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Chapter 3: Peace Pixel

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Chapter 3: Peace

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1Chapter 3: Peace Empty Chapter 3: Peace Mon Jun 09, 2014 5:50 am



Mission Details:

Miuu woke from her bed, woken by the graceful draft that blew through her window. Miuu quickly pulled the sheets from over her and stepping out of bed. Her hair flowed majestically with the wind, making it slightly moist. She began her morning rituals; brushing her teeth, doing her hair, and getting dressed. She quickly made her bed and rushed down the steps, after grabbing her ninja tools and pack, of course. " By guys! "  Miuu would say, tying her hair into a long ponytail. Her parents simply waved as she rushed out the door. They were proud of her; Miuu did missions nearly everyday, even without a sensei. Miuu would meet up with Ōsharu Kōkkai every now and then for a joint mission, but she was mainly solo.

Miuu already knew what missions she'd take, which was both exciting and saddening. It was a mission to remove the defeated shinobi from the battlefields on the outskirts of Kirigakure. Most were Kirigakure ANBU, but there was a few of the enemy. Miuu was one of the few ninja tasked to removed the corpses and move them to the morgue where they would be cleaned and dressed for their funerals. Upon arriving at the site of the battle, there were already a few others aiding in cleanup. Miuu would shoot them a slight smile, but said smile would soon turn into a frown and her nose would crinkle with slight disgust at the sight of gore and the smell of rancid flesh. Miuu would shake her head to snap out of the sickening trance in order to complete her duty. One by one, they were carried to a truck and placed into body bags. They were somewhat heavy to Miuu considering she was younger and smaller.

After finishing pickup, they were tasked to clean the surrounding area and replant the grass and dirt. " Ugh... " Miuu would mutter, the rancid smell from burnt flesh still lingering. They must have been hit with a fire release jutsu... Miuu would then cough and begin the second part of cleanup by digging up the dirt. Using the small shovel, she would place the damaged earth into a plastic bag. But that is when Miuu cracked and kneeled even further over onto her forearms. She punched her fist onto the ground and began to shed tears of sorrow and mutual pain, her blonde bangs covering her eyes from anyone's sight. This...could be me.... Miuu would think, being approached by another female shinobi, otherwise known as a kunoichi. " Hey, " She would say, bending down to the mentally damaged and sniffling Miuu. " This is just a part of being a ninja. There's battling; a small war that would determine the winner and the loser. And sometimes, the loser's prize is death. " The other girl seemed a few years older than Miuu, she had to at least be a Chuunin. Miuu would back up, resting on her calves and ankle. She would wipe the tears away and shove a few fallen strands of hair behind her ears. " T-Thanks. " Miuu would say. " I'm Miuu of the Umi Clan. "

The other ninja would smile and stand, reaching out for Miuu's hand. " June of the Yamanaka Clan. " Because of the Great Sage Naruto Uzumaki, Clansmen were free to migrate and procreate in other nations in order to spread freedom. Miuu grabbed her hand and stood. " Lets give you another job. " She would say, walking over to one of the few baskets full of supplies. She reached in to grab a cup. She then grabbed the bag of grass seeds that lied beside the basket. " Here you are. " She said, handing Miuu the supplies. Miuu simply nodded and took them, walking over to each other helper and filling the cup with seeds. She handed said cup to the others and they spread them across the dug up land. June then replanted dirt into the land. The once soiled land was now replaced by flat, neatly placed fertilizer and dirt.

Once the ninja finished, their clothing was dirtied with blood and dirt, along with grass stains. Each one said goodbye to each other as they each went back home as the day was ending. Once Miuu arrived home, the sun was eclipsed by the mountains and the mist, the skies turning from blue, to orange, to an even darker blue. " Ugh... " Miuu said as she entered her home, her mother shocked by her daughter's appearance. The blood, dirt, and grass stained clothing accompanied by weeping marks, sweat, and strained hair startled her mother. " Oh wow, what was your mission about today, honey? " Her mother asked, finishing up her class' test grading. " I was tasked to carry dead bodies and then clean where they had died. " Miuu stated. She was calm, almost emotionless, the events of the day had traumatized her slightly. However, thanks to June, Miuu had realized that casualties were named as such because they were a casual event of war and battling. Miuu's mother simply remained silent, wondering if it was too early to send a fresh Genin on such a mission. Regardless, Miuu walked up the steps and stepped into her bedroom's bathroom.

