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Tending To Business [Jake Haruno Only] Pixel

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Tending To Business [Jake Haruno Only]

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1Tending To Business [Jake Haruno Only] Empty Tending To Business [Jake Haruno Only] Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:18 am



With the village in silent disarray, Gambaldi was always short on time. However, this day was scheduled for one simple thing. To educate an entitled child on the true ways of a shinobi. It had been a week since the events that transpired in the training grounds with the now disbanded Team Raikage. Being who he was, it was not in Gambaldi's nature to coddle children. The world would do no such thing for these young shinobi, and Gambaldi would not cripple the minds of his students to believe otherwise. Only the strong-willed and dedicated could survive what was to come. A new era was in the works, the likes of which no one had ever seen. In this era, Gambaldi needed all those that followed him to be ready and eager to face it.

He approached the home of the only student that had shown the attitude that Gambaldi was looking for. Though he was dismissed from the squad, the boys actions had earned a modicum of respect from the Raikage. With Katsuo's disappearance, Haruno's talents would be needed for Gambaldi's next move. First, however, the boy would need to learn respect and that was one subject that Gambaldi was fairly skilled at.

Dressed in his typical all black attire, including both Masamune and his basic katana. His blunt was tucked behind his ear, as usual, and his anbu mask covered his face. He knocked loudly on the door, to ensure he was heard, and waited for a response.

Jake Haruno

Jake Haruno

The cold breeze felt great upon the naked torso of Jake Haruno, His body glistened in the soft light that would flow gently every now and again when the dark clouds allowed it. Sweat dropped gently from his body as he moved elegantly. The katana had never truly felt right within his hand, the weapon he held now felt more familiar, more elegant and beautiful. The spear he was now twirling around moved with the simplest of touches. The weapon in his hand was more than unique, It was sentient, it could think and move on its own. It could communicate without a mouth. For this spear held its own chakra source, its own life. It was known as Spira and was one of the frogs that Jake was capable of summoning. His contract with the frogs had not paid off and Jake felt that due to his lack of training with them. Spira had been a great help when attaining the Akimichi, It turned out the Akimichi sadly died before, it would seem he had bled out thus Jake had secured his first death. It had been his technique that forced the Akimichi to bleed out and now the medics could easily gather information about the techniques the Akimichi wielded.

The spear slit the air as it slid through his hand beautifully. Finally after his work out, Jake would sit upon the ground with the spear. Though the spear was no longer in spear mode, Sitting was a beautiful yellow and black frog. It was known as Spira and she was beautiful. She was sitting like a human upon Jakes shoulder eating a rather large fly. Jake was kinda disgusted by that but hey Spira was a great friend and a powerful warrior. When finished eating the spear would return and the frog was gone, Little did Jake know as he began the elegant movements with his spear the door was going. At the door his mother, a sturdy young woman would open the door and her eyes would widen. "OH OH Lord Raikage, what an honor, Um um Jakes round the back, please please follow me" she said all flustered. If the Raikage were to follow, the woman would hustle around the house taking him to the back of the house and sliding the door open to were Jake was moving around. Jakes mum would say nothing but bow to the Raikage and leaving him at the back door if he had followed, Jake whom would be deep in training would not have heard the door.



He nodded graciously at the invitation into the home of Jake. His mother, who had been the one to answer the door, escorted the Raikage to where Jake was. He could easily tell the surprise of his sudden arrival left her a bit off guard. In an attempt to make his presence less unnerving. "You have a beautiful home, Lady Haruno," he stated as they made their way to Jake's location. Upon arriving, Gambaldi bowed his head respectfully to the mother before she departed. Once she was gone, Gambaldi's demeanor would switch from kind to serious as he approached Jake's position.

