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Going down a river

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1Going down a river Empty Going down a river Sun Nov 16, 2014 2:38 am

Baby V

Baby V


Big Daddy

"I am walking! Yes I am walking! So much walking...ugh...so much walking..." Rara who was dressed up like a clown would say as he would walk around in circles on the small boat he was on, the mist concealing him on his long journey to somewhere nice and pleasant. He would stop talking though and lay down as he tired himself out quickly from walking around the little boat, and also he almost tipped it over so he did need to stop. He was probably heading to the land of team to start something fun, but maybe this boat would lead him somewhere else more fun he was on a river. "Now I wait wait as a flow down the river into my destiny..."

Word Count: 0124/0000

2Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Sun Nov 16, 2014 12:37 pm



Oboro followed the direction that his sensor had pointed and stalked his prey all the way to the shore.He was equipped with his regular gear and wore his normal gettup. Kyoko had her normal stuff too. The object of his hunt seemed to be heading down an extremely slow flowing river in the middle of the night. The mist thickened in the air, masking his appearance slightly, however thanks to Kyoko, Oboro was able to track his target with no issue. The man had been doing missions disguised as an Otogakure Ninja and thus he was extracting the resources of his village. This was absolutely unacceptable to the Otokage and so he would be the one to deal with the situation. Due to the extreme thickness of the fog before them, it was impossible to see more than a foot in front of your own eyesight. However, Kyoko stood immediately behind Oboro, pointing him in the direction they needed to go. They each walked on water, smoothly placing one foot after the other on the water, focusing their chakra into their feet to allow the balls of their feet to roll off of the water without making a sound. The lack of wind in the air masked the movement of the fog as it sat rather still. Utilizing his near mastery of Taijutsu, the two were already right behind the man in the boat, five feet away from where he stood, walking on the boat in an instant. The speed of the boat was slow so this wasn't a difficult task. He slowly and silently began to form the hand seals for his ultimate fire style technique, the one he called "Madara". His Ninjutsu mastery allowed him to to create the massive fireball in the air in less than an instant. It fell slightly in front of the boat, allowing the boat to move under it. Given the trajectory, the giant flaming meteor would make contact with the small wooden boat, combusting everything in the area. As the fire fell, the mist would spread away from the radius of the fire. It took only three seconds for the giant blazing sphere to hit the boat, and it would take no time for Oboro to react to the intruders movements. There was no way he was leaving alive with Otogakure's money.

Madara: -22.5
Remaining: 277.5

3Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 1:21 am

Baby V

Baby V


Just why?


That is what Rara would hear that made him jump to his feet, frighten at the sudden noise. The noise being the only thing heard and without knowing what or who it was Rara got to his feet and jumped off of the boat. Due to him riding not in the middle but on the opposite side of the river this wasn't an hard task; and the other side of the river where the noise came from was not close by any means. And when his feet his the ground he ran, not wanting to deal with anything. Maybe he was over thinking it maybe he wasn't he just wanted to head down river, but since something unexpected happened he didn't wanna risk anything. He was an wanted man and his caution is just something he never went against, this being why he ran like a bat out of hell at top speed in the direction he was going. The following is what will happen if the Jutsu Madara is used. Being out of the boat and running away he would indeed hear an larger noise happen along with the mist that was still covering Rara's escape begin to fade, but that wouldn't matter. But he did wonder who had falling into the deep freezing cold river.

Because Rara was out of the range of the attack and also at the end of the mist anyway, his distance about 300 meters. From the time Rara had gotten out of the boat an began to run it had been about four minutes and if the attack would come, delayed whenever the person doing it would come out of the water or do it within it a good ten minutes would have passed, but maybe five either or. What ever happens though Rara would be out of range for any attack due to him not being visible when first running, unless something amazing happened Rara would be someone unable to be caught. But maybe a game of Cat and mouse will probably be played. 

O But if Rara gets fucked over over this he would see the ball of fire, wrath of a foolish god, coming down. But he wouldn't stuck in fear nor would it take him more then a second to push himself out of the boat to the land beside him, yes this would save him from complete death added with him hardening his back, up to back of his head, once he pushed out of the boat. Being an Tai adept it took have a second to push himself through the boat, and ball up. Being small he would be able to cover vital areas, but he was indeed burn. Him hardening his back was just to get himself from being burnt to a crisp and make him unable to move, or even die. After successfully tanking most of the damage he would not think but run, he was injured but not enough to stop him from making his escape. 'What is this? Why am I being attacked? No one knows of me being here and who the fuck I am? SO why? I have wronged no one? I was told to be a good boy by the leader, but I am still attacked?' was the though in Rara's mind as he ran. 

