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The Art of Shuriken [Yuuji, Sora and Kisuke D-Rank Mission] Pixel

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The Art of Shuriken [Yuuji, Sora and Kisuke D-Rank Mission]

2 posters

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The morning sun rose as Yuuji stretched his arms above his his head, waking up with his hair looking like a lions mane as he sticks out all over the place.
"Why does this keep happening."
He mutters in an annoyed tone before sorting out his hair as he decides to tie it back into a ponytail before starting a quick morning routine of twenty pushups along with twenty situps after a series of stretches.
"I really can't be bothered with that today." 
He gets up off from the floor and dresses himself before heading out of his room to have breakfast with his parents, after the argument they had last time, Yuuji decided it'd be best if I did spend some time with his family while he could after a quick chat he left the house and headed to the training grounds, the typical program response before realising he had agree to teach some academy students.

Ever have those moments where you set yourself onto auto-pilot because you can't be bothered to talk to someone who just rambles on, Yuuji had one of these moments which landed him into this job.

"So you'll do it?!"
A female Jounin asks as she looks at Yuuji pleadingly.
"Sounds amazing." 
His voice cold and emotionless as per usual.
"All you have to do is teach them how to use the shuriken effectively!"
"It's not your fault."
"Ah, thank you so much Yuuji-kun!"
"I see."
As the woman runs off past him, Yuuji comes to his senses as he looks around with a complete look of confusion on his face.
"What did I just agree to?!"
He screams out to himself before recalling what just happened in his mind, he face palms at his own stupidity before ending up where he is today.
Yuuji walks along with his hands in his pockets as he takes a quick look to the sky.
"I really shouldn't just act like that when I don't want to talk to people.."
He mutters quietly to himself before looking back infront of him as he heads down the street, he pulls his hand out of his pocket as he pulls out a kunai and beings to spin it round his finger, clearly trying to amuse himself from the boredom of the walk, knowing that he could clearly be training right now instead of going to teach some kids.


Last edited by Yuuji on Sat Nov 01, 2014 1:34 am; edited 1 time in total

Itome Hikaraku

Itome Hikaraku
Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin

Sora shuddered as he recalled the conversation that occured between him and his parents just over thirty minutes ago as he was walking to the academy.

Kenshiro Hyuuga was a fair skinned man with a scar across his nose. He was wearing the standard Hyuuga robes, and along with Sora's mother, he looked at the child with a curious face.

"So, my son is finally becoming a man, huh? I don't know whether I should be proud or disgusted by your fetishes, haha.."

From his pockets, Kenshiro pulled out a porn magazine with a naked woman being probed by slimy, green tentacles.

"This is what I found under your bed...Super Oppai Four, Squiggles strikes back.."

Sora felt like he was about to die from the enormous killing intent that was coming from his mother. He knew his father would understand his urges because he was a boy, but his mom stare at him with a soul shriveling glare.

"I don't think I raised my son to be a dirty pervert... oh well~ I suppose if you have time to play with that useless stick of yours, you have time to go do some missions and bring money in this house!"

U-Useless stick? Now that's just mean?

"Now Yuria, I don't think you should be so harsh on Sora..."

Kenshiro motioned over to Yuri, placing his hand on her shoulder. But, it seemed that he forgot that his wife possessed absolute authority, and without moving even a single muscle, Yuria threw Kenshiro across the house, and retreated into her room.

Why do I have to have crazy parents..this isn't fair!

With that, he left the house.
His mission today was a simple -rank mission where he would help the children practice the art of weaponry. Now, he wasn't an expert or anything, but if he needed to then he would use it. While traveling to the academy, Sora spotted a familar Hyuuga..it was Yuuji!

"Aye, Yuuji!"

Sora hurried through the people, politely apologizing for his rudeness.

"What's up with you? I'm on a mission cuz my Mom kicked me out the house because I was reading por- because I said Uchiha were better then Hyuuga. yeah..."

Sora didn't want his friend to think he was some kind if perverted freak! Then he would have one less person to talk too,..and he only talled to two people!

WC: 409



As Yuuji walked along the streets, passing countless of people the kunai around his finger slowly stops spinning and comes to a halt aswell as his pace as he hears a familiar voice, it was Sora.
Yuuji turns his head, placing his cold glaze onto Sora as he makes his way through the people towards him.
"I don't remember us becoming so friendly that you drop the honorific on my name Sora-kun."
He lowers his right arm and hand as he pockets the kunai and turns his body round to face Sora as he slowly folds his arms across his chest and raising a single eyebrow as he tilts his head to the right slightly.
"The Uchiha are better than the Hyūga? Do you want to keep your eyes? You best hope nobody else heard that."
Yuuji seems to be in reason with Sora's stupidity, knowing that is probably a different reason why he was kicked out of his home but he couldn't place his finger on what it was, he shrugs once before returning to his original position with his arms as his side.
"Didn't think someone from the main house such as yourself would work, I'm about to head off to do some work myself, that might be something if you go ask."
He nods firmly as if confirming his words before going to walk off in his current direction, heading to his destination.


