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Rocky Leaves

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1Rocky Leaves Empty Rocky Leaves Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:26 am


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"Are we at an understanding, now? If you have any information - even the faintest connection about them, please...I beg of you, let me know. I am desperate in catching them. You're not the ENEMY are you, Tsuchikage?"

Ryuho smiled at the Tsuchikage's welcoming attitude and was pleased that he was willing to listen to Ryuho's story. "Thank ~ you, Lord Tsuchikage!" Uchiha Garuda.... sounds perdy fearsome... I wonder if I'm ever going to walk out of his office... if he welcomed me in so openly, then he could kill me in his territory.. he thought, following after Garuda. They were allowed entrance into Iwagakure, and Ryuho could see that the Tsuchikage's guards were no longer accompanying him. They walked upon an immense rock formation, where the Kage's building is located. Although it wasn't quite the main building that Ryuho pictured. It was a small house..... quite informal. Ryuho shrugged, as he was an informal guy back at home anyway. Plain and simple. Ryuho looked at a distance to see  Sasuto's figure. Ryuho waved at him, and then followed the Tsuchikage into his humble home.

He took a seat across from where Garuda would be at his desk. "Ah.... comfortable chair, Lord Tsuchikage! May I call you Garuda? Or...maybe Garuda-san... of course you can always call me Ryuho. Anyway my captain who wants to be called nothing else but Crow should be joining us shortly, if that's alright with you". Ryuho noticed an ink pen on the side of the Tsuchikage's desk. High quality... better than the one I used. It's important for us Kages to know what we use to write on the mission reports and files we get.... he thought. Returning to a serious tone and demeanor, Ryuho looked Garuda with deep sincerity.

"I'll tell you what I told the Kazekage, who is coorperating with us. A week ago, my village was attacked by two terrorists. We have identified one of them to be a Missing-Nin. One of my Genin has been kidnapped". Ryuho shows Garuda a picture of Kami Hanabira. "We have reason to suspect that this is a band of Missing-Nin we're dealing with, and that they're possibly organized. I don't know their motives, but I do know that the kidnapping is significant. One attacker could summon a wood giant that could tower any of the five villages. Do you see the threat that exists now? I'm going around informing the Kages about this, because I do think that a bigger plot is growing. And I want to snuff it out before it gets out of control.  I want to know which village is with us... and which village is not.. I know that the Kazekage sent out some letters informing all of us about a Five Kage Summit. I would also like your assistance in helping find this Kami Hanabira girl, those rogues really do go through a lot of trouble trying to get her. Captain Crow was the one who pursued them, so I'm sure he can tell you more about the matter" Ryuho looked out the window now, giving Garuda time to process all of this, before speaking again.

2Rocky Leaves Empty Re: Rocky Leaves Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:00 am



"You can call me Garuda if you like."Garuda would say as he sat in his desk, his hands folded on the desk. Garuda would listen to everything the the man said his expression a blank one as he didn't care for what information he was told."So there is a possible missing-nin organization forming, how annoying."Garuda would say as he looked at the picture he was shown."A wood giant? Is that all? You speak as if it has the ability to take out an whole village, that may be for you or the other villages but not mine. So I wil tell you this to not sound offensive. That doesn't sound like something I considered a threat, even if it can tower any of the five villages. Because really if there was such a person who posses such a ability I would have heard something about it and have it taken care of." Garuda would say. And this was true even though he had just recently gain the title of Tsuchikage he sent some Anbu to infiltrate and spy on the other nations.

This wasn't to try and attack them but to keep updated on what was going on in the world, he would clear his throat as he began to talk again."I don't want to sound like I don't care but....I will tell you now I have no intentions of assisting in the hunt for a missing-nin organization or anything along those lines because this will be a waste of man power on my part. And to me this sounds like we will be mainly helping you find a genin that belonged to your village. Don't hate me for my answer I have given you but I...I just don't seeing a real reason for me to assist in anyway." Garuda would say as he looked at the man still with a blank face. Garuda may be eager to helping with everything the Hokage said but he doesn't really want to be involved with anything that could turn out bad for his village. As his job was only to look after the best interest of his village.