OOC Reasoning :

Word Count: 0555/0000

4Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 3:13 am



OOC: Big Daddy is right. Water walking is a technique hence why everybody is buying it. You even described the mist so how would your character be able to see through it and such? Why is your character attacking him in the first place like what is the reasoning? Unless you posted in his most previous thread to this one, then you wouldn't be following nothing because It wasn't mentioned where you started following him from, why you are following him etc.. its basically just meta gaming. Npc wouldn't recognize chakra unless previously meeting, rping, battle etc.. so that too is wrong. Unless there is a proper IC reasoning with solid back up evidence then your post can continue but if not then it is voided. NPC is also voided since at the moment, the intervention rules are against it.


5Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 3:22 am



OOC:Actually multiple reasons why I would be able to track him. Firstly he has mentioned that he has indeed been in my administration buildings multiple times in regards to my mission. Secondly, he has been pulling money from my village, under a shinobi name that is not registered to the village. Thirdly, I am able to follow him thanks to my NPC, even with the fog being dense she still has the ability to follow those around them, hence why most Kiri folks specialize in Sensory. On top of that, Sharingan is able to see through fog, just not chakra infused fog designed specifically for blocking sight, if that is preferred. No I did not use it before but I definitely can now. Thirdly, S ranks don't have to pay E rank jutsu costs. In my post I included the fact that I was using the jutsu so a lack of OOC information would not null my posts IC content. Not to mention that the invasion rules say that I cannot use another person. I don't know about you, but I don't classify an NPC that isn't attacking as a person. It was previously confrimed by other staff that it would indeed be possible. I actually did mention the fact that I would be following him in a thread taking placeprior to his exit as well. And as for Sato, I'm a bit confused as to why other invasion posts are not investigated as this one is being so. Its safe to assume this post is on hiatus for now so don't try to 48 hour hit me Rak.

6Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 3:40 am

Baby V

Baby V

OOC: Well I don't agree with what you are saying on why you are coming after me since we talked about me doing Oto missions via Pm when has started posted doing them, you saying it was okay with me doing them. And I will let Sato speak more about that. 
"Unless you posted in his most previous thread to this one, then you wouldn't be following nothing because It wasn't mentioned where you started following him from, why you are following him etc.. its basically just meta gaming." -Sato

v.v You didn't post in any topic I had, and I was not able to even be in your topics so how would you see me ever? Nor did I meet your NPC ever or did it see me. Yea, I have been to the administration building IC, TWICE! in a missions topic and since you nor your NPC were mentioned in my topic of being there how would you even know that? Aren't kage's busy? Or do they check up on every missions some does, D-rank missions. Shit I may be wrong so I ain't going to say anything else, cause you attacking is BS in my opinion. O and I asked Sato to look this over and also...Sato what is the final verdict on this? Is it voided and I am in Tea? Or.....

7Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:55 am



OOC: In all reality, If I wanted to do it without reason, I could have just said i saw an odd individual leaving the village. But no, I got a reason. And btw, when discussing the Pm's you should have mentioned the other side. I specifically told you that you would have to meet with me should you continue doing the missions. Call me a liar if that was not agreed upon. The primary purpose of that was so we could develop IC and I know what's up. Now that Oboro doesn't know you, and you're leaving with his money, its an IC issue.

On top of that, I've spoken with a few other staff members about this thread other than Sato. The consensus seems to be that this attack is valid. Even the one moderator I know wouldn't be biased towards me has agreed. So should Sato try to overrule it, I'll be asking for a majority vote because I did indeed time all of my things accurately as well as follow all of the rules. I'm a bit overwhelmed by the fact that the great Sabo is trying to squirm out of this fight after inviting people to attack him even though he would beat them anyways. So no, its not metagaming because I had IC knowledge as well as an ability to find you. I also had a reason to follow you so idk what to tell you man, I followed all of the rules.

