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Sandy Leaves

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1Sandy Leaves Empty Sandy Leaves Wed May 21, 2014 7:39 am


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"Several days ago, my village was attacked by a terrorist group. The scale of destruction was moderate.... however, we did identify the attackers as Missing-Ninja, and one of them was a rogue from my own village. Furthermore, an orange-haired woman from that group kidnapped a Genin while she was naked. I don't know why she was naked! Her name is Kami Hanabira...." Ryuho placed a photo of Kami Hanabira on the Kazekage's desk. "Saito Senju divided our forces by using some kind of wood jutsu that would probably tower over your own village right now... and so the woman got away with the Genin". Ryuho shifted his hands to the sides pointing at the walls, as if to say "whoops". "I came to you here today, because I am going to inform all the Kages about this Missing-Nin group, for I fear that a far bigger plot is amidst. And I really do think that if we were attacked, then ALL of you are going to be attacked. I want to know which village is with us... and which village is not.. I would also like your assistance in helping find this Kami Hanabira girl, those rogues really do go through a lot of trouble trying to get her. Captain Crow over there was the one who pursued them, so I'm sure he can tell you more about the matter". He folded his hands together upon his lap. "One last thing. I don't know what THIS is going to be. I don't know if this is going to be an alliance, a NAP, or a joint-operation. But I do hope that... you are informed of the details and.... that we come to an understanding of some sorts, hmm, Tear? Of course, first of foremost, if you have any information - even the faintest connection about a criminal group... I would very much like you to share. Assuming that you are not allied with them right this moment, of course.."

The four of them were led by the Kazekage into his office in the Administration Building. Ryuho had been throwing looks at the village civilians, observing what kind of merchanting and shop systems they had and admiring the women that looked at Ryuho's glistening forehead. They were led inside, where it was cooler although still somewhat warm, as the back window was open, allowing sand particles to come in and the heated air to overpower the cold air. "Ahhhhh" Ryuho sighed as he slumped himself to the floor against the wall as everyone else came into the room. He saw stacks of paperwork on the desk. It looked like that not even Tear was ridden of his share of Kage duty. "I see... I see...." Ryuho noted.

After a good minute, Ryuho got back up and took a seat. "Your office is nicer than mine's, Tear..." Ryuho commented, even if the difference is only by a minimal margin. Now, whatever smile Ryuho had was replaced with a seriously neutral expression on his face, which signified his grimmness and bloodlust. "Now we can talk" he began. "What I'm about to say should only be divulged to S-ranks of the villages throughout the world. Although I am not exactly good at 'suppressing' information, hm?"
And so he spoke

2Sandy Leaves Empty Re: Sandy Leaves Wed May 21, 2014 11:10 pm


Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

Tear listened intently to the words of the Hokage. After they reached the office Tear would sit at his desk and offer Ryuho a seat. "So the rumors were true." Tear would place his arms on his desk and cross his fingers before bringing them up to cover his mouth. "This a most troubling situation we have here, Ryuho. I think that these people may have been the cause of the incident at the Festival." Tear paused as if in deep thought. "If that is the case I also fear there may be something way bigger going on that we need to be prepared for." Tear pulled out a pen and some paper and began writing on it. The message on the paper was simple .

"This is a message to the Kage of the 5 Great Nations. Most of you have not seen my face nor know exactly what I look like, but I am Raphael Fumetsu. This is a notice that I will be holding a Summit in a weeks time in order to discuss pressing matters that may befall our villages."

Forming a hand seal Tear would duplicate the message and call in a messenger bird, but this was his own personal bird. It was a all white desert owl with violets eyes with star shaped pupils. He then cloned the bird by using a hand sign and sent the bird out of the window to deliver the messages. Tear would look back at Ryuho. "I say it's about time that we all sit down and have a little talk. Don't you agree? There is were we can talk real matter of peace."

3Sandy Leaves Empty Re: Sandy Leaves Fri May 23, 2014 1:16 am


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"Yes..." Ryuho replied. "Yes, we can".

