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The amazing dance troupe arrives!![Eden/No killz/Openz] Pixel

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The amazing dance troupe arrives!![Eden/No killz/Openz]

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C-rank missing ninja
C-rank missing ninja

The amazing dance troupe arrives!![Eden/No killz/Openz] Pic_1320060289_3
Mammon would have finally made it, even though he didn't know if Eden was with him still, to the village know as Konohagakure. Which he thinks is kumogakure. From first glance he thought this place was going to be different, but didn't really care. It was time to get the girls brother, but before that he really needed to know if the child was with him still."Eden you still there?" He would ask without looking back, but stopping. He would put his hands in his pockets as he waited for a response from the girl, hoping she was still there. Because if she wasn't he would probably would be hunted down by the mafia and tortured to death for losing both the bosses children. As he waited for her response he would look at the massive gates of the village and around, finally realizing he was not in Kumogakure but in another village they weren't supposed to be in just yet which was Konoha. Mammon would hope Eden wouldn't notice as he didn't want the child to be mad at him. He would being to scratched the back of his head as he just knew he shouldn't have been leading the way and the child should have, but he would sigh and get over it as things happen.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

OOC: I'll be RPing as NPC guardz thenz

With extremely tight security all around the perimeter of Konohagakure, including even the borders around the Land of Fire, the guards at the front of the gate did not fail to gaze upon the swanky swagmaster - flashing off his luxurious, golden-striped spiffy suit of fine, rich material. Compared to the generic, bland, conforming uniforms of the guards, theycould not help but wonder what strings the aged man had to pull in order to achieve wealth personified in body wear like that. His glasses were no less material, and the white overcoat and characteristic hair style made it easy to mark the man as recognizable everywhere. The bugger even had a tie! Clearly, he must have come to Konohagakure on some business occassion. Possibly to sell some drugs.

Regardless, Danzo who had been standing by jumped down and stopped just five meters away from the man. Kazekage stood by from the gates, ready as always to intercept should the man prove to be hostile. Both of them were were there during the thing that started this security boost against incomers - the invasion by the terrorist kidnapping woman was still fresh in their memories, and it burned their hearts that they failed in their duty to stop her and the village's Missing Nin Saito Senju. Now across from Mammon, Danzo kept a spear nearby, the bottom firmly rooted to the ground while the tip of the spear pointed to the sky.

"Identification please, sir.... and state your purpose of visit.." he said, although he had a tone that suggested "if you try something... we'll put you to sleep".

Suna no Kai

Suna no Kai
D-rank missing ninja
D-rank missing ninja

The amazing dance troupe arrives!![Eden/No killz/Openz] 9ea8bd8e-cb1a-4edc-a21c-837177bd3ebc

Enter, Eden Kurosawa

“We have no reason to try something of any kind that would be deemed as hostile,” Eden said as she stepped from behind Mammon, taking a couple steps in front of the man. "We aren't suicidal." Her words can very much be taken as an answer to his inquiries, for since she spoke she was clearly still there. Albeit, she wished that the man would stop asking her rather or not she was there and simply rotate his head a little bit so that he may glance over his shoulder. It really wasn’t that hard to do, but than again Mammon didn’t seem to be the sharpest knife in The Boss arsenal. Which begs the question, why would her adoptive father put her protection in the hands of Mammon? Whatever the reason, she doubt she would like it, and she wasn’t one to complain about the decisions made by The Boss. She may be considered his daughter, but that didn’t mean she had the guts to question the man.

She sighed deeply, putting her hands upon her hip as she stared at the guard. “Eden Kurosawa,” she said, tilting her head to the side, “and Mammon.” She added, waving her hand at her bodyguard. “We are here on dance troupe business. Entertainment for the people if you will,” she continued, placing her hand back upon her hip. “Does that quench your curiosity.”