If the Hokage had given Garuda something more like the destruction of some land he would without a doubt join to stop the threat, but he didn't. And since his village, to him, wasn't at risk he wouldn't waste their resources and manpower to help in anything. As Garuda waited to hear what the Hokage would say in response to him he wondered how the previous Tsuchikage would have handled this as they were two totally different people and  may have different views on how things should be handled for the village.

3Rocky Leaves Empty Re: Rocky Leaves Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:01 pm

Uchiha Sasuto

Uchiha Sasuto
Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

Sasuto gazed towards the Tsuchikage as he made his entrance into the office. "A quarter of the village was destroyed.."Sasuto's eyes would've probably made direct contact with the Tsuchikage, perhaps because they were both members of the Uchiha Clan. Sasuto sheathed his blade which rested in the grasp of his right hand, a Chokuto. His eyes then faded from their crimson color with three tomoes in either optic to a sky blue tone vacant of such tomoes.

His eyes flickered left and right, discerning the presence of a few ANBU within the room, as he expected. "The woman whom attacked is immune to genjutsu. Luckily no one other than the village's property was injured, the man whom summoned the Wood giant summoned a forest, but that went to waste due to the massive amount of that burned it to crisps."

Last edited by Uchiha Sasuto on Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:01 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : lack of text color)

4Rocky Leaves Empty Re: Rocky Leaves Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:54 am


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

Ryuho had leaned forward a little closer to Garuda. "I assure you, as I don't really have any other way to extrapolate the grand stature of size... that the rocky hills that hold your houses and people are fragile and insignificant before what encountered us. Quite frankly, your village must be second to us in how vulnerable it is to the enemy jutsu, seeing how vast the earth here is... Not to be offensive or anything." Ryuho leaned backwards all the way in his seat when he heard that Garuda suggested that he'd dispose of anyone who held such a jutsu, thus acknowledging the fearsomeness of it and the threat it poses. Ryuho lifted his hands up into the air. "THEN we ~ are in agreement then Lord Garuda haha...." Ryuho's hands dropped back on his lap. "That's where we come in Lord Garuda. We know the identity of the threat. We have a name and a face. All we need is whereabouts."

Ryuho listened intently to Garuda's next passage, and nodded upon finding reason in the Tsuchikage's reluctance. Ryuho could tell that the Tsuchikage did not want to mix in his forces with the leafies. Ryuho needed to push into some more diplomatic power. At about this time, Sasuto would enter in and add onto the details. "Ah yes, and I do think there were also wood dragons in the report, no Captain? If something that can dwarf the glorious ninja villages isn't enough, perhaps two dragons coming up from underground and through the middle of your home would". Ryuho turned back to Garuda. "I think you do have a reason for assisting with us, just that you don't know it yet. Like I said, a bigger ploy's at hand here. Missing-Nin are always a nuisance on us Kage's hands. Have them band together, and what other course of action should a nation take other than to put them down without injuring the other? Now, if a group of Missing Ninja attacks us, kills some people, and kidnaps a girl... I don't know, something just doesn't feel right to me. Please don't assume that your village will not benefit from this. That's why I hope I can go through the villages looking for clues. But of course if there is no information to be shared.... or if information cannot be shared, then I cannot do much more."

Ryuho lightly slapped the top of the Tsuchikage's desk. "I know that I can't please you with just statistics. A tragedy is a comedy. But I can offer you the chance to take down some murderers before they try to kill your men and women. We can launch something at the Summit. Your help is necessary. Please help me, Lord Garuda" Ryuho pleaded, his voice sounding rather hoarse, with his hands wrestled into a begging fist. At this point, Ryuho cannot be sure if the Tsuchikage is allied to the enemy or not. It could go either way. Life or death. The spiral of killing.

