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1Gaining more-Training Thread Empty Gaining more-Training Thread Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:51 am



Garuda would just walk around his home not knowing if he should leave and head to the village, as it was late at night. As he paced back in forth he didn't know if he should just return to sleep or go and train. Garuda stopped and looked at the mirror, since he was only wearing shorts he stood so he could look at his physic."I am pretty fit but..."He would activate his sharingan, and it felt weird. It felt as if he could barely control it for some reason, not in a way that he couldn't control his abilities but how he could control them it. So really he felt that his eyes were weak, even though they had three Tomoes. Garuda would walk closer to the mirror and show a look of dissatisfaction one of the teaching in his mother's journal told him that to always master something you have, but Garuda hadn't done that but that would soon change. Garuda wouldn't put anything on what he had but his black coat, pulling the hood partly on his head."I think I know what I should do."He would calmly say to himself as he left his home. Garuda would first make a stop at the Anbu HQ, he needed assistance with his training. When he made it to the HQ it seemed most were out on missions or taking time off, so he would leave out of the HQ. But when he had exited he spotted two coming right out, probably heading home. "You two come here." Garuda would say to them, them obeying as he was the Anbu Captain. They would stand in front of him wondering what he wanted.

"You two look capable enough. How about joining me in some late night training."Garuda would ask, even though he knew they wouldn't deny a request from him. Garuda wasn't a mean Captain but a stern one and didn't take refusal from those under him lightly. Garuda would begin to walk now, heading to The Pit, the two anbu walking right behind him. It took them about thirty minutes to get there, as the were walking. Once there Garuda would jump on top of the largest stone, the moon's rays, even though part of his was cover by the clouds, beaming down on him. to some it would be a scary sight. A man in a hood with red eyes standing high in front of the moon could make him seem like a demon."I don't want you two to hold back. Give me everything you got." Garuda would say as he took off his coat and throw it aside, now only wearing his black shorts. The two looked at each other and nob in agreement, they knew what they would do as they worked together countless times. Even though the anbu captain was a high rank he trained his anbu to be Strong, some being at his level. They would suddenly dash in different directions to the side of Garuda, using the countless rocks in the area to make it hard for them to keep track of, the night aiding in that attempt.

As they did this Garuda glanced side to side, turning whenever he needed to. Since his sharingan was activated it would help him in blocking any incoming attack that may come at him. Suddenly seven shuriken would be sent flying toward Garuda would easily jump to dodge the attack, but it was only a distraction. As one of the Anbu would attempt to kick Garuda to the ground with a kick to the head. Garuda would quickly react using his one of his hands to grab the man's foot. Even though his three Tomoe Sharingan wasn't master he could still Track Taijutsu Mastery speeds, even though this man's could probably be considered adepts from the power behind the kick. Since Garuda wasn't that skilled at Taijutsu the kick was able to make him quickly land back on the stone, making him bend his leg as the man did stop. This guy wanted to bury Garuda's head into the dirt, and Garuda liked that. But this wasn't time to admire the guy's determination as the female anbu would throw sendon this time instead of shuriken, with no time to dodge Garuda would attempt to grab them. Garuda had never done such a maneuver so i would fail, seen sendon would pierce his body. Four of them would pierce his shoulder, one two would go into his hand used to block the male anbu's kick, and the last piercing his ear. Garuda was grateful it was dark and that hindered the female anbu's aim a bit, but she still did good.

The male anbu would capitalize on the now wounded Garuda and lift his leg up and jumped back and attempting to rush at him, this time he had his short sword in hand. Garuda would spin around to turn to the direction the male anbu had jumped back to, being forced to move from his spot and continually backwards as the male anbu tried to impale Garuda with his sword. The male combined his sword attacks with varies knees and kicks. Garuda couldn't but help but laugh at how good these guys were, especially since they weren't using any jutsu yet. The assault continued the female anbu now in the spot Garuda previously was in when they started the training session. Keeping his eye on the male anbu Garuda wouldn't notice that they women would blur through hand signs,  Tiger → Hare → Boar → Dog , but he would soon be affected by it. As when she placed he her hands on the ground a large wall would suddenly come up from behind Garuda. Garuda though would still have a glad look on his face as he would use that to his advantage. When the male anbu thrust with his sword Garuda would side step and smack his hand down, causing him to drop it. Since Garuda couldn't go backwards anymore he could better focus on counter then retreating. The moon's light would light up the area as no clouds blocked it any longer. With a quick glance at both of them, he would consume them both in Genjutsu. They would be unable to move and just stand there like lifeless corpses, his Genjutsu (to him) seemed more powerful when his Sharingan had been used for a while.