"Haruno," he began, "Good to see your not slacking off out here. Not being one to waste time pointlessly, I will get right to why I am here." With that said, Gambaldi untied Masamune from his waste and walked pass Jake to the opposite side of the room. He leaned Masamune on the wall and then removed his shirt and anbu vest. This revealed his extremely scarred and tattooed body. From behind all one could see is the long bodies of a Japanese dragons, both of which making an "S" shaped pattern perfectly parallel to one another. The tails of the dragon's touched at the center of the back and right above the tails was the branding. The same branding of a lion head that was trademarked by the slaver that had once held the life of Gambaldi in his hand. The branding had since then served as a reminder of where he had come from and more importantly what he had to do to make it this far.

He folded his shirt and set it next to Masamune. He tilted his head left then right, cracking his neck as most would call it. He adjusted the basic katana, the very same he had gifted to Haruno, so that at was tied to his left. His physique removed any doubt of how dedicated he was to his craft, appearing as if his body were crafted by the Gods. His expression was still serious as he faced Haruno, "You feel my methods of instructing are flawed, correct? Then we will try this again your way, Haruno. And I will limit myself to nothing but kenjutsu and the basics. If you successfully land a single strike, I will admit my wrong. However, if you cannot do so then you go right back to my methods and you will follow my orders and directions without question."

Folding his arms, Gambaldi waited. He was aware of the skill gap between the two, though he had already intended to match his own prowess to better match Jake's own. "Long story short, show me what you can do. Use any methods you desire, jutsu and all. Show me what you bring to the table, Haruno."

[I will limit myself to a genin worth of chakra, Adept - Buki and Nin, and Basic - Sensory. If that's still your build. Even out the playing field for you.]

4Tending To Business [Jake Haruno Only] Empty Re: Tending To Business [Jake Haruno Only] Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:22 pm

Jake Haruno

Jake Haruno

When being complimented by the strongest shinobi in the village, Jake's mother couldn't help but blush and give a giggle, she almost fainted when he bowed to her and she would retreat feeling as faint as ever. Jake whom was deep in concentration would not hear the back door slide open, only when the Raikage spoke did Jake jump with fright. He had not expected to hear that voice for some time. Let alone surprising him at his home during his training. His eyes traced the Lightning shadow, why was he here? Was he going to scold Jake or was he going to tell him that his days of being a shinobi were over. It wasn't until the Raikage stated that it was good he was continuing his training did Jake relax slightly. To be honest Jake was shitting himself, he had resolved to training in the back garden which thankfully was rather large, instead of going to the field for fear of running into the Raikage. As the Raikage finished his first statement Jake would tighten his grip upon Spira. So why was he here?

As if to keep Jake in suspense, the raikage would not reveal why he was here straight away. What was this X-factor. No X-factor had less random stripping. The Raikage would remove his clothing and other things right in front of Jake. Ok so the Raikage had a body big whoop. What Jake was more interested in was not the tattoos but instead the scars located upon his body. That to Jake was a true testimony of a shinobi, gaining wounds in battles that even Ijutsu could not fix. Now Jake could respect the work the Raikage had done for the village, but not the way the Raikage acted towards the young ones. Wincing at the cracking of the Raikages neck Jake was sure his life was about to come to an end. Maybe the Raikage didn't want to get Jakes blood on his nice top. When he spoke his question Jake would only nod before listening to the rest of the Raikage's instructions. Nodding slightly at the request Jake would finally speak..his voice slightly cracking at his nervousness. "O..ok i agree to the terms" he would say gently as he then began to breath in.

Now he became aware of his surroundings. his fan sat behind him propped up on the fence, the large garden was rather bare meaning no places to hide not much to use in the environment. Thankfully the Raikage knew of his wind release but he would not anticipate the spear's water release. As soon as the Raikage finished his sentence wind would burst forth rapidly as Jake waved his hand. he prefered using this technique via his fan but he would not turn his back upon the Raikage.. Strong enough to uproot large and heavy trees and cause slicing damage. His wind release had never failed him. This technique was his beginning. His aim was to push the Raikage back via the sudden burst of powerful wind. His spear raised he had started it. He would stand his ground and was prepared to harness Spira to the best of his ability.

