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Fight Club. [No Killing][Open][Swag V Secret V Roarku] Pixel

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Fight Club. [No Killing][Open][Swag V Secret V Roarku]

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Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

Today was Thursday, with the time of 9:53 pm. There was no astral in sight that would grace the black heavens with it’s company. Hazama stood in a region void of light, with only the noise of The Land of Fire’s Wild Life to keep him company at the moment. As he began his slight near the vertex of the battle field he began to count the steps he took in order to measure distance. The Hyuuga held a total of five brown wooden pillars in grasp, each one no taller than four feet. Hazama would drive each of the planks into the earth below his feet. He stood in vertex of the cross he had created placing the final one before him. Each pillar had a kunai driven into it’s core where he would hang a paper lantern upon each hilt of the kunais. The four pillars were separated by forty-five meters from the main pillar planted in the middle. Each sectioned at North, West, South, and East. As the lanterns themselves gave off illumination they could not remove all of the shadows from the area. Every lantern’s blessing seemed to only erect a total of twenty meters each making distance and visibility a foe, and an ally. However a Shinobi is supposed to thrive in the darkness, and hide from the light to complete their task. That’s all they were after all forms of shadows.

Hazama made his way towards the valley while the gale made a brief appearance settling the waft against his face. The air seemed to be settling at 69 degrees, making the weather somewhat chilly hopefully it wouldn’t bother the contestants of midnight. The eight foot Hyuuga attire consisted of his Anbu garb, and mask hindering his face from any on lookers or watchers that happened to gaze at his face. Even his eyes were sheltered from admires. The Anbu Leader had decided to partake involvement in a fray between three genin. Swagbito a shinobi who specializes in Taijutsu, Kagami Himitsu also a shinobi who specializes in Taijutsu. With, Puredetā Rōarku the final genin who also specializes in Taijutsu. These three were residents of The Leaf Village, Members of Fight Club.


Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin

Swagbito looked around at his fellow genin. The spectator must have got him wrong. Swagbito was a Ninjutsu specialist. Swagbito sat down to rest his Chakra. He looked at his fellow opponents. "Hehehehe" he laughed.


Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

As a genin had arrived within the open palace of the Anbu Captain. Hazama decided he would test the youth. A shinobi should always be prepared for the unexpected. The Evil Eyes had been awoken as the face of Hyuuga was laced with veins around the visage of Konoha Shinobi. Hazama stood directly five feet from the shinobi known as Swagbito. Chakra began to flow upon the left and right palm of his fingertips specifically his index finger. Hazama's left, and right palms attempted to cleave down upon the boys left, and right shoulder as his blade would attempt to lacerate part of his limbs from his mass. This was a simple test, and hopefully the boy would unharmed. If not, one could always re attach it with medical jutsu.

Jutsu Used
Name:Gentle Fangs
Type:Jyuuken Taijutsu
Used For:Offensive
Duration:Three Post-Four Post Cooldown
Hand Seals/Charge up:
Description:This is similar to the Gentle Fist technique called Gentle Edge, but Hazama create streaming razor sharp beams of charka by simply focuses chakra in the tips of his fingers, while releasing a steady flow of chakra. Using these blades allows him to use them as an extension of himself. These tiny chakra beam blades allow him to remove the flesh or limbs of his enemies with ease. While it is strong it can't cut throw anything stronger than iron.
Weakness: Requires a chakra an additional B-rank of Chakra to keep active.

Last edited by Xi Xi on Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:43 am; edited 2 times in total


Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin

Swagbito used the Body Flicker Jutsu and went right through the Anbu Captain. Swagbito then blew a small fireball from his mouth that would explode on impact of the Hyuuga....


Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

(Calling Hit. As you never formed any handsigns (RAM) to preform the bodyflicker jutsu, nor did you make any attempt to mold your chakra or even mention it in order to preform the jutsu. In addition you didn't make any attempt to dodge my jutsu. )

Hazama's gentle fang jutsu sliced clean through, Swagbito's left and right shoulder. His arms were completely lobbed off. The amount of blood began to deploy from the boys sockets. It was gruesome a shower of crimson liquid began to roam the from across the valley of the end. He wasn't exactly going to die, but he could possibly bleed out, if he didn't get help soon.


Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin




Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin

Comes back
Swagbito ran at the Hyuuga even though armless. "Leaf Gale!" Swagbito yelled. His legs went for the Hyugas stomach in an attempt to loot his Ryo and run.


Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

OOC: Okay, you still don't understand what you're doing, but that's okay. I'm not going to kill you, intentionally.

Apparently, Swagbito wanted to impose his will upon the Kageken, despite the fact that his arms had already been dismembered from his body. As the genin prepared his onslaught he was running from twenty five meters away. Hazama didn't know why he would leave, and come back from such a far away distance. It didn't matter, but it was apparent this boy was going to use Taijutsu. Hazama waited for the adolescent to become air born. His intent was preform Leaf Gale, upon the Hyuuga's Solar plexus. Hazama abdominal area was impacted by the boys legs, but they held no where near enough kinetic force to even move the Eight Foot Giant back.Oh, how the Kageken was blessed.  Hazama quickly got into stance before the boy's feet would land upon the earth once more. His left arm became slanted with his open palm upward, his right palm mirroring the parallel of the left. Hazama's breath escaped from his lips exhaling, and inhale oxygen.