[Right about now, the owl/letter from Suna would arrive]

5Rocky Leaves Empty Re: Rocky Leaves Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:05 am



Garuda would rub the back of his head before putting it back on his desk,"I take no offense to what you say. And am glas you think I this about my village. But don't do that again because you cannot judge my village and compare it from what you see."Garuda would say as the Hokage knew nothing of what he has down to increase the defense of his village. And comparing their village was foolish in Garuda's opinion because Iwagakure could be considered to have the best military force out of all the five great nations, Kumogakure might having a better one or one that can rival Iwagakures. As Garuda was about to say something to the Hokage's guard who had enter an owl would come through the open window. Looking at the owl Garuda would remove the letter in it's holster. He would pet the bird's head gently as he began to read the letter.

"This is a message to the Kage of the 5 Great Nations. Most of you have not seen my face nor know exactly what I look like, but I am Raphael Fumetsu. This is a notice that I will be holding a Summit in a weeks time in order to discuss pressing matters that may befall our villages."

"It seems he wasn't lying about what the Kazekage thinking this was important. But I still can't help." Garuda would say in his head as he placed the letter down and watched the owl leave out of the office. "Sigh, if you want to search the village to find some clues on these Missing-nin by all means go ahead. I will gladly let you. But you must allow me to think this over all on helping. I will have your answer sometime before or at the Kage summit that is coming up." Garuda would say as he stood up out of his seat and walked toward the window. He would then nob his his head as if signalling someone. Suddenly the small house sized building would begin to move up into the air, and after a few minutes would be the largest building in the village. "What a beautiful day it is..." Garuda would say to himself as he was able to see the whole village from his office. Even though this office was the size of a house the building wasn't, it was just lowered for the time being. As  the whole building was a massive structer, just most besides the office  was underground. Garuda wanted to do this to show the Hokage he truly knew nothing about this village and would never be able to compare it.

Garuda would turn from the window and look at the two, but turned his attention to Sasuto."Are you a member of the Uchiha?" was the question Garuda asked him. He had made brief eye contact with him when he had entered the office and say his eyes were read, but didn't know if that was true as they weren't like that anymore."O and Lord Hokage....May I ask something of you  in private?" Garuda said as he wanted to ask the man something without his guard in the room with him.

6Rocky Leaves Empty Re: Rocky Leaves Tue Jun 10, 2014 3:04 am

Uchiha Sasuto

Uchiha Sasuto
Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

Uchiha, Sasuto nodded towards the question in which Garuda asked, whether or not he was of Uchiha heritage. "Hokage sir, we don't need to investigate...it's already clear that he's not sided with the enemy....judging by how he's bragging about what little this village has.."Sasuto intended to make a remark about how the Tsuchikage was talking big about this village....full of the weirdest girls Sasuto has seen in his playboy lifetime.

"I am of the Uchiha heritage. My name is Uchiha, Sasuto, ANBU Captain of Konohagakure no Sato."Sasuto spoke in a hushed tone.

7Rocky Leaves Empty Re: Rocky Leaves Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:14 am


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"Of ~ course, Garuda".

Ryuho had scratched his chin as he could see the sternness of Garuda unravelling before him; the number of leaves have finally lifted the pebble that stood on the pendulum balance as they came closer to a mutual understanding. The firmness was still there, but the card was on the table now, and with the pressure that Ryuho exerted, he must be at least curious to take a peek at it and see how everything folds. The Hokage already knew what came through the window. After all, Sasuto and he witnessed Tear signing the letter himself a few days ago. "I'll be expecting your answer then, Lord Garuda" Ryuho said.

