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Getting things done[Missions, Eden]  Pixel

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Getting things done[Missions, Eden]

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1Getting things done[Missions, Eden]  Empty Getting things done[Missions, Eden] Thu Oct 30, 2014 1:27 am


C-rank missing ninja
C-rank missing ninja


It was earlier in the morning and Sabo had only been within the village know as Konoha for a few hours, but the first thing he did was find the man he was instructed to find by the Mafia boss. A man that was to give Sabo his next task, a man the Mafia boss described as something... strange. Sabo didn't know what the hell the Mafia boss was talking about, but felt it was dumb. As Sabo felt all these people and things he hated were strange and felt this man the boss spoke about wouldn't be different. But when Sabo met the guy he felt that the bosses words were completed true. As from how freakishly tall the guy was, how he spoke, how he looked dressed, everything. When the guy explained to Sabo what he was to do and why he was sent here Sabo found it hard to understand what he was talking about, so would wait for him to finish so he could ask an important question. 

"Why was I sent here again?" Sabo would as the flashy dressed man who stood before him, the man didn't say anything but hand Sabo anything but a scroll. The guy would then turn his back and walk away from Sabo, and Sabo would do nothing to stop the flashy dressed bastard. As Sabo would undue the scroll and after reading the first thing he would close it, as he understood what his job was now. "I fucking hate this..." Sabo would say as he would lean up against a tree and gaze out, not liking how this cemetery wasn't bigger. And also why Mammon had told him to meet the girl, Eden, or better know as the bosses daughter. Sabo would sigh and run his hand through his head as he was supposed to stop working for the bastard, the Mafia boss, awhile ago. He only wanted to use the guy to get into this country without being hunted down be those of the Land of Iron. As Sabo continued to wait he would whistle to himself wondering why he didn't just tell Mammon he was done and no longer wanted to work for the Mafia. Sabo would turn his attention down at his blades, and sigh once again. These things haven't tasted flesh or blood in such a long time and they let Sabo know this every second; as Sabo felt them crying and damning his name for not drawing them. This hurt Sabo as he didn't want the only things in this world hate him, as their hate should only be for everyone else. These three only had each other, and Sabo would let them know this. "Please...please don't cry...soon my friends I will draw you and you will taste what you desire most. So please my friends trust me...as God as my witness! I will not break my promise you you two.." Sabo's words were full of love that he has never showed anyone or thing, as that is all he could feel about his blade. Love. 


Suna no Kai

Suna no Kai
D-rank missing ninja
D-rank missing ninja

Concern had never been an emotion that Eden could convey all to well, at least not when it didn’t pertain to any plans she had. So when she had heard the news of Mammon leaving, not an ounce of concern had entered her being. Why should she be concerned for the likes of somebody who was just plain terrible at his job? She hoped that her adoptive father, no matter how little she liked the man as a father, would give the incompetent fool a good thrashing before feeding him to the tigers. Yet her mind never once wandered to why Mammon had been recalled by her father, albeit she couldn’t have cared less about the reason why. Not when she found herself expressing an inkling of satisfaction at his departure and excitement about the man who had been assigned to take Mammon’s place.
Sabo was supposedly his name, though rather or not that was indeed his name was up for debate. He was an individual that Eden hadn’t the pleasure of hearing of, though she hadn’t the pleasure of knowing the name of a lot of people affiliated with her father, so she didn’t know what sort of person the man was. Yet, if he was anything like Mammon, she would have to give her father a good talking only after crippling the man. She couldn’t take being around another person with the attention span of a four-year-old again, or she would have to put some blood on her hands. But all she could do was hope, something that she didn’t do very often but would do now as she made the trek from the inn to the cemetery. A rather nice place to meet your charge, may she add.
Upon arrival, well let’s just say that she was greeted by the sight of a man who was talking to seemingly nothing. It was at that moment Eden would groan, for if this man was her bodyguard, she would prefer the forgetful Mammon over a lunatic any day. Yet she shouldn’t be so quick to judge, though it was a little too late for that. Instead, she cleared her throat, wrapping her arms around her bare torso as she cocked her head to the side. “Sabo, neh?”


