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Chapter 1: Beautify [wip] Pixel

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Chapter 1: Beautify [wip]

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1Chapter 1: Beautify [wip] Empty Chapter 1: Beautify [wip] Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:21 am

Aerie Locke

Aerie Locke

Mission Details:
Chapter 1: Beautify [wip] 464310IconOcypte

Rubī had finally became a Genin and she was ready to carry out her Senju heritage as a ninja. She raised her hair into a long ponytail and dressed into a small shoulder-less red, white, and black kimino that cupped her breasts like a corset, similar to this. She put on her white ninja gloves, ones she had made to match her style. They had a floral lace wrist, which showed Rubī's fashion loving side. Once fully dressed she made sure her bedroom was clean and organized. She does have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Germaphobia after all, so things do have to be of some order. When Rubī finished, she walked down her steps and since her parents were out she easily walked out the door.

Sunagakure wasn't the best place for someone with mess and germ issues, but it is a place for those that want to overcome it. Which is also why Rubī wanted to clean it up and make it better. She decided to take on the mission of cleaning the area and rebuilding the walls. After, she would go and tend to the garden Suna Gardens, a place that homed orchids and other exotic flowers like roses and the like. She began to walk down the sandy path that led to the wall gate. It was merely a gap between one wall and the other made from smooth sand. However, over the many years, it has become very tarnished. She was tasked over cleaning and rebuilding it along with the area around the gates, something she was looking forward to.

Once she reached the gate, she was confronted by a guard who began to brief her on her duties. " Hello, you're here for wall duty, I assume? " He'd ask, approaching her. " Yup. Here to make Suna even more beautiful. " She answered back. " Ah. Great, " He'd say, motioning her to follow him closer to the wall. " Well, you are to grab a sand bucket and a tool to begin paving the holes in with the special mold sand. Make sure you pave it neat, you said you wanted things to be clean. And isn't this a little to messy of a task to be wearing a kimono? " He would ask as she grabbed her supplies and began walking to her first paving spot. " It's never too messy to be beautiful. " She'd say back, smirking. That was something she'd always tell herself to ensure her calmness.

She began her work, tightening the hold on her ponytail to make sure her hair didn't get in her way. With every grab of sand, her gloves would get dirtier and dirtier, stained by the special sand. However, she continued to push on and try her best to stay calm. She put sand in the cracks, in the holes, in every crevasse and made sure she ironed it out with her tool. Or at least her disorder didn't let her keep it wrinkled and messy. Once finished with her area of sanding, she was then told the second half of her mission. " Alright. Seems you've done well. You're next task is to remove the weeds and any other plants that seem to occupied the bottom of your area of the wall. " Rubī nodded and set her tools back in their designated area, having gone through three buckets the whole time she was working.

She then took off the bottom half of her kimono which revealed her knees because of the heat and convenience. She handed the easy removable piece of her beloved dress, which was now more like a corset and skirt, to the guard and began to work on her knees. ( Hehe . . . ) She began to remove the retched weeds and repave the area they had burrowed in with a tool. Weeds weren't her only problem, there was the occasional tumbleweed that would roll her way. She would simply dodge it and break it up so it would fit into the waste bag. Once she finished, she handed in her tools and trash. " There, all finished. " She said, slapping her hands together to get rid of any excess dust. " Ohohoho! Alright. Here you are. " The guard would answer, handing Rubī her payment for the task. She grabbed the bottom of her kimono and continued on with her day.

Once she began to leave, she was caught by another guard. " Oh, hey, " She would say, stopping in front of Rubī. " Do you mind also helping us clean up the area by picking up any trash or mess you see. It would be a big help. There's also payment. " She would inform. Rubī was already messy and she could feel the grime on her knees, but she did vow to overcome the issue, so why the hell not? " Well, um. Sure! " She answer, trying to keep in the upbeat mood. She followed the female guard to her designated area. " Alright. Let us know when you are finished! " The guard said, handing Rubī a few bags and a litter stick.

Rubī continued her grunt work, however, this was work she was sort of okay with doing. As long as Sunagakure remained beautiful, she'd do anything. She impaled a few pieces of paper, soda cans, and tissues along the way. Fortunately, Sunagakure wasn't a place full of lazy and disgusting citizens so nothing was too littered. The wall was patched up and neat, the area was weeded and clean, Sunagakure was becoming a beautiful place already. When Rubī finally finished scanning the area for trash, she handed in her tool and bags. " Great. Nice job cleaning the area! Here you are, " The female guard said, handing Rubī the pouch of ryo. " Oh, thanks. " Rubī said in return, waving goodbye as she exited the area.

