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Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Pixel

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Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana]

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1Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Wed May 14, 2014 10:12 pm

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

In the design of Kumo which, is both annoyingly layered and genius, each section of the village was separated by what appeared to be suspended bridges between each section of large almost floating rock peaks. These rock peaks where then burrowed inside of often using Doton Jutsu, to make sure they were safer then even normal buildings built on top of ground. In order to get around, these rock peaks were surrounded by a railed walkway that surrounded the peaks so that everything was available, if it's purpose was to be available that is.

This is where we find our Raikage, who was now casually strolling across one of these designated railways now, Hana, in tow. As Raikage, it was often thought of that he would be wearing the long white robe and of course the traditional hat. Not in this case, Achilles despite having no problems with the look, discerned he was far to young to dress in such a formal manner and had.....made some modifications. His own style of the robe, had the sleeves cut off and the robe was instead turned into a trench coat. He still kept it's white color, but had decided to add a bit of flair, having commissioned for the back to say "Lightning Sage" in Kanji of course.

He didn't change anything with the hat, as he casually raised it up a notch to see exactly where they were and how close they were to his destination. The trip had been one of comfortable silence, occasionally, he'd mention something regarding, security of the village he'd like to change. Adding guards below each set of suspended bridges, where their posts would be built into the rock below, so that they could spring out at a moments notice. But he was quickly stopped as he found his prize, it was a fairly new place, with an orange swirl as their Insignia above the entryway.

Upon entering he, was greeted by a familiar Red Haired hostess, who after exchanging pleasantries sat them down in a window sided booth. "Ah, sweet girl that, Kyira." He quickly began to look through his menu which held an abundance of Ramen causing Achilles to laugh and shake his head at bit no surprise to him, however there was also barbeque, sushi, dango, and some salad like meals available as well. Deciding on his meal after also ordering some sake he looked across the table to Hana, "So, any questions?" He purposely left it vague, and open ended, he wanted to see how she would proceed, and if she would ask the right questions. Of course it couldn't be known to her, but he was most definitely still testing him, in fact until he left the village he would be testing her, to make sure she would be able to hold the village until he returned.

2Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Wed May 14, 2014 11:05 pm

Utsukushii Hana

Utsukushii Hana
Kumo Anbu Captain
Kumo Anbu Captain

Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] 8b047f6f-4b57-4996-a1bf-195cb7efa477_zpsccbb420a

Hana had never thought too much about the layout of the city, she was use to being drunk most of the time when she walked from place to place. Between that and her ability as  Taijutsu specialist she didn’t seem to ever take to long to get herself around. The railed walkways must have been something she always over looked but she enjoyed the rustic design that was both shabby as well as affective. She walked along side the Lightning Sage till they had reached the district where their lunch meeting would take  place. Reasonably remote and quaint she enjoyed keeping away from the political side of town.

Aching her back she would walk her arms behind her back entangling her fingers with one another. Sliding her right shoulder forward and pulling her arm back with the left she allowed a loud crack to pop from the joint. She didn’t care much what the Raikage thought of her as she didn’t with the entirety of the city. She didn’t receive this position for being a lady she got it for hard work and beating out the rest. Looking to the side and partially down she peeked over to Raiki who she had a few questions for her own to ask but she would wait till the most appropriate time to begin her cross analysis on him. For now the only steps were get him and herself to the food and possibly get him liquored up if at all possible. Past evidence wagered that more information would be extracted from him that way.

She tried to keep everything proffesional but the way he was dressed complimented the curves of his muscles even under the clothes. In attempts not to stare she tried several ideas she had learned in Kiri. Counting lampposts as they walked, memorizing street names and various shops that she could use while navigating. Sadly her eyes kept fixating upon his chest. Snap out of it Hana you are suppose to coercing him with your cloths not the other way around. And besides he is actually reasonably covered up. How old is he she wondered no trying to place it. Can’t be much younger then me?
The choice he picked was of course one of the newest places in town as not even Hana recognized it and she was known for shuffle from shop to shop. As they were seated she gave a soft gentle smile to the hostess and then faced Raiki when he asked if she had questions. She had plenty but she was now looking at the menu as well. “I want to know how exactly you got your job as Raikage?” She questioned a bit inquisitively as she only knew he was Raikage from what others said, she wasn’t completely convinced he could be trusted quite yet, even if he did have a well muscular figure that most likely is wonderful to see while … No stop that.

