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Taking a swim![Training thread/openz] Pixel

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Taking a swim![Training thread/openz]

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1Taking a swim![Training thread/openz] Empty Taking a swim![Training thread/openz] Sat Sep 27, 2014 5:24 am



"What an amazing place!" Roshi would say as he began to take off his clothes, all the way to his shorts he had under his pants. Usually he would have bandages on his feet and hands when in his shorts but wouldn't need them, he was just going to be going for a swim. The boy would begin to stretch as he kept his eyes on the raging water that would no one would dare go out into, even with a boat. But this boy didn't feel afraid at what could happen as he felt he saw more dangerous seas. Now that his stretch were over he would look up in the distance, the sun about to set. That was going to be his signal and the beginning of some good training. The boy would shut his eyes as the sun would finally disappear, the time has come. As just like the rumors say Roshi would be grabbed by the  harsh currents sending him under the raging waters. He kept his eyes closed though as he would begin to be tossed around in the water, suddenly opening them after begin under for about five minutes. Reaching his limit on how long he is able to stay underwater. The boy would quickly begin to swim to the surface, and this proved to be more difficult then he thought. But he was able to reach the surface soon enough, extremely exhausted and struggling to stay a float. "...T-this was more then I thought it would be...." Roshi would say as he looked around and seeing that he was far away from the Drowning path.  But this didn't make him want to turn back as his training has only just begun and would begin to swim against the current, with all he had. He didn't make much progress but was doing fine and if someone would spot him would think he was truly doing something crazy. As time passed he got used to swimming against the current and felt he should head back for a bit, which he would do. And when he got back to the path he would sit there and gaze outward. Not really waiting for anything just looking as if something was supposed to be coming to him soon.

"...I am the strongest man alive..." Roshi would suddenly say as he would turn his attention to the sky, looking passed the clouds and to the heavens. He would then  stand to his feet and start walking backwards. He would then begin to run a full speed and jump into the water but, this time he wouldn't swim but let himself be carried by the current. Holding his breath he would begin to wait as he relaxed his whole body. Time to him would slow pass but soon his limit would be reach and, this would cause him to swim up to the surface for some air. And while he was up their just knew had traveled father then he had earlier. The waters he was now at were calm but he felt their was a danger approaching. And he was right as he could see an fin in the distance coming at him at amazing speeds, this didn't cause him to want to swim away but the complete opposite. The boy would begin to do a few hand signs,  Tiger → Horse → Rabbit → Rat → Dog, and have a smile come across his face. He would go back under the water and watch as an massive shark charged at him, his right hand would be clad in his chakra. "Come!" he would think to himself as he gave of his killing intent toward the shark. The two clashed the shark having Roshi between it's jaws. But the beast wasn't able to clasp down and kill it's prey. As Roshi was using wouldn't allow that as he would keep the shark's jaws from closing. He used the hand clad in chakra to target the tendons around the shark's jaw, this allowing the boy to slowly over come the beast's mighty jaws.  Roshi would stop though as he felt the shark's killing intent fading away, he did not want to kill this creature. He just wanted to practice something and also to test himself. As he pushed away from the shark he would watch it quickly swim, the boy waving good bye to the creature. He would then swim to the surface and look around till he spotted land,"There it is!" He would say as he would begin to pull himself from under the water and stand there. He hadn't performed this jutsu before and felt he could practice this as well while he was here. It took him a little while to concentrate the chakra to his feet, but soon he got the hang of it. The boy would then begin to walk toward land. Once back there he would sit back down and look toward the ocean, a bored expression on his face.




Kiri Chunin
Kiri Chunin

Taking a swim![Training thread/openz] Chikar10

Enter, Chikara Shurajo

Drowning Path, a place Chikara had rarely visited not because of the reputation it holds but more for the simple fact that she never really had a reason to go. It wasn’t a place one would go to greet friends, nor was it a place one would go to relax for the raging sound of the water left no room for silence. And despite the fact that one could learn how to better utilize the Walking On Water Technique better as well as learn to distribute their chakra subconsciously so that they may not go under, it still wasn’t a hot spot. No, the only reason anyone would go to such a notorious location was to be alone or to train, for since the area didn’t have the best reputation within the village, people rarely came and thus it was the perfect place to be alone. And the people willing to come is less than one would imagine.

So why was the pint-sized Genin who can be swept away by the current if she were to fall into the water unprepared doing at such a place? Well the answer was simple, she had the desire to be alone and the Drowning Path was the few places within the immediate area where that would happen. Yet, sadly enough, she would not be alone this time around, something which noted as she silently approached the water's edge and the individual who sat close to it. A frown crossed her lips for a brief second, showcasing the faint displeasure she felt, but it immediately vanished from her face. Instead she sighed deeply, having closed the distance between the boy and herself so that she was now ten feet from him. She didn’t get any closer, instead she cocked her head to the left, wondering what the boy was doing so close to the water.

“Oi!” She would shout, arms folding across her chest as her weight shifted on her left, “you shouldn’t be so close to the edge!”



