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When Did the Mist Turn Black?

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1When Did the Mist Turn Black? Empty When Did the Mist Turn Black? Thu Jun 12, 2014 2:35 am

Expression of Will

Expression of Will

The party, and with it the endless litany of boring speeches, the droning on of a new kage, the useless meet and greet between all the nobles and socialites and personalities and ANBU and genin and civilians, the idiotic rubbing of elbows between little men who thought themselves large, had ended. The whole ordeal, dreadful and boring and ever so long, had completed, terminating with the kage’s hopeful blah blah blah speech, and Kirite simply felt thankful that the entirety of it had finished. Wracked with a pounding, throbbing headache through most of the event, the man had done everything in his power to grapple with The Depths, its voice a constant, low gurgling, babbling in his ear like a small rivulet, begging for the death of the pompous political figures and pretentious pious groups in attendance. He could have, would love to have, killed them all in a hail of techno-disco lights, but such an action was deemed as “inappropriate” and “illegal” by those in power. Sketh would probably have appreciated the bloodshed.

Sketh. The man that he was here for, waiting for a secret meeting at one of the least frequented locations in all of Kirigakure. Strange, violent, and doubtlessly insane, The Black Death stood as somewhat of an enigma and one that Kirite had fallen in line with. He mused to himself, leaning forward on the railing in front of him, forearms resting casually and body ready to spring at a moment’s notice. Would others attend this clandestine meeting? The blue haired man had no idea, no way of knowing if this mysterious organization was still in infancy or if he had been inducted into a longstanding, preexisting network of covert and illicit activites.

Common sense pointed to the former, as Kirite had yet to see or hear any real evidence within the village relating to some kind of underground, highly skilled and centralized intelligence agency. Sure, crime existed, but not this kind of crime. Not this meticulous, planned, carefully secretive action. It was… slower, clearly, evident already in Sketh’s caution and planning. Already he set himself up nicely, an ANBU captain – powerful and privileged – paired with a fellow ANBU crafted to be an expert in intelligence and assassination. And of course, anyone else who the man had already acquired.

For now, Kirite waited as the ocean moved in and out, the continual breaths of a hulking, massive creature ready to swallow whole anything and everything before it, the mist stirring and shifting with its each passing cycle.


WC: 421

2When Did the Mist Turn Black? Empty Re: When Did the Mist Turn Black? Thu Jun 12, 2014 7:52 am

Sketh Matamune

Sketh Matamune
Kiri Anbu Captain
Kiri Anbu Captain

Despite the mans large frame, The Black Death carried himself silently, his movements further obscured by the sound of the crashing waves against the side of the walkway, and with purpose down the long, railed path that led to the outskirts of the village. It had been some time since they had departed earlier, and to be honest even he didn't know how long the Mizukage's inauguration would be. He could almost feel sorry for anyone who had to sit through it, but he felt no sympathy for those who didn't have to foresight to predict the topics that would be discussed. Sketh knew all too well what she represented, and he wanted no part of it. There was a reason why his name wasn't on the guest list, after all. If he had went, that ball might have been turned into a massacre right then and there.

Admittedly, Sketh wasn't a very patient man when put in a situation where he was face to face with someone. Long term planning? That, he could do. Holding his temper at bay and natural urges to cut someone's throat when they were within eye sight? That was asking the impossible. It was why he was here, on his way to the rendezvous with Kirite, his new associate and subordinate. He was the beginning of a new unit; one that, Sketh hoped, would assist him in rebuilding Kirigakure to it's former glory. This new internal group, the Kurokirioni Unit, unknown to even the Mizukage, would act as the foundation in which Kirigakure was founded upon; they would represent the former glory and strength of the Bloody Mist village, and they would be used to strengthen the village by any means necessary.

Sketh had plans to remove the Mizukage from office with the help of this new unit, as well, but that was much later down the lines in his planning. Assassinating her directly after her inauguration ball would be a bit too suspicious and, seeing as how he wasn't in attendance, would focus attention directly on himself as a prime suspect. Luckily, not many people knew about Sketh's hatred for this new woman claiming the title of his Kage. Not yet, anyway.  He had to build the Kurokirioni unit first as well as expand their influence across the villages, and one recruit was a far cry away from the needed man power to pull off that or a successful Coup D'etat... No, he would wait a bit longer. A few more skilled individuals, at least two more, so as to create a well rounded four man squad.