WC: 494
Lightning Bug

3Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Wed May 14, 2014 11:43 pm

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

Nearly forgetting to do so, Achilles stood up, and shrugged his coat carefully off of his broad yet, defined shoulders and carefully hung it over the back of the booth he was sitting at. He also carefully rolled up his long sleeves to his elbow, so that they wouldn't be stained with any food. After doing so, he retook his seat, and smiled once again, "Sorry about that, almost forgot my manners." His voice seemingly carried the sincerity of a child who'd forgotten to brush his teeth, yet he was once again gazing at the menu before he had finally decided on a meal and folded the menu shut and moved it to the side.

While he waited for Hana, to finish looking through her menu, he poured himself a small amount of Sake taking a drink before giving Hana a once over. She was quite beautiful, and was dressed in little more then a few pieces of cloth and leather, had to be undoubtedly freeing, yet probably got a bit cold during winter. The young Raikage had tried to be careful in gazing at the beautiful woman, as it wouldn't likely be very good for his reputation for the Village to discover that their Raikage may possibly be a pervert. 'They must never know.'

He was brought out of his thoughts however, as he was now looking to answer her question, it was honestly a bit surprising she chose that one in particular. Now that he had thought about it though, it really wasn't she never read the file from his office, so it's clear she wouldn't know the details. Taking another drink of sake he smiled, "Well, after the previous Raikage disappeared, he had settled into a reputation of being lazy, and hadn't really done much for the village." He sighed thinking back to all the details he was given by the Shinobi Council, "So they went through the lists of all Shinobi of A and S rank, and came to my file, initially, they wouldn't even consider me, that is, until they got to my Jutsu." He had to admit he was rather disappointed they hadn't chose him because of his personality, or how he'd returned to being a Shinobi to better the Village.

"Personally I would have preferred, they done it because I want to devote my life to making this Village a better and safer place for everyone." His smile tried to turn, but was kept small as he showed a bit of remorse, "However, it was my killing ability they wanted. They wanted me I guess to make a statement, If you had read my file you'd see I have two original Jutsu of my own making that register as extremely deadly, and a third S rank Fuuton jutsu as well." Even amongst high ranking shinobi S rank jutsu were rare due to the time it took to train and master them in order to use them without being killed by their destructive powers.

"I could have told you why I wished they hired me, but I feel like, you're the type of person whose trust I should gain, and hopefully never lose."
The bright smile he had that lit of his office just minutes ago, returned as did his sincerity in that he wanted her to trust him as Raikage and Ally.

4Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Thu May 15, 2014 2:52 am

Utsukushii Hana

Utsukushii Hana
Kumo Anbu Captain
Kumo Anbu Captain

Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] 8b047f6f-4b57-4996-a1bf-195cb7efa477_zpsccbb420a

Watching him Hana was relatively awed by him, his coat now draped across the back of his seat in a gentlemanly like fashion. His shoulders broader than most other men she had seen, was he for real? She wondered thinking that he was some perfect model citizen boy who had to play by the manners even more though she clearly had none when the first met belching and placing her feet up on anything she could reach. She had stopped looking through the menu when she realized that the Raikage had already finished his search for the meal he wanted. Having been lost staring at him she didn’t even realize that he was looking her over briefly, a piece of information she would have generally like to keep carted away in the back of her mind. She enjoyed having methods of getting people to do what she wanted.

