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Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Pixel

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Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite]

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1Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Empty Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:44 am



The scent of moss and mold was thick in the air as it rushed toward Oboro, nearly knocking him down as he opened the heavy, rusty iron door. Behind him, he dragged a large, pink sack-like object by a single sinew. He pulled the sack behind him before slamming the door shut and further evaluating the walls around them. Only a single lamp with a dim bulb hung from a long thread, barely illuminating the area. It dangled as he thumped it, allowing it to sway back and forth. He slumped the sack over on its side. From the outside, only a mouth and a closed eye could be seen, the rest draped in the sticky substance supplied by Bungee Gomu Jutsu.

Inside rested the Otokage of the village hidden in sound. Oboro had acted as a cutthroat and abducted him from the fight in attempts to achieve his own goals. He would wait until the Daimyo awoke and managed to occupy himself otherwise as he traced the cracks in the wall with his fingertip. They seemed to be rather thick, as the two were indeed underground. The only exit was the door, of which Oboro possessed. He had swallowed it, as it rested in his stomach until he was ready to retrieve it. There would be no escape for the cocooned man.

2Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Empty Re: Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:53 pm



Zanji groaned slightly inside his head His left eye slowly opening and staring down he noticed the same strange technique. He tried to move but was unable. So it seemed his anbu would be committing treason. Knocking him unconscious detaining him against his will. Oh how these were serious charges. He kept his glance down wards as he saw the lower half of oboro and shut his eye feinting still being unconscious as Oboro traced his fingers along the wall cracks. Oh he was not going to end this like this oh no. He twitched his fingers inside the stick substance ugh what a revolting sensation he was experiencing. Oh he had a few ways to easily get out of this but for now he would sit and wait and see what this traitor wanted.

He groaned and kept his hes shut shook his head as best as he could. he then gathered some spit in his mouth and spit out towards Oboro's feet landing short. He furrowed his eyes and sighed. " Not that im not enjoying this sticky sensation Oboro but Release me now and i will forgive your act of treason against me." He cracked his fingers impatiently and smirked as he remained still. He would remain calm and composed as he would keep his eyes shut preventing most sight based genjutsus used on him. He was no fool this man was obviously well versed in genjutsu. He even went to the extreme of digging his fingers so hard into his hand that they would bleed causing pain and thus negating any genjutsu cast on him.

3Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Empty Re: Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Sat Oct 18, 2014 3:07 am



The Uchiha was still sitting as he heard the current Otokage groaned. It was clear he was awake now. He commented on how of Oboro was to set him free, he would be cleared of his acts of "treason". On this demand, Oboro chuckled to himself slightly before opening his eyes and rising from the floor. "Do you honestly think you're in the position to be making demands Zanji? I'm making the rules for now. Oboro's tone dropped its hostile nature and picked up a softer and more sincere feeling. "I understand. You were quote on quote backstabbed by your Anbu. I've never
really been interested in the job but you were foolish to trust me. Then you treat me like a Genin and give me a bell test.
Oboro spat on Zanji rather than away from him. He could hear the muffled pops of Zanji's bones under the blanket of Gum.

"Let's make this quick, open that pretty eye of years. I'll look into it. I can promise you I won't be using Genjutsu. You could always snap yourself out should I be lying. And if you fail to cooperate with this demand, well I'll peel off your skin with this sticky gum and then I'll leave you here to starve. Sounds like fun huh? He was now speaking as if he was bored, which he almost was. He now stood two feet from the resting sack, not dropping his guard for a second.

4Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Empty Re: Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:05 am



Zanji remained trapped inside the sticky cocoon his annoyance at his  he heard the sound of movement. He remained still his senses alert. He sighed as oboro was being rather difficult. He wasn't issuing a command he was simply making a request. This insolent boy was going to rue the day he ever fucked with Zanji Uzumaki. Oh how he would make him pay " Oh I think I'm in a reasonable way of asking nay requesting that not issuing a command." He yawned keeping his eyes shut and smirked as oboro asked him to open his left eye. He chuckled and almost burst out laughing.  "You really think I'm going to open my eye I am No fool i know of a mind mind reading jutsu through eye contact well the rumors but i am no fool."