Ryuho admired Tear's sharp wits and resources as he wathced his every movement, gesture, and facial expression to detect any sign of lying, deception, or outright falsehood. He did not find any. Ryuho nodded to Tear's agreement with his own assessment, and was glad that the Kazekage was on board. He planned to put some distance first, as he secreltly considered that Tear may still be an ally to the terrorists, and that he is simply getting close to him to extract information and attack from the inside. Ryuho wanted to see how their relationship would go, and judge for himself if Tear was trustworthy or not. Ryuho looked as Tear suddenly began writing. He did not care if notes were being taken, or if a message to the enemy was being written before him right now. Above all, he wanted to take control of the situation and come into terms the best way of getting rid of this criminal threat by any means necessary. He wanted to believe in the Kazekage's sincerity, and thus accepted his proposal.

4Sandy Leaves Empty Re: Sandy Leaves Fri May 23, 2014 1:26 am



Jacques had paced after the Kazekage keeping his wandering eyes doing just that. A smile played about his face underneath his mask. His mask was a godsend in this weather. Sand always trying to find a way into any crevice. He paused for a moment peering about looking around a tall of the market stalls. Allowing the scent of fish to placate his senses. If he were here on his lonesome he might've stopped by to pick up a filet of some native fish. Fish was not necessarily rare about these parts just a bit uncommon for a good piece of it to turn up. He shrugged as his momentary lapse of reason was fended off by his task at hand. He resumed his gait. The two foreigners seemed a bit put off by the heat, he smiled as he thought back to his own problems with the extreme condition of the overbearing sun and the sand which offered little to no protection against the elements. He peered around as they made their way to the Kage's administrative building, his sensor bent on full steam. He nodded as they passed the threshold of the outside heat to the inside conditioned air.

He followed the Kage and his envoys up a flight of stairs returning to the Kage's landing which housed his office. He arrived after the three other gentleman and looked outside the window relishing the sight. Each and every time he looked out at the expanse it sent a shiver down his spine. It was always a sight to behold. he followed the individuals into the room, and proceeded to listen to the Hokage speak. It was not his place to speak until spoken to so there he sat awaiting one of the Kage's to address him.

5Sandy Leaves Empty Re: Sandy Leaves Sat May 24, 2014 1:36 am

Uchiha Sasuto

Uchiha Sasuto
Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

Sasuto noticed the looks that most of the women in Sunagakure were giving him after he took off his mask and allowed his cloak to fall to his shoulders. It was a look of love at first sight, and even one of the women grasped his arm and pushed her body up against him in a flirtacious manner. But he kept his head looking forward, and the woman moved away from him the second she noticed they were headed towards the Kazekage's mansion. Allowing his right hand to incline upright, he unbuttoned small areas of his cloak. He left only one area buttoned up, near his neck, as the rest of the cloak flowed behind him.

He took noting of the area which he was in. He was destined to not talk unless he really needed to or felt it was necessary. For a substantial amount of time he walked and inclined himself against walls to think.

6Sandy Leaves Empty Re: Sandy Leaves Wed May 28, 2014 12:30 am


Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

Taer looked at the Hokage in his eyes. "I'll be holding a Kage Summit soon. I have just niformed the other kage using my personal messenger bird." He paused as a smirk came across his face. "Now what else can I help you with Ryuho?" Tear wasn't trying to rush him or anything, but he had a lot to prepare for as well as informing the Land of Iron about the upcoming Summit to discuss the current events.

7Sandy Leaves Empty Re: Sandy Leaves Wed May 28, 2014 1:43 am


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

Ryuho shrugged with his palms up in the air before they settled back to his lap. "I hope that the Kages respond favorably to our engagement. Peace conferences are always the only one that I pay attention to that doesn't involve any of the ladies," he said, smiling. Ryuho glanced back at Sasuto and then back at the Kazekage. "Well, it looks like I did a good job in not taking a huge amount of your time Tear. I know you're a busy man and I know you will do well, as you always have. My captain can say whatever be on his mind now, if he so chooses. But we best make way to the next village as soon as possible. Just know that the Missing-Nin terrorists are running around wrecking havoc, and we should have a cup of tea together some time to put them down. Anything you know, or anything you are willing to share, feel free to send to Konoha's way". Ryuho put on his straw hat, stood up, waited for Sasuto to say anything if he said anything at all, and would proceed to shake hands with Tear and would then promptly leave his office...