Tech used:

5Tending To Business [Jake Haruno Only] Empty Re: Tending To Business [Jake Haruno Only] Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:08 pm



The second his statement finished, Haruno was already making his move. This came as no surprise to Gambaldi as he immediately began to sense his opponent while attempting to take several tactical leaps backwards. Despite the lack of surprise from the sudden attack itself, the methods had caught his attention. Gambaldi was no stranger to the jutsu of choice by Haruno, though typically it was used with ones own breath or a tool. In that exact moment that Gambaldi moved to dodged, he immediately read through what he perceived to be the boy's strategy. There was no doubt that the boy was aware that the use of ones hand would not result in a strong slicing gale. With no strong initial burst of wind that would come from the mouth or specific tool, the attack would prove much slower thus less damaging and smaller in size. At least in an attack sense. However, from where he was the Raikage could easily see what the purpose was here. Only a fool would turn their back on a foe and so this rushed attempt was nothing more than a smoke screen. In order to fight at his best, apparently this tool was needed in order to accomplish a more accurate and proper form of the Sickle Weasel Technique. This had to be the reason why he chose to remain where he was. It would not be that easy to attain, however.

These thoughts would come in no time at all, a simple feat for a genius and one who is accustomed to the ever-changing tides of war. While making the first leap back, he pulled out and tossed in, perfect succession of one another, a single kunai directly up into the air. The kunai itself, as was Gambaldi's habit, had a single flash tag attached to it; wrapped around the handle as to make the tag more difficult to spot. He had already calculated how much time he would need to see his trap done and thus tossed the kunai with enough strength and force to accommodate the need. The instant the kunai left his hand, a single hand seal would be made just as the winds met their mark.

However, in Gambaldi's place was the very same fan that had just been leaning on the fence. Though relatively unharmed, the fan would be sent flying to the other end of the area (more than 20meters away). This put Gambaldi directly behind Haruno, a mere meter away. At this range Gambaldi could easily close the distance between the two should another jutsu get cast. His left hand rested on his katana, while his right was reaching into the tool bag wrapped to his right leg. His posture was slightly leaning forward, as if he were preparing for a foot race. In a manner of speaking it was race, though the race was against who would react quicker. So his brown eyes searched for any response to the trap being set up. As of that moment the kunai was 50ft in the air, at its zenith, before beginning its descent back to the ground.

His next move would display the lesson he wanted to teach all his shinobi. Relying on one's physical and wit.

Jutsu Used:

Cc: 105/120

[If there are any issues, pm me.]

6Tending To Business [Jake Haruno Only] Empty Re: Tending To Business [Jake Haruno Only] Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:13 pm

Jake Haruno

Jake Haruno

Now Jake's expert eyes had the capability of following the current movements of his opponent, His chakra would fluctuate upon the first movement of the Raikage, He would completely ignore the Kunai and the tag that many without weaponry aspect eyes would be unable to see. Though he himself believed it to only be an explosive tag. He would believe it to be true as the light did not erupt from the Kunai. Now his sensory allowed him to feel the sudden shift in chakra as the Raikage began to form the required number of handseals usable for the substitution technique. The sudden shift in chakra from in front to behind would grant Jake some reaction time. He could also feel that the raikage also had his sensory capabilities active. As soon as he felt the shift in chakra Jake's entire body swung around bringing the spear head to meet the area were the Raikage had appeared. Ready to slice the Raikages right mid section with the enhanced reach of his spear. But this was not the only movement. The spin allowed the required movement to release the crescent water wave that would be combined with the movement furthering the damage Spira was capable of causing.

This was not the only movement though, As Jake spun he would indeed begin to breath in, and whether Spira struck its target or not. Jake upon facing the Raikage would jump. Not a proper jump only enough to get his legs roughly 8 inches from the ground, when his legs left he would exhale releasing such a powerful wind directly in front of him that he would be sent flying backwards at great speeds. Holding his jutsu releasing the power of the winds from his mouth. He would continue to zip through the air adjusting his head posture accordingly to remain soaring backwards until....His hand came down as spira stuck in the ground halting Jake's movement. Touching upon the ground with ease he would simply stare at the Raikage whom was now rather far away. Jake had flew quickly and had cleared some distance.....why had he chosen now to stop? Simple Spira now being removed from the ground had made a hole exactly 4 inches from the fan used for the replacement technique. The fan would be lying open and Jake's foot would simply rest upon it. He would notice the Kunai falling......Jake was unsure on what was happening why had he spent the explosion tag....was it a boom tag or a shine tag....Only time would tell.