He spoke as the domain beneath him began to glow with the yin and yang symbol.

"Two palms!"

Hazama stated as his left, and right palm erected forward with the chakra flowing in his paws. He would attempt to release chakra into Swagbito's core with each successful volley of hits. Hazama body began to dance with an invisible beat, but the sound of pumping flesh. His arms would retract as his first mark was aiming for Swagbito's chest.

"Four Palms!, Eight Palms! Sixteen Palms! Thirty-two Palms!, Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!"

His utterance was clear as his hands began to blur to the untrained eye. His left and right arms would attempt to fall back down to his waist side, as Hazama had finsihed his jutsu. Not many shinobi were able to dogde this jutsu, and it was highly unlikely the genin would dodge it as well. Swagbito would survive, as Hazama's beating wasn't to kill, but Hazama's palms would attempt to hold the boy's left and right optic orbs in his left palm leaving him possibly blind, while in the right he would grasp the boys fangs, all thirty two of them.

Jutsu Used:
Hakke Rokujuuyonshou - Sixty-Four Palms of the Hand
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Note: Special Bloodline Technique
Hakke Rokujuuyonshou is a Taijutsu technique unique to the Hyuuga bloodline. Hakke Rokujuuyonshou is a special technique passed down through the main family line. When an opponent is within the clan members divination field of attack, they can quickly begin their assault. The technique allows the clan member to use the Byakugan eye to see the inner chakra coils system. Using the Juuken style, they can force their chakra through their hands into the tenketsu of the opponent's body through 126 strikes. First the clan member will strike 2 times, then 4, 8, 16, 32 and finally 64. This damage forceably closes 64 tenketsu, stopping the chakra flow of the opponent. This then limits their opponents ability to use jutsu.

Name:Gentle Edge Breathing
Type:Jyuuken Taijutsu
Used For:Both
Duration: Two Post-Three Post Cool Down
Hand Seals/Charge up:
Description:Hazama has mastered the art of taijutsu. By controlling his breathing he is able to harden his muscles and skin to the point that it is capable of blocking regular steel, and taijutsu blows. It is not Superior to his palms rotation, but it is great for the mobility and defense it offers, but the offensive ability it also posses. Like the name suggest Hazama's finger tips become like a small dagger allowing him to pierce an enemy's body with just his finger. It is only usefull against Taijutsu attacks of B-Rank and Kenjutsu of B-Rank. The breathing must be done to produce this effect.
Weakness:Does not offer any protection from Ninjutsu, or poisons


Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin

OOC: so your gonna make me blind? might as well leave the site now. And don't you say you weren't supposed to fight?

IC: Swagbito saw the attempt to make him blind. He tried to dodge but he had no arms making it useless... he accepted his fate a closed his eyes. Just then his arms started bleeding. He knew this would happen. His arms had just been forcefully removed. Soon he had lost so much blood that his body fell to the floor and he died.



Kiri Chunin
Kiri Chunin

Because of problem arising during this topic, it's under review until further notice.



Ruling is as follows, Swagbito is dead.

- His arms have been removed, bleeding out will occur.
- Apparently he moved and left the area then came back and performed an attack, these actions should pump quite a bit of blood from his body, thus killing.
- His eyes have been forcibly removed, thus that's even more bleeding to add insult to injury.
- Due to having his chakra points closed he will not be able to move nor mold chakra.

BUT, due to this topic having a tag of [No Killing] this death can not be permitted. Thus, the topic will be considered void through the use of my Staff Powers. The creator can post below on whether or not the topic will be deleted, if this is not done in two days time then it will be deleted.

**Word of advice, Swagbito, try learning how this type of role-play works before joining any type of combat style rping....


Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin

Please delete.


Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

He can obtain everything but an eye or arm back, if he apologizes. He was extremely rude, even lying on me in the chat. So, Swag when you are ready to man up you won't have to be a complete cripple.


Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin

Your lying about me lying. "Sorry". Happy?


Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

Far from it as you remain ignorant. You said I said I would kill you if you didn't let me make the topic. Said I was metagaming and other things.

Simple facts you are bratty ungreatful and arrogant.
Half ass apology you get half your stuff. Sixteen teeth one eye and one arm.



No Xi Xi, this topic is void. Meaning nothing has or will occur and affect IC.
If you wanted to blind a defenseless and incompetent Genin then you should
have thought about that before killing him...

Nothing more needs to be said, but if you wish do it through PM.

Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

I never hit any major organs or arteries he wouldn't die that fast from bleeding out but w.e. lock please


Kiri Chunin
Kiri Chunin

Locked and moved.

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