it a strategic mind and quiet nature have branched out and developed.

[ Image ]

Ōsharu has a deep sense of care about the image and the type of person that the public eye views him as. He'd rather make the morally correct choice, even if it wasn't his first option, for the sake of keeping his reputation tarnished or slandered. This is not to say that he is a goody-two-shoes because there are those times when Ōsharu gives in to his own will and let's an action that normally would tie his name with a negative connotation. When individuals that know him get word of mouth or even see these types of actions there tends to be a bit of a shock that comes with it, but at the same time the individual tends to get the feeling that this side of him has been present and repressed the entire time.

[ Good, Bad, Other? ]

Ōsharu gives no care for any type of alliance system that people try to categorize others in. In many eyes, Ōsharu is seen as the one that walks down the neutral line, wavering off the path to either the good or bad side as he sees fit. He stands for the advancement and safety of himself before any and all other individuals, if he can guarantee that any actions he may partake in will not hinder his advancement or safety then he will lend a hand or aid to others.

[ Intelligence Quotient ]

To say that Ōsharu is of a genius intellect level would be up to whomever said the initial saying. He tends to think that his intellect is higher than average, but only because he takes his time to think and make hypothesis about most things and then he takes in to account the many variables that come with life. For example, by simply knowing the weight of a standard projectile and approximate strength value of oneself a person could determine the distance they'd be able to throw said projectile without testing their limits, then from that a person could determine the piercing value of said projectile based upon the speed and distance at which it was released. It's these types of thoughts that stream through his head on a daily basis, he knows most wont understand, thus why he keeps them to himself.

[ Patient & Analytical ]

Patience has always been one of Ōsharu's biggest assets, he believes wholeheartedly that a little of it can definitely be the determining factor of one's life or death. Ōsharu has a knack for allowing his patient side to carry over with him into even the most intense moments of his life (I.e. a battle, bomb diffusion, etc..). Thus, he is known to have a calm, collected, and level-head about everyday situations all thanks to having the slightest bit of patience. Upon observing individuals that rush through decision making or fall ill, or hurt due to spontaneous decision making, Ōsharu tends to shake his head at them then explain the outcome if the person would have been patient. From patience grew the flower of analysis, a key factor in Ōsharu's everyday life. Ōsharu tends to have shifty eyes as he attempts to view all possible outcomes of a decision, step, or anything that makes up a variable in his life or the lives of others. In addition, if something is even the slightest bit out of what is seen as a persons or objects typical routine Ōsharu will pick up on it.

  • (+) Food | Despite having an insatiable appetite because of his bloodline, Ōsharu honestly loves all forms of food. Deep Fried Ice Cream being his all time favorite meal regardless of the day of the week, temperature, or time.
  • (+) The Kōkkai Clan | By being selected as leader from birth and training under both branches of his clan, Ōsharu has gained a deep sense of respect for his clan and what they symbolize. Utilizing the teachings passed down from the clan are Ōsharu's favorite pass time.
  • (+) Kirigakure no Sato | Although events between his clan and the village have been negative in the past, Ōsharu finds great interest in the village. He even dreams of one day being selected as the next kage.
  • (+) Women | Ōsharu's biggest obsession happens to also be his weakness, a beautiful busty woman. Their features and the knowledge of his childhood name are basically a one hit K.O. when it comes to winning him over.
  • (+) Friends | Growing up in the manner he did, Ōsharu felt as if his fellow clansmen only saw him as the next in line to be leader of his clan and didn't really allow themselves to get to know him. Being a Genin, he tries to befriend everyone, but his antics and personality may prove to be a problem.


  • (-) Harm to Innocent Life | Ōsharu has come to terms with the fact that he, along with the majority of the people in his life, live in a world where the escape is death, but when harm bestows upon innocent life he just cant stand it.
  • (-) Impatience | Impatient people or those that lack much patience really get under Ōsharu's skin. He feels that if a person is not helping to speed up a situation then they must allow the situation to run its course.
  • (-) The Ocean | This is the "God" that certain member's of his clan worship, it is the creator of their very existence in their eyes, but with it comes a price, a split personality. This is what Ōsharu hates the most because of the thoughts that it provokes in his head, he know's he wont be able to resist forever.
  • (-) The Restroom | Due to his bloodline, Ōsharu must keep his body hydrated by consuming plenty of liquids. A downside of this is the constant and frequent trips to the restroom that he must endure.
  • (-) Disorganization | This is more of a pet peeve brought on by people messing with his salt constructs, because they are so sensitive the slightest touch typically destroys them. This has also led Ōsharu to clean up after other's because they simply wont do it for themselves.

Catch Phrases: "Ehh.."
Nindo: "My safety comes second to the people I love and this village I hold true to my heart, that is my Nindō! My Ninja Way"

Ōsharu Kōkkai | Versatile Destruction  73m2

Element Affinity: N/A
Sub Element Affinity: N/A

Ōsharu Kōkkai | Versatile Destruction  32es



RP Sample: Pass..

Last edited by Setōshi on Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:07 am; edited 2 times in total



Ōsharu Kōkkai | Versatile Destruction  Dtvv


Suna no Kai

Suna no Kai
D-rank missing ninja
D-rank missing ninja




Mizukage Update . . .


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

I've already seen yer roleplaying so it's fine.

Approved, tenth Mizukage  Ōsharu Kōkkai | Versatile Destruction  654782120

Let's make yer the last one...kk?

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