Itome Hikaraku

Itome Hikaraku
Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin

"Well, we're both Hyuugas right? Why shouldn't we be friendly? We should know each other's secrets~"

Man, that book really improved my ability in making friends! Me and Yuuji are like, best friends forever! I need to go and buy more of those books!

Sora lightly poked his own eyeball when Yuuji threatened him.

"D'awww, I can't lie to my bestie! The real reasons my parents kicked me out is because..."

He looked around, and making sure no one would hear him, he lowered his voice so that only Yuuji would be able to hear his embarrassing incident.

"My uh, parents caught me with one of those magazines..sometimes a man has to relieve his stress, you know? Being a ninja kind of sucks, but I take all the mental pain for my village! And that isn't very nice..I do plenty of hard work, stereotyping is bad..didn't your parents tell you that? For example..I go to the animal hospital every Saturday and play with the kitties."

Sora noticed that they were both heading in the same direction. Would they end up at the same destination and start to trade secrets there? Maybe Yuuji would tell Sora what girl he liked..!

"Hey, are you going near the academy too? Gosh, I kind of hated that place. I was always bullied and stuff..I'm so glad you and Mizuna are my friends. you know that?"

He turned to Yuuji with a wide smile on his face. This was the boy he had to trust with his life during the Chuunin Exams. Sora only wished that Yuuji was a bit less cold towards him, but he couldn't blame him. It was very hard to forgive, especially with the atrocities the Main family had committed.

But we'll need perfect synergy if we want to survive..after all, we only have two people on our squad. That puts us at a disadvantage.,,

WC: 327



Yuuji can't help but facepalm as he lets out a sigh as he raises his voice slightly.

"Yes, we're of the same clan, but I'm a member of the branch house and you're a member of the main house, we should still respect other in a sense, but I don't recall being.. "Besties." "

He shudders for a brief moment as the thought passes through his mind before delivering another facepalm as he hears the next line of words that comes from Soras mouth.

"Look, there are some things you share with people and there are some things you don't share with people, that is one of the things you don't share nor do you say it when we're in a crowded area." 

He motions to the people walking all around them, he continues to walk along as he talks, placing his hands in his pockets after facepalming.

"Sharing secrets isn't something I do either, people know enough about me already and Mizuna-senpai? She's the one that you attacked if I recall, you're friends with her? Heh."

He laughs once as he turns his head from left to right at some of the people walking past and lets out a grunt before looking directly in front of him again.

"And to answer your question, I am heading to the academy, thats why I'm working today, I somehow managed to get myself into it by accident, so now I'm teaching them Shurikenjutsu for the day.

As the two walk along they finally reach the academy, Yuuji inspects it from head to toe, clearly remembering his time here and some of the people he met and loss, none of them truly being good memories, he grabs his forehead seeming alittle disturbed before regaining his regular expression, all of a sudden the two would be swarmed by a bunch of academy students clearly they had heard the news that someone was coming in teach them.

WC: 316.

Itome Hikaraku

Itome Hikaraku
Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin

Scratching his head at what Yuuji was saying, Sora didn't seem to quite understand. Why would friends keep things from each other? It didn't seem right, but since Sora was new at this he figured that he really was in the wrong, and bowed down quickly to avoid holding up traffic.

"Sorry Yuuji..I'm still new to the social environment...huh? You're teaching the academy students how to throw shuriken too? That's awesome, we'll bond even more Yuuji!"

As soon as he finished this words, he would quickly wrap his arms around Yuuji..it was a hug of friendship!

Others in the crowd would look at the pair with a couple of glances, and Sora could even hear one man call out "Ha, GAAAAAAY!" But he didn't care! This was his friend, and nothing was gay about showing affection for his friend!

After about five seconds of his grip of death, he would let go.

"I forgot we had a mission best friend, haha.."

Once they arrived at the academy, it looked the same as always..so plain. Was Sora really in love with the design of this place when he was a child?

Then again..being plain is the best for a ninja since you stand out less. Hrm.. maybe this design choice was smart.

A couple bad memories of being bullied were starting to pop up, but Sora was trying his best not to show any resentment as he walked into the doors of the Academy's front office to get his visitor's pass.

This is a totally different class..I'm sure the bullying has gone down considerably.

The receptionist seemed so chilled and relax..Sora needed to be more like him, so he took in a deep breath, and simply mimicked his actions.

"What it is, brother?"

Sora looked at the receptionist strange for a split second, but luckily he didn't pick it up. Was this some kind of foreign dialect?

"Nothin' much, just chillin' like a villain. I'm here cuz I needa complete a mission, teach these students how to throw a shuriken, know what I mean cuz?"

He learned those words from T.V!

"Hahaha, yeah I feel ya. We gotta give back to our community, das why I'm here."

He handed Sora a visitor's pass, and looked at Yuuji, whispering to Sora.

"Why ya hanging out with this lame ass, bruh?"

"Because he's my friend.."

Sora however, was not whispering. The receptionist looked at him, staring into his soul.

"Heh..I respect you."

WC: 431

