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Karma [Training | Private]

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1Karma [Training | Private] Empty Karma [Training | Private] Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:13 am



Yet another peaceful morning in the village of Otogakur. Peaceful might not be the right word to use in Shinsui's train of though about his true world as peace. But there weren't any fighting that leads to death, no one was being tortured and everything was calm. If only it could be like this everyday across the shinobi world. That's what Shinsui strives for, to have a world of peace everywhere, not just because it's just convenient no one is invading, but because no one *should* be invading or killing, anywhere. This was the reason for Shinsui's training that was to take place today. To strengthen himself and end this war torn place known as the Shinobi world and change it into a peaceful place where children can run in the streets without their parents fearing that any harm will come to these kids.

Shinsui woke up early to get a head start on the day and begin his training to ensure that one day this dream of his will come true. The Prince of the Lycans slept in the nude as always, his bed big enough to fit him and a partner with their muscular builds from being Lycans. Standing up from his bed, he would start his usual morning routine of getting his clothes, taking a shower and eating his lovely breakfast made by his all so lovely and kindhearted maid. In that exact order. Today, Shinsui was going to be training a technique used before by the very founder of this village Shinsui lived in, Orochimaru. A technique which causes the opponent to have a loss of control over their chakra making it more difficult to use another technique and essentially causes them to use more chakra than needed. Once the seal is placed onto an opponent or target, the person will fall unconscious and be at the mercy of Shinsui. A technique better known as the Five Elements Seal technique. The technique was quite complex and needed the skill of someone considered a master in the art of fuinjutsu. Shinsui was exactly that, a master of fuinjutsu and could thus perform the technique without trouble and with perfection. The stroll Shinsui took towards the prison while reading the technique scroll had finally lead to him arriving at the prison. As he entered the prison he was greeted by the officers and officer in charge, to which Shinsui would nod. His face covered with his Anbu mask, he would ask the officer in charge the file of the most cruel prisoner within the cells of this prison. The officer in charge went ahead and retrieved said file, to which Shinsui thanked the man and took the prisoner with him. The officers knew not to question the reasons for this, and went back to what they were doing.

With the prisoner restrained with cuffs made of one of the strongest metals found in Otogakure, Shinsui lead the prisoner to the training grounds. Though Shinsui wasn't worried about the prisoner escaping, if he did attempt to escape Shinsui would end him then and there. After arriving at the training grounds, the Prince of the Lycans would push the prisoner forward, and tell him to stand still. If the technique was done correctly then the prisoner had no need to worry about pain, as he would be knocked unconscious on the spot. Though the prisoner had no idea what was going to happen to him, fear filled his body. The thought of being tortured ran through his mind, along with other things. With the bending of his two arms to place his hands in front of himself, Shinsui performed the first sign needed for the technique to be activated. Followed shortly after with the second hand sign. Another was then performed in accordance with the five. Next was the fourth hand sign to which Shinsui would then perform the fifth hand sign, as written on the Five Elements Seal technique scroll.

With the five hand seals required having been performed, the tips of Shinsui's right hand fingers were covered in a chakra with a blue-ish glow. With the prisoner standing two meters in front of Shinsui, the Prince thrusted himself forwards at the prisoner, his arm at the ready. As he neared the prisoner he thrusted his arm towards the prisoner so his fingertips would touch the belly of the prisoner. Shinsui was careful enough as to not use too much force and essentially kill the prisoner. The prisoner bent forward from the thrust to his abdomen, the air escaping his lungs as the wind was hit out of him, along with some droplets of spit, his eyes also widened.

Though something was wrong, the technique scroll specifically stated that the target will fall unconscious, and this prisoner was anything but unconscious. If anything, he was in pain. "Seems like I'll need more chakra." With the words being muttered by Shinsui, it was clear to the prisoner he was being used as a ginny pig for Shinsui's techniques. Sweat started to drip from the prisoner's face as the fear was taking over, though Shinsui didn't care for the likes of this prisoner. The white haired Lycan Prince was no fan of someone who kills for fun, or in other words someone who kills just for the kill, and that was exactly what this prisoner did. "Puh.. Puh.. Please let me go back to the pri.. Prison.." The prisoner would let his plead for mercy be heard, but Shinsui turned a deaf ear. Not being bother at all with the plead of the prisoner, Shinsui focused on his chakra again. Feeding more chakra into the technique as he started to perform the hand seals once more. Facing the prisoner's front side again, the first hand seal was performed. Soon followed by the second hand seal being performed, and then logically the third. The fourth hand seal was performed and finally the fifth and last hand seal of the Five Elements Seal technique was performed. His palm open with his fingers bent to have the tips facing forward, ready to be struck into the abdomen of the prisoner, Shinsui charged forward. The first step being taken with his right leg, the second with his left, the third and last step would be taken again with his right in order to reach the prisoner close enough to hit him with his fingertips. The chakra covered, glowing fingertips would be thrusted against the prisoner's abdomen, sending him flying backwards again like before from the force of Shinsui's strength being used. The chakra which covered Shinsui's fingertips were transferred to the abdomen of the prisoner to create the seal. The technique was much more successful than before, however it wasn't perfected yet as the prisoner stood up from the ground he was forced to lay on. The seal however did start to take place on the abdomen of this ginny pig prisoner, as the markings which were shown on the technique scroll were somewhat shown on the place that the fingertips touched, being the prisoner's abdomen. "I'm making progress, though I wonder what will happen to you after all these failed experiments corrupt your chakra system... I guess you can call it karma, the corrupter being corrupted." Shinsui would speak, a straight face being kept as seriousness filled the tone of his voice.

Time went on as Shinsui continued to train, the day had seemingly turned from morning to afternoon in mere moments as Shinsui kept on trying to perfect the technique to work the way the scroll stated it should work. Adjustments were made the chakra amounts being added to the technique, to even the force used when placing the fingertips onto the body of the prisoner, but nothing seemed to be perfection just yet. Shinsui however was never one to give up, he always strives to succeed. Maybe that's why he was recently promoted to ANBU Captain, and not because his friend, Zanji Uzumaki, was the daimyo. With one more attempt at the jutsu, Shinsui would prepare himself. He took a read stance to charge at the prisoner, with his hands in front of his chest. He then started to perform the technique specific seal, bending his fingers however the technique seal required them to shape whatever was needed. With the activation of the hand seal, Shinsui's right hand's fingertips began to glow again with a blue-ish chakra covering the fingertips of said hand. "It must be right, I can feel it." He thought to himself as he took a few steps forward during his dash at the prisoner, after which his fingertips of said right hand would connect to the prisoner's abdomen. It was done, the prisoner laid unconscious on the ground. However, with all the previous failed experiments with the Five Elements Seal being used on the prisoner, there was no telling how badly his chakra system was screwed up, it was a mystery if he would ever perform another jutsu in his life. It mattered little to Shinsui, with no remorse for this criminal who killed dozens and raped the women of a distant village. Shinsui took the unconscious prisoner back to the prison, and told them not to interfere with the seals he had placed on his body. Keeping him imprisoned would prove to be useless as the man himself was now useless as a shinobi, but having him stay in a place filled with animals where he is now the defenseless one was just karma.
[1587 Words | 1500 Words Requirement for Five Elements Seal]

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