Garuda would walk passed them and grab his coat, and after putting it on would release the Genjutsu."You guys did good today. Maybe next time I will use twenty percent of my actual power." Garuda would say to them before being to walk home, his hand in his coat pocket and hood fully covering his face until it reached his nose. This night actually turned out to be fun for Garuda as he liked training to become stronger. Maybe next time he might ask the Kage if he would like to have a training session with him, now wouldn't that be a fun fight.

Tomoe 3 Sharingan has fully matured

2Gaining more-Training Thread Empty Re: Gaining more-Training Thread Fri Jun 20, 2014 1:18 pm



Siting at his desk Garuda would sigh, with displeasure. He has been stuck in his office taking care of paperwork..but it seems like the shit is never ending. He would look up at the ceiling of the room and then turn his chair so he would be looking out of the window." Shika....it's a great day outside and I am stuck in here doing paper work. Doesn't ta seem unfair that I the Tsuchikage cannot enjoy this day? I understand what I am doing is important and needed but I should at least be able to take a break." Garuda would say to the man,Shika, who was standing in the corner of the room. A sigh would leave Shika's mouth as he heard what Garuda said."Lord Tsuchikage you have also given me the titles as one of your advisers as well as me being you bodyguard...But I don't think you should stop doing what is needed for the village. But that doesn't mean you can't improve yourself."Shika would say. Garuda was disappointed when Shika first began to talk about him and his duty but he made up for it with his last statement."What do you mean friend?"

Shika would walk from the corner he was in and stand in front of Garuda's desk,Garuda would turn so he could hear what he had to say."Train Lord Tsuchikage as doing that wouldn't be going away from your duties as we need a strong Tsuchikage. And what better way to do that other than training?" Shika would tell him as he took his mask off and gave him a friendly smile.

"Then let us go and train!"Garuda would say as he rose to his feet, taking his Tsuchikage hat off and placing it on the desk. Garuda would then walk over to a closest and take out his old Anbu outfit."Give me a second I will meet you at the pit."Garuda would tell Shika as he looked back at him. Shika would leave and Garuda's smile would fade away and be changed into a sad one. As he hadn't trained since he killed his father to obtain his Mangekyou Sharingan."I guess I need to get over that and go train..."He would mumble to himself as his eyes would change to what he hated most, the Mangekyou Sharingan. He would then take of his outfit and robes and change into his anbu outfit.

Before he left the office his secretary, or assistant, entered the room."LORD TSUCHIKAGE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!"She would scream as she saw him in his old anbu outfit. She held a massive amount of paper work in her hand as she approached him."You have lots of things to do! And I was told by the elder to not let you slack or avoid your duties!!" The refined looking women said as she slammed the papers on the desk. She would then adjust her glasses and cross her arms against her chest, waiting to hear what he had to say. "Relax I am just going to train. I am the Tsuchikage it is also my duty to increase my abilities...so in a way I am not slacking. But so you don't anger you anymore as I know you are also busy and what I don't get done you are stuck with. Is there anything I can do that allows me to train?" Garuda would ask her with a nervous smile, as he really believes she won't let him go train.

"Actually there is. Since you STILL haven't told Yago he is Anbu captain you have to determine if these people deserve to be in the anbu."She would say as he leaves the room and returns with three folders." I had it set up so that only Anbu captain would have to test the abilities of candidates for the Anbu corps...but you can handle it. So look over those files and I will go send them to the pit."She would say before leaving the room to inform the three individuals.

