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A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Pixel

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A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama]

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1A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Empty A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:42 am


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] 640db154-9ead-4be8-b4e3-0bc2b6a352a8

Hyuuga Compound

Beautiful. That had been the only way Kali Hyuuga could describe the appearance of the garden, bathed in a golden hue courtesy of the rising sun. Early mornings were best spent within the beautiful garden that laid at the back of the main household residences. The wall that separated the clan compound from those outside of it had been obscured by the various plant-life that had come to dwell on it. She hadn’t a clue how long the garden had stood, but she had an inkling that a great deal of people walked through it, having the occasional picnics as the children played amongst the flowers. It was a thought that brought a smile onto her serene face, for soon enough she will have four little tots running amok. She hoped they would enjoy the garden as much as she has.

Yet, Kali was not here just to enjoy the flowers, she had come to set up a picnic for herself and Hazama. With him recently having been promoted, time with her husband had been somewhat scarce. She understood that he now had the lives of the entire Anbu on his hands, thusly so she did her best to make the time she did have him to herself count. And what better way to get some alone time than a picnic within the cover of their own garden?

She hummed to herself, eyes spotting a lush patch of grass devoid of the countless flowers that reigned supreme within the garden. She chuckled, making her way to the patch and laying the basket upon the ground. She took out a blanket, laying it carefully upon the ground neatly before taking out a variety of items. Fruit, sandwiches, a canister filled with tea, and several other things. She neatly placed them on the blanket, keeping all the extra items in the basket for later. Deeming the work done, she sat at the corner of the blanket, smoothing out the creases of her dress as she awaited for Hazama to join her for the picnic.

2A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Empty Re: A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Sat Sep 13, 2014 12:59 am

Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

The sun spilled no form of caraseem but it gave it's notice letting the sun rain it's light upon his domain. Placing his right hand upon the door he gently slid it open, and removed himself from the shadows. The giant had been awoken from his death of solitude, and he regained his acumen. The time was about 5:00 am while most had slept, his wife had been creating provisions for Hazama and herself to feast upon. With each pace he took his solar plexus began to call out for the substances of life, and flavor. His eyes were shielded from the light, and audio melody of his soul mates voice was his tour guide. He laugh drew him closer, as he slit open his the shutters.

"Good morning, Lady Hyuuga"

Hazama said softly as he gently pecked her right hand. His legs gave weight, and crashed  upon the land of nature. He waved to the keepers of their palace as one of the attempted to blow out the lanterns candles. Hazama's body was about half a meter from his mates sitting upon the left side of her anatomy.

"I hope most of this is for you. You've got an army to feed you know?"

He stated as his left finger upon his left paw pointed at her condition. He gently smiled as his hair swayed as he turned his head back towards the basket of items. The Anbu Captain erected his right hand towards the canister to fetch his wife some of the tea she said or someone else had crafted. His eyes wandered slightly, as he took note of Kali Hyuuga's garb it was a dress one he hadn't recently seen, but none the less was quite alluring.

"You look quite lovely today, Lady Hyuuga"

He stated as he began to chug some of the tea, with each second the refreshing beverage could be heard with a powerful swallow giving indication that he barely tasted it, or that he was thirsty.

3A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Empty Re: A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:14 pm


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] 640db154-9ead-4be8-b4e3-0bc2b6a352a8

Kali Hyuuga

Kali perked up upon hearing the voice of her husband, otherwise known as Hazama Hyuuga. A smile graced her face as she looked at Hazama, the giant pecking her right hand before settling down upon the blanket. A soft morning was uttered by the woman, eyes never leaving the soon to be father of quadruplets, which the man very much knew about, evident by the next words that flowed from his mouth. It brought a blush to her face, one she quickly hid with the sleeve of her dress albeit she couldn’t stop the giggles.

“Wonderful day, is it not?” Kali said as Hazama poured out some tea for himself as well as her. She took up the cup upon it being set down in front of her, taking a few sips before setting the cup back down. “Are you having fun with you new responsibilities?” She asked, leaning forward so that she may retrieve the bread and jam. Eyes still on Hazama, she smeared the jam evenly upon two slices of bread, handing Hazama one whilst she ate the other.

