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Lord of the Storm II

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1Lord of the Storm II Empty Lord of the Storm II Fri May 23, 2014 12:41 am

Expression of Will

Expression of Will

Lord of the Storm II 73m2

Name: Black Light Dance
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Supplementary
Element: Ranton
Range: Self
Duration: Until canceled
Hand Seals/Charge up: 1 seal
Description: Following the same principles as coating a weapon with chakra, the user coats himself in a thin, oscillating field of storm chakra which illuminates and hypercharges himself, granting a slight increase to reaction speed, the ability to apply mild burns to those he touches (increasing with increased duration), increased offensive capabilities towards C ranked or lower barriers, and a bright coating with obscures his face and body. The true ability of this technique lies in the user’s motion; as he moves, the chakra leaks behind him, leaving a trail of luminous storm chakra behind him for two posts. This trail has the same properties of normal storm chakra, capable of damaging objects or people that come into contact with it, and can serve as a source of storm chakra for further manipulation.
Weakness: Provides little to no defensive capabilities and low offensive capabilities. Ambient storm chakra can prove dangerous for allies. Requires additional techniques to manipulate ambient storm chakra.

Lord of the Storm II 73m2

Name: Black Light: After Party
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Defensive
Element: Ranton
Range: Self
Duration: Instant
Hand Seals/Charge up: N/A
Description: While under the effects of Back Light Dance, the user will rapidly change trajectory or position, moving himself out of harm’s way or off of his current course. However, the shell of storm chakra will be left behind, providing a useful distraction for the user to escape or launch a counter attack. Additionally, should someone strike the hollow shell of chakra, he or she will likely suffer medium burns, potentially sinking into the chakra mass and experiencing more widespread damage.
Weakness: Requires Black Light Dance to be active. Immediately removes the coating of Black Light Dance and requires the move to be reactivated.

Lord of the Storm II 73m2

Name: Trippy Glow Motion
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Supplementary
Element: Ranton
Range: Self
Duration: Instant
Hand Seals/Charge up: N/A
Description: Already surrounded by storm chakra from the Black Light Dance, the user can exert his will over the chakra barrier, allowing him to redirect himself as he would any beam-like storm technique. As such, the user can rapidly alter the orientation of any part of his body or, should he so chose, his entire body. The ability allows the user to set up sneaky, unexpected attack on an enemy who may have a difficult time reacting to such a rapid change in motion. This technique become quite efficient against those highly skilled in close combat as the rapid alteration of trajectory is so hard to predict.
Weakness: Purely supplementary and does nothing alone. Requires Black Light Dance to be active. 1 post cool down.

Lord of the Storm II 73m2

Name: Black Light Track Slip
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Defensive
Element: Ranton
Range:  5m
Duration: Instant
Hand Seals/Charge up: N/A
Description: Already electrified and energized by the effects of the Black Light Dance, the user can manipulate the electrical field around himself, causing the trail he leaves behind to draw him backwards into it. By doing this, the user can rapidly backtrack, though only in a singular direction.
Weakness: Requires Black Light Dance to be active. The ability is very linear and predictable if the opponent figures it out. 1 post cool down.

Lord of the Storm II 73m2

Name: Glow Stick Laser
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offensive
Element: Ranton
Range: 10m
Duration: 1-2 posts
Hand Seals/Charge up: 2 seals
Description: The user charges storm chakra into one or both hands before extending a finger, launching the chakra, and manipulating the high powered beam as he sees fit. Due to the high piercing power characteristic of storm techniques, these beams can pierce defenses one rank higher than themselves. Six beams in total can be created, though only one can be made from each hand and subsequently manipulated at any given time. Alternatively, the user can chose not to manipulate the rays of chakra, opting instead to launch them more rapidly but in unalterable trajectories.  
Weakness: Less effective against wind techniques. Each beam occupies one hand, preventing hand seals while manipulating a beam.

Lord of the Storm II 73m2

Name: Black Light Splatter Paint
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offensive
Element: Ranton
Range: 3m
Duration: 1-3 posts
Hand Seals/Charge up: 1 seal
Description: Upon completing the hand seals, the user will channel storm chakra into one or two limbs. This chakra will circulate around said limb(s) until the user choses to release the technique, generally accompanying a strike of some sort. Regardless, once released this technique hurls the chakra off the affected limb in a splatter-esque effect, releasing five blobs of storm chakra per limb. As with many storm techniques, this ability proves dangerous to defenses one rank higher than itself, though unlike many storm techniques, this ability doesn’t pierce as much as cause a wider area of caustic, burning damage capable of giving second degree burns to living beings on contact.
Weakness: Less effective against wind techniques. Blobs have relatively low penetrative power.