C-rank missing ninja
C-rank missing ninja

Mammon would nob in agreement to everything little Eden would say, as it was all true. Even though she did leave out the part about them being part of the Mafia and all, but that wasn't a big deal. They weren't sent here to perform a hit on anyone, but would if the  boss sends word saying someone needed to die. Mammon didn't have anything else to add either as he wanted to get into the village and chill, they had been walking for awhile to get to this place and he wanted to rest. He did have to start booking places for Eden to perform at, and also to find him a few jobs that can help him get his money up. As he wasn't allowed to bring a lot of  money because the boss feared it would be lost due to Mammon being a gambling man, who has a notorious losing streak in places like casinos.


Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin

A slow groan started to slip from Suoh’s lips when he stretched out his body on the ground. It’s been a few hours since he stepped away from the world of contracts and brokers so that he can get a bit of shut eye. The fact that he was starting to get greedy enough to sleep on a gravel road should have spoken to others that would eventually see him. He was simply getting too tired too quickly and winded up not caring where he would be placing himself. A rest area allowed him to rest, no matter the conditions that he would find himself laying in. Once his body loosened from the sudden stretch, Suoh just laid there with his eyes wide open gazing through the gaps of the branches that laid above him; sheltering the sun’s rays into the area from his eyes.

“We need to do more. We have a lot more to accomplish.” Why couldn’t he just have a babe in an apron be the first person to wish him good morning or talk to him instead of the building voice inside his head? At least he would be able to wake up excited about certain things instead of complaining of having to get up.

With a quick twist of his body, Suoh got on all fours and eventually made it to the balls of his feet. All that effort already made him a bit on the hungry side, but he would have to deal with the current situation at hand. The slow grunt returned from his throat once he turned his head towards the center of the village. Why was it so busy on a day like this? "Meh." A simple shrug came from his shoulders while he slipped his digits to the depth of his pockets; his strides long and well placed while walking towards the gates of the village. With the guards holding two individuals near the gates, Suoh raised his brow while looking over the figures.

Upon catching the last bit of the conversation about some sort of 'entertainment', Suoh folded his arms in front of his torso while glaring his darkened orbs towards the newcomers. "That's..gotta be the lamest thing I've ever heard as an excuse to get into a village."


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

Danzo observed the two critters with close detail. Certainly they looked like performers - a level above clowns, but something still felt off. Despite their body wear, Danzo could not help but be thrown off by the seemingly pre-mature girl's refined choice of words and the elder man that accompanied her. He didn't expect a circus, but he did see anything particular dazzling equipment or objects that indicated their occupations. He did not receive any word of a troupe group entering into Konohagakure, but did understand the need for entertainment in the village. And it'd seem pointless that he'd ask for a display of performance. Perhaps they were spies trained to fit the role of a performer? Danzo certainly never heard of her if she were the sole star of a one-girl show, and none of the guards behind had any recognition.

Hearing a voice from well behind him, Danzo shifted his head a good 100 degrees to the left to see a tall Genin waiting besides the inner gate arcs. Danzo turned back. "You may enter", he said, as he stepped aside for the two to come into Konohagakure. We need someone to watch them.... follow them....every step out of the way in case they cause trouble...

Suna no Kai

Suna no Kai
D-rank missing ninja
D-rank missing ninja

The amazing dance troupe arrives!![Eden/No killz/Openz] 9ea8bd8e-cb1a-4edc-a21c-837177bd3ebc

Enter, Eden Kurosawa

Eden did what she did best, that’s ignore any and all who hold no significance to herself or her objectives. Thusly so, the words spoken by the likes of the newcomer, well she paid no heed to them nor did she even spare the boy a single glance. Instead, her attention remained on the likes of the guard, quite pleased when he moved out of the way. “Thank you,” she said with a smile, and without a word signaled for Mammon to follow her. And still, without sparing the unknown boy a glance, she walked through the gates and pass him.


C-rank missing ninja
C-rank missing ninja

"Okay, if that is all! Let us..." Mammon wouldn't finish his sentence, not because of the genin but because he just didn't want to finish. He would fall Eden his hands in his pocket. As he walked he would think if he really should have Eden perform, as it would be easy money, the child was skilled from his teachings. And who in this world would dislike watching the child dance as from seeing her dance many times. Nothing else was on his mind other then getting some money as he didn't like being so broke. Just how Eden didn't pay attention to the genin neither did Mammon. Now that they were pass the gates and in the village.....(Exit....bitch)

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