Approaching the man he came to see, Sketh wouldn't make his presence known until after a few moments of observing the fellow ANBU. "Let me ask ya somethin'. Do you know how to kill?" It might have seemed to be an odd question, especially to ask of a shinobi. They were taught to kill, after all, but Sketh's question had a deeper meaning than that. However, he wanted to listen to the mans answer before elaborating.

WC = 509

3When Did the Mist Turn Black? Empty Re: When Did the Mist Turn Black? Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:56 am

Expression of Will

Expression of Will

The hulk of a man, The Black Death of the Hidden Mist himself, approached without the slightest sound, a feat most impressive for someone of his stature, though also in no way surprising in light of his occupation. No one appointed Sketh the head of Kirigakure’s elite ANBU division because he was nice or good looking or good at politics. No, for as soft as the village may have become, some habits would never change and the ANBU were one of those habits. A unit ruled by power and little else, it should surprise no one that its head was none other than Sketh.

Kirite was not surprised. Sketh’s position, his skills, they failed to shock the younger man, though they were certainly quite impressive. His arrival told a similar story; while the blue haired man could not predict when the larger would arrive, he knew the other would, eventually, arrive and he speculated such an arrival to be ushered in by the same monotonous breathing of the monstrous ocean before him. And he did. The Black Death came as silently as he usually did, so quite that Kirite took no real notice of him until the shadow of the larger man’s body already cast a dark pallor over the spot whereupon he rested, leaning casually against the railing. His body remained still at the new arrival.

And then the ANBU captain spoke, asking of him a question most absurd. Clearly the blue haired assassin knew how to kill. Sketh had his file, had probably read it, or at least should have read it, and doubtlessly knew of the younger man’s skillset and his history, his prior missions, and the lives he had claimed in the name of the village or the elders or the private contractors. Or the Daimyo, an incredibly bloodthirsty individual in his own right, though one entirely incapable of acting on his own. Regardless, the question confused the younger assassin a bit. Why on earth would Sketh ask such a thing? Likely a test, though one Kirite held little interest in.

His eyes remained on the endless motion of the sea, the waves rolling in an out, in and out, bringing with them the endless teeming life of the ocean, bits of coral and flotsam washing up on the shore, the waves occasionally gaining enough force to lap at his feet, bringing in the cold, reassuring caress of the ocean. He watched as a ship, replete with a brazen flag bragging of pirate activities, ruthlessly assaulted another, smaller craft, only to be mercilessly run to pieces by a larger craft, far more massive than logic or common sense would allow. It, too, sank in the end, pulled swiftly and soundlessly below the bright white capped waves by a mass of white and orange tentacles. He didn’t turn as he spoke, choosing instead to watch carnage and destruction before him.

“Do I know how to kill?” He paused, contemplating for but a brief moment. “No. I no more know how to kill than a clownfish knows to hide amongst the anemone, than a tuna knows to color itself to best avoid a predator, than a jelly knows to sting. I don’t know how to kill more than the sea does; I simply do it.” He turned, eyes impassive and pupils a bit wider than probably made explicit sense. “But I’m always open to leaning the ways of a fellow hunter.”

Or prey.

WC: 575 | 996

4When Did the Mist Turn Black? Empty Re: When Did the Mist Turn Black? Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:31 pm

Sketh Matamune

Sketh Matamune
Kiri Anbu Captain
Kiri Anbu Captain

Sketh smirked at the mans response, which was accompanied by a slight chuckle, thought whether it was out of amusement or his own arrogance was yet to be determined. Sketh had read the mans file; he knew all too well of Kirite's skills in the shinobi arts, but when the Black Death compared that to his question and the answer he was going to give, Kirite didn't even know the definition of the word "kill". Yes, the man could actually kill someone, but that was far from what Sketh meant. In all truth, Sketh greatly disliked the arts of Ninjutsu. It's why he only used to most low ranking and most beneficial ones that complimented his fighting style and occupation the best. Anyone could utilize any of the elements to drown, electrocute, suffocate, roast, or crush another person; there was no true talent in doing so.

