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Chapter 1: Care Pixel

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Chapter 1: Care

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1Chapter 1: Care Empty Chapter 1: Care Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:30 am



Mission Details:

She say beside her bedroom window, allowing the moist winds wash over her. That vapor began to condensate onto her body, she simply adored Kirigakure's windy, yet moist atmosphere. Miuu's light blonde hair flowed like a mermaids tail as the strong gusts blew in. With a deep sigh of pleasure, she would step away from her wooden window, keeping it open. Miuu flopped onto her bed, it was dressed in ocean blue sheets and the pillows were shaped like starfish. There were different sea-life shaped lamps hanging from the wooden ceiling. Miuu loved sea-life, or at least water-related things in general.

After taking a minute to rest, she would head out of her door. Her parents were at their individual works. Her mother was an Academy Mentor and her father was a Kirigakure Gate Officer; ninja who guarded the gates of Kirigakure and granted Access to visitors. Miuu began to walk down the slightly moist cement toward Kirigakure's Senior Citizen Center. It was a home to the Elderly that resided in Kirigakure that couldn't either afford their own homes, needed assistance, or just didn't enjoy living with their families. Time to go help Khala. Miuu would say in her head, smiling as she entered the Center. Many elderly citizens needed assistance, so they called upon the generous ninja and friendly citizens to aid them in daily tasks. Miuu was on of the faithful and kind ones. She enjoyed helping people, but sometimes that feeling that you need to help people could catch up on you and crush you under its weight. Luckily, Khala wouldn't weigh down on Miuu anytime soon. Khala enjoyed Miuu's help, but Miuu wasn't the only helper Khala had. However, her helpers had shifts, and received payment for them, too.

Miuu approached the room that Kahala resided in and knocked upon the door. " I'm here, Ms. Ashtavon! " The senior woman waddled over to the door and opened it, greeting Miuu with a smile. Khala wasn't too old, but she did require assistance for some things, so today Miuu would help Khala with getting groceries. She and Miuu were about the same height, or maybe it was just Khala's slight hunch. Who knew. Miuu grabbed the older woman's hand as they began to walk down the steps to the lobby. " Thank you, Miuu. You're such a darling. " She would bless Miuu, waddling out the lobby door with her assistant. " Oh, pssh. No problem, Ms. Ashtavon! " Miuu would try to be modest.

" So, what are we getting today? " Miuu would ask. " Oh just the usual. " Khala would respond. Soon after, they arrived at the market. Usually, Khala would get a few necessities and then get ingredients for a stu she would make for Miuu, in thanks. Miuu absolutely loved Khala's stu, it was delicious to her. After a few minutes of shopping, Khala handed Miuu the needed ryo to pay for the groceries from her small purse. Miuu would smile, and say, " Here you go. " And hand the ryo to the cashier. He would smile back and accept the currency. After that, the two Kirigakure citizens would walk back to Khala's home in the Senior Citizens Center. However, not after a short vacation to the park to feed the birds.

" Thank you Miuu dear. " Khala would thank Miuu once more before beginning to prepare the stu. Miuu would put the other purchased items into their designated areas. She began to smell the wonderful stu, its fragrance tantalized Miuu's tastebuds. Miuu was ready to enjoy the liquid heaven.

After finishing off Khala's great stu, she would say goodbye to the older woman. However, he was stopped. " Oh wait, Miuu! I need to ask you something, " Khala said, Miuu turning before exiting the room. " Yes, Ms. Ashtavon? " Miuu responded, curious of what the inquiry would be. " Well, my sister, Anna needs your help. She has lost her glasses and could not find them. She's a few years younger than me, so she believed she did not need an assistant. Looks like she thought wrong. Will you please go help her? I'll pay you an extra two hundred ryo if you do. " Khala would inform Miuu. Miuu simply smiled and responded with, " Sure, Ms. Ashtavon. No problem! And you don't need to pay me-- " Miuu attempted to try commensalism. However, Khala insisted. " No, no! You deserve it! "

Miuu simply accepted the payment and went to check on Anna, Khala's younger sister. Anna, despite being younger than Khala, was far more forgetful. Anna often forgot where she placed things or even when she put them there. Once Miuu arrived at her destination, Anna had already been informed that she was arriving. Anna waited outside of her home, waving at Miuu. Luckily she remembered that information. " Hello Anna. " Miuu would say to the older woman, shaking her hand. " You're sister, Khala wants me to help you find your glasses. Do you have any idea where they might be? " " Oh, yes! Hello, Miuu. " She would smile back. " I'm afraid I do not remember. " " Well, that makes things a tiny bit difficult. Hm...Do you mind if I enter your home? " Miuu asked, pointing to the woman's door. " Oh, go ahead. " Anna would welcome Miuu inside.