He cracked his right hands fingers and smirked  "You forget that there is a third option my dear oboro hehe as for the bell test i may of been a little harsh but well I needed a good work out." He smirked wider as he shot out the six chakra chains out from his back ripping through the bungee gomu and quickly wrapped them around his body giving him a shield of protection and using the point from one of the chains he gouged out his left eye the chains rattling as they tightened around him fully. Blood splattering as he gave a ear splitting scream of pain. He howled and cursed as the red liquid poured out from his eye.  He panted as the chains wrapped around his face giving him a addition protection. He may not of been able to see out of his left eye but he still had his right eye though it would remain closed.  "Only way your getting me to open my eye is if you uncover my right eye traitor."

jutsu used:

5Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Empty Re: Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Sat Oct 18, 2014 7:41 am



'Why couldn't this motherfucker just comply?' Oboro would ask himself in the next few moments. It seemed as if Zanji was attempting to make a break for it. Immediately as a protruding lump pushed against the back side of the bungee gomu cocoon. Immediately, he would activate his sharingan and form the seals for Bungee Gum. To think that just a second ago the Uzumaki was gloating and now it seemed as if he was trying to kill himself with the spiked tip of his Uzumaki chains. What the hell was wrong with this man?

Utilizing the gum, Oboro bound each of the chains protruding Zanjis back. However, this took two pieces of gum. Each strand held two chains each, slightly under the sharp point to avoid the strands being cut once more. Now that the blasted tendrils were out of the way, it was time to get down to business. Oboro walked over to the still conscious body of the Daimyo and leaned over it, whispering to him. "All you had to do was cooperate you moron... Without warning, Oboro reached down and grabbed the fleshy tissue of Zanji's eyelid tight within his hand as he forced the eye open. " If you do not do exactly as I say, you will die here. Can you not see that I'm trying to saved this damned village? "

Bungee Gomu x2 -7.5
Sharingan Activated: -25
Chakra left: 284.5

6Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Empty Re: Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:10 am



Zanji was very displeased his temper was starting to get the better of him he was fuming his nostrils flaring up and down. Oh how many ways he was going to torture oboro oh how the images flashed before his eyes. Oboro lying broken on a table, begging for death his body broken. Such a exquisite thought calmed him down. He felt a hot liquid hit his face as he was spat on deliberately. He tensed his muscles and narrowed his eye brows deeper shutting his eye tighter. This man was not going to get a easy interrogation out of him if he could help it oh no he was going to make it more difficult. He chuckled as he felt Oboro's hand  press against his eye lid as he began to try to pull it open. Oh how he would resist as long as he could against oboro's physical strength.

But alas he knew it was futile to struggle he relaxed his eye but before Oboro opened his eye he rolled his eye into the back of his head obscuring his vision from him a smile on his face. "You said I had to open my eye you never said anything about having to look at you." He chuckled as he kept his left eye staring into the back of his skull.  For a moment he stopped as Oboro said that he was trying to save this village. " Your trying to save this village by betraying your leader i don't see how that works." He sneered at oboro " Clearly you have lost your marbles, I have only just begun to improve Our village I say ours not mine because it belongs to the people above all else in my opinion, I may hold the title of daimyo but i look out for my people and take care of them." He sighed and calmed his mind his temper slowly fading as he spoke again "You have no idea what my plans are for this village I will see it flourished your the one who will ruin that now I ask you again release me from this damnable cocoon and lets talk about this like reasonable adults clearly I'm not going anywhere and have no means to escape you since im sure you've locked whatever room were in and have hidden the key you may bind my hands to prevent me from forming any handseals if you wish."

7Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Empty Re: Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:48 am



It was oddly ridiculous how stubborn the person before him was being. As he stretched open the eye of the Daimyo, he simply rolled his eye in the back of his head. So many swear words were popping into his head right now. And the Daimyo was playing games with him now, though he was beginning to get oddly frustrated. The Uzumaki was beginning to call Oboro a toxin to the village and saying it would ultimately be their downfall. This was highly debatable. Considering Zanji was yet to do anything to facilitate the village, they were seen as a minor power of the world, as they always had been. The village was looked down on for over one hundred years now. But what was stopping them from becoming stronger? The villagers? No, they always had strong ninja. It was the leaders. Oboro was tired of the excuses spilling from the mouth of Zanji Uzumaki. However, he wouldn't lose his composure. "You were a shitty leader. I'm sure I wasn't alone in that idea."

