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1Missions... Empty Missions... Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:45 pm

Franken Stein

Franken Stein

Mission Briefing

Stein was just in the suna laboratory library with his chosen books, reading and finding out new facts. It didn't take long before he found the right ones and borrowed them out from the shelves. The dark lab was emitted different lights from all the chemicals present on the tables, it was giving of the same light as a lava lamp. Having stayed up for a couple days the doctor knew his time to leave his sanctuary was soon up, carrying the books he would head to his desk as he would read his memo. It stated 2 missions that was in need of completing, having scanned over the mission Briefing countless times he scrunched up the paper and threw it in the bin without looking. Keeping hold of his books he used his left hand to turn the bolt in his head to allow to think with ease before leaving his laboratory and locking the door behind him. He was making his way back to his apartment to freshen up, he carried the books in his arms as he was excited to read them again after the mission. when he reached to his apartment he placed the books on the table and went to freshen up which didn't take long, he had a cup of coffee which was strong and dark in color before he left the apartment with his normal lab attire. He always left his house spotless, as medics cant work around unclean things, it spoils the whole operation. As he was walking he decided to take another path he wouldn't really choose, this path had a shady person looking around searching for something or some one. As Stein came close to him, the shady person called him over, without hesitating Stein made his way to him.

"Hey you sorry for the randomness but there used to be some medical herb supplies stationed at this house, I cant seem to find it, oh man I'm going to be late!", The man said with a rush in his tone, he seemed out of placed but didn't seem like a push over, he was glancing over the place and the area before waiting for Stein to reply. Franken had a few thoughts about this guy, firstly he wasn't wearing the normal suna attire or never showed the headband or stated his name. Secondly he would recognize all of the members that work in the hospital as he was the captain and his face never rang a bell. Thirdly he was well aware of missing supplies from the hospital and it was pure coincidence that he stumbled over this mission, tampering with Steins products was something that can easily get someone killed. Stein had his hands in his pockets before he withdrew a crumbled cig and lighted it up before inhaling and exhaling, he replied to the man saying "Oh really... Well if you did work in the hospital you would of known the slight change... As captain I'm sure you know you have been found out...", Stein said in a calm tone filled with a lust to kill. He wasn't stupid and placing 2 and 2 together would make 4 so in this situation he found his target already, it was up to the man if he wanted to dig a deeper grave.

The man knew that Stein was right, turning to face him fully the man had a smirk on his face, no weapons drawn. "Hah! it seems we was found out!", the guy said raising his voice a bit, as soon as he mentioned they were found out 2 more robbers appeared in the scene surrounding Stein. It seemed like a basic ambush which was showing that their ninja skills wasn't up to scratch, it must of been the outlaw life. Hearing the snickering from the 3 of them who surrounded Stein, the doctor was not fazed in the slightest he kept his composure when he took his drag on his cig before talking, "Well Well Well... Because of you 3 my experiments wasn't completed... Not that you 3 care but from here on out it can only go down 2 paths... First one being death all together... or the second one being slow death one at a time...", he would say with a smirk on face, his tone of voice changed from a low calm to itching to fight, Since mastering his inner self he had no doubt about anything in his being which would make him dangerous.

Since the options was too direct to the robbers they assaulted in a full charge attack, which was handled by Stein with moderate difficulty, who would of knew a doctor would be so powerful in hand to hand combat. Having their bodies slumped up by a wall of the house it was getting dark quickly and soon to be night in the next hour or so. "This ughhhh dont mean anything even if we die!", the man said to Stein as he was the most conscious out of the 3 robbers, peering up to him. Franken pulled out another cig as he lit it before crouching down and blowing the smoke in the mans face. "Humor me... Before you time is up...", he said with a smirk on his face as he wanted answers for their reckless act. "Wait hold up!... We was sent here to rob a certain plant that if made correctly could poison people without knowing... The fact of the matter is people in your village was dying from it today and this was our last heist...", the man said with weak shameful words before he slide of the wall and unto the ground out cold. "Is that so...", Squinting his eyes as he arose from the down position, he eradicated the 3 robbers soon after he finished his cig. Now the thought of dead bodies in suna was like a game to Stein, he would have to dispose of those bodies before morning or before anyone else notices them.