C-rank missing ninja
C-rank missing ninja

“Sabo, neh?”

Sabo would hear someone say something to hims and would find that his name was called by some short child, which was probably the bosses daughter. "Mhmm" Sabo would say as he would start to slowly walk over to her, and then place the scroll Mammon had given him to her."Read this. That fool Mammon had given it to me and that scroll has everything he wants us to do. I have memeorized all of it so no need to give it back to me, as I know you children are very forgetful. And also don't disobey any order I give you...as I hate you and have no fear of your father. So treat my word as a commandment from God." Sabo would then go back over to lean against the tree, he wanted the little Eden to read the scroll now so she would know the first things they were going to be doing. Sabo would also run his hand through his hair as he hated everything about the little girl, but to him that was to be expected. He would sigh as he would put his hands in his pocket, as he wondered why Mammon couldn't have taken care of those things on that list that dealt with Konoha. As those two had been in this village long enough to at least do those and Sabo should have just been told to take the girl to the next village and take care of things there and so on. Whelp at least Mammon had given them a decent amount of Ryo to take care of the things needed to be done, and also promised to send more when the two were in the next village. 

Suna no Kai

Suna no Kai
D-rank missing ninja
D-rank missing ninja

Eden took the scroll from the one known as Sabo, though she would refer to him as that psychotic guard for his earlier action. She barely listened to what he had said, having already proceeded to memorize the contents of the scroll before the man had begun talking. She had caught something about him not being afraid of her father, hating her, and that she should obey every order that he gave her. Things she would comment on later, but wouldn’t do now since the scroll was far more important. She shook her head slightly, a little bit ticked that Mammon hadn’t done these things, but not enough to express it. He was gone now, replaced the psychotic man that had no fear of her adoptive father, though she doubt anyone with Ninja skill feared her father so that really wasn’t special.
She sighed deeply as she rolled the scroll back up, tucking it into her pocket before wrapping her arms around her mid section once again. Her eyes closed as her chin rested on her collarbone, only straightening up after a few seconds of silence. “I don’t expect anyone to fear my father. No one with an ounce of respectable training would fear my father. But that doesn’t matter at the moment,” Eden said, slightly shrugging her shoulders as she uttered the last sentence. Her eyes traveled from Sabo to the numerous stone headers that littered the cemetery, sighing once again before looking at Sabo once again. A frown was upon her face, and she made no attempt to hide it. She cocked her head to the side, wondering if she should let Sabo know that she didn’t care if the world grew to hate her so long as there was a certain princess around, but decided against it.
Instead, she simply unwrapped her arms, placing her left hand upon her hip whilst letting her right arm drop to her side. With a click of her tongue she took several steps towards Sabo before stopping. “We should get to work. Konoha is expecting a performance and it be terrible if the people didn’t receive what they thought we came for.”

5Getting things done[Missions, Eden]  Empty Re: Getting things done[Missions, Eden] Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:04 am


C-rank missing ninja
C-rank missing ninja

Sabo would watch the little Eden read the scroll and then speak to him, an blank expression on his face as he did this. He just stood there waiting not moving an inch, not to even swat a fly that may fly too close to his face or even rub his head if it was extremely itchy. He would drop his head from the hilt of his blade when the little Eden would begin to walk toward him, and then sign once said suggested they get started. "I was waiting for you child. So here let us begin." Sabo would say as he would turn around walk over to a tree and go behind it and after a few seconds will come back with a large bag, the bag being given to him by Mammon before that guy had departed and was the size of Eden. "We can start writing  Invitations making posters...while I think of a good place to hold our performance, cause I did see some good spots when I first came here and walked around. But I ain't sure if we will be able to use them." Sabo would say as he walk back over to her and place the bag between them. He would open the bag and pull out a poster and ,after a few minutes of looking, something to write with." Why couldn't that fool had done this....he is like a big ass kid and could have found this fun." Sabo would mumble to himself as he would look up at the sky, a bit irritated that he had to do this. As this task was for children and he was not going to waste his time doing this, "Child, I am not going to make theses things so you handle it, okay? Since you are a child that shouldn't be a problem. Who knows you might enjoy it..." Sabo would lower his head and look around the cemetery and spot a few people here and there paying their respects. Suddenly his heart will start beating fast and his eyes would grow wide as he spotted three beautiful women about to leave the Cemetery, "I will be right back, and focus on those invitations and posters." Sabo would say as he stood up and walk hurry to cut them of before they would leave. 