Rubī decided to wash up before going out on her next two planned missions.

" Aah~ " She would say, stepping into the steaming water she had ran for her bath. After said soothe bath, she dried herself off with her towel and the refreshing wind. She also began dressing in a simple red ruffle dress and short black heeled ninja shoes. Her gloves were also black with a floral lace wrist. Her hair was tied in a long fishtail braid with a matching red ribbon. Once she finished dolling herself up again, making sure she brought knee braces, she exited her home, saying " Goodbye. " to her parents as they walked in from Academy teaching.

Rubī then made her way to one of her favorite flower gardens. It housed the famous Suna Orchids and her beloved Roses. Rubī would go there from time to time to admire the lovely flowers, but this time duty called. Rubī accepted the task of helping maintain her beauties and defend them from bothersome crows. She had finally arrived to the fields when she was confronted by the owner. " Oh, why heller Rubī! Thanks fer comin'! " He would say, smiling and remembering her face from her previous visits. " Oh, hello, Mr. Sangre. No problem. I thought I'd see you inside the greenhouse, not bump into you out here. Is something wrong? " Rubī asked, concerned. The man's face turned from joy to sadness. " Well, " He began. " The greenhouse is infested with them there crows. Ol' Jimmy left the backdoor open. " Rubī bit her lip at how bad the issue was. " Well, " She began, grabbing two kunai from her ninja pouch. " I'll help out. " She smiled, following him to the Greenhouse door.

He wasn't lying. There was at least ten crows flying around and pecking at the lower plants that living inside the greenhouse. Rubī turned and nodded to the Garden Owner, Sangre, and then briskly opened the door. After attaching a thin, translucent, string of chakra to the weapons from her fingers, she would toss them skillfully at the birds and back, almost like two sharp yo-yo's. " Squawk! " The birds would cry, being slightly sliced by the weapons. they all quickly flapped out of the building, but it wasn't going to be the last of them. " See, they're gone. " Rubī would say, turning and smiling to the Gardener. " Hehe, guess so. Thank yer Rubī. " He then led the girl through the building and out the other side where she was greeted by waving roses and orchids. " Here yer go. " He would say, handing her hedge and thorn clippers along with a bag. " All yer gotta do is the last two rows. Jimmy did all the other ones. " She had almost forgot what her real task was. It was to finish weeding the flowers for Mr. Sangre and his wife Lady Kuro.
Jutsu Used:
Rubī headed into the fields to finish up the work since Jimmy was called for an important mission. She really loved the flowers, especially the roses. She always bought the flowers from Lady Kuro and put them in vases around her house and in her room. Surprisingly, her parents didn't mind, they loved the decoration as much as she did. In fact, roses were the first things she used to help overcome her disorder. The fertilizer, the thorn clipping, all of it. Her parents bought her a single rose seed, a pot, and a bag of fertilizer and helped her plant it when she was a kid. Back then, the dirt disgusted her and she'd called it ' icky. ' Next thing she knew, she was done with the field. The icky weeds were gone along with the dangerous thorns. The reminiscing of old times must have made things quicker for her.

When she finished surveying the area, she began her handseals. " Water Release! Tornado of Water! " She would then spit out a large sum of water into mid air above the fields and it would begin to mold into a tornado. She would then disperse the jutsu and the water would spray all around the field beautifully. She then went into the greenhouse where she had noticed Mr. Sangre had finished cleaning up the place. " Finished! " She said, taking off the the planting gloves she was given. " Haha. Okey Dokey, girl. As a thanks, here you go. " He'd say, handing her a pouch of ryo. " Oh thanks, Mr. Sangre! " She said, smiling. " No, thank you. " He said, smiling back as he left through the backdoor and began doing more gardening work. Rubī then exited the small building and approached her next destination, which was only about thirty feet away.
Jutsu Used:
It was Lady Kuro's Shop, the very one she and her husband had owned for many years.


Words Needed: 2500
Words Achieved: #
Ryo: #
Mission Ryo: 750
Total Ryo: #

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