[Interrogate & Kill the Robbers - Completed]

It was about 1am and the streets of suna was very quiet, with Stein overlooking the area from the roof tops he could gain more insight of the matter. From what the robber previous said was that the known poison was emitted into the citizen atmosphere, such a long search but it wouldn't be many people to find since it just started today which then again makes it harder to find. No information was given out of the whereabouts of the body so Stein main search was on the streets and the alley ways. Running low on his cigs was a hassle as well, if he didn't smoke he would become stress and uneasy and he needed patience for this task especially. Taken a break from jumping from roof tops he was stood at the edge of one using his left hand to turn his bolt in his head, he started analyzing the situation properly since random movement would slow him down. He would think on the spot for awhile before he knew he had to go and check flower shops even though they are closed. Making his way to the main flower shop it was heaven to know no one was in the area because he didn't want to be seen collecting bodies, its not a good look. Peering down from the roof top he could see the front of the entrance and the fact no one was about made the observation easy, taking a leap to the entrance of the shop he would check behind the flower shop to notice a body laying besides the bin in the ally way.

Approaching the body Stein could witness that it was a ninja of the village, examining the body it was internal damage that was dealt to this ninja. Assumptions of the poison was that it slowed down the breathing until the target couldn't breath out anymore, such interesting poison on a noble comrade. It didn't take him long to cover up the ninja with what was available around and it was a dirty cloth which was used to cover the boxes of extra flowers. Carrying the man in his hands he needed a suitable place to keep him and that was a distant roof top hardly seen by anyone and so upon arrival Stein placed the covered corpse and went back into finding more bodies as well as some flammable oil bottle. His main idea was to find all the bodies and burn them in a pile, he was too lazy to find more secret spots or even leave the village for that matter. Landing softly in the construction site he looked around and in luck found an oil bottle he can use to drench the corpses, placing the bottle in his lab pocket he continued his search. The night was starting to get very cold indeed so he would have to hurry and plus in a couple of hours the early morning workers would be up doing their shift of cleaning the streets ready for the next packed day ahead. Franken thought to himself that soon he would have to prepare another set of medical jutsus to have in his arsenal, quite a few concepts were planted in his head and never left, so he would have to act it out.

It didn't take him long to find the other few dead ninjas that were just laying around, the hardest part was covering them and moving them to the roof top. After all the mission was soon near to complete, coving the 4 bodies properly before drenching the bodies in the flammable oil, he thought if this was the humane way to get rid of bodies plus he was intrigued to dissect a few just to see what would be under their skin. Adding the empty bottle on top of the pile he would then crouch down, he noticed it wouldn't take that long to burn all the bodies and halfway through no one would really notice that its burning bodies anyway so Stein lit his cig up and took a deep drag before exhaling. Glancing up at the night he could tell it had just passed 3am or that was the vibe he was getting, standing up and turning away from the pile he flicked his cig on the pile which cause a little bonfire, rapidly burn and melting the bodies it would take long before ash was present so Stein continued walking to the other edge of the roof top. He thought he would have to give a statement and review on the mission but that it can wait until morning. Taking a small glimpse of the bonfire and the lovely smell of burnt and roasted flesh, he was weird to be enjoying death and the view of it, hopefully when the time came there would be no evidence left, not even bones.

Leaping from roof top to roof before he made it to the floor, he ran out of cigs when tried to pull out one. Making way to his friends cafe who likes to pay poker late nights, every night in the back of the cafe. He heard the noise of laughter and sake bottles being opened as he drew nearer to the back entrance, knocking on the he already knew it was Stein just by the hour of the visit. No words was exchanged between them except for the ryo and packs of cigs, in fact he even got an extra pack, maybe his friend was on a win streak. Leaving the area he paced with speed back to the hospital, he missed his sanctuary already but for now he would have to leave it when the village needs his help. Reaching back to the hospital and reopen his laboratory he went straight to write up as a statement on both missions before playing down the note into an envelope which he would either take to the kage or have someone else transport if his experiments were too intriguing.

[Dispose the Bodies... Secretly - Completed]


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