Averting her gaze back to the menu she would sit their unsure of what to get. She wasn’t particularly cold in her outfit although some days she did admittedly despise some of the looks which villagers gave her. Of course whistling and hooting was a normal thing for her as she dressed like this to figure out which people were as the woman of Kumo would say ‘pervy peepers’. Regaining her composure while he answered she nodded a few times hearing what he had to say.  Huh they picked him for his is capabilities with Jutsu’s wonder what exactly made him so special that they would choose him over her. Knowing full well that the city wasn’t all that fond of her alcoholic tendencies. She was known for hurling various objects and people through windows when she got into a special, ‘mood.’ Fondling remembering a couple of guys who thought they would teach her a lesson.

Rule number one was never underestimate your opponent which they all failed miserable at. Two was be efficient and lastly politeness. The particular thugs she remembered were all nicely snug in their dumpster when she was done with them. Still listening in on the present she kept up and intrigued expression. “I am surprised they didn’t pick you for your winning personality. I know that was the reason I wasn’t promoted.” She smiled placing her menu down as if she actually had the time to think of what she was eating. In the end she was going to just ask for the same thing her company was having with two bottles of sake, which was quite tame for her usual appetite.

As he spoke of his intentions for the village she smiled, “A man of great intentions, I only hope that you stick to those ideals of keeping our village safe. I have seen some men who let such power go to their heads. I wouldn’t want you to become one of them.” A hint of suspicion would come through it as if she was still trying to decide what she thought of him.

WC: 503
Lightning Bug

Last edited by Utsukushii Hana on Thu May 15, 2014 3:46 am; edited 1 time in total

5Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Thu May 15, 2014 3:16 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

Achilles' listened intently as every word spoken from Hana was valuable information, that could be used to keep her a close ally, as well as give him insight onto who she was as a person. Adding to what he remembered of her, she had changed far more than any of that class, going from lazy and skipping class all of the time, to where she was now. That was quite the impressive change, and Achilles had to admit that made her all the more attractive, both as her position at ANBU Captain, and as a female. He'd remembered a conversation he had with the Shinobi Council when they offered him the position, when he asked if there were any other potential candidates, and to his knowledge they hadn't mentioned her.

It was strange, or at least it seemed that way to him, reading her file, she was extremely qualified for the position. She had the proper training as a Shinobi, she seemed intelligent, he couldn't imagine, that just because she had a temper and a tendency to beat the life out of disrespectful people, she shouldn't have been at least considered. "Come now, Hana-chan. I like your personality just fine!" While he had been trying to sooth her discomfort at having to deal with the fact she was having lunch with a person she didn't trust and took her dream job away, he had actually meant it. Her personality profile was part of the reason, why he wanted her to stay and protect the village while he was gone.

As she placed her menu down, Achilles quickly moved to grab it and place it on his as he moved them both to the edge of the table. He could see the waitress making her way over, so he decided to be quick with his next comment, and casual as well, though it may seem strange to some, as it was quite grim. "Well, Hana-chan, you are truly out for my heart are you not, with all of these compliments." He had hoped to see if he could maybe cause a rise of embarrassment but he wasn't going to pause there, so he thought to shock her, "If I were ever to be consumed by the power my position may lead to, I would hope those around me, would be willing to put a stop to me, lethally if needed."

Though he honestly had no doubt he would never become consumed by such power hungry intentions he wanted to show just how serious he was. Besides truth be told, had he ever become captured by greed or power, he would hope that they would kill him. His village deserved nothing less then the best possible leader, for now that was him, should it ever not be, he would hope to be replaced.

6Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Thu May 15, 2014 4:10 am

Utsukushii Hana

Utsukushii Hana
Kumo Anbu Captain
Kumo Anbu Captain

“That is only because you haven’t had to deal with me after a night of drinking. I am sure if you ask abou the city that people could tell you stories about me. Not all that flattering of ones be it at that. Most people don’t think I deserve such a high and respectful job. They think I am a blabbering alcoholic who doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut. Luckily they all silence themselves after the fourth commenter is thrown out a window.” She smiled as if nothing was wrong with her actions. She knew that it wasn’t the best way to deal with the other villagers but it was an easy way to let off steam without hurting anyone, well without hospitalizing anyone. A grin crossed expression.