[i will work chakra out in a bit]

Jutsu used:

Chakra remaining = 135 - 12.5 - 12.5 - 25 - 7.5 = 77.5

Spira - 120 - 12.5 = 107.5

Last edited by Jake Haruno on Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:06 am; edited 2 times in total



[ Start posting your jutsu (at least the name) and chakra. Its relevant. Also your description is very vague, unless you want me to provide my own details, I suggest getting more precise with jutsu explanation. My post is just about done, I just need you to clarify on some things. Like do you have the jutsu required to use sensing? How big is this wave I am seeing? What wind jutsu are you using that knocking 20 meters away to your fan? (which only went that far cause its a light fan. And if its not light, its definitely lighter than you.) You've left yourself vulnerable to vague manipulation, I suggest getting more detailed in your post. Regardless if its a friendly spar or no. And you better not be trying to poison me with that spear o.o P.m your response. Consider this my place holder till we clear this up. ]

Jake Haruno

Jake Haruno

Dunno if you were checking but this was edited



The reaction was expected from the young genin. In their first meeting, Gambaldi had avoided Haruno's attack in a similar fashion; appearing behind the boy with relative ease. At that time Gambaldi had chosen to mask his chakra completely as to surprise the boy. This time, however, he chose not to do so. He wanted his location known just so he could guarantee that his trap was a success. Even before the eager genin prepared to face the Raikage, his hand was already in his ninja tool bag. His right hand already grasping the next piece to the Raikage's strategy.

The moment Haruno moved, Gambaldi's keen as catching it immediately, the Raikage sprung into action. In the time it took for Haruno to partially turn, Gambaldi drew and dropped the smoke bomb without missing a beat. Simultaneously, he would leap directly into the air but at a 90° angle to his own right. He performed a complete somersault as he did so, effectively avoiding the swing of the spear completely. With the height of his jump putting him 3 meters above and 2 meters away from his previous position, Gambaldi used this moment to hid his chakra with minimal effort. While simultaneously he made a single hand seal and left a shadow clone in his place; using the smoke bomb as a means to cover his tactics. Much to his surprise a blast of water would shortly follow the genin's attack, blasting away the smoke, though stopped short at Gambaldi's previous position. The clone took the hit, while Haruno continued his course of action; at which time Gambaldi was already 2 meters to the genin's left since by this time the genin was facing Gambaldi's previous position.

By this time the kunai was only 30ft from the ground , gravity forcing the weapon to descend faster, when Haruno would come bursting away from his own position and was now flying in the direction of where his fan was. Gambaldi simply waited for the boy to pass under the kunai before Gambaldi activated it. By this time the kunai was 20ft from the ground and immediately illuminated the area. The light was timed so that it would go off right when it fell in Haruno's line of sight. Gambaldi knew the boy would go for the fan again and set up the fan to be the bait for his trap. Fully aware of his own plan, Gambaldi pulled out and tossed another kunai at the fan's location. Like the kunai before it, this second kunai had a tag on it though this one was an explosive tag. By the time the second kunai found its mark in the side of the fan, Haruno would end up directly on top of the fan; at least his foot would. At the same time, immediately after letting loose the kunai and activating the flash tag, Gambaldi closed his eyes and relied on his sensing. The light from the tag was now on his left, as he moved to close the distance between the two fighting shinobi. The fight was nearing its end, all the genin had to do was stay near or pick up the fan. Still masking his chakra and using the light from the flash tag to cover his movements, Gambaldi finally drew his katana.