"Sigh, at least I can go and train."Garuda would say as he looked over the papers. It took him about ten minutes to read all three of them and from what he red they were good shinobi, but he would have to see that in person. Garuda would place the folders on his desk and hurry to the training ground, or The pits. It took him about seven minutes to get there while moving at a good pace. When he got there he would spot Shika and three individuals behind him, it seems everyone was here."They have filled me in on why they are here. So are you ready?" Shika would ask as he got into a battle stance besides Garuda, the three individuals got into a battle formation. Garuda would nob and also get into a battle stance, and also putting his anbu mask on." You three will be taking on my and my bodyguard. You know what Shika you fight with them. I Want you four to show me how good your teamwork is."Garuda would say as he jumped back to let Shika get into formation with the other three.

First two come at Garuda were ninja one and Shika, as they were attempting to make an opening for ninja two and three. How quickly they moved and how they already knew what they were going to do amazed Garuda and if he didn't have his Mangekyou Sharingan active he wouldn't be able to keep up with their movements, well ninja's ones as he was a Tai master. As Garuda did close combat with the two he would also notice that ninja two and three were doing a series of hand signs. But Garuda wouldn't have it, as he would toss a kunai passed Shika, making it seem as if he had missed. But the Kunai would go toward ninja two who would stop her hand signs and dodge the kunai. But that also was fake target as another kunai sent right behind that one will hit it on the side, making it go over just enough to cut ninja three on the arm. Stopping him from continuing his hand signs.

Back to the hand to hand combat that was going on it would seem Shika and ninja one were getting the upper hand, but ninja one would look Garuda in the eyes and be struck by a strange genjutsu that made him fall to the ground. Shika would back up after seeing ninja one fall, and get into a different formation with ninja two and three. "NOW!" SHika would say to them as they three went through a series of hand signs, Tiger → Dog. The three  compressed the entirety of the large breath they take in, and expel it in the form of one large (15m diameter since there are three of them) sphere. Anyone caught inside it is nearly completely dismembered; a grazing blow could easily take off a limb. It does not explode on impact, but rather keeps going, shredding all that it comes into contact with. And that is exactly what it did as it took destroyed everything as it came toward Garuda. But in the instance the only thing Garuda did was laugh at it as he also did a few hand signs."Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction!" He would say as he expels from the mouth in a massive stream of intense flames at the sphere of wind. The two techniques collided and turn into a massive fire tornado, swirling around each other till they canceled out.

The clash of the techniques was so powerful that it made the three shinobi and Garuda have to hid behind larger stones so they wouldn't be hurt by the technique, Garuda had grabbed ninja one and put him behind the stone he was behind so he wouldn't die. Because dying in training with the Tsuchikage would make Garuda seem bad. As it died down Garuda would make his move, but his anbu outfit would be burned a bit and also his skin as the area he went through was unbelievable hot. But when he is training he doesn't care about small damage such as that. At that same time ninja two would lift her head up and be punch in the face, knocking her out. Shika was lucky enough to notice what had happen and back up so he wouldn't be next to be hit, but ninja three wasn't so lucky as he would be struck by an genjutsu. How he was hit was because Garuda got on top of the stone he was behind and began to emit a bright light, and Ninja three locked up at it.Ninja three would fall unconscious but believe he is awake and begin crushed by some strange genjutsu Garuda has made.

Now it was only Shika and Garuda, but the jutsu Garuda had just used made him extremely tired."That's a first." Garuda would say as he hurried behind a stone to catch his breath. This was the first time every, after being a master of genjutsu, he had become tired after casting an genjutsu on someone. As it usually was a piece of cake for him to do such a thing. And garuda has been a master sense he was the rank of Chunnin, so it must be because of the power the jutsu had. But that shouldn't be it as he had other Genjutsu that he considered more advanced and complex, but what could he do. He wasn't about to loss focus on a genjutsu he had just devised on the fly. Shika was still able to continued the training, and Garuda and Shika both were very serious and deadly when they trained, and they both always wanted to be ontop. So Garuda would almost immediately think of a knew genjutsu that could give him the win. Peeking from behind the stone Garuda would have his face met with a fist, which knocked him back. It seemed Shika had done to Garuda as Garuda had done to Ninja two.