“Ah well if you had seen what I did to a few of the other genin during training exercises you probably would know why I wasn’t accepted. Put the fear of God into the hearts of a few of them.” She laughed loudly before sighing. It was annoying though how people thought of her more as a monster than what she really was. Hana’s soul deep down is quite caring and nurturing if someone ever got to know her better. A feat of it’s own as she tended to avoid others and others generally tended to avoid her as the stench of her breath was rather off putting to most men. Remembering what he said she smiled at the thought that their was finally a Raikage who at least admit that his intentions were not final and if he was ever questionable that Hana was clear to off him. She couldn’t do it right away mind you otherwise she probably would be expected of inciting a coup against him or something. A noose was not glamorous about her neck. Plus he didn’t seem like all that bad of a man.

As if suddenly understanding what he was saying Hana’s face lit up red, wait what?! She pushed against the table slightly shocked at what he was implying, “Oh no, no, no I would never hit on the Raikage on his first week of service to the village besides I don’t even know you that well!” She shouted reasonably loudly so most of the others in the room probably would have turned and watch to her embarrassment. She stopped her hands in mid wave as her head almost rotated three hundred sixty degrees to observe everyone that was now smiling at the two of them. She would allow her head to fall against the table letting out a good sounding. THUMP. “Just keep bringing me bottles.” She stated already off on the wrong foot with her new leader.

When it actually came to people implying that she was hitting on them she was a mess often falling back to the boozes after embarrassing herself and this being the Raikage only made it worse.

7Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Thu May 15, 2014 5:08 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

Though his intentions at first were to tease the tall beauty he himself seemed to feel a bit hot under the collar as well. He hadn't expected such a fervent reaction, her face had turned a light shade of pink which made her hair seem like it was starting to catch on fire as if reflecting the heat to her face. Though he had definitely got the reaction he had hoped for there was something else there as well and as if his mind had forgotten to filter his mouth he spoke. "Wow, Hana is quite beauti..."

Before the long word was finished, his mouth quickly snapped shut, in a rash attempt of his mind trying to save the mouth from embarrassing, HIM! But there wasn't much for it, if she had heard him it could easily turn the tables on him, and make it look as though the Raikage was trying to put the moves on a Shinobi beneath him. This was part of the reason why in most cases the council prefer the Kage be married prior to his promotion to the aforementioned leadership position. It saved them from embarrassing situations, and kept the tabloids from sparking rumors about abuse of power to get dates.

It certainly did not help him, that Hana was in fact drop dead gorgeous, and to be honest, Achilles was in fact extremely excited that he would be getting to see her a lot as well, and being that he would need to give her missions and info, it would give him more chances to see her. His mind was running quite rampant by this point and he had just noticed the grinning waitress watching the exchange, 'Oh great, she's going to have literally the best gossip in town, Raikage on date with Violent ANBU Captain.' He could hear the rumors and such now.

Now recovering some face though, it was still turning an interesting shade of red mixed with his bronze like skin, he was able to give his order, "Five bowls of Beef and Miso Ramen, and more sake please." The last part of his order had been more of a plea for help than it was part of his original order, "Uh...Hana-chan?"

8Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Thu May 15, 2014 5:49 am

Utsukushii Hana

Utsukushii Hana
Kumo Anbu Captain
Kumo Anbu Captain

Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] 8b047f6f-4b57-4996-a1bf-195cb7efa477_zpsccbb420a

Hearing him place an order for all the bowls of beef and miso ramen was the only thing she could hear while her head was face down upon the table. Also hearing him questioningly say her name. Tilting on its axle her face turned still rosy read from her own embarrassment. “Better double his order because I want the same thing.” She wanted to die right then and there from making such a fool of herself. Now everyone is going to think I am a gold digger who is trying to flirt with the Raikage so he will be me things. This is perfect. Completely forgetting that this entire dinner date was being paid for by him. She groaned a bit and said, ”Please put me out of my misery and tell me what exactly we were going to talk about again?” Her face still flush and hair tossed up all around her head would be streaming down in front of it. Wasn’t her most graceful position but then this wasn’t her finest moment.