In Sketh's eyes, saying you could kill with the use of Ninjutsu was insulting to the Art of Murder. However, he said he was willing to learn? That was good, since Sketh had planned to hammer the teachings of Kirigakure into him even if he wasn't.

"The correct answer is 'no'. You think you do, and you can easily end a life if you wanted too. But that is not killing. Throwing lightning bolts with Raiton, raising mountains with Doton, summoning oceans with Suiton, or creating tornadoes with Fuuton; all of these are insults to the craft and only receive my scorn. The way of Shinobi, at it's very basic core, is assassination; the way of making your dagger find your opponent's back while unnoticed. The art of opening their necks with a blade and disappearing like a ghost; slaughtering entire platoons unseen and unheard. That is what 'killing' is. That is what Kirigakure once represented. We hardly relied upon elemental ninjutsu; we used swords and kunai, our hands and feet, and bathed in the blood of our enemies while up-close-and-personal. And if the this Special Unit is going to embody that representation, then all of the members must learn the proper way to slaughter."

Sketh's right hand lazily revealed itself from his black cloak, the other remaining by his side, and extended two of his fingers; forming the tiger hand seal. The surrounding mist and all of it's pearly white glory slowly began to change, it's pure form darkening to a pitch black, as if becoming tainted by some otherworldly influence. The blackness acted like ink on paper, spreading throughout the white as if assimilating it. The black mist, despite it's seemingly slow envelopment of the natural mist, quickly consumed the area in utter darkness; Sketh's towering, cloaked form vanishing within the darkened realm. Sketh's voice would echo out from the blackness over the crashing waves.

"I'll show you what I'm talking about. I'm about to teach you the art that this village was once feared for; The Art of Silent Murder. If you can't learn this, then you're too weak to help restore this village to it's former glory and are utterly useless to me and the cause..."

WC - 513|| 1022

5When Did the Mist Turn Black? Empty Re: When Did the Mist Turn Black? Sat Jun 14, 2014 2:14 am

Expression of Will

Expression of Will

Hm… perhaps We don’t actually like him that much. He’s arrogant. Comical? Sure. Boarding on paranoid? Likely. But arrogant. And, interestingly enough, an idealist as it seems. A romantic even. Which, that’s cute, but The Sea and all Her wards care little for such foolish ideals. The cuddle fish does not prance about, showing off his talents, his skills. He kills or is killed. Maybe we should kill the overgrown flounder.

Kirite remained still and impassive, the Voice easy enough to ignore, the Tide and Current weak enough to resist, for now, little more than a light pounding in his skull. The man before him, huge and monochromatically black to an exceptionally absurd degree, continued rambling. “Correct answer” this and “killing” that. And “killing” and “killing” and “the art of killing” on an endless loop. The man stood, torn; assumedly The Black Death had listened to the blue one’s answer, but then again, the same could not be said when turning the situation around. How likely was it, truly, that Sketh cared at all for the answer? It was not likely. A man as pompous as himself, drunk on pride and the artistry of killing, could not be bothered to both listen and hear, not at the same time. He could listen, could take in the words spoken, and could then compare them to what he wanted to hear, but never could he accept a truth, a reality, other than his own. Such was the fate and burden placed upon those who would lead.

Very good. You surprise, little reefling.

His face moved not again, simple stone, a carving, the mask worn by the Waves to cover what took place below. He stared through the soliloquy of the captain, through his words and ideals, through the man Sketh himself, through the village. He stared through everything. A creeping squid roamed about, exiting the ground as fluidly as a dolphin might breach the water of the Great Sea. It swam languidly, turning lazy circles through the air, its soft and muscled body twisting in on itself, endless loops of repeating white flesh and pick suckers and huge, horrible yellow eyes like glowing dinner plates on its body. The man had finished his speech, moved, billowed his cloak and flexed his hand. The world slowed, black flickers crossing Kirite’s view from top to bottom, growing more and more frequent over the course of a brief second.

And then everything, every sight and sound, tore away, leaving only the black Abyss in its wake, cold, barren, and teeming only with the most skilled of hunters. And The Beast was there too, was always there, will always be there. Bubble shot from volcanic vents somewhere off behind Kirite and too his right, unseen and useable from his current vantage, a position under the control of some power greater than himself. The bubbles lingered, taking shape and forming images, pictures of ninja, of mist, of kunai and sword, of boiling lakes of caustic air.