"...Man I am so bored..." Roshi would say as he would yawn and close his eyes, finding this place truly boring after being here so long. Even training wouldn't save him from how boring this place has gotten. The boy would sigh and as he was about to get up and head home something would happen. He would hear someone yell, and since he knew no person would choose to come out here he thought it was a ghost. "SHIT!" He would scream and slip on the edge from trying to run away from the ghost that yelled at him, the thing he was scared of most could be behind him and come to take his soul, or touch him with its ghostly hands or something. Well   This would cause Roshi to fall into the water also, probably to his death if the ghost wouldn't do something to save him. What Roshi didn't know was that the person that yelled at him wasn't a ghost some girl.


Kiri Chunin
Kiri Chunin

Taking a swim![Training thread/openz] Chikar10

Enter, Chikara Shurajo

He overreacted. That was the thought that ran through the mind of the Shurajo as she witnessed the boy slip into the water. Was her voice that scary, she assumed it was her voice that had scared him since he hadn’t actually turned around to see who it was. Surprise had briefly flashed across her face, yet that had quickly turned into fain annoyance. Now what was she suppose to do? Was she to help him or leave him to die, both choices seemed equally troublesome. Yet, with the simple reminder that she didn’t want anymore blood on her hands, she decided that she would help the poor boy. Making her way down from her position, chakra coated the bottom of her feet, leaping into the air and landing upon the water, an inch or two from the boy’s head.

With a soft growl, she grabbed one of the boy’s arm and pulled him to the safety of the waters edge once again. Which hadn’t been easy since the boy was heavier and larger than herself, but she had managed. And in a sense of panic, she shook the boy, wondering if he were okay.

“Oi! Open your eyes!”



"AH! THE GHOST! IT I-IT IS...." Roshi would scream after he was taken from the water and shaken and told to open his eyes, fear had plagued him at this time but it soon would fade away. Looking side to side and not seeing the ghost he thought he saw before." Never mind...I think I scared it away with my awesome." He would say to girl to make it seem like he wasn't a punk. His would sit up and look down at his lap though, face turning bright red, as he had never been this close girl before. He wanted to say something but was speechless as he didn't want to say something dumb and make her get away from him, "Ummm.....I...umm." He would rub the back of his head as he still didn't know what he should say to her. In his mind he would keep telling himself to 'act natural' and 'be himself' but he felt that wouldn't be enough. Finally though he would be able to get out a sentence, and hopefully it wouldn't sound dumb." My names Roshi!...and I.." Actually he didn't really say an whole sentence as telling his name was all he could really think of.

6Taking a swim![Training thread/openz] Empty Re: Taking a swim![Training thread/openz] Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:10 pm


Kiri Chunin
Kiri Chunin

Taking a swim![Training thread/openz] Chikar10

Enter, Chikara Shurajo

“Ghost?” Chikara mumbled, her voice soft as eyes flickered about the area, attempting to identify this strange supernatural phenomenon the boy was shouting about, though she saw nothing. A strange look crossed her face as her eyes landed back on the boy, wondering if the boy had suffered some sort of blow to his head. Albeit, she wouldn’t be concerned for long, for the boy soon realized that there wasn’t a ghost in sight, and even attempted to play it off as if he hadn’t been terrified by the prospect. Yet she didn’t find herself annoyed by the boy, instead she giggled as she had found him to be quite amusing.

“Chikara,” she would say, only finding it fair to introduce herself since he had done so without any prompting. A smile spread across her face and her giggles ceased, “what were you doing so close to the water edge. Roshi?”



The girl would introduce herself also and then ask what he was doing by the edge of the water, which was an okay question. Rubbing the back of his head and looking away from her would begin to think, as he had kinda forgotten why he was even there. Nothing came to mind but dumb stuff so with a sigh would just say it, "I come here to fish." He would tell her, even though he didn't have anything to fish with or ever went fishing before. As he wants that much of a fan of seafood, it made him sick to his stomach. This was because all fish swim in the ocean or some body of water that they also go to the bathroom in, and the also drink it. How nasty. Roshi enjoyed swimming but always wanted to wash himself with clean water afterwards, which he planned on doing after talking to this girl. "But sadly I haven't caught a thing all day...S-" Roshi had stopped talking as he would turn his head up and look at the edge he was sitting at." IT IS GONE! MY FISHING ROD!" Roshi would yell, he wanted to make his lie not have any holes. So saying the rod was gone now would do just that. What a clever boy this one was, even though he didn't need to lie. As if he just thought about it more he could have remembered what he really was doing at the edge.

"Why are you here?" Roshi would ask the girl as this place wasn't one people went to, and when he asked he didn't look at her. He did this so he would be able to talk without getting , timorous or a better word embarrassed.


Kiri Chunin
Kiri Chunin

Taking a swim![Training thread/openz] Chikar10

Enter, Chikara Shurajo

She cocked her head to the side, listening to the boy ramble about having been fishing before he had lost his fishing pole. She chuckled, for she had thought that amusing as well as a lie, having not seen him with a fishing pole when she had approached. He could had lost it before her appearance, but the way he had worded things, he had lost it recently. But she wouldn't tell him she knew he was lying, there was no reason to. When asked for her reason for being there, she didn't answer immediately. Instead she seemed to go into deep thought before answering. "Alone time," she said, flashing the boy who wasn't looking at her a smile. She wiped her hands on her jacket, "nice meeting you Roshi. I got to go, bye."

With that the Shurajo would depart from the area.

[Exit][WC - 829]

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