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THE LETTER!!!  Pixel

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1THE LETTER!!!  Empty THE LETTER!!! Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:30 pm

Baby V

Baby V


War hungry

"Okay, that should be enough of a good reason!" Rara would say as he would put the finish touches on the letter he has spent about two hours writing. Putting the letter in the envelop Rara would yawn and lay back on the ground in the Bamboo forest, a calm expression on Rara's face as he lay there. He planned on sending the letter later, but that was just making him more excited to send it. "War, something that I have had the pleasure of participating in yet. But soon o so very soon I will task the sweat fruit of war, and also the spoils they bring. Hehehe I hope Han-chan will come along with me to make it even funner, maybe another. But three is the max amount I want to come with me.....more would ruin the party to much." Rara would sit up and begin to mediate, by sitting in a meditative stance. What he was talking about was what he had written down in his letter, which was his Declaration of war on a few minor nations that he though would be fun to take. Those nations being the Land of Tea, Land of River, and Finally Land of Rain or Amegakure. Why he picked those places was because they seemed weak, their order being their order of strength. But he wasn't underestimating them just because they weren't Major Villages like Konohagakure, Kirigakure, and Kumogakure. He only thought they were weak due to their military strength and lack of true shinobi. 

Rara wasn't just going off of guess as he was a very influential person before his days in the Akatsuki, and still is. He has belonged to many different organizations and stole or given most if not all the information they had, and still to this day. Force also was a way to steal information but he rarely used that, as his tortures and name in the world of crime was enough to scare someone into spilling the beans. Some man covered in bandages would come and without a word would be given the letter, "Hurry up! I want them to prepare!" Rara would say as he would pull out an scroll from his pocket. "Now, time to get some quick cash...." Rara would say as he would look over the scroll for a few minutes before heading to the first area he was supposed to be at. Rara would met up with some pudgy elderly man wearing a mask. They both stood silence as they looked over an small Cemetery, about ten graves from the looks of it. But they didn't nor wanted to search all ten. What they were searching for where the bodies of just five people within the cemetery of an old village, that has changed. The bodies  were fresh ones and the guy wanted them, so Rara would get to work. He would take the shovel he was given and after looking the tombstones would find the most recent ones and begin to dig them up, to dig up all the bodies it took Rara about and hour and then five to drag them over to the man and put them in his cart. "Okay and done, anything else you want me to do for you? Or is that all?" Rara would ask the elderly man, with a happy expression on his face.

"Actually, I do. Can you come with me and help me dissect theses bodies, I will teach you if you don't know how. I just want a little help with that. I used to have an assistance that would help me, but they are no longer with me anymore." The pudgy old man would say as he rubbed his belly and then start pulling the cart. Rara would push the man away, not enough to hurt him or make him fall but to move him from the cart. "Sure, I will pull the cart also. I have experience with dissecting people so no need to teach me anything, as I am pretty knowledgeable. So jump on the cart and tell me where to go!" Rara would happily say as he would do whatever to get more cash from jobs, the old man would chuckle at that comment and tell Rara where to go. It would take some time to get through the bamboo forest to the little hidden lab the old man had, so Rara deiced he would begin to make some small talk to pass the time. "So....what happened to your assistant?" Rara would ask. 

"Hmm, this may be hard to explain but she is one of these bodies. This one I believe.." He would say as he would move a little to find the head of one of the woman corpses that were place in the cart, "Yea this one." He would say as he patted the woman's face a smile on his face under his mask, "Let me give you some background information on all of theses people and then tell you a story. These five people, two woman and three men, were actually all working for me. I trusted them and told them one day to go out and collect me some bodies, but that was just a setup I had for them. As I found out that they were selling the organs I got from under me, and also planning to kill me after I taught them a few more of my secrets. Hehehe, but those foolish children crossed the wrong one. I don't play those games even though I am and old man, I hate being crossed and will kill all who do it." The old man would stop as he felt anger coming over him and also because they were in the area of the lab, "Stop, the lab is right over there." the old man would say as he slowly got off of the cart and walked over to a old ruin down looking shack. He would open the door, motioning Rara to bring the bodies in. Rara would start getting the bodies and taking them into the place, the shack leading down to stairs. And after getting all the bodies to the bottom would see that this man's lab was pretty huge, and smelled of just death. 

Placing the bodies on the table the would begin, grabbing one and putting it on the operating table. "So basically you just want to just harvest the good organs..." Rara would say as he looked back at the guy before starting, the old man would nob as that was right. "Alrighty then." Rara would say as he would grab one of the tool the old man had put on the table also. Everything would go smoothly, even though rara would need a little bit of help from the old man. As the guy would want some things done in a certain way Rara wasn't familiar with. 

"Shall I wither and fall like an autumn leaf,
From this deep sorrow - from this painful grief?
How can I go on or find a way to be strong?
Will I ever again enjoy life's sweet song?

Sometimes a warm memory sheds light in the dark
And eases the pain like the song of a Meadow Lark.
Then it flits away on silent wings and I'm alone;
Hungering for more of the light it had shone.

Shall grief's bitter cold sadness consume me,
Like a winter storm on the vast angry sea?
How can I fill the void and deep desperate need
To replant my heart with hope's lovely seed?

Then I look at a photo of your playful smiling face
And for a moment I escape to a serene happy place;
Remembering the laughter and all you would do,
Cherishing the honest, caring, loving spirit of you.

Shall spring's cheerful flowers bring life anew
And allow me to forget the agony of missing you?
Will spring's burst of new life bring fresh hope
And teach my grieving soul how to cope?

Sometimes I'll read a treasured card you had given me
And each word's special meaning makes me see,
The precious gift of love I was fortunate to receive,
And I realize you'd never want to see me grieve.

Shall summer's warm brilliant sun bring new light,
And free my anguished mind of its terrible plight?
Will its gentle breezes chase grief's dark clouds away,
And show me a clear path towards a better day?

When I visit the grave where you lie in eternal peace,
I know that death and heaven brought you release;
I try to envision your joy on that shore across the sea,
And, until I join you, that'll have to be enough for me.

For all the remaining seasons of my life on earth,
There'll be days I'll miss your merriment and mirth,
And sometimes I'll sadly long for all the yesterdays;
Missing our chats and your gentle understanding ways.

Yet, the lessons of kindness and love you taught me,
And the good things in life you've helped me to see;
Linger as lasting gifts that comfort and will sustain,
Until I journey to that peaceful shore and see you again." 
The old man would say once everything was finally over and he payed Rara, but before Rara would leave he would shake the hand of the old man. As that long poem he just said was actually the most beautiful thing he had every heard before, and something he would start saying actually. Rara would also start heading out of the Land of Sound all together. 

[Exit Land of Sound also to travel thread] 

First set of Missions :

Word Count: 1548/1400

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