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Night of the Day [Training, Private] Pixel

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Night of the Day [Training, Private]

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1Night of the Day [Training, Private] Empty Night of the Day [Training, Private] Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:08 am


Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

tetsuro, kuroo
WC: 397
I sat still on the floor, legs crossed, eyes closed. The flow of chakra through my body, something I could feel with the recent mastery of my sensory skills. Now, all that was left was to improve my skills in casting jutsu such as ninjutsu. Recently, I developed a technique that would be used from a better distance, though still yet to be improved to a higher ranking. Right now, it would only be able to be sent a few meters to hit a target, but hopefully I'd be able to fix that soon. But before learning to cast my new jutsu, I'd have a bit of a warmup.

Twenty pushups, twenty sit ups, fifteen pull-ups on solid tree branches. Repeat twice.

I grabbed my water bottle sitting on the dusty floor and took a few sips from it. It wasn't any intense training regimen, since I didn't want to wear myself out completely before actually getting to the real training. I stretched a bit, wiped my sweat off my forehead, and got straight into developing the jutsu. I knew the basic premise of it, so it wouldn't be hard to make it happen. Though executing it would be the real issue from what I could tell. I closed my eyes to image the form, and shape of the water technique. They would turn out to be tiny condensed balls of water, formed to look similar like bullets. Now with the remainder of the time I had left before having to go eat dinner, was to make it be able to shoot towards a direction, similarly like I would assassinate a target from the shadows.

While I was able to form the condensed balls of water, I imagined as if my chakra would urge them to move to get out of the way. With that basic idea in mind, I formed the bullets and focused my chakra to surge into the bullets. Given the benefit of the doubt, it actually worked. It only traveled an approximate five meters or so, which would be good enough to be a basic technique when in combat. I practiced and tried a couple more times until it was something I could get a grasp over. Luckily, the warm up helped my chakra, and blood flow thoroughly enough to cooperate with me developing this jutsu.

Simple enough, Condensed Bullets was now a mastered technique of mine.

Jutsu Learned:

2Night of the Day [Training, Private] Empty Re: Night of the Day [Training, Private] Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:39 am


Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

tetsuro, kuroo
WC: 886/800
I stood silently on the village training grounds. I looked up towards the sky, sun shining brightly straight down. Weather was perfect. I planned for something big, something that would now aid me in battle. That was to learn another element. Right now, I only knew one, and that would be water. Water is quite a diverse style in terms of jutsu that I could develop, however I thought it was time to branch out of my comfort zone a bit more. Although ninjutsu isn't my specialty, knowing more and gaining more experience would benefit me, and my team if they or we, were ever in a situation where it was to be needed most.

I was able to get my hands on a few of those papers which could depict your natural affinities. Since I already knew of my best mastery in water, this would tell me what my secondary could be. I took the paper from my pocket, and held it in my hand. As I stood there and waited, the paper burned to ashes. I let the dark ashes slip through the gaps in between my fingers. Fire was good. Since my team members dominate element was wind, fire and wind were meant to work together. It was now time for my warmup, except kicked up a notch. This would get my blood and chakra flow ready for the training. Elemental training was something I've never done before. I stretched for a few minutes to get my body ready for what I would do to prepare myself.

Fifty pushups, thirty sit-ups, jog around the training grounds for ten minutes.

That was my current training regimen for the day, especially to prepare myself for what would come next. I stood still, sweat dripping down my head. I was in a rush, I was ecstatic. I was beyond happy. Having a second element was one that I would always dream of. Coming this far, this was the next step out of the zone I was always so familiar with. With that being said, I was ready to start the next step into developing my fire chakra nature within my body. I let out a big breath from my mouth, focusing my chakra. In meditative form, I held a hand out, hoping for a flame to erupt. Unfortunately, I let myself down, being to excited to know it wasn't that easy. Finally regaining my original state, I was officially ready... right?

My eyes shut. "Bloody hell, this better not take ten hours," I mumbled to myself, as I sighed. I stood, held my hand out once again, and continued to focus my chakra to the best of my ability. My chakra manipulation was not the best of course, but I knew of what I was capable of, so making this happen shouldn't take that hard. I failed multiple times, I nearly lost my temper which wasn't something I was known of. I calmed myself down, and remembered that it would be magical. I needed to embrace the power, I needed to image the flames. I was thinking too much, yeah. That was the issue I was struggling over. "Kuroo, remember what father told us. Rushing to produce results won't get you far." The same words was repeated in my head, said from my brother, Yukio, a few years ago after father's death. I smirked, now that I knew the secret behind it.

I was thinking too much, rushing myself. I needed to be patient, learn to go through the entire process.

Before realizing anything, a small flame was hovering above my hand. I chuckled, "Well look what we have here," I looked at the small flame, with a sensation of confidence, satisfaction, and excitement. This was rare. I put the flame out to try it out once again. Once you figure out the secret, you get more leverage. You have the advantage. I came here to learn, and produce, not to have false hope, and fail. I stretched a bit until I tried again, and sure enough, results were popping up. Slowly, the flame would go from something as small as a nut, to something as big as a tennis ball. With a big grin on my face, I couldn't wait to use the new element I was currently mastering. Though, it would still take quite a lot of time before it would become something I would have full control over.

I slowly sat down on the dusty floor, crossed my legs, and went back into my meditative state of mind. I held my hand out once again to make sure that the outcome was not a fluke. A faint feeling of heat radiated my hand, and as I opened my eyes, a larger flame was produced. Despite is being nothing tremendous, I could say for a fact I was satisfied. A few hours of training, exercise, and focus helped me develop something completely new, and out of the blue. To be quite frank, I thought I would be sitting here longer than what I thought. Maybe a few days, but I proved myself wrong. Granted the opportunity of being able to develop a new element mainly from scratch, I was satisfied enough, fulfilling the one goal I've always waited on completing.

I slowly stood up, dusted my shorts off, and headed home. Achievement.

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