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Gathering Flowers

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1Gathering Flowers Empty Gathering Flowers Sun May 25, 2014 9:38 pm



Name: Flower Season
Rank: D
Type: Either
Mission given by: The Flower Shop
Rewards: 150
Participants: Anyone
Daily: Repeatable
Description: The flowers in the Land of Fire have been flourishing. The local flower shop wanted some shinobi to go gather some of these flowers for their shop. Be sure not to bring back anything poisonous.

The Konohagakure flower shop was somewhat of an infamous place. The shop is ran by the well known Yamaka clan, a clan that specialized in sensory and mind based techniques. If there was a special occasion in the village, all the flowers at that occasion would be arranged and bought from the local flower shop.
During this time of the year though, the flowers in the Land of Fire seemed to flourish more than ever. Even though the shop grew their own plants, they still liked to collect other plants from the Land of Fire.
This year though the shop has been super busy, giving the owners hardly anytime to go out and search for the flowers. This resulted in the shop turning to the village to gather some of the flowers for them.
Syndra had just began to leave the mission board, when she was caught by an village elder who insisted Syndra did the mission. This annoyed her somewhat, she really had no interest in gathering flowers for the village.
"Why not have some genin do this." She thought to herself.
But aloud to the elder, she simply smiled and agree'd to the doing the mission. The elder then told her how helpful she is.

Syndra was given a scroll that told her what flowers she had to gather. The names of said flowers were far to difficult to even begin to pronounce, so instead the flower shop said to go by color and shape of the actual flower.

The list read;

  • 1 Blue oval shaped flower.
  • 3 red bud shaped flowers.
  • 10 yellow star shaped flowers.

Syndra would make her way out of the administration building, out of the village gates, and wander around the village outskirts in hopes to find the flowers requested so she can get this pesty mission over with.

2Gathering Flowers Empty Re: Gathering Flowers Sun May 25, 2014 10:09 pm



Syndra would continue to walk around the outskirts of the village walls. She could see off in the distance where one wall was being rebuilt due to a recent attack and kidnapping that took place not too long ago. It went to show that shinobi can create quite monstrous things with just their chakra alone.
As she searched through the woods, she kept the paper out with the discription of each of the flowers she was suppose to be looking for. This mission really was a 'genin' type mission, but she got stuck with it. She was quite hasty to get it over with. For a moment, Syndra was just curious to if she could use her Senju chakra to just simply create the flowers. But, she decided they probably wouldn't be the same as the naturally grown ones.

After looking for quite some time, Syndra found the red flowers first, each of them growing right beside an old wooden post that was placed as a marker around the village walls. She plucked the flowers and placed them into a small carrying bag the village elder gave her to put the flowers in. Shortly after she found lone blue flower growing in an opening of tree's with the sun gleaming right over it. And at last, the ten yellow flowers that grew low to the ground and had more than 10 in the area, although she only collected the ten she needed.

After collecting all the flowers, Syndra would make her way back to the administration building where she would hand over the flowers to the village. They would then deliver the flowers to the flower shop. As Syndra left the administration building to tend to other task, the elder would pay her.


594/500 Words

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