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Gaining a greater power

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1Gaining a greater power Empty Gaining a greater power Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:18 pm



Garuda would yawn as he rolled out of bed as he still felt a bit sleepy and wanted more sleep, but he had to keep himself disciplined and follow his morning routine. As Garuda slowly made his way to the bathroom he would take care everything one did in the bathroom when they awoke; like brush their teeth, shower, and go to the bathroom all of those type of things in what every order one does it. Leaving the bathroom Garuda would quickly get dressed, but into something different from usual. It wasn't fancy or anything but more simple as it was just  a black shirt with the Uchiha clan symbol on the back with bandages around his ankles and black sandals. He also would wear tan pants with a weapons pouch strapped to his back. And to finish it he would put on his signature black coat. As Garuda was about to leave he stopped and looked at his mother's picture that was on the wall,"Good morning mother."He would say as he would walk closer to the picture and touch it, he would then reach down to grab a small book, or journal, that sat on a stand under the picture. When he had it Garuda would leave his home and soon be at the gates of Iwa.

"Okay, time to start my day." He would say to himself as he walked into the village, the journal still in his hand. To follow his daily routine when his Anbu duties didn't call him Garuda would head to the nearest restaurant. As Garuda walked the dusty streets of Iwa he couldn't find a restaurant that was open. This was probably because Garuda had awoken earlier then he usually did and restaurants that he referred going to weren't open yet. This disappointing Garuda a bit but he decided he would just ask if he could have something to eat when he went to the hospital to visit his father. Garuda would now begin walking toward the hospital now instead of finding a restaurant. Putting his hands in his pockets Garuda would begin to hum as he made his way through the hospital's front doors.  Usually people weren't allowed to come and visit unless it was visiting hours, but Garuda was an exception. But this wasn't due to his rank in the Anbu or village, but by the respect many people had toward Garuda. Garuda walked pasted mostly everyone without being spoke to as he headed to his father room, but would suddenly feel a hand on his shoulder as he was about to enter his father's room."huh?" Garuda would turn to see that the person that touched him was his father's doctor, and see had a troubled look on her face.

"Garuda something has come up. It would be better if you have a seat before I tell."She would say as she sat down in a chair that was outside of the door, she motioned Garuda to sit in the one next to her. Garuda would sit confused as he didn't know what the female doctor was saying, but in the back of his mind he knew it was about his father as it couldn't be anything else. She would remove her glasses before she talk and kept her hand on his shoulder. The women began to speak about terms that with Garuda knowledge about medical thing couldn't understand, after she finished Garuda would look away from her and then look back."I don't understand what you are saying. Can you put it in simpler terms please?" Garuda would ask a little ashamed that he had to. The next words that came from her mouth made Garuda's eyes grew wide with feelings he hadn't felt in a long time, fear and overwhelming sadness. He would quickly stand to his feet with out speaking a word to the women and walking into his father's room. He stood by the door and just looked over at the man, his expression fro earlier still on his face. The man would slowly turn his head to see Garuda and give a weak and gentle smile. "Come over to me my son..."He would say as he turned back to look up at the ceiling. Garuda would slowly walk over to him and sit in the chair he usually sat at, not looking at the man but at his lap.

His father's appearance from the illness made his lose all of his hair and appear as if he was over a hundred years old. The resemble the two once share completely being gone now. He also sounded different but that maybe from how weak the illness had made him."Garuda I'm sorry for everything that has and will happen....."He would suddenly say his smile fading, he would turn to look out of the window and at the sky."Did you know from when you were first born I...I feared you. As I thought you would become something your mother ways. But now that you have grown and I have..In a way...see what you have grown into. I am still positive you will become like her. Every time you come her I feel from that you are becoming closer and closer to darkness as she once did." The words the man spoke confused Garuda."What do you mean by closer to darkness? I haven't done anything that should be deemed evil if that's what you mean."Garuda would say to the man as he looked at him.

The man, to Garuda's surprise, would jump to his feet and grab Garuda by the collar." Dammit boy!! You don't understand what you truly are going to become!" He would yell as he tossed Garuda to the ground. Garuda was stunned as he thought his father could barely move and what he did and said made no sense."You are sick! How are you able to move?!?"Garuda demanded. The man would walk over to Garuda without saying a word and make him take his coat off, putting it on he would begin to walk toward the door."Shut up and follow me." He would say as he put the hood over his head.

