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Taking Care of Drug Lords [Mission] Pixel

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Taking Care of Drug Lords [Mission]

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1Taking Care of Drug Lords [Mission] Empty Taking Care of Drug Lords [Mission] Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:11 am

Suna no Kai

Suna no Kai
D-rank missing ninja
D-rank missing ninja


Khala drummed her fingers on the wooden table impatiently. The chatter of the people had been drown out by the former Kiri resident, for the unnecessary volume of their voices was getting on her nerves. She focused on the ticking of the clock as she continued to drum her fingers, though the clock was serving as a reminder on how late her client was and how aggravated she was becoming. She had gone out of her way to meet this client, who decided not to give his name, at this certain time and at this certain restaurant, thus he could had been so kind enough to show up on time.

The youngling knew that she didn’t have to take this job, protecting people wasn’t really her forte so to speak. And on top of that, it wasn’t like the one she was meeting had any real threat to his life. Only danger this client was facing was that of drug addicts, and honestly they would be far too high to really do anything to the man. But, he insisted that he would lose his life if somebody was not around to protect him. Thus with great reluctance, Khala made plans for the two to meet within this tea shop so that she could go about the day playing bodyguard to the sniveling whelp. The same whelp that was fifteen minutes late and on the verge of being murdered by the hands of the one who was suppose to protect him.

She continued to drum her fingers, boredom etched onto her face as her eyes swept around the tea shop in search of the drug lord. She had half the mind to just up and leave the establishment, and quite frankly hope that the man had been jumped by the drug addicts as retribution for wasting her time. Yet, Khala did not remove herself from the table, instead she continued to scan the area for the drug lord. Why? Simply because if she left, there would be no money for her, and at the moment she needed some money. Her desired equipment would not come cheap, and if earning her keep meant sitting around and waiting for the man who was now unfashionably late, than so be it. But she would make a mental note to chew the man out for his tardiness, and another one that involved her never accepting another bodyguard duty for the rest of her natural life.

Khala sighed as she abruptly stopped drumming her fingers, raising her right hand to signal a waiter that she would like to order something. If she had to wait for the man to show up, she may as well enjoy the tea offered by the tea shop. She watched intently as the waiter nodded her head in acknowledgement, before making her way through the bodies to her table. The woman put a smile on her face as she retrieved a notepad and pen.

“What would you like to order?”

“You are late,” Khala stated, as she popped the last of her coffee cake into her mouth before gulping down the rest of her black tea. She stared across the table, her eyes boring into that of her client’s as she watched him shift around like a nervous wreck. He had finally arrived, albeit very late that she would be requesting extra for her services due to his tardiness. Having had time to enjoy herself, she hadn’t chewed out the man for his tardiness, a blessing for him of course. “Any particular reason that you couldn’t meet me, oh, thirty minutes ago?” She would ask calmly, placing the tea cup upon it’s platter before propping her elbows upon the table, and resting her chin on her interlocked fingers.

The drug lord began to babble as he looked for the right excuse for his failure to arrive on time, all of which amused Khala greatly. She remained silent as she wished to have the whelp continue on his search for the rights words that could be formulated into the right excuse. And to be frank, she would had continued to sit there in silence until the fool had come up with a excuse so grand that she had no choice but to accept it. Yet she found her amusement fading as quickly as it had appeared. “Are you so nervous that you cannot form a single sentence that makes sense, or can you not help but spew nonsense?” Her head cocked to the side as she leaned back in her chair, letting one of her fingers tap on the table.

“No.” The man squeaked out, and for a split second Khala wondered if the man was truly a drug lord. “I can construct sentences and speak perfectly fine, thank you very much,” he would quickly add, his voice firmer than it had been earlier. Perhaps the man was simply far to paranoid or nervous to act his drug lord strong self, being diminished into a sniveling boy who didn’t know what to do. Either way, she would prefer him to talk like he was a drug lord, for speaking to someone who jumped at a shadow didn’t sound fun in the slightest.

“Well, if you are done sitting around, shall we get on with your day?”

Khala merrily skipped down the streets of River Country, a smile upon her face as she hummed an ominous tune to herself. She was not in the company of the drug lord, which could mean only two things: the task was complete or the man was dead. And if one were to have known what the child had done that day, they would had went with the latter, painting her as the killer only to find out later on that the drug lord was very much still alive. The blood that was splattered upon her dress belong to that of the now deceased addicts who had planned the attack on her client, albeit the plan was poorly constructed.

But that was of no matter since they would no longer be a problem. She may not have cared about their death, but her client had shown quite a deal of sympathy for the poor fools, asking her if killing them was really necessary. And to be frank, no killing a bunch of weak civilians was not necessary at all, she just felt like doing it. Hey, Khala had to do something interesting to make up for the otherwise boring day, and the morons provided the perfect outlet. With the elimination of the threats, she was paid and went on her merry way. Of course telling the man that next time he should specify rather or not his bodyguard was allowed to kill or not to avoid future emotional trauma to himself.

And with the day nearly complete, Khala headed for the hotel to tell Fang about her adventures.

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