Last edited by Expression of Will on Sun May 25, 2014 11:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Lord of the Storm II Empty Re: Lord of the Storm II Sat May 24, 2014 5:09 am


Kumo Anbu
Kumo Anbu

Name: Glow Stick Laser
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offensive
Element: Ranton
Range: 15m
Duration: 1-2 posts
Hand Seals/Charge up: 2 seals
Description: The user charges storm chakra into one or both hands before extending a finger, launching the chakra, and manipulating the high powered beam as he sees fit. Due to the high piercing power characteristic of storm techniques, these beams can pierce defenses one rank higher than themselves. Six beams in total can be created, though only one can be made from each hand and subsequently manipulated at any given time. Alternatively, the user can chose not to manipulate the rays of chakra, opting instead to launch them more rapidly but in unalterable trajectories.
Weakness: Less effective against wind techniques. Each beam occupies one hand, preventing hand seals while manipulating a beam.

→ Usually, max range for a C-Rank is 10m.
→ Six beams for a C-Rank technique is quite a lot. Lower it down to maybe approximately 4-5.

Name: Black Light Splatter Paint
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Offensive
Element: Ranton
Range: 3m
Duration: 1-3 posts
Hand Seals/Charge up: 1 seal
Description: Upon completing the hand seals, the user will channel storm chakra into one or two limbs. This chakra will circulate around said limb(s) until the user choses to release the technique, generally accompanying a strike of some sort. Regardless, once released this technique hurls the chakra off the affected limb in a splatter-esque effect, releasing five blobs of storm chakra per limb. As with many storm techniques, this ability proves dangerous to defenses one rank higher than itself, though unlike many storm techniques, this ability doesn’t pierce as much as cause a wider area of caustic, burning damage capable of giving second degree burns to living beings on contact.
Weakness: Less effective against wind techniques. Blobs have relatively low penetrative power.

→ Does this mean 10 blobs release if it's channeled into 2 limbs? If so, is this not a lot for a D-Rank technique? Otherwise, that's just me.

3Lord of the Storm II Empty Re: Lord of the Storm II Sun May 25, 2014 12:20 pm

Expression of Will

Expression of Will

  • Glow Stick Laser: I guess I have never seen this rule/rule of thumb? All the ones I've seen here indicate that C ranks are usually between 10-15m. Sorry if that's totally wrong; 'tis just the impression I've got. Additionally... why is 6 high for a C rank? Ignoring that firing 6 would be quite impractical even within the span of two posts, only 2 can be created at a given time. Of course, I'm still more than willing to alter these, just would enjoy some additional clarification.

  • Black Light Splatter Paint: Is this rhetorical? Personally, I have never looked at the amount of things a technique creates as an accurate portrayal of its rank. Rather, I generally base rank on relative strength/power of the move and, to a slightly lesser extend, its difficulty. But yes, if charged in 2 limbs in requires 10 blobs in total. Willing to alter this, would prefer not to, particularly when considering the utter lack of practicality that the move has.

Thank you very much for the review!

4Lord of the Storm II Empty Re: Lord of the Storm II Sun May 25, 2014 7:39 pm


Kumo Anbu
Kumo Anbu

Glow Stick Laser: I guess I have never seen this rule/rule of thumb? All the ones I've seen here indicate that C ranks are usually between 10-15m. Sorry if that's totally wrong; 'tis just the impression I've got. Additionally... why is 6 high for a C rank? Ignoring that firing 6 would be quite impractical even within the span of two posts, only 2 can be created at a given time. Of course, I'm still more than willing to alter these, just would enjoy some additional clarification.

→ I asked Anubis, and Poncho had said it was 10m. Same went for me when I made my jutsu, they told me it was to be 10m. So I'm basically just backing up what the rules had told me to do as well. I even think that it's pretty low for a C-Rank range.

→ Black Light Splatter Paint is fine, that's approved.

5Lord of the Storm II Empty Re: Lord of the Storm II Sun May 25, 2014 11:27 pm

Expression of Will

Expression of Will

Glow Stick Laser has been altered. Thank you again for the reviews.

For future reference, can we stop posting things in other people's customs that have different values than this? If 10m is max for C rank then why do some people post that it's 15, or even 20? Again, I don't personally base tech ranks on range, but if they have limits/maximums here I feel they should at least be internally consistent. I, for one, read through the mod's critiques of other techniques so as to better understand how the grading works and it has mostly just confused me.

But yeah, altered and thank you once more!

6Lord of the Storm II Empty Re: Lord of the Storm II Mon May 26, 2014 12:51 am


Kumo Anbu
Kumo Anbu

Lord of the Storm II YNTTgCS
Yep.I'm gonna input the idea for just a small rule section or reference topic for this issue.

Lord of the Storm II 2417351922

- Vince

7Lord of the Storm II Empty Re: Lord of the Storm II Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:52 am



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