She placed her soiled clothes into the hamper and started the bath water. Once the water finished filling the tub, she stepped in and sighed, sliding down from the shower wall and into the tub. The moistness of the steam calmed her and the water soothed her body. I should know better...I should know that death is a part of being a ninja. I...I just... She sighed again, sinking down into the water until only her mouth was submerged. She would blow bubbles as her mind continued to wander.

After minutes of thinking and bathing, she got out of the sub, wrapping a white towel around her breast and below. She also began to wipe her hair with a smaller towel, drying it. She stopped in front of her vanity and sat at it, grabbing the comb, dropping her tail, and beginning to comb and brush her hair. After more of her after-bath rituals were finished, she flopped onto her bed and buried herself into the sheets. " At least now I get to see them dolled up... " She began to think about her future and her thoughts on shinobi. Even after Naruto's efforts, there is still pain and violence in the ninja world? In fact, I'm sure ninja would be extinct if his words actually sank into their ignorant minds. However, I was just as ignorant when I became a Genin. But now...Now I want to cleanse this world of war and violence. I want to fight for true peace, not for artificially love that will only last a few years. Her thoughts and goals began to wander once more, and soon she dozed off.

Sounds of swirling winds blew into her bedroom as the sun rose from the mountain peaks. Miuu winced in pleasure from her great rest. For some reason, she felt more comfortable after figuring out her true goals and thinking about her future. Miuu mirrored the sun and rose from her bed, yawning and stretching. She would then repeat her morning rituals, donning her formalwear this time.


Miuu met with June and the other ninja. " Alright! We're now tasked to meet with the fallen ninja's families to console them and let them know that we'll be going to their funerals. " The eldest ninja informed. They all donned their formalwear for the occasion, everyone looked dapper and beautiful, there was only five of them, after all. As the group finished the discussion, they began walking to the first home, Miuu and June in the back of the group. " You look pretty, June. " Miuu said, paying her friend a complement. June simply smiled and repaid the same complement as the group reached the first home. A few knocks from the eldest ninja lead to the door being opened by a weeping woman. " P-Please come in " She would welcome the group, other family members bauling in the living room. After talking to the family, it seemed as if they cried even more, wetting their dresses and suits with tears. Miuu simply looked away and out the window, she just couldn't bear their sadness on her shoulders. All she could do was fight for their freedom and their peace.

After going to each and every home, the funeral was ready and help at the cemetery located near the mountains. Miuu glanced over at the Mizukage Grave Site as she entered through the cemetary gates. The First...The Second...The Third...Yagura...Mei...The Great Five. Despite the first four being apart of the Bloody Mist era, they were still idols of Kirigakure. Thanks to Mei Terumi for changing Kirigakure for the better. I could be like them. Strong...wise...even forgiving. I could be Mizukage. I could make sure that Kirigakure, and then the rest of the world, will remain at peace, but without violence. Miuu was then ushered into the service and into a pue.

After a few speeches were announced, some funny and others sad, Miuu was called to the stage. She placed her hands onto the stand that also held the mic. " It's okay. Your loved ones fought for Kirigakure and they succeeded. They did it because they had honor and love in their hearts. However, even though their hearts were pure, they did not have peace bundled inside. But... " Miuu shed a tear out of sorrow and love for her village. " I can make sure that everyone will have peace and everyone will show love. Not just for their village, but also for the world. I will be Mizukage, and I will change the world for the better! For you, me, and our fallen ones! I will be Mizukage! " Miuu shouted, getting overly emotional. She now had tears streaming down her face. " I will save this world from its ignorance, that is my nindo. My ninja way. "


Words Needed: 1400
Words Achieved: 1690
Ryo Earned: 165
Mission Ryo: 500
Total Ryo: 665

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