How beautifully quant. I, personally, am a big fan of omissions and lying by such means, but he should really do his research beforehand. In times of peace and weakness, an appreciation for history tends to be one of the great pillars upon which education is founded. How better to avoid another great war than to understand the horrors caused by it and left in its wake. If fixes nothing of course, but the village is not one built exclusively upon barbarians slinging steal about like a startled school. More images flashed about. Great lightning storms are huge earthquakes, explosions caused by tags and blades, vast sculptures of ice and snow, an inferno erupting from the belly of the earth.

The history lesson ended in a flash, reality returning, Sketh forming his hand sign, the mist thick and opaque as ever, the squid still present, still turning idle circles in the sky, but larger now than before. Much larger. As he watched it go, the hulking man before him, giant in stature and pride and foolishness, went on talking, spewing forth even more powerfully his romantic ideals of murder and death. All of it was meaningless. The squid twitched, a subtle flexing of muscles along its impressive white body, the tiniest of tremors running along its length, and with such a minute motion came an inky darkness, spilling from its body and flooding the mist, mixing with it, consuming it, making it thicker and darker and more powerful. All vision vanished in a world of endless darkness and tangy ink, unpleasant and bitter but not entirely horrible to the taste, its black tendrils present even on the blue haired boy’s tongue.

And all the while the boy stood still. Or, more accurately, he did not shift his positioning. His muscles twitch and flexed unnoticed under relaxed clothing, his mind worked in overtime, speeding ahead and behind and away from conventional thought. He was, at a moment’s notice, prepared for movement, for explosive bursts of power, for quick reflexive moments. His fingers urged and itched for the blades stored hidden at his sides, but he waited, poised as the larger man hid within the darkness crafted by the great, flying squid. Vision gone, his ears perked, his nose thirsted, his tongue searched out for any taste, any trace of the man who would likely be launching some form of assault. Patiently, he waited.


WC: 901 | 1897

6When Did the Mist Turn Black? Empty Re: When Did the Mist Turn Black? Sat Jun 14, 2014 2:33 am

Hotaru of The Aburame

Hotaru of The Aburame
Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

Hotaru would have been making his way out to a training spot that branched off the drowning paths. He never really ventured down the drowning paths unless he was with others, he found the trail to be quite ominous in a way. As he approached down the drowning path, he watched the air grow denser until what appeared to be a dark colored mist engulfed the area. "What is this?. ." Hotaru thought to himself. Naturally, Hotaru would release a couple bugs from his body to fly off and search the area, just encase anything was up. Although, it would be even difficult for them to tell because of how dense the mist. Hotaru didn't really believe this was a natural occurrence, something made him uneasy. He felt his muscles tightened up as he continued to walk forward into the mist blindly. He was quite nervous and unsure about it. This that are black and shroud are not normally good news.

Hotaru was young, just 14 years old actually. He stood at 5'5 and was fairly thin. His thick messy hair framing his pale face and dark eyes. He wore a white collared button up shirt with a dark brown coat over the white shirt that was zipped up half way to his mid torso. The brown coat's hood dangling on his back. He wore dark shinobi styled plants and grey shinobi styled sandals. Strapped to his right thigh was a shuriken holster and strapped to his back right hip was a tool carrying pouch. He was a fairly handsome kid.

As Hotaru pursued further into the Dark Mist, he stayed tense. Ready to react if needed. He wasn't sure what he wandered into.

285 Words

7When Did the Mist Turn Black? Empty Re: When Did the Mist Turn Black? Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:04 am

Sketh Matamune

Sketh Matamune
Kiri Anbu Captain
Kiri Anbu Captain

The black Abyss, claimer of lives and prison for the countless souls that died within, and home to the Black Death. Swift, Silent, and Deadly, he moved about the darkness with practiced and expert ease despite the utter darkness that consumed the area, relying on nothing but his sense of hearing and his ability to sense another's chakra. How many people had lost their lives in his domain? How many throats had he cut? How many tendons had he sliced? How many hearts had he pierced? The number was innumerable and the gallons of blood spilt equated to an oceans worth, but one thing was absolutely certain; Sketh enjoyed every moment of it and regretted nothing.