Pulling herself up the long hair probably would have flown into his face at the angle it was coming up till she would reach it’s full arch. Leaning back in her seat the color in her cheeks would begin to wane. ”I am sorry did I miss something in all of that terrible display, last thing i heard was your order and thane saying my name?” If he wanted her to know what he thought of her this would be the moment where he would repeat himself or conceal it trying to keep the embarrassing gossip at bay. Now getting a good look at his face she raised a brow seeing that he was now as flush as she was. ”Something wrong sir?”

WC: 296
Lightning Bug

9Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Thu May 15, 2014 6:22 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

His face was still pretty bright by the time she spoke up, after he had called her name, the first thing she had said was to double his order, 'Appears Hana-chan has as big an appetite as myself.' He was taken out of his embarrassing thoughts for the moment as he noticed the 'I wanna die' look on Hana's face, she must have been extremely embarrassed. As she rose her head, her hair had been tossed all about and covered portions of her face, most of which he could see however.

It was now, however his turn to be embarrassed again, as she asked what they were just talking about, which, the last thing said from him to her out loud was him saying she was beautiful. Probably not the smartest thing in the world to admit to a Shinobi who wanted his position, but, another thought occurred to him. Though it again, was interrupted by her movement, as she moved in a fluid motion to arch her back and get her hair back behind her instead of covering both her face and the table.

'Ah, I'm a Kage, what are our life spans, like ten years or something.' After rationalizing a decent enough reason to throw caution to the wind, his face began to turn considerably brighter, as it gaze continue to lock with Hana's, "No, nothing is wrong at all..." Assuring her that he was fine, he'd started to try and speak carefully, "As to what I said though, well, I kind of remarked rather bluntly how I felt about your appearance." He honestly felt kind of stupid putting it like that, but instead of waiting for her to respond by asking what he was sure to be, what he meant by that, he decided to make himself clearer, a little louder then he meant, "I said, wow, you're beautiful!"

After which his eyes looked as if they were being blinded by a pair of lights shone in each one, as he watched her, waiting for the reaction. With his track record he doubted anything good would come of it, and immediately began to mentally prepare himself for an ass chewing.

10Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Thu May 15, 2014 6:42 am

Utsukushii Hana

Utsukushii Hana
Kumo Anbu Captain
Kumo Anbu Captain

She watched the Raikage inquisitively, he wasn’t answering right away which meant something was up and she wanted to know exactly what it was. Unfortunately she wouldn’t be as interested when he came out in the middle of the restaurant in front of various of the citizens. At first nothing was strange except for the fact that he was definitely hiding something giving the generic, nothing is wrong response. Her face was now a smirk as he hoped that he would dig himself into a metaphorical ditch which she could then lean over for some supportive ego pleasing moments where she had caught the poor new Raikage off guard. His squeamishness of coming outright still pleasing to the ear … and then he said the few things she wasn’t expecting in such a manner as this. As if everyone else in the restaurant had stop talking the only things being said now was something she never meant to happen in a public setting.

"I said, wow, you're beautiful!" Freezing in her seat she contemplated if he was being serious about it. The way he was lit up like a candle though made it clear that he genuinely thought she was beautiful, in her outrageously provocative outfit and giant like form comparatively. Dumbfounded? Shocked? Moribond? Any of those really would have worked in describing the expression that was now stuck on her face. The snow white hair was now behind her head and nervous a strange past habit that had long been subdued suddenly showed itself. One finger began to wrap around in her hair like a fork with spaghetti. Her jaw partially hanging open would now have a few strands of hair being gnawed on by the grown woman before she had the courage to respond to that.

“And when you say I am beautiful you are not being pretentious?” She questioned a bit shocked that he was this upright with her. “You aren’t pulling my leg having a person catch this all in some awkward portrait where to immortalize the moment where you embarrassed Anbu captain Hana in front the entire village?” The more she said this the more she felt like it was the truth.

11Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Thu May 15, 2014 6:56 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

His ass was still in tact, meaning she wasn't upset with him, she sounded more curious or doubtful more than anything. As if she couldn't believe that someone would view her as such, because her blunt and aggressive demeanor or maybe her imposing size. Either way, they didn't bother Achilles, he was far too, calm for the aggression to bother him, with some of his own when needed, and he hadn't been bothered by her height. When he heard her accusation however, his flushed face, faded a bit as he became more confident, he was fine.

"No! I'm not being pretentious!" He was almost a little hurt that she wouldn't believe him at first, but could understand, "I'm not trying to trick you, or embarrass you, Hell, I'm not saying it just because I want to be on your good side." He looked up to her again, eye to eye, as he noticed appeared to just be worried, she didn't want to be made a full out of, which of course caused Achilles to relax.

He sighed and once again, went to the one trademark ability of his, that seemed to always make everyone feel a bit better, he gave her an honest smile. "I was just trying to be honest, at first it kind of just escaped as a loose thought, my mind hadn't caught before I said it." His blush which had dissipated some had decided it felt like coming back to help make him look like he was on the defensive, "Now that I've said it, I started thinking about it more." He looked away for a second, not wanting to overly embarrass himself too much.

"And after thinking about it, you definitely are the most beautiful girl I've seen. And I've been all over the world." Acting as though he were about to get up, he began to reach for his wallet which had resided in a seal he released on his fatigues, "If you want I can let you finish your meal in peace?"

12Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Thu May 15, 2014 7:31 am

Utsukushii Hana

Utsukushii Hana
Kumo Anbu Captain
Kumo Anbu Captain

Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] 8b047f6f-4b57-4996-a1bf-195cb7efa477_zpsccbb420a

The hot tempered fury that was first lit by Achilles suddenly burnt out into a small candle flicker. Every word he said in defense of himself hitting hard and true to Hana’s emotions he was quite determined on explaining just how much he wasn’t trying to make a fool of her and actually continued finish the deal by adding at the end a compliment which would cause her face to light up cherry red, once again glowing through her pale silver hair. Worse yet now she felt ashamed that she would ever suspect such an honest man of such fowl play. I just accused the Raikage in public of fowl manners and he followed it up  with one of the most nicest things someone has ever said about her. Gahhhhhhhhh! Her mind yelled at her for such stupidity.

Elbows now propped against the table, Hana’s fingers began to wrap around her head lacing them in with her hair as if they were another part of the tapestry that was her hair dawned upon her head. Eyes sliding back into her skull and cherry red face she regretted not getting dead drunk before this lunch. She could only imagine the expressions the villagers were giving her now. The once relentless and strong willed Hana was defeated by a compliment a few honest words from the Raikage. Stories of his power would be sung in ballads of how he bested the fury of Hana with a phrase ‘you are beautiful.’ If she had low blood pressure she probably would have been having a bloody nose from her foolishness. Her back arched up above her head which was now being supported by  her two long arms that were only managing to keep her up because the muscles locked in place.

A good minute passed with her stunned from events that had passed leaving her emotionally scarred probably for the rest of the days to come. Finally through the silence she coughed out, “Drinks. Now!” Growing louder as her the cherry red in her cheeks would slowly fade now due to time and nothing else. She was still distraught about accusing the Raikage and was trying to come up with some manner to apologize now. Quickly the waitress would hurry back with the two bottles of sake which Hana had felt like she asked for days ago, or maybe she didn’t even ask for them at the rate she was going her mind was forgetting what she even was doing this morning. Hand grasping firmly onto the bottle she tilted back still red her head drooping over the back of the chair. Her chest now tilted up the two mounds in the place of where her head use to be and bottle of alcohol which was sticking up from behind that was firmly planted in her mouth. The liquid from the observers would be draining abnormally fast even for Hana. The drink flowing straight through her without even once swallowing.