Garuda would recover from the just and stand to his feet, but even though he had been struck by a fist and his mask partially broken Shika would have made the mistake. "You have lost..Shika."Garuda would say as he had the ram hand sign. He would use his other had to take off the mask and place it on the ground. And then right before Shika eyes he would shatter into glass. And then appear behind Shika, but it is an illusion of him, Shika would try to back hand Garuda would would miss. He would then turn around and attempt to hit Garuda with a relentless array of attack, ranging from his jutsus and basic attacks. But everything he used and did missed. And due to the Genjutsu and it's complexity made Shika think he was really attack Garuda, but in reality Garuda was sitting on top of a stone recovering from the jutsu he used before this one. The illusion would begin to talk to Shika when it notched he got extremely tired."Shika if you just admit you have lost I will let you hit...err touch me." Garuda would say with a mocking smile. But Shika would shake his head as he toke his mask off, sweat pouring down his face. Garuda had to admit he picked the right person to be his bodyguard as he was determined to win and showed no sign of giving up.

"Shika a man must no when it is time to give up. But since you aren't going to I will make you."
Garuda would say as he deactivated the genjutsu and the illusion would shatter."I will twist what you think is reality and make you believe what I want you to believe."He would say as he reactivate it before Shika had the chance to come at him, well hit the real him as he would switch with a illusion. About twenty minutes have passed and Shika still hasn't figured it out. Also the three ninja from earlier who also were training with them awoke. And Garuda had asked them to try and avoid Shika when he attacked them and also try to break him out of the genjutsu.

Doing what they were told they tried and tried to help Shika, but it was like he didn't even recognize them. But what they didn't know was that he didn't as the genjutsu he was under didn't allow him to determine who was friend or foe. As Garuda had made it so that the three ninja in Shika's eyes would misinterpret their form, shape, mass, feel, and smell to be an enemy, or that of Garuda's clones. Garuda would chuckle and also make the illusion do the same as he realized this was an extremely powerful technique. If he had laid something more onto it would have made it nearly impossible for anyone that wasn't skilled enough to take him on, but even more importantly that no one could hurt his people if he used this on them. As Garuda had used this time to understand how he can use the jutsus he had created today to stop the enemies of Iwagakure. As the second he had made can be deactivated and reactive at will, well as long as they are in range. But he understood for him to use it on them whenever he would have to deactivate it and reactivate it when he get back in range of them. But that should be simple enough as that drawback wasn't that sever like the other genjutsu he created. "We are wasting time friend. Lets finish this!"Garuda would say as he would release the genjutsu just when Shika would hit one of the three ninja. That attack landed mainly because Shika was surprised he had just hit a comrade instead of Garuda. The hit from Garuda was enough to knock the tired Shika out, making Garuda the winner of the training. Garuda would then pick up his bodyguard,Shika, and look at the tired three ninja."You three have passed and I think you are ready to be within the ranks of the Anbu. SO go and tell my secretary..err..assistant I have told you this and will be finishing the required paperwork today." Garuda would tell them as he began to walk to his office, taking a secret path so no one will see him carrying Shika.

He would place Shika on the couch when he made it in the office, and then change back in his attire from earlier. Sitting in his desk he would begin to do what he had told the three ninja he would be doing, filling out their paperwork and sending it to someone else to tell them where they need to go. Time will pass, three hours, and Shika would wake up well rested."What happened? Lord Tsuchikage how did we get back in your office...wait... If we are here I must have lost in our training." Shika would say disappointed in his self.

"You did good Shika...just rest on the couch I have some work to do. And besides we have done what we needed to do in that training..as I have indeed grown stronger." Garuda would tell him with a smile as he continued with his work. Shika would do as Garuda asked and went to sleep.  


Jutsu Learned:

3Gaining more-Training Thread Empty Re: Gaining more-Training Thread Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:40 am



Uchiha Flame Formation
Genjutsu: Sharingan

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