Moving through the Black Fog as nothing more than a phantom of Death, his left hand maintaining the Tiger seal while the other, occupied with a simple kunai, rested at his side. Kirite's position was clear as day to him, and the thoughts within Sketh's mind could only be classified as arrogant. How easy would it be for him to position himself behind the fellow ANBU and open his throat, or place it between his shoulder blades? How easy would it be for him to simply appear in front of him and strike his heart? Hmm, perhaps he was being too over confident. This man was, after all, a candidate to join the KKOU. It was best not to underestimate him, especially since he, too, was an ANBU. However, what the Black Death had said during the beginning of this scenario was still true. If he died that easily, then he was of no use. Then again, this was, technically, a training session.

Silently flipping the kunai into a reversed grip, Sketh continued his stalking of the black fog as he gauged the best way to begin. Originally, the Silent Killing Technique relied only on hearing, but in this environment, with the constant crashing of waves and the sound that accompanied them, the sensing aspect would be a requirement for accurate usage. The Black Death's row of sharp teeth became exposed with the grin that crossed his face, though obviously obscured by the blackness that enveloped him. A wicked idea had crossed his deranged and arrogant mind, but before he could act upon it, another force caught the mans attention. Someone else had entered his sensing range, someone other than Kirite. He questioned to himself if he had been followed, but he quickly dismissed the possibility as he made sure that he wasn't. Perhaps it was one of the rare individuals who frequented the training grounds nearby?

"No... I can use this in the current situation," he thought to himself, still alert to his surroundings and focused on the presence of both Kirite and the new arrival. "I don't know who that is, but it's truly your unlucky day..."

Sketh finished the thought by spinning the kunai silently in his hand once more, putting it back into a traditional grip before flinging it off into the black abyss towards the new arrival who had entered his domain. It wasn't aimed toward the person, but more so in their general vicinity where it would clang against the concrete pathway that accompanied the railing that made up the Drowning Paths. The sound would, in all likelihood, alert Kirite to the position of where it had landed. Sketh would hang back within the blackness and observe the situation from the safety of concealment, using his free hand to retrieve yet another kunai from within his weapons pouch.

WC - 522||1610

Last edited by Sketh Matamune on Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:13 am; edited 1 time in total

8When Did the Mist Turn Black? Empty Re: When Did the Mist Turn Black? Sat Jun 14, 2014 11:08 am

Expression of Will

Expression of Will

And so a world of black silence began, the shroud of death worn by The Black Death himself, summoned from his will and tainted with his chakra. Thick and impenetrable, the darkness annoyed the man, obscuring his vision and proving as the main point of the exercise. Or at least Krite assumed such was the main point. Sketh had proven his madness so it could be reasoned that this activity was some kind of psychotic game of cat and mouse between two of the strongest members of the village with no other motive than for the hell of it and the thrill of adrenaline pumping rampantly though the two men’s bodies in the throes of mortal combat. He really wasn’t sure.

He was sure that no adrenaline was present though.

A school of flying fish soared over his head, exiting the ocean and sailing over blue and black hair towards the village ahead of them, their fins giving off a peculiar, unique sound made only by them. While he did not visually react to that, Kirite heard them, knew them, felt them and sensed them. His body twitched and tensed, coiled and uncoiled endlessly at their arrival and their ultimate passing. The Ocean’s breath moved in and out as always, bathing the world in a quite white noise, the sticky humid breath soothing the red-hot boiling waters in the back of the blue haired man’s skull.

A massive whale breached as the fish soared above, breaking the ground in a huge explosion of sound, sending the loud waves of cracking earth rippling through the air. The metal of the railing behind him groaned, breaking some thirty meters or more down from him, its twisting cry the final moments before an untimely death. Again, he heard it, knew it, felt the blubber, the skin, the rough crusting of barnacles that had collected around the great beast’s mouth over the years. But he did not simply hear the breaking and groaning and the call of the whale, he heard through them, the fish above him still noticeable, the tiniest of motions, of creaks and missteps, apparent to his ears as he focused even more intently upon them. As he pushed his ears more and more, extending his focus to blanket the whole of the surrounding environment, a metallic clang arose from somewhere off to his right.