4A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Empty Re: A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:18 pm

Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

The Hyuuga nodded his giving indication that he had agreed with her wording. Today was a wonderful day. Hazama was jovial as his wife seemed to be enjoying his company. Something that was slightly rare now a days. With his work and clan duties he had become a very busy man, but not enough to part him from his other. As she chuckled, Hazama gazed upon his mate seeing her cheeks begin to fluster a slight tint of pink as she had just revealed that Hazama, had slightly mortified his woman. His arm tugged her a little bit closer as she began to devour her proteins.
Suddenly his mate passed him a piece of bread with a jelly paste spread across it’s surface, he looked at it heavily in an attempt to decipher what type of flavor it held. He consumed the bread and jelly creation, and began to answer her question after he finished chewing his food.

Everything is going well, however it is rather boring. Not that I can complain, I like that it means we are in an era of peace.”

He stated with comfort, as he grasped his cup, and gently poured the flavored beverage down his gullet. His right hand reached for a napkin to withdraw the wetness from his chin.

“Kali, how are your katas? I hope you’ve been practicing.”

He was eager to hear her answer, as she couldn’t afford to be unprepared.

5A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Empty Re: A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:08 am


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] 640db154-9ead-4be8-b4e3-0bc2b6a352a8

Kali Hyuuga

Kali chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of her head as she grinned at Hazama. She really didn’t want to admit it, but since finding out that she was pregnant she hadn’t been doing much of anything. No development of new techniques, no practicing of katas, and absolutely no missions. It would had been something that would had driven the usual Shinobi mad, but not her. No, she was very much enjoying doing nothing but enjoy herself, it wasn’t like her absence on the field was noticeable.

“Er… I… uh… sorta…” Kali trailed off, gaze shifting to the side. “How has your’s been going?” She said, a desperate attempt to change the topic. But one she was quite willing to take.

6A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Empty Re: A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:06 am

Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

Hazama playfully clasped Kali's cheeks between his hands squishing her face to form funny faces to his gaze.

"Honey, you have to be prepared. You're no longer responsible for just your life, Hyuuga Kali. At least shuttle the basics."

He stated as he removed steamed dumpling with fried beef. Holding it steady in his right hand, he prepared to feed his woman. The Male Hyuuga placed his left palm upon the solar plexus of the Female Hyuuga there was no signs of distress. His lover was warm hearted, and jovial as always she was swift on her feet, and quick to seek a plausible action with least violence.

"You're a clever one today aren't you, Lady Hyuuga"

He said playfully.

7A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Empty Re: A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:37 pm


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] 640db154-9ead-4be8-b4e3-0bc2b6a352a8

Hyuuga Compound

She chuckled, her attempt less than successful, but nothing that required thought for the most part. She did nod though, agreeing with Hazama that she indeed needed to continue practicing lest she wanted her skills to dwindle. And with a good deal of children on the way, she couldn’t afford to not be able to protect them. They may be in peace times, but with events that had happened this year, that really didn’t matter no did it seem like it would last. “I promise to practice at least the basics,” she would say softly, smiling at Hazama.

She grinned, leaning forward to peck Hazama’s forehead before plucking the dumpling from his hand. “I am quite clever everyday, Lord Hyuuga,” Kali said, winking at him, “don’t you agree?”

"Though I must admit that I am not as clever as you."

8A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Empty Re: A Walk Amongst The Flowers [Hazama] Sun Sep 28, 2014 4:49 pm

Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

Hazama watched, Kali Hyuuga begin to chuckle at the faultiness of her attempt. Hazama was a simple man, and wasn't one who would take things very seriously. He did not attempt to force his lecture to his lady down her throat, he simply believed nudging her in the right direction was the only step he would need. It appeared what his belief was confirmed as true. Seconds later, Lady Hyuuga nodded her head in agreement. The woman had promised him to at least routine the basics into her daily schedule.

The Hyuuga smiled back at his partner while she began to speak words of glory upon herself. Was she clever yes.

"I plead the fifth!"

Hazama stated as his dumpling was plucked from his hand. She paid tribute to him by giving him a compliment of his own to which he replied.

"Don't forget, I'm not as pretty as you."

He stated as he began to grasp his beverage.

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