Sabo would come back after a few minutes and grab some of things in the bag and walk back over to them, and after giving them an hug and waving goodbye to them he could come back and lay on the ground."Two birds with one stone, I am too damn good." He would say as he looked up at the sky, as he waited for Eden to finish if she started working on the invitations. As Sabo did just take care of his part of the invitation task and had just got three people to help take care of things, and deserved his rest. He was a bit disappointed in himself as he had to act like he truly enjoyed talking to those women and their feeling so they could help him out with this performance. As he didn't fucking care at all about why they were here and he didn't even wanna ask them for what he asked them for. As he only talk to beautiful women like that for only one reason, sex, as that was the only reason those women were here on this earth. "You can take your time on those invitations and posters....we gotta wait for those women to get back before we can start practicing." Sabo would say as he would close his eyes, as he knew they would have a good thirty minutes before those women would return. 


Suna no Kai

Suna no Kai
D-rank missing ninja
D-rank missing ninja

Eden cocked her head to the side, Sabo having left her to complete the task of making flyers and posters. Her eyes were on the bag, having not yet moved to see the contents for she had a good idea of what was inside. She definitely wasn’t going to be writing out all of the posters and flyers needed to have a large crowd at the performance, not when there were people who would do this so long as she forked over some money. And the last time she checked, she had enough money to commission somebody else to do the work of making flyers and posters, and they would be far nicer than what she would be capable of doing. Her gaze shifted upwards before flickering around the cemetery, taking note of the various people that had come to pay their respects, unlike herself and Sabo.
Done assessing the area, Eden would finally dig into the bag, pulling out a piece of paper and something to write with before plopping herself on the ground. Without further ado, she began to design the flyers, doing her best work which was something she could not replicate, but that was of no matter for she would be sending it to somebody who could replicate what she had drawn. Deeming the flyer good enough to grab the attention of the residents of Konoha, she withdrew a poster from the bag, designing that as well. It took no more than five minutes to complete both the design of the flyer and the poster, which was good since Sabo returned upon her finishing. She watched as he took several things from the bag before going back to wherever he had been before, albeit he returned sooner than he had the last time. 

He said something about killing two birds with one stone, and that she could take her time on the invitations, which she called flyers, and posters for they had plenty of time. An eyebrow raised at Sabo, but she didn’t say anything, instead gathering the single flyer and poster she had made before standing up. “I shall be back than,” Eden said before she headed out the cemetery, not a word of where she was going for she thought it obvious with the contents she had left with. After five minutes of asking the various residents if there was somebody that could duplicate her flyer and poster, and another three finding the shop, Eden would return to the cemetery in under fifteen minutes.

Since flyers and posters would be taken care of, and she had been told that her orders would be done in twenty minutes to an hour later, she decided to that she would stretch out her limbs. Once again plopping herself down on the ground enriched by the bodies of the deceased, she proceeded to stretch.


C-rank missing ninja
C-rank missing ninja


Mafia Dog

"Okay." Sabo would say in response to little Eden saying she was going to be back, as he had done his part and whenever she was done with her's they could do something else. So after his response Sabo would take a quick nap and wait for her return, and her to be done with her part. What he would dream about wasn't really much other then himself training that would end up with him spotting a beautiful blue hair women with large breast, but when he was about to sleep with her he would open his eyes; why this happened was because little Eden had returned even though she didn't say anything to wake him up. 