He felt the house shake, the entire structure vibrating. "Whoa.... is this the famous common-quake that Iwagakure has from time to time?" Ryuho asked, his voice vibrating along with the shaking building. After a few seconds, the tremors ceased and he could see that the view out the window was very different from just a moment ago. Ryuho got up from his seat and stood besides the Tsuchikage. He could see the rest of Iwagakure from there, and realized that they had ascended to a greater level. "Whoa..... this is big" Ryuho commented, knowing why the Tsuchikage went out of his way to show him this. Although Ryuho was not concerned, now that he knew one of Iwagakure's secrets and that a technological competition may begin. He could only pray that the Tsuchikage would agree to a pre-emptive coalition strike, rather than using up their resources and risk manpower fending off the enemy all by themselves. Revealing the trump cards that Iwagakure has build up in the process.

He scanned the full map of Iwagakure that lied before him, before turning to the Tsuchikage with a puzzled look on his face. But...we are already talking in private.... Ryuho thought, as they cannot no longer be reached by anyone outside this room. Ryuho leaned his head forward  and complied.

8Rocky Leaves Empty Re: Rocky Leaves Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:08 am



"Never mind..."Garuda would say as he he sat back in his chair and looked at the men. It seemed they didn't get the hit that Garuda wanted the guard to leave, but whatever. It really didn't matter anymore as Garuda had forgotten what he wanted to speak with the man in private. Folding his hands Garuda would look at Sasuto, wanting to know if the the man knew about the next stage of the sharingan. But he wouldn't ask since  Ryuho was here, and those not of the uchiha shouldn't know about that stage. Well unless they already know about it, but that would be unlikely. Garuda would turn away from Sasuto and pull a book from his desk, opening it he would begin to read it." If our business is done Lord Hokage and we have nothing else to talk about. I will see you at the summit. But, by all means relax a little while in my village by going to the rock pools or nightclub before departing. I know the journey you have been on has tired you a bit." Garuda would say to him as he wanted the Hokage to see some good places in Iwagakure, in a way to show them off and also give the man time to relax. As the journey to Iwagakure isn't a pleasant one and even the strongest people needed to rest and relax sometimes.

While Garuda waited he realized what he wanted to ask the Hokage, and chuckled as he was glad he didn't. He was going to ask if the man wanted to spar as he wanted to see the power of another kage, but realized the Hokage is actually stronger then him. And he could tell that from just looking at him. But who knows what if Garuda had asked the Hokage to spar with him, and some way was able to defeat him. That would be a great feat to hold up high and show off. Then the thought of fighting other kages came into his mind and made him smile, and also put his book down. If the Hokage wasn't concerned about a missing-nin organization and the kidnapping of one of his shinobi; Garuda could propose that all the Kages have a tournament. A tournament to decided who is the mightiest out of the five. But it was highly unlikely such a thing would happen, but the thought of it was pretty amusing.

9Rocky Leaves Empty Re: Rocky Leaves Sun Jun 15, 2014 10:01 pm


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"How do I get down.... and get out?"

Ryuho had scratched his chin again as Garuda was being bizarre and all weird for some reason. Kages are after all, shady. Hmm.... okay. he accepted. Ryuho looked out the window once more to admire the view of the buildings and landscapes. The architecture was obviously drastically different from Konohagakure. The Hokage had a foreboding sense that he was more interested in Sasuto, as if the two of them had an innate Uchiha connection. Ryuho himself understood the ways of clans, his clan in particular is very well connected with one another, even though their technique practices individuality. But the Heart is still there. Ryuho would look at Sasuto before turning his head over to Garuda. It seemed that he did not want to discuss this matter for the day, which meant that the Hokage would leave empty-handed once again. Ah.... how alone the Leaf is. "Yes ~ a most excellent offer, Lord Garuda! I hope that the springs, bars, and clubs here are just as good as Konoha's!" He did like some action tonight. It would bring him up into a better mood. The Hokage looked at his wrist, as if to see what time it was on on a mechanical watch. He didn't have a watch. He never did. "A snack, would be nice on this fine day for Iwagakure, wouldn't you say so, Lord Garuda? There isn't a festival or holiday or commomeration is there?" he would ask. He would find himself walking towards where the door was, but remembered that they were hundreds of meters up, meaning he didn't know what was on the other side of the door, and subsequently get out without falling to his death. "Erm ~ Lord Garuda?" Ryuho asked foolishly, scrubbing the back of his head.

