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Another Jutsu for Achilles Pixel

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Another Jutsu for Achilles

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1Another Jutsu for Achilles Empty Another Jutsu for Achilles Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:18 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

Another Jutsu for Achilles 73m2

Name: Raiton Strike: Variation Taijutsu Style
Rank: A
Type: Nin/Tai
Used For: Off/Def
Element: Raiton
Range: Connection
Duration: Until deactivated
Hand Seals/Charge up: Ox-Snake-Rabbit Takes a single post to charge up.
The final Variation of the Raiton Strike technique that Achilles personally created, is probably the most useful, though not most powerful of them all. By creating the same kind of engulfing chakra he uses to create a single bolt around a single arm, or both arms, he adds more control over the technique allowing for complete and total control over the chakra. This complete and total control of the Raiton Strike's chakra allows Achilles to form the jutsu over all of his limbs instead of just his arms. This added control takes away the ability to fire the Jutsu at range, however it also allows him to continue the jutsu even after using it once, making it a continuous draw on his chakra.

Since this is a mix of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, he uses his Ninjutsu abilities to channel the chakra continuously thanks to his gifted chakra control as well as his deep chakra pool.

The actual affects of the jutsu upon contact are what make the jutsu so deadly however, once a foot or fist makes contact with the target, the fist doesn't just hit them. It also sends out a massive current of Lightning (A-Rank Raiton Level damage)throughout the body from the initial place of contact. An A Rank level of Raiton jutsu is essentially fatal depending on the strength of the target. If hit cleanly without any type of defense they would die on contact. A grazing hit would still cause a lot of damage causing 2nd to 3rd degree burns, and numbness. This added effect means that even on a glancing or grazing blow, the Lightning charged part of the attack can also cause severe damage. It truly is a powerful and deadly technique.

-Raiton Taijutsu as Achilles calls it, is hard on the body, after releasing the technique, the user is left physically drained after five consecutive posts. After Ten consecutive posts, the user is nearly passed out. After fifteen posts, the user is likely passed out due to chakra exhaustion and in a light coma. Anymore then fifteen consecutive posts of Raiton Taijutsu, and the user will die of myocardial infarction. Unless a medic is near by and can revive them and repair the damage.
-(This is purely OOC knowledge unless found out via testing or seeing in a fight.) The use of tiny burst of Wind Jutsu can offset the attack and speed of Raiton Taijutsu causing the user to slow down, and for the strikes to lessen in damage(making it easier to dodge). A Fuuton Jutsu of equal or greater strength will greatly weaken the use of Raiton Taijutsu by an entire letter rank.
-Being that it is NinTai it receives no bonus from Ninjutsu Mastery.

Last edited by Achilles Raiki on Tue Jun 17, 2014 3:46 am; edited 3 times in total

2Another Jutsu for Achilles Empty Re: Another Jutsu for Achilles Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:30 am



Name: Raiton Strike: Variation Taijutsu Style
Rank: A
Type: Nin/Tai
Used For: Off/Def
Element: Raiton
Range: Close 1~5m If this is taijutsu it would need to be touch and not actually have a range on it.
Duration: Until deactivated
Hand Seals/Charge up: Ox-Snake-Rabbit Takes a single post to charge up.
The final Variation of the Raiton Strike technique that Achilles personally created, is probably the most useful, though not most powerful of them all. By creating the same kind of engulfing chakra he uses to create a single bolt around a single arm, or both arms, he adds more control over the technique allowing for complete and total control over the chakra. This complete and total control of the Raiton Strike's chakra allows Achilles to form the jutsu over all of his limbs instead of just his arms. This added control takes away the ability to fire the Jutsu at range, however it also allows him to continue the jutsu even after using it once, making it a continuous draw on his chakra.

Since this is a mix of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, he uses his Ninjutsu abilities to channel the chakra continuously thanks to his gifted chakra control as well as his deep chakra pool. He uses the Taijutsu skills he has to fight with the added speed and strength given by this jutsu giving him Taijutsu-Mastery Speed and Strength. Have it give him one rank above his own rank in Taijutsu. And I thought we talked about it giving his strikes the speed but not actually raising his overall speed?

The actual affects of the jutsu upon contact are what make the jutsu so deadly however, once a foot or fist makes contact with the target, the fist doesn't just hit them. It also sends out a massive current of Lightning (A-Rank Raiton Level damage)throughout the body from the initial place of contact. This added effect means that even on a glancing or grazing blow, the Lightning charged part of the attack can also cause severe damage. It truly is a powerful and deadly technique. How much damage does A ranked Raiton do?

-Being that it is a Taijutsu Technique, the user does need to get close to his target, and against a Taijutsu Master, even with the added bonus' given, it would be difficult if not impossible to match the 'Skill' of their movements and technical skill, for dodging.
-Raiton Taijutsu as Achilles calls it, is hard on the body, after releasing the technique, the user is left physically drained after five consecutive posts. After Ten consecutive posts, the user is nearly passed out. After fifteen posts, the user is likely passed out due to chakra exhaustion and in a light coma. Anymore then fifteen consecutive posts of Raiton Taijutsu, and the user will die of myocardial infarction. Unless a medic is near by and can revive them and repair the damage.
-(This is purely OOC knowledge unless found out via testing or seeing in a fight.) The use of tiny burst of Wind Jutsu can offset the attack and speed of Raiton Taijutsu causing the user to slow down, and for the strikes to lessen in damage(making it easier to dodge). A Fuuton Jutsu of equal or greater strength will greatly weaken the use of Raiton Taijutsu by an entire letter rank.

