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Lord of the Storm I

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1Lord of the Storm I Empty Lord of the Storm I Wed May 21, 2014 9:54 am

Expression of Will

Expression of Will

Lord of the Storm I 73m2

Name: Prismatic Refraction
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offensive
Element: Ranton
Range: 15m
Duration: 1 post
Hand Seals/Charge up: 1 seal
Description: While controlling a previously cast storm release technique, the user, with the addition of a hand seal, can chose cause the beams to split, creating a more widespread technique. Each beam of a technique can be split a maximum of one time, generating a total of two high energy beams per original. However, in doing so, the user sacrifices much of the superior piecing power of storm techniques, causing them to lose one rank of penetrative strength.
Weakness: Weakens the strength of the technique it’s used on. Does nothing on its own.

Lord of the Storm I 73m2

Name: Water Flowing Shatter
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offensive
Element: Ranton
Range: 10m
Duration: 1 post
Hand Seals/Charge up: 1 seal
Description: A variant ability of the storm release that can be used to alter the structure of a previously cast ability. Once activated, this ability allows the user to destabilize the flowing chakra present within the structure of a storm release technique, causing it to shatter outward, sending a large amount of small shards of ranton chakra complete with their characteristic powers of penetration. However, while the shards can still cause lacerations and electrical burns, they lose a portion of their power.
Weakness: Shards lose one rank of penetrative power. Does nothing on its own.

Lord of the Storm I 73m2

Name: Disco Ball Rave
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Defensive
Element: Ranton
Range: Self/5m
Duration: 1 post
Hand Seals/Charge up: 3 seals
Description: Upon completion of the required seals, the user will summon a vortex a spinning storm chakra in a sphere around himself. This defensive ability functions by repeatedly cleaving incoming attacks and turning them aside in respect to its rotation. Thus, it proves especially useful against abilities with physical forms and lightning, essentially vaporizing them and providing protection from B rank or lower abilities. On the other hand, this technique has some difficulty defending against techniques with no physical form (baring lighting abilities), and therefore can only protect from C rank or lower formless releases.
Weakness: Provides rather poor defense against wind style techniques, particularly wide spread ones. 2 post cool down.

Lord of the Storm I 73m2

Name: Life of the Party
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Supplementary
Element: Ranton
Range: N/A
Duration: 2 posts
Hand Seals/Charge up: 1 additional seal, added to affected technique
Description: Utilizing a high mastery of the storm element, the user is capable of, if he so choses, causing the storm chakra present in his techniques to oscillate rapidly, extending the duration of the technique. As such, an ability augmented with this technique will experience an increased duration of two posts. For instance, were a user to create a beam of storm chakra and then activate this ability, the beam would fire, travel for its duration, and then remain as a stagnant environmental fixture for the next two posts and my subsequently be manipulated by other techniques.
Weakness: Structures created by this can be hazardous to the user. Does nothing on its own.

Last edited by Expression of Will on Wed May 21, 2014 10:32 am; edited 1 time in total

2Lord of the Storm I Empty Re: Lord of the Storm I Wed May 21, 2014 10:09 am




  • Laser Circus: Canon jutsu's do not need to be created. Look in the Lightning Canon jutsu's and if its not in there or ranked in the Wiki then post it in the Jutsu Ranking topic and await a given rank.
  • Prismatic Refraction: Change the split to one time instead of two.
  • Water Flowing Shatter:Whats the Exact number for large amount.
  • Disco Ball Rave: Need to add specific ranks for attacks. C-rank pushing aside higher ranked attacks like A or S is a no.
  • Life of the Party: How exactly is it used since there are no handseals or nothing. Also increase the Rank to C


3Lord of the Storm I Empty Re: Lord of the Storm I Wed May 21, 2014 10:41 am

Expression of Will

Expression of Will

  • Removed Laser Circus: Where is this Justu Ranking topic? Sorry if I'm just blind and can't find it.

  • Prismatic Refraction: Edited

  • Water Flowing Shatter: I guess it would depend on the technique? Like Laser Circus, if extended at max range, would generate more than, say, a single beam or Disco Ball Rave would. I could try and make some kind of system pertaining to size/volume of chakra in the technique?

  • Disco Ball Rave: fixed. Meant to include that and forgot to. It will, of course, still weaken incoming higher ranked techs, but now includes those that it can block/intercept.

  • Life of the Party: fixed the hand seals. Left it at D rank for now, can still bump up, but it is purely supplementary, requires another technique to be effective, and serves little offensive purpose outside of terrain/field control.

Thank you for the review!

4Lord of the Storm I Empty Re: Lord of the Storm I Wed May 21, 2014 10:48 am



Jutsu Grading

  • Water Flowing Shatter: Approved Under supervision.

Lord of the Storm I Sato_a12
Unless stated otherwise


5Lord of the Storm I Empty Re: Lord of the Storm I Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:53 am



User is no longer active so this is now Archived.


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