His head tilted minutely, moving his ear slightly to better hear the source of the noise. Sketh had, apparently, moved a fair deal away and dropped what seemed to be a kunai or perhaps a shuriken. The sound sent Kirite on edge once again, his every muscle tensing momentarily, holding, and then relaxing slightly. Already of the proper posture for reacting to an incoming assault, a proper shift in positioning remained yet unneeded and ill advised. Still, a part of him kept his focus on the location from which the sound came just as he kept some slight focus on every bit of the surrounding catastrophes that had befallen their small training area.

Of course, Sketh had not simply dropped a kunai. ANBU didn’t do that. Most genin didn’t even do that. Such a foolish and clumsy mistake was death, heralded in by the metallic clanging the blue haired man’s ears had heard only moments before. No, it was virtually inconceivable that the large man make such a pre-academy mistake. More likely the sound was some kind of bluff or distraction, though that provided little information as to where the giant man was. It made sense for him to have thrown the distraction, waiting for Kirite to rush foolishly to the sound, though it could also be that the man had dropped the weapon near him, a ploy to create a false blind spot in the younger man’s defenses.

And then a buzzing sound showed up.

Unsure of what exactly to make of that, Kirite allowed it to pass. The buzzing originated from a couple small… things. They sounded tiny in fact and did not seem immediately threatening, though the ANBU kept on his toes, knowing that even the smallest of weapons and instruments could deal untold amounts of damage in the correct hands. The little buzzing things came from the same direction as the sound of the dropped weapon, which intrigued the assassin a bit. Regardless, for the time being he remained where he stood, listening intently to the sounds of those around him, coiling like a spring at the possibility of perceived threats as they came and went and awaiting Sketh to make his move.

The Predator strikes only when he is read. Swim about little fish, you’re in the open waters now.


WC: 779 | 2676


9When Did the Mist Turn Black? Empty Re: When Did the Mist Turn Black? Sun Jun 15, 2014 6:39 am

Hotaru of The Aburame

Hotaru of The Aburame
Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

Hotaru would continue to wander until he heard the sound of clanking metal. It was as if it was a bell that alerted Hotaru of danger. "Perhaps I shouldn't be here. . " Hotaru thought to himself. It could be mere chance that the kunai that landed near him was just thrown randomly, but it also could be that the enemy in this dense dark mist knows exactly where Hotaru is located. He has always heard bad things about the Drowning Paths but never thought they were real. He never thought they were anything more than just tales and some aggressive fish.
Hotaru also had a sense of curosity about the place as well though. Who threw the projectile? What is in this mist? Is it one person? Or possibly multiple people?
Hotaru wanted to know, and it was this curiosity that overcame his sense of fear for the moment. Although, the fear within him was still very much there. Hotaru thought maybe these were bandits? If they were, he could only imagine how much he would be praised for capturing them. Perhaps even promoted.

After the metal clanked, Hotaru released a swarm of insects in the area from his sleeves. The insects began to scatter over a 10 meter radius. The Aburame insects would give off the same chakra signature as Hotaru, thus disguising the true location of Hotaru with multiple chakra signatures, if the enemy was using a sensing technique to pinpoint his location he wouldn't be able to locate him so easily now. This being the Aburame's Insect Jamming Technique. He still wasn't quite sure what to do from there though, he remained in the cloud of the insect chakra signatures. Now he waited to see the mysterious mist's lurkers would respond to this. He felt very on edge about the whole matter, the mist was quite troublesome.

596 Words

10When Did the Mist Turn Black? Empty Re: When Did the Mist Turn Black? Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:31 am

Sketh Matamune

Sketh Matamune
Kiri Anbu Captain
Kiri Anbu Captain

"Heh, didn't even move, eh?" Sketh thought with regards to Kirite, keeping his focus divided amongst the fellow ANBU and the newly arrived intruder who so unluckily stumbled upon their meeting place. "Alright.. Let's play a game, kiddies..." Sketh finished his contemplation by silently removing three more of his kunai from the pouch on his thigh, only him to hesitate for just a moment at the notice of several more chakra signatures suddenly appearing within his black realm of utter despair. He wasn't surprised or intimidated by the rise in numbers. In fact, he readily began to reason out what the most likely cause was. "Heh, can't be more people; it's the same chakra signature. Clones? No, they're too small... Wait... Sketh focused for a moment, closing his eyes and tuning into his superb hearing. "Buzzing....? Wings? Ah, they're bugs, aren't they? Well well, I didn't expect an Aburame to appear... Ah well," Sketh paused a moment, lifting the three kunai in his right hand by his face, "Let's get this show on the road.."