Tilting forward she would smack the bottom of the bottle against the table. Her taijutsu training making the grab of the next one look fast to the common observer as she now was leaning back once again chugging the second without caring about the consequences of drinking two bottles that quickly. Again the second bottle would clatter beside the other firmly planted on the table. With the strength she slammed them down it was impressive the bottles didn’t shatter on impact. Although slight impressions would be visible to those who cared to pay attention.

WC: 587
Lightning Bug

13Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Thu May 15, 2014 7:46 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

Once, the waitress had returned, Achilles handed her the ryo, plus a tip, and quickly gave her the instruction not to bring anymore sake other then the one that was brought for himself. He could see what, Hana was doing, and he didn't care for it too much, did he understand it, of course, did he want her to continue doing that, of course not. Their food was about to be ready to arrive, but, again Achilles had already made instruction for them to wait a few moments before bringing it out, giving him at least another five minutes or so. "I hope I didn't embarrass you, Hana-chan." His voice was sincere, and he had already sat back down onto his side of the both, as he slid the bottle over to the side of the table so they could be taken up.

"I hope that I've proved to you, that I am an able Raikage, and one that you can trust." Taking a drink of his own sake he looked across gauging her for a reaction before continuing, "But, you have only asked me one question so far, why don't you give it another shot, I'm sure there is plenty you'd like to know, and plenty I'd be excited to tell you." Taking the opportunity to maybe hint at a possibly, "For example, I'm not seeing anyone at the moment haha." He had managed to get the sentence out without sounding as foolish before, he figured, he had already started the game, might as well play till he wins or loses.

14Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Thu May 15, 2014 8:26 am

Utsukushii Hana

Utsukushii Hana
Kumo Anbu Captain
Kumo Anbu Captain

Had she noticed the little transaction she probably would have been furious throwing a few drunken raged jutsu techniques every which away, but she was guzzling the second bottle by then. She sat there looking for the next bottle to come, when she was alone they always kept coming it was like a miracle from the god’s saying let her get drunk and here she was sitting there a bit distraught as no bottles came to her. She would have just ran over to the cabinet without a care in the world but she remembered she was at lunch with the raikage and couldn’t look all that desperate. She scoffed unable to hide her embarrassment, “Embarrassed. Please I not embarrassed what reason do I have to be embarrassed. Lets just eat and talk over our bowls of ramen.” She already wished she had another bottle but none were coming and she had no idea what to do to remedy the issue.

Sitting up her face was now only partially tinted red as she had one hand propping her head up as guzzling to bottles of sake while an incredible feat was not the smartest thing she had ever done. Burning as it went down her throat she received a headache and the feelings of being tipsy a fair bit faster than she would first imagine. “I can’t think of anything right now besides would you share some of that sake with me?” She mumbled the initial embarrassment being replaced by pain more than anything. Seriously sake god where are you? What have I done to make the bottles stop appearing? She looked across the table her hair once again covering part of her face as she now awaited for the meal to come. She listened to the sentence he followed up with and stopped trying to cypher it as if it was some secret code for something when it was just her head and the alcohol playing tricks with her.

The sudden realization came across remembering this was partially the reason she was curving so hard toward her addiction. “Oh you mean dating, no ….” she sighed feeling rather ill, “I wouldn’t want to date me. I am a drunk mess half the days of the week and the other half you can smell it on my breath.” She sighed crossing her arms and laying her head in them. “If you are asking me on a date then why not I will bite.” She wasn’t thinking all that clearly, but she did have to admit he was handsome and she could do worse trying to set herself up with the kage of kumo.

15Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Thu May 15, 2014 8:41 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

Achilles was extremely red by this point, here he was trying to be smart and clever hiding behind these niceties, trying to figure out where he stood. Then suddenly as if she had planned it all along, Hana simply skipped three steps and agreed to a date with Achilles, which of course only reddened his face further. He couldn't be upset though, he just somehow earned himself a date with the prettiest woman in Kumogakure, how could he argue. What had bothered him however was how down she was about herself, it was almost as if she simply numbed herself when she wasn't training or on a mission so she wouldn't have to deal with anything else.