Jutsu Used
Clone Jutsu - E
Sensing - C
CR 90/120

[Your jutsu is kinda vague on how tall the wave is so I simply assume  a flat wave, equal to the spear tips height (which is not provided in any description so i went with the average height of a flat spear head). Also you state your attack is aimed for me, and not to simply follow through with a complete swing. Please specify stuff like this least people take advantage of the lack of detail. Consider this sensei advice lol. ]

10Tending To Business [Jake Haruno Only] Empty Re: Tending To Business [Jake Haruno Only] Sat Nov 22, 2014 5:01 am

Jake Haruno

Jake Haruno

Pain shot through his eyes as the wind release stream was cut off, the light from the tag had caused a shocking burn to his eyes. His sensory managed to remain active but he fell short from his original plan. Giving a five meter distance between himself and the fan that he had aimed for thus putting him out of reach of the explosive tag. He had managed to keep his chakra fluctuating thus his sensory capability was able to remain active. he had the ability to read the raikages movements until....the chakra vanished. The explosion had sounded but he was safe for now.

Jake would stand up slowly. Grazed and bruised he couldn't see anything due to his eyes burning. But he wouldn't need them. He would have to rely on something else. The spear within his hand would transform appearing as a frog upon his shoulder. He would have to use Spira as his eyes, "Spira hold on, You ready to be my eyes." He would say gently. The frog would give of a gentle "yes" in a soothing voice. Spira did not need to fear the light, It knew its direction and it knew how to avoid the blinding sensation that would now begin to die. "The Raikage is advancing, he holds his blade. be prepared,"[/color] Spira said.

Gulping in gently, Jake knew he was heavily out matched. He had been foiled at every turn. IF only he had managed to get his fan. He wished he had held it. He could have done more if he had it. This was interesting though. Jake wished he had known this was going to happen. He would have prepared his weaponry. He didn't even have his weaponry pouch on him to draw his own kunai or shuriken. All he had was his ninjutsu and Spira. He had a plan, he needed the Raikage to get closer. It was time to show off his unique abilities in terms of the summoning technique.

11Tending To Business [Jake Haruno Only] Empty Re: Tending To Business [Jake Haruno Only] Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:53 am



The light dissipated, its task complete in the part in was meant to play in Gambaldi's strategy. Now he desired to test the boys kenjutsu, however the sudden stop had altered the geniuses plans a bit. Since the fight had began, Haruno had telegraphed his intention to go for the fan. Something the Raikage had used to his advantage every step of the way. In short, his reliability on his arsenal rather than his own wit and skill was really the source of this fights downward spiral for the genin. However, this time he altered his movements to accommodate the flash tags sudden effects. Finally the boy was learning. The straight path to an objective is always the most difficult, but to maneuver and set the battlefield to accommodate your methods to reach said objective was what made leaders.

With this change in his opponents movements, Gambaldi adjusted his own plans. Rather than move to reach Haruno, the Raikage instead moved to reach the fan. This to was a ploy for another trap for the genin to fall in. His outward appearance showed a hint of urgency as he moved to reach the fan, his eyes never leaving the fans location. However, Gambaldi moved in such a manner that he could easier spot Haruno in his peripheral vision while keeping 8 meter distance away to his opponent's left. Haruno himself had his back to the fan, to which Gambaldi considered to be a good thing. The fan, Gambaldi calculated, was 5 meters away from Haruno and 8 meters away from Gambaldi himself. In order for the plan to work, Gambaldi put on his act of brief distraction. His grip tightened around the katana as he moved to close in on the fan.

Gambaldi also factored in the unique weapon of the genin. At first the weapon itself was viewed insignificant. That is until its abilities were put on display. A tactic the Raikage saw as premature. Such a trick was best saved once one knew how the opponent reacted to similar attacks. Gambaldi now had a decent idea of how the spear worked and had a few tactics up his sleeve to deal with it. The first of these tactics was to simply stay at a distance for the time being. Nothing flashy, but even in shogi or chess a single move could ultimately be the precursor to victory. This less was to be the next lesson Gambaldi intended to instill in his charge.

All that remained was to wait for Haruno to make his final misstep.

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