8Sandy Leaves Empty Re: Sandy Leaves Wed May 28, 2014 2:17 am

Uchiha Sasuto

Uchiha Sasuto
Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

Sasuto coughed, such an action of his nearly not audible. He then spoke with proper language, clearly he was against the idea of talking, but he had to do it to give the Kazekage a better outlook on the threat ahead. "During the time in which I fought the woman, whom I'd assume is the leader of the Organization, I set her under a basic genjutsu, a D-Rank infact, to test her. The results......crazy, she laughed at it, and broke it easily with such....At that point in time Kami had began to run off. I set her under a B-Rank genjutsu this time and pursued Kami."Sasuto was slightly indignant just about the thought of how the situation went out. He then continued, "After pursuing her for awhile, I gave up and returned."He said. He was thinking of something to do, something that would perhaps inform them better.

"I think the best decision would be to hold a Kage Summit, and allow me to spy on them, pretend to be a member of their organization by joining, But I need a cover story, proof that I am worthy.."Sasuto murmured, he honestly didn't want to do it, but self sacrifice was mostly his forte. The problem was, he couldn't just make up a story, what if they had a spy in Konohagakure? They could kill him if they found out he was lying.

Sasuto's eyes had been staring at the floor, but for once, the smoldering crimson glow in them resonated, gazing towards the Kazekage and the Hokage, "What I'm saying is...they need to confirm that I'm a criminal.....of course it wouldn't be for certain globally.."His mind set was indeed messed up. Additionally, they'd never seen him himself, they only knew that the defender of Kami was an ANBU with a Kitsune mask and had red eyes.

9Sandy Leaves Empty Re: Sandy Leaves Sat May 31, 2014 7:47 pm


Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

Raphael nodded to the konogakure anbu captain. "Well gentlemen if that is all there are some things that need to be attended to. I also have this summit to prepare for." He paused only to stand up and motion a chunin to get ready to go. "Your welcome to stay in Sunagakure for awhile."He said smiling at the two men.

10Sandy Leaves Empty Re: Sandy Leaves Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:33 am


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

Ryuho nodded as Sasuto revealed some of the details of his pursuit of the criminals and Kami to the Kazekage, and watched very carefully for the Kazekage's reaction. Tear seemed casual and attentive, as Ryuho would have been if he was in Tear's place instead. Quite honestly, if Tear was indeed allied to the enemy, then Ryuho is currently looking at a pretty damn good manipulator and liar.

But then Ryuho heard something that pricked up his ears. He didn't want to, but then he glanced at his ANBU Captain The words that were coming from Sasuto's mouth nearly threw the Hokage off, for he did not expect the commander's determination would go so far. Clearly his passion to carry out his duty, to protect Konohagakure - even if this was influenced by his self-perceived failure of retrieving Kami or apprehending any of the criminals, was there. He did not expect such audacity from Sasuto Uchiha. He looked into Sasuto's Sharingan eyes; he was serious, but uneasy. Ryuho did not like the idea one bit, even if they were desperate for information, and it doesn't look like Sunagakure has anything to offer. Turning Sasuto into a S-class Missing Nin.... no, an A-class Missing nin... a falsification of a criminal profile and act would be extensive, but it could be done... Ryuho did not know whether to acknowledge this or not, so he kept quiet and just watched as Tear merely accepted this all. If he was indeed the enemy, and Konoha were to go with the double agent plan, then they would be in some real deep shit. But in any case, this was something that Sasuto should talk about more in depth with the Hokage alone.

The Kazekage got up to go, indicating that his was more or less over. Ryuho shook hands with him. "Thank you for your time, Tear. Please make sure that every other village knows about the Summit. It'll be pivotal in bringing our enemies down. We don't want to stay in your village too long, we should get going now. After all, I have some things to discuss with Captain Crow, but, ta~da".


11Sandy Leaves Empty Re: Sandy Leaves Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:22 pm

Uchiha Sasuto

Uchiha Sasuto
Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

Sasuto noticed his mistake. He didn't think one bit about if the Kazekage was sided with the enemy, and if he was, Konohagakure would be at risk intensely. Sasuto sighed in a low tone, and allowed his entire figure to disperse within three crows, which flew at V's side, two of them hovering beside his mid-arm and one planted upon his right shoulder, if he allowed such. The one that may or may not have been on his shoulder had deep red eyes, imbued with the third stage of the Sharingan.

He was most likely in trouble for revealing his plans to the Kazekage and the Hokage, instead of just the Kazekage. He prayed that such a thing he blurted out would not worsen the current situation.

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