Tossing one of the kunai into his right hand, Sketh casually tossed it with a lackluster effort in Kirite's direction, though it was specifically targeting him. Instead, it was aimed towards the concrete at his feet where it would undoubtedly collide with a loud "clang". Immediately after, he tossed a second kunai back in the direction of the new arrival. He ignored the spread of the mans chakra and instead aimed, once again, to where he previously was, but instead tossed it a bit further to the left to where it would impact a tad bit closer to the man's feet. All the while doing this, Sketh would constantly change his position within the mist; moving silently and swiftly, like an apparition toying with those unlucky enough to wander within it's tomb. The final kunai, now held in his right hand as well, would be casually spun around the Black Death's index finger in slow but continuous rotations.

Calculating out what he would do to stack upon his devious little plan, Sketh finally caught the kunai in it's proper grip and tossed it. It wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, but targeted the center ground between Kirite and the newly arrived chakra signature. He had hoped the previous kunai would have toyed with their minds a bit, to let them both know they they were, in fact, being watched by a predator. They were within his domain, and while this technically was a training exercise to teach his fellow ANBU the proper way to assassinate, he wasn't the kind to show mercy. The final kunai, however, was to draw them closer to one another and hopefully spark some sort of...event.

WC = Don't care at the moment, will calculate later.

11When Did the Mist Turn Black? Empty Re: When Did the Mist Turn Black? Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:20 am

Expression of Will

Expression of Will

The silence deafened as his ears strained themselves, searching through the blackness for purchase on anything. The endless slew of strange creatures had no let up, sending the blue haired assassin into a near constant state of alarm. Admittedly, such a state was not the worst that one could find themselves in, but the tension had mounted to an almost absurd degree, causing some unneeded and unwanted mental strain. Still, the ANBU member had not been promoted at random and felt confident in his abilities to handle the training exercise, his propensity to withstand such waiting games extremely high.

And there it was. Amidst the fish above, the whales erupting from the ground, and the myriad of other sea creatures moving about within the range of Kirite’s hearing rested something… else. The in and out breath of the ocean continued as ever, sending waves of rich sound to bath the landscape that had previously been bathed in the dark mist as the buzzing buzzing endless buzzing of those tiny things released by the other person flew about and multiplied. And that surprised the blued eyed boy a bit; without a doubt, he could hear some minute aspects of another, shorter than himself and from whose direction the buzzing had emanated.

But it was there, lurking, moving, planning, and plotting. He circled and shifted around the impromptu training area, a kind blank spot in the subordinate’s net of awareness, totally void of any noise almost to an improbable and unbelievable extreme. The shadow slunk about, no doubt plotting some new form of pseudo-hunting or a different version of the cat and mouse game the two, or rather three, had been playing. The man silently rolled his eyes, preemptively preparing for the oncoming onslaught from the Great Hunter Himself. Generally speaking, He did not appreciate other people being compared to hunters when He stood as the only true killer around.

The ocean’s floor quaked with the Voice as it spoke. Naturally. This foolish abomination of a man thinks he’s so clever. It took us mere minutes to understand the mechanisms behind his little technique. What a fool. But not uncommon. People of higher ranks endlessly fail to pay Us the proper respect. I’d say to end his life, to allow him to know truly that he is prey and little else, but he amuses me. However… that newcomer. He may need to have a visit paid him. Pressure mounted in the man’s skull as the Beast exerted His force.