10Rocky Leaves Empty Re: Rocky Leaves Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:09 pm

Uchiha Sasuto

Uchiha Sasuto
Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

Sasuto blinked absentmindedly, he should've took the time to gain possession of a Black Hawk contract before he came here, otherwise all that traveling would've been less hassling, but none the less he looked out the window, leaning against the porcelain walling with disinterest, his face in the form of a slight scowl, much as usual. He wanted to hurry up and finish all this traveling, because he didn't prefer to move to foreign countries so much. He didn't plan on attending a night club or the pools, because his alluring sense of handsomeness would constantly cause crowds of women to follow him, all of which seemed disgusting here, to him.


11Rocky Leaves Empty Re: Rocky Leaves Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:24 pm



"Eh? You would take the other door and use the stairs Lord Hokage." Garuda would yawn after he told the Hokage that. He would also point to the other door that was in the room. Garuda hoped the Hokage didn't think this place didn't have stairs, that would be stupid. Garuda would sigh as he looked at some of the paper he still had on his desk."This job demands so much..." He would mumble to himself as he started to read some of the papers, putting his book back in the desk before doing so. As he read the paper's he would almost forget to answer the first question the Hokage had asked about food or a special event in the village."Hmm, There are many places you can grab a bite from when you leave this building. Iwagakure has many different shops and restaurants you should go to, and on a festival, holiday, commemoration going on I don't think we are having anything like that....Well not this month that is. If you had sent word of coming I would have thrown a massive party or something for you." Garuda would tell the Hokage as he went back to looking over the papers he had.

[Thread end?]

12Rocky Leaves Empty Re: Rocky Leaves Mon Jun 16, 2014 1:37 am


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

Ryuho saw the other door that led down to the base of the building they were in. He looked at the door, examining its texture, structure, and appearance. "Are you the door that I seek?" Ryuho asked, expecting a response as he would have liked a robotic response that confirmed hia answer. Ah.... but technology has yet to evolved so. Ryuho opened the door and saw a flight of stairs. No doubt it would take a complete ten minutes for him to go down there by power-walking, and that'd increase his chances of tripping over. Technically, going out through the window is less strenuous and more exhilirating, but it may cause a disturbance in the village, and Ryuho did not want to bother the good Uchiha tsuchikage, so he just decided to play it nice. "Thank ~ you" he said, and began his plight. He would leave the two alone, intentionally not asking Sasuto to leave with him, as he could not have his captain constantly follow him like a bitch. If I jump down, I might splatter.... like this.... like that....

[EXIT - thread ends for me]

13Rocky Leaves Empty Re: Rocky Leaves Tue Jun 17, 2014 2:04 am

Uchiha Sasuto

Uchiha Sasuto
Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

Sasuto stares towards the Tsuchikage with a strange look in his eyes, then stares to face that of the cube-like opening in the building, a window. He sat down on the edge, then stood up on it, allowing himself to drop out, his black cloak blasting around him as he descended rapidly, weaving handseals beneath the massive cloth, and transforming into a flock of crows, jetting off throughout the air and cruising rapidly throughout it with perfect ease. The crow in the center of the flock seems to represent Sasuto, with it's crimson eyes, three tomoes imbued into each optic.

It's broad wings gracefully swing up and down as it inclines it's momentum, and soon vanishes from the sight of the Tsuchikage, or the Tsuchikage's building, headed towards the entrance of Iwagakure.

(Exit unless interrupted.)

14Rocky Leaves Empty Re: Rocky Leaves Tue Jun 17, 2014 2:18 am



[Thread officially over]

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