He would slowly sit up and look up at the sky and then turn his attention to the stretching Eden,"Since you are now stretching I guess you have finish and we are going to begin our next step. Well you are." Sabo would say as he got up to his feet, as it was now time for the little Eden to practice. He would yawn before putting his hands in his pocket; he said Eden would be the only practicing because he had to go and pick up his instruments. As Sabo wasn't one for dancing but he was decent at playing different instruments, and his level of skill would be enough for their performance. At this time also the women from earlier would return and wait by a tree, they each had brought some instruments Sabo asked them to buy for him. Sabo would walk over to them and explain that Eden would be the one to teach them the steps, well two of them while, as one was going to be used for another task later on. "Eden! You are going to teach theses two all the steps Mammon said he taught you, while I will play the music I guess." Sabo would say as he took the instruments and placed them on the ground, and also some sheets of music.   

One of the women would stay next to Sabo while the other two walked over to Eden and introduced themselves.  The two redheaded woman where the ones that Sabo sent over to, the first one would say her name was Mina while the other would say she was Shiro. They would begin stretching also as they wait for Eden to begin telling them what to do, while Sabo can be seen and heard practicing the music and also teaching Chia the music and had to play the instruments. 

Three hired hands :

Word Count: 0432/1,858/3,300

8Getting things done[Missions, Eden]  Empty Re: Getting things done[Missions, Eden] Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:43 am

Suna no Kai

Suna no Kai
D-rank missing ninja
D-rank missing ninja

Eden nearly scowled at the comment Sabo had made, for that fool Mammon had taught her nothing more than how incompetent one could possibly be. The two women that Sabo must have been talking to earlier approached her with smiles upon their faces, introducing themselves as Mina and Shiro respectively. Though Eden could honestly care less about the two, she forced herself to put a smile upon her face and otherwise act like showing them the routine wouldn’t be troublesome in the slightest, thus happy that they were there. She blamed Mammon and her unrelated brother for this entire situation, but complaining about it would do little and there was a performance the girl had to put on. So she would suck up any bitterness and disdain she had, and show these women the routine.

With the most obnoxious smile upon her face, and the sweetest voice to boot, Eden would begin to show the two women the planned out routine. Not all that difficult, for since she knew nothing of their background in dance, she decided to start with the easy stuff first. They did rather well on the first routine she had showed them, and thus decided to move onto the second one, which was vastly different and a little faster than the first one. When that routine was down she would move onto the third one, which was even faster, and than the fourth, until they arrived at the fifth one, which would serve as the finally. Of course she had to get them through the second routine first, correct any mistakes she saw, for she required perfection, and adjusting the speed ever so slightly. By time they had made it to the third routine, Mina needed to rest despite the protest of the overly excited Shiro. Shiro insisted that they continue, but since Eden didn’t need one of the dancers to be taken out of the show due to a injury sustained during practice, she decided that a break should be taken.

She would spin upon her heel before falling backwards, collapsing onto the ground as she let out a sigh. “Five minutes and we shall continue,” she would tell the girls, head shifting over to where they were before gazing up at the sky. She would sigh once again, closing her eyes as she thought about days that have since long gone, a smile upon her face.


C-rank missing ninja
C-rank missing ninja


Mafia Dog

"There ya go. You are pretty good at this..." Sabo would say as he watched Chia get the hang of how the song went, and was actually playing the instrument better then Sabo had showed her. He would rub the back of his head and look over at Eden and the other two, wanting to see how much progress they were making. And from what he saw things were coming along okay and they probably would be ready for the performance later, but seeing and hearing them all take a break made him annoyed a bit. But he wouldn't say anything as he could understand if they wanted to take a rest; and what Mammon had told him about Eden he understood. Licking his lips Sabo would yawn, as he wanted to take an nap after seeing the others take a break. "Keep practicing Chia, as that is all you can do. you don't need my help anymore, but f you do just wake me up. I didn't get much sleep last night and will take a quick nap." Sabo would tell her this and would receive an nob understatement. Sabo was close his eye and slowly drift to sleep land, it only taking him a few seconds to fall asleep. 
Word Count: 2,070/3,300

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