Wanting answers Garuda would follow him his expression of sadness fading away and a one of curiosity taking it's place. The two quickly made there way out of the hospital and toward the direction of the village gates. Garuda walked right beside the man wondering where they were heading. After some time passed the man lead them to their home and went inside, breaking the door down instead of waiting for Garuda to unlock it. The man would then being to walk around the home and examine almost everything."What are you looking for father?" Garuda asks as he watched the man go over to the floor and start feeling around. Turning to him the man would remove the hood from his face and reveal a strange sharingan. Even though Garuda was a genjutsu master he couldn't prepare for what he had just happen as he would be struck by something powerful.

He would then awake to find himself in a strange place."What the hell?Where am I?" He would say as he scanned around. He would then spot a figure standing in front of a fireplace."Father? Is that you over there?"he would call out as he stood to his feet and walked over."Don't call me that! Call me Bishop as that is my name. And don't move from your spot!" Bishop would say with a demanding voice. Garuda would stop just because he didn't know what his father would do if he dis obeyed. Putting out the fire Bishop would turn around and look at Garuda, his strange sharingan glowing in the darkness."I will tell you in a moment why I have brought you here. But first, do you know what type of sharingan I have?"Bishop would ask. They would sit their in the darkness as Garuda didn't know the answer, but he also fear what would happen if he answer incorrectly. Bishop would burst into laughter."Let me tell you as you mostly likely don't know. Like your mother I have gained something extremely powerful that only few others in our clan will every achieve. I have the Mangekyō Sharingan! But unlike your mother I only use this for the sake of the village not my own self-less goals. I want you to think son! What would you do if you had such a thing!? No need to answer that though ......as you won't every find out." He would say as he clasped his hands together, torches suddenly being lit along the walls of the room. Garuda would be shocked, and for a strange reason activate his regular sharingan. As he stared into his father eyes he didn't know what to do as how his father acted confused him."W-why are you telling all of this Garuda would ask as he backed up until he couldn't go any further. the last words his father said made him deeply afraid.

Bishop would notice Garuda was trembling and would chuckle,"Garuda know what I am about to do is only to save everyone from what will happen in the future." And with a quick motion the man would charge at Garuda a larger blade in his right hand. Bishop was going to kill Garuda right here and now, but didn't give a reason for why he was going to. But Garuda had no intention to die, without trying as defending himself from dying came to him by instinct would perform varies hand signs before charging out at his father. The room they were in wasn't small and the distance between the two was considerate. In Garuda's hand a larger amount of lighting chakra belt up and soon became visible. And when they had clashed both would have landed their attack. Bishop's blade had made it into Garuda's side, barely, while Garuda had pierced through his fathers chest.

Tears streamed down the tow's face as Garuda pulled his hand from out of his father, catching the man before he fell. Garuda would fall to his knees as he held his father close to him, his blood quickly coming from the wound. As Garuda sat in the pool of his father's blood he couldn't utter a word as he would of rather have it been the other way around, as he trusted his fathers words when he said he would be saving everyone with the death of him. But something in side of Garuda took him over and made him fight back, and this made Garuda hate himself."AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"Garuda would scream looking up, his eyes suddenly changing once he did. Everything that has happen to Garuda today wouldn't allow him to be the same afterwords. What was he to do now as he had just killed the last family he had for something he didn't understand. As tears continued to stream down his face he looked at his father once again."...Why? Why!?!?"Garuda would ask as he shook the lifeless corpse. Standing to his feet Garuda would begin to carry his father's corpse. Looking around to find an exit Garuda would find a door that lead to an underground passage. Following it as he held his father he would find another door above the ceiling of the passage. Making his way out of the passage through the door he would find himself in his home. He couldn't speak as he carried his father out of the house and placed it down against the house. Going back in he would return with a shovel and begin to dig a grave for his father that was in the back of the house.

I took the Uchiha an hour to dig the deep hole and place his father in, and then closing it up with the dirt. After he had down that he would go back into the house, stopping as he came across a mirror.".....I think you have given me something you wished me not to have Father. You must have know this would happened if you died...or am I looking at this wrong. "Garuda would say to himself in a saddened tone as he looked at his new Mangekyō Sharingan, closing his eyes and then opening them again to deactivate it. He truly didn't want this damn thing as if his father was right would only bring something bad. Garuda would then lay in his bed not changing out of his blood stained clothes. As he lied there a blank expression came over his face as he was mental traumatized by what has happened this day and didn't know how he should truly feel about it.


This is the best I can come up with for a trauma experience from the death of someone very close to Garuda. Since the site doesn't say how to really unlock it I went with the canon way.

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