The first kunai flew quickly from the huge man’s hand, its presence apparent by only the tiniest of whistling sounds as if flew through the air, the wind flowing about its circular handle. No immediate danger had presented itself, the knife not on a trajectory that would be lethal to the man, though he began moving before the blade found its mark, leaping up onto the railing and moving silently along the metal bar. While relying exclusively on his sense of hearing had been a bit of a challenge, the ways of silent motion were a longstanding friend to the assassin, a necessity for anyone routinely sent on high profile homicide missions in which no room for error existed, and being seen or heard happened to count as an error.

And so the man had vanished from his spot, moving towards the third party, all the while particularly conscious of the fact that Sketh could, in all likelihood, still locate his blue haired partner. After all, Kirite could maintain a fairly intimate knowledge of The Black Death; it only made sense that the opposite should also hold true. Still, he paid this knowledge little mind as he continued on his route, forming a singular hand sign in order to augment the already present mist, aiming to engulf the newcomer in the pure blackness. The mist expanded at his will as the sharp clang of metal on concrete echoed around the shadowy domain.

Silent as ever, he arrived shortly at his destination, coming to the slightest rest just a few short meters away from the newly blinded youngling before him. In his motion, he had made explicit effort to avoid the little buzzing contraptions plaguing the air, hoping to circumvent any kind of sensory technique the mysterious arrival had sent out. He tilted his head, gaining a slightly better vantage from which to intercept the sound waves coming from this person. As he did so, he noticed Sketh, a ways away from him at this point, had thrown another blade, this one aimed roughly at the third person present.

Should his target appear to remain physically unaware of his new proximity, the man would burst into silent motion moments before the second kunai struck, rapidly moving in behind the mystery man and going in for a simple maneuver, shifting his right leg behind his opponents left before whipping it about rapidly in an attempt to simply trip the boy while adding a firm shove from his right hand. The move would not prove lethal, nor even damaging in any real capacity, though it would hopefully prove to end the little training exercise. Of course, should the boy act as though he somehow knew of Kirite’s initial movements, such an opportunity might never present itself.

Having knocked down the young man, Kirite would move back a few feet in an effort to avoid retaliation, silently slipping away from the third party while still in freefall. He would then speak, directing his voice, modified and modulated through his ANBU mask, towards where he could faintly hear Sketh to be. “Do I pass now, senpai?”


WC: 939 | 3615
1800/1800 [Silent Killing Learned]

12When Did the Mist Turn Black? Empty Re: When Did the Mist Turn Black? Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:48 pm

Hotaru of The Aburame

Hotaru of The Aburame
Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

Hotaru was in fear, he felt his bones rattling slightly. He was in the wrong spot. The people running around in silence were far too skilled for him. But, he couldn't just leave. They would follow him now. Hotaru figured that they probably figured out his insect jamming technique. He could feel the condensation on his face as the first kunai sound echo'd the room.
Directly after, before he knew it. Hotaru was pushed onto the ground by an strong force. "I didn't even know he was there. . ." Hotaru said to himself inside his mind. As Hotaru was pushed into the ground though, he ordered a female Parasitic Insect to lay on the mans back. Hotaru being given the chance when he knew the fersure location of the man who called out to his supposed sensei. Hotaru new definitely that this meant there were two of them here. Hotaru was their training dummy.

At the moment, Hotaru wasn't sure if they from Kirigakure or what they were doing. So, even if Hotaru died here. He planted the female insect on the man so possibly other Aburame members could track him easily. Thinking of the village. But, it looks like he wasn't meant to die quite yet. When he was tripped by the mans force. The man's voice faintly receded meaning he left Hotaru alive.

"It doesn't matter where you hide now. ." Hotaru said to himself in his mind, while picking himself up off the ground.
While picking himself up, swarms of his beetle like insects swarmed out of his body in a wide scattered swarm towards the man who just tripped Hotaru. The man would most likely be confused on how Hotaru knew where he was. The insects are able to smell a female from extremely long distances, which is how Hotaru knows where the man had vanished too. Even in the mist. While doing this, Hotaru was channeling his chakra through the beetles to activate a genjutsu.

If one of the bugs landed on the man, the man would be affected by a genjutsu, the man would begin to feel as if hundreds of bugs are crawling beneath their skin and will see the moving bumps all over their body. Random spots of the mans body will then burst open as hundreds of the parasitic bugs crawl and fly out.
Tricking the target into thinking that the bugs are ripping out of his body from all over in a extremely painful manner.

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