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Flowers 4lyfe? Pixel

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Flowers 4lyfe?

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1Flowers 4lyfe? Empty Flowers 4lyfe? Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:47 am

Uchiha Sasuto

Uchiha Sasuto
Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

Early in the morning, Sasuto heads to the flower shop, to get his older sister Mizunae some flowers as thanks for her training him. He finds that the daughter of the flower shop, a girl from his former Academy class, starts begging him before he leaves. "Sasuto-kun! can you get some flowers from the forest around Konoha!? My mom and dad are very busy with making perfumes out of some already, and no one has accepted my request yet!"The blonde haired girl demands as he is leaving out the door. She exclaims his name again, "Sasut0-kun! Please!"She asks once more. Sasuto turns to face her, his eyes narrowed in irritation, "Fine."He walks forth, extending his hand out for a list. Instead she shakes his hand, then gives him a list of flowers, each with pictures, some on the list being crossed out. "That list is for flowers you can't get, they're poisonous."She tells him, and he nods, leaving.

He heads outside of the village, taking casual walks and finding a gathering of non-poisonous flowers. He picks them, checks the list of poisonous flowers, and then he moves on. He hears people talking along the way, "Yo, did you hear that the Uchiha kid might become a Chuunin? Ya'know, the prodigy kiddo? Sasu-something."A Jounin mentioned on his way back into the village. Sasuto widens his eyes, finding new motivation for this lame job. He works faster, picking flowers quicker and making sure they aren't poisonous. It's near nighttime by the time he finishes completely, and begins to head back, just then he sees the Vincel kid, the one he put in the hospital a month or two back. Sasuto quickens his pace, determined not to speak to the annoyance, hoping that he doesn't realize him. He takes a turn to the right, something different from usual, knowing that Vincel is probably headed to the ramen shop. Sure enough, Vincel turns to the left and runs off to the brightly lit ramen shop, sitting down beside a Chuunin from the Ninja Academy and beginning to talk to him.

Sasuto scoffs in annoyance, taking a small shortcut and heading towards the flower shop. He enters the shop, finding that the blonde girl that requested his service is asleep at the desk. He grunts, tossing her own coat over her and placing the basket of non-harmful flowers beside the cash register. Sasuto then exits the flower shop, sighing in relief that his job is done, and heading home to get some deserved rest for his labors. He heads to the Hokage manor, requesting a mission and after doing so finally heading home. He sees Vincel still at the ramen shop on his way and thinks nothing of it as he enters the Uchiha district, then arrives at his home, warmly greeted by dinner. He can't help but smile for the evening ahead of him, which won't be too long, nor too short, just perfect for the kid who was always putting others ahead of him, even if he was too stubborn to admit such an honorable fact. (513 words, 175 Ryo gained.)

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