All in all it really bothered the young Kage, he would really need to put an effort into helping her get over whatever caused the strange addiction, and in the mean time, get to know the beautiful snow haired woman. Signalling for the waitress to box their food instead of bringing it to them, he decided that they should head out some where a bit more private. That way, he could delve a bit deeper into what kind of person she was, and maybe help her. 'Of course I wouldn't mind it just being the two of us, eating together either.'

Casually while her head was still buried in her arms, Achilles had silently stood up, and grabbed his trench coat, which he slung around himself causing it to gracefully full onto his shoulders, 'Man the five hours I spent practicing that was worth it, that looked so smooth!' Happy with himself, he noticed the waitress bringing their lunches, boxed and bagged into four large bags, which she sat down onto the table. As it would likely gain Hana's attention, Achilles decided to really go for it at this point.

Before she could raise her head, Achilles extended an arm out to her, so that when she rose her head, she could grab hold and politely help her up from the booth. He may not have been on many dates before, but from what he was taught by his mother years ago, manners and laughter were the two ways to win a woman over. Of course a good smile never hurt either, she'd add, so in an attempt to knock all three out in one day, he gave her the best smile he could while waiting for her to react. "Ready to go, Hana-chan?"

16Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Thu May 15, 2014 9:00 am

Utsukushii Hana

Utsukushii Hana
Kumo Anbu Captain
Kumo Anbu Captain

Sitting there her fingers began to massage her temples while the Kage motioned to the waitress to boxe up both their meals. Her stomach was churning slightly from the sake intake. She was use to drinking a lot so she wasn’t going to get drunk solely off of those bottles but tipsy was definitely already close in line. Her mind faded back to the time where she was young and living with her parents. Her father wasn’t the most pleasant of people as he tended to demoralize her and diminish her ego as he didn’t care too much for her in the first place. Shaking her head out of that bad memory she looked up to the kage who was now extending a hand out to her.

Her eyes trailed the appendage back to the body which it belonged to knowing full well that it was to the man she had just agreed to go on a date with. If she wasn’t feeling so gloomy all the sudden she might have turned him down outright, maybe regretting it in the future maybe not. But her next few hours were now signed away to the Lightning sage as she watched the containers of ramen arrive at the table. Reaching up she would accept the hand looking into the smil which was quite comforting after everything that just passed. She normally would have been formulating various plans and schemes to pick away at him but she was now off her game and easy picking for various questions which Raiki might ask during their little walk to the next location.

Waking up slightly from her self imposed depression she would respond, “You better get me another drink wherever we are headed.” She sighed stumbling as she stood up before brushing her hair out of her face. She then would walk out of the store first without bothering to pick up anything standing outside the door for him to step through and lead the way.

17Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Empty Re: Business Lunch [Achilles and Hana] Thu May 15, 2014 9:17 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

After gently tugging on her hand to help her to her feet, Achilles looked towards the bags, and decided he really didn't have to carry them. Well he would, but it wouldn't be him, smiling cleverly he put his first two fingers on each hand together in the form of a cross, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" In a quick poof of smoke, there was another Achilles with a good portion of chakra holding him together, and waiting for instructions. "Alright take this, and put it on the dining room table!" The clone simply gave a nod and took off, in a shunshin.

Turning around he saw Hana had walked out of the door and was seen waiting outside leaning against the wall. After which he quickly began to stroll to the doorway exiting as well, a smile spreading on his face as he began to lead the way. They were heading towards the opposite direction of the Raikage tower, towards where his personal home was, they had offered him the Raikage Palace, to which he declined saying he didn't feel comfortable living in a missing person's home.

As such, they began to make their way towards his house, which was actually a few minutes away from the restaurant they were just eating at. He had actually had his home hidden and the location was only given to people of his choosing which at the moment were Katsuro, and his ANBU. Of course, the only ANBU who he hadn't shared that info with yet was Hana who would soon find out, how and where his home was hidden.

[Thread End]

Word Count: 3,498

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