It was time to end this pointless conversation with a man so stubborn to logic. It was clear that the man was simply attempting to toy with the Uchiha. This was possibly the biggest mistake of the Uzumaki's life. It was time to end him Oboro's favorite method was of course always the most painful at hand. This time, it would be suffocation. Such a shame it had to end up like this. Oboro walked up to the man, already forming hand seals. He covered the mouth and nose of the man, leaving only the rolled back eye possible as he poked it lightly with his index finger. "Pity"

8Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Empty Re: Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Thu Oct 23, 2014 4:26 am



[Claims hit]
Rather than moving to resist, the daimyo simply sat there, seeming to accept his fate after all of these foolish attempts at demands. Oboro shook his head. There was something that Zanji reminded Oboro of. Perhaps it was his brother, the one who had always had a strong hand as well as a foolish intellect. Rather than absolutely destroying Zanji however, he would respect his former leader’s body. It was just such a pity that he wouldn’t comply. Oto needed strong ninja to help defend it, sadly this little situation would prevent him from doing so. He had to admit that he was a little disappointed with the events that had transpired. He was unable to read the man’s mind, meaning no jutsu gained. He was also unable to learn of village secrets. Again, another fail. However, he would now be able to usurp the title of Daimyo. However, that didn’t have quite a ring to it. Instead of Daimyo of Sound, he would be calling himself the Otokage. All strong villages had Kage as well as Daimyo and so he would have to find someone to rule the land rather than the village. Almost like a distribution of power to be sure the land never became too corrupt.

Oboro was no longer poking the lower eyeball of the Uzumaki and instead decided to walk away from him, face still turned facing him in case he tried any tricky moves. Rather than squirming, the man just sat there, lifeless. Though, he decided it would be safer to wait just a bit longer before deciding that the body was definitely dead. He didn’t wish to get ambushed. He had heard stories of the Kusanagi, the sword once wielded by Orochimaru. It was said to have been manipulated by pure will, able to control it with simple flicks of the wrist. While Zanji could not flick his wrist, he didn’t expect a village head to go down so easily. ”I really do wish it could have been another way.” The Uchiha said softly while still staring and backing away. “It’s more to send a message now. So that everyone knows… Oto isn’t a little kid that will be easily pushed around. We will become strong through good, solid leadership. We will not fail to compete with the larger villages such as Konoha. We all have to make a name for ourselves. My story starts here.

9Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Empty Re: Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:33 am



[Claiming the kill because Zanji said that he gave up. There were witnesses Talks of Business [Zanji/Invite] 1805572670 ]

After a few minutes, it was clear that the Daimyo was now dead as he failed to resist or breath for many minutes. Oboro said a silent prayer for him under his breath before approaching the body. The bungee gomu was now dissolving off of his body, revealing the body that was coated formerly coated in the pink goo. 'I really didn't want you dead Zanji Uzumaki... But I didn't want the disrespect either. All I really wanted was the secrets... I suppose he died hiding his villages secrets then.' Oboro thought to himself. While foolish, perhaps the Daimyo hadn't been such a bad leader. However, he wasn't a good one either. Though... Still not the worst.

With the limp body before him, Oboro began looting the corpse of Zanji. Kusanagi was clearly the first thing he grabbed from the mans body. In his pockets, he found a bit of Ryo as well as a couple of DNA samples. He had no clue of who the samples belong to, though he would be sure to show them to Shinsui later. The two had been devising ways to use DNA aside from immediate transplants. After collecting the loot, Oboro forced himself to puke up the key that he previously swallowed and unlocked the door. He put the body of the Daimyo over his shoulder and snuck out in the middle of the night. He allusively made his way to his home, hiding the body in his apartment. He opened the safe in his wall that was hidden by a Chakra signature unique to Oboro and placed the two DNA samples as well as Kusanagi. He would wait to use these.

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