And as for Sato, if you see a rule that I did not follow, please let me know. Still, I dont see why this is the one interception thread that is investigated when others have happened with no IC knowledge of the other person.

8Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:03 am

Baby V

Baby V

OOC: I will not say anything else about this and wait for a final verdict from Sato. And why not tell those staff that you ask to post here? Why don't they voice what they have to say about this topic? Cause I don't see how I can trust what you say. All offense. Since what I said was not truthful, even though I wouldn't lie about this. Pics coming soon though on what was said in PM, even though that won't help. Daddy never lies.

Our chat :

Going down a river 1242298497  I suck at uploading pics, but that was out PM chat. If I let anything out, which I didn't, please post what I said or give a pic. Only reason for the pics though is to show I didn't lie about what you said, and to show the great Sabo jokes around in chatbox. O and your reason, I think for this, is to rob me of le ryo I got.

Can't approve this update because yer being robbed IC rn v.v 

^What you posted put in my update

9Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:12 am



I told you I was ready in the chat box and you said you would make the topic but never did. I even said I'd do missions with you. There were witnesses. You failed to produce a topic. Those messages were almost a week ago and our most recent convo about it was the day before yesterday. "Daddy never lies" Humph. Doesn't tell the whole truth either.

10Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:23 am

Baby V

Baby V

I ask you to mission grind with me, along with many other people. But then I didn't want to do anymore Oto missions, tell me if I am wrong please?

11Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:26 am



Dunno bout the second part but I asked you to start the thread, you said you would, then you left.

12Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:34 am

Baby V

Baby V

Sato in the description of this topic I put  NK? No maim? No sexy?  Just so you know. And this is my last comment till Sato gives his verdict or another staff member does.

13Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:53 am



OOC:My verdict is that your post is voided unless you posted in his last topic, following him which should have been him exiting Otogakure. Have you even posted an Exit thread from Otogakure? If so then link me please. Your following information was too vague since you didn't say where you followed him from and other shit like that. Even if he was too go to the administration office, did you ever mention him at all prior to this topic? did yous ever meet? did your npc meet him? did your NPC tell you about him etc..? by the information I have, all this is OOC which makes you following him metagaming since it didn't happen IC. So my decision is voided. If there is a problem then you need to get the ruling of my other Admin, V and Chi.


14Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:33 pm



OOC: My NPC, who also doubles as the secretary of the administration office as well as a master sensor would have seen him if not met him should he have stepped foot in the administration office. I mentioned her informing me of his existence in this thread. I'm honestly very disappointed in your verdict given that it shows bias due to the fact that I not only informed you that I knew all of this information IC. But its nice to know some members can weasel out of fights due to administrative friendships whereas others, such as Zanji, are allowed to be robbed in a situation that made less sense and no one even care. I'll be talking with V and Anu and asking them to give official thoughts.

15Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:53 pm

Baby V

Baby V

This is my topic leaving Oto! v.v And you just want to rob meh ryo, boy! Said it yourself just den. 


16Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:55 pm



Lol it wouldn't be hard to see you walking around the village considering you've been running around doing D rank missions

17Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:58 pm

Baby V

Baby V

y.y Couldn't you have just entered my topic then? Any of them? None where flashbacks and I can't have any private ones, so why didn't you just enter?

18Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:03 pm



I actually couldn't enter at the time and you exited in the letter so I couldn't join that one.

19Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:05 pm

Baby V

Baby V

v.v You could have interrupted that topic. Or followed me. And that is my last comment till V or Chikara gives their verdict.

20Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Tue Nov 18, 2014 6:59 am


Kiri Chunin
Kiri Chunin

Going down a river 116402874 Ruling on the playing field. Since neither Sabo or Oboro has made a topic exiting the village from the village gate board, this entire topic is voided. 

21Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Tue Nov 18, 2014 7:03 am

Baby V

Baby V


22Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Tue Nov 18, 2014 7:09 am



Means you're still in Oto I guess. I'll catch you on your next leave thread then.

23Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Tue Nov 18, 2014 7:17 am

Baby V

Baby V


24Going down a river Empty Re: Going down a river Tue Nov 18, 2014 7:58 am



Actually have an alternate solution. Let's do a thread to eliminate my IC suspicion. Idrc about attacking you, but I'll always stick true to my character. We can make the thread no kill if you're worried.

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