3Another Jutsu for Achilles Empty Re: Another Jutsu for Achilles Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:37 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki


4Another Jutsu for Achilles Empty Re: Another Jutsu for Achilles Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:53 am



On top of all this you need to add a separate cost for covering more than one limb with the effects. Pick either ninjutsu or taijutsu and fix the range of the technique accordingly, and obviously if you have to deactivate it then you will have to pay the recurring costs each post its active after the initial activation cost. You wont be getting any speed bonuses from a jutsu like this simply because its too similar to the original raiton armor and even if we did change our minds you wouldnt get any bonuses past master if you already were. I dont see why this would effect your strength either seeing as it simply covers your limbs and nowhere does it even try to explain how or why you gain such bonuses only that you do.

Ill let you make edits before i continue my review.

5Another Jutsu for Achilles Empty Re: Another Jutsu for Achilles Mon Jun 16, 2014 6:35 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

Edited (with the one that Kamina told me to change over Chatbox. Nulling the ones mentioned in the above post.) So ready for final say.

6Another Jutsu for Achilles Empty Re: Another Jutsu for Achilles Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:39 pm



Remove the physical boost and its approved, reasoning for this is because its too similar to the already restricted lightning armor jutsu.

7Another Jutsu for Achilles Empty Re: Another Jutsu for Achilles Tue Jun 17, 2014 3:47 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

Edited and finished.

8Another Jutsu for Achilles Empty Re: Another Jutsu for Achilles Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:04 am


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

Considering that nobody has mentioned this I feel that I should because you didnt add it on your jutsu description, duration or anything really. But this jutsu is clearly one that requires a lasting jutsu cost, which for A-rank techniques is 30.

For Duration write this, "Lasting Jutsu Cost [A-30]"

9Another Jutsu for Achilles Empty Re: Another Jutsu for Achilles Wed Jun 18, 2014 3:07 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

I don't have to Sanroku. As duration Jutsu costs are already built into the site. I just have to keep up with it myself. And I didn't put a set duration, because once activated it's on until Achilles releases the Jutsu.

10Another Jutsu for Achilles Empty Re: Another Jutsu for Achilles Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:20 am


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

Believe me I didnt just bring this up for no reason loll

The reason I thought you may have wanted it differently was because of what you wrote on your weakness. But this is probably something that you didnt think about. Putting Math into the mix,

Raiton Taijutsu as Achilles calls it, is hard on the body, after releasing the technique, the user is left physically drained after five consecutive posts. After Ten consecutive posts, the user is nearly passed out. After fifteen posts, the user is likely passed out due to chakra exhaustion and in a light coma. Anymore then fifteen consecutive posts of Raiton Taijutsu, and the user will die of myocardial infarction. Unless a medic is near by and can revive them and repair the damage.

Does this 'really' make sense?

Lets do the math now. As an S-rank you begin or lets say you have 300 Chakra in the Chakra pool.

S-rank Shinobi Jutsu Cost wrote:E-rank jutsu: 0 Chakra cost
D-rank jutsu: 5 Chakra cost
C-rank jutsu: 15 Chakra cost
B-rank jutsu: 25 Chakra cost
A-rank jutsu: 35 Chakra cost
S-rank jutsu: 45 Chakra cost

The Jutsu itself would cost 35 to activate. Meaning you will have 265 Chakra left. The only part you had right was the 5 consecutive posts, since it would leave you physically drained with only 115 chakra left. 10 Consecutive Posts, and you'll be dead before you hit 10. 15 consecutive posts, well you know where I'm getting at. Nevertheless, I suspect you could use jutsus while in this mode since I didnt read that you can't [or I probably missed that part] so IF you can use jutsus, 5 posts will in fact be as far as this thing should go.

11Another Jutsu for Achilles Empty Re: Another Jutsu for Achilles Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:57 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

Uhh...Sanroku you may want to read the Jutsu rules one more time. It subtracts 30 Chakra every 3 turns. Not every turn. I factored that into my jutsu. No worries, a lot of people don't realize it's 3 turns not every turn. So it would actually only cost me 185 total Chakra points to take the jutsu to it's max. The reason i added the limitations, is so I don't use the Jutsu for 20 turns and just rape.

12Another Jutsu for Achilles Empty Re: Another Jutsu for Achilles Wed Jun 18, 2014 5:15 am


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

Another Jutsu for Achilles 29ncpzt
I'm actually aware of that 3 Post thing, it just flies over my head because i'm so used to the other sites and their per-post way of keeping track. MY MISTAKE. loll So I see no more problems with this then, unless some of the other mods want to say something else.

13Another Jutsu for Achilles Empty Re: Another Jutsu for Achilles Wed Jun 18, 2014 5:16 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

Hey no problem Sanroku ^_^. Everyone gets a little blurgeh on the rules some times.

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