Miuu began to walk around and scour the house for the glasses. Without them, Anna couldn't see. Wait...if Anna can't see, then--. Miuu would think, before a slight thud could be heard from the living room. Anna had fallen into a basket, knocking into a wooden table that had a drawer on it. Once the small table fell, the drawer opened and bounced out, the contents also spilling. " Oh no! Anna! " Miuu would rush to her side. " Ugh... " Anna would wince in slight pain. Miuu helped her up and begin to pick up the table. That's when she was blinded by a light. " Gah! " Miuu would say. She put her hand in front of her eyes. She looked under her hand, the shade still hovering over. She spotted what she was looking for; the glasses. Anna had put them into the table drawer!

After finding them, she dusted them off and handed them to Anna, after helping Anna into a chair, of course. Anna placed them onto her head, her eyes seemingly growing because of the magnification. She looked slightly funny with enlarged eyes, Miuu simply giggled. " Thank you, Miuu!--Oh! You're a girl! " Anna chuckled. She must have thought Miuu was a male without her glasses, Miuu's light, childlike voice and size probably confused her. " Hehe yeah. And no problem, Ms. Anna. " Miuu would giggle as Anna followed her to the front porch. The misty wind spritzed them as they opened the door. Miuu was refreshed by the wonderful moistness. " You know, you should probably keep a journal of where you put things, or simply a diary of what you did during the day, just so you don't forget. Or, you could go join your sister in the Senior Citizen's Center. " Miuu advised her. Anna was older, so she would need Assistance and Miuu is already helping Khala. " I guess I should, shouldn't? " Anna asked, chuckling afterwards. Miuu nodded as she began to leave the elderly woman's porch. " Thanks again, Miuu! " Anna would praise Miuu again. Miuu simply smiled and waved as she eventually disappeared into the misty streets.

It was the evening by the time she had finished her first to tasks. However, that didn't mean her day was over. Miuu had one last thing to do.

Miuu arrived at one of her favorite places; the Pet Shelter. It was a shelter for animals that have become strays, couldn't find homes, or were simply born there. Kirigakure did have kind and gentle foundation, it was another thing Miuu liked about her home village. Upon entering the shelter, she was greeted by the owner. The owner was a man with blue hair and normal Kirigakure clothing. " Hey, Miuu, " The man would say, leaning in for a hug. " Hello, Asch. " Miuu would say back, hugging the man. " Ready for your shift? " He would ask her. Miuu was a volunteer, and she worked there every now and then to help support them when they needed. He handed her an apron with the name 'Miuu' stitched into it. She grabbed it and placed it on, posing a bit before walking behind the counter. " Yep. " She answered him, standing at the counter. There was a few other people there, looking at pet accessories and toys, a few in the kennel and cage area looking at pets with another employee.

Asch would smile and pat Miuu's back before walking out the door on his break. Moments passed and Miuu serviced a few customers before it was closing time. She walked to the Kennel area and began to play with the puppies that were in a small, pet park that was in the corner of the washing room. " Herro, Spot. " Miuu would say to a spotted puppy in a babying tone. She would pet his head and rub his stomach. " Arf, arf! " He would bark playfully back, his voice not yet full. She sniffed and the winced for the smell. He was slightly stinky. " Ooh, looks like someone needs a bath. " Miuu would say, grabbing the little one and carry him to the sink. She grabbed the puppy shampoo and conditioner, then turned on the water. She checked its temperature by waving her finger back and forth through the flowing water to make sure it wasn't too hot or too cold. She placed him inside, his tail wagging as the water got into his eyes. He licked the water as it rained down onto him. Spot let out a burp, Miuu giggled. She grabbed the shampoo and began to scratch it onto him in a circular motion. After a while she rinsed him off and repeated the action until the third time. After the third, she began to do the same with the conditioner, but only once. " Hehe, " Miuu giggled as shook after she turned the faucet off.

Upon carrying him to the blow dryer, he tried to squirm around in the towel she had placed him in. She giggled once more, beginning to wipe and blow dry him. After drying him off and combing him, she placed him back into the miniature prk pen, then following the same process with the other three puppies. Once finished, Asch arrived. It had been an hour since she began, and that was how long his break was. " Oh, I see you bathed them. Nice job. " He said, pet one puppy, its fur fluffy and soft. " Oh, thanks. It was fun. " Miuu said, taking off her apron and placing it on the rack. She waved to Asch and began to leave. " Bye, gotta go home! " She said, running out and toward her home, he waving back, the wind and mist dancing on her face. The sun began to set, the view of the horizon was beautiful.

Once entering home, her parents were there, but in their room getting ready for bed. Miuu simply knocked onto their door to let them know she was home and the flopped back onto her bed. The hanging lights now on and shining. " Ahh~. " Miuu sighed a sigh of relief. " What a day. "


Words Needed: 1500
Words Achieved: 1950
Ryo: 98
Mission Ryo: 600
Total Ryo: 698

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