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The Sacred Stone[Sub Plot, Open, No killing] PT2 - Page 2 Pixel

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The Sacred Stone[Sub Plot, Open, No killing] PT2

Aerie Locke
Franken Stein
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The Blue V

The Blue V

OOC: This is gonna be da final post. NPC will die, leaving control of the thread to Poncho/Zanji's hands.

The Daimyo's reflexes were refined, perceiving extension speeds that any Jounin would normally be caught off guard by. Ignorant of his enemy's blood origin, Baki could see that his Hiramekarei attack had merely dispersed the water mass that replaced the flesh and blood of the Sound Daimyo, splashing and ravaging the angered, bloodlusted swordsman. This shitty critter... he just won't stay dead. Baki thought, as he could see the water reforming and transversing to his right side. Although he did not know what kind of technique the shinobi used, he did know that the bitch was back for a second round, and Baki would be all too ready for him. Re-focusing the chakra that poured through his Hiramekarei, Baki would have already shape-changed his previous projectile into something entirely new. Bringing his sword back to him and tilting it towards the sky - above his head by the time the Sound Daimyo reverted back to his human nature, Baki planned to launch a series of projectiles from the sides and then go for a vertical sword extension to impale the boy. "Gahhh! Take this!!!!" he cried out as if making his last, suicidal attempt to destroy his enemy. Several high-speed chakra projectiles, swerving like guided missiles had left the blade to its target. Steering clear into, two of the pellets would aim for the knees. Two for both cathuses on each side. The third set of two aiming to press harshly on the celiac plexus.  A skilled fellow, clearly having gone through multitudes of combat affairs, had setup a set of tactical countermeasures against the narrow-minded Baki. he did not notice the Kusanagi 7 meters away from him, although the real issue came from up front. For the Nuibari had punctured into his head without him knowing it - a quick assassin. "Ehh...?" The last chakra soldiers had passed by the enemy figure - out of his range of contact, only to return from his blind spot to carry out their fateful duty, even with its master practically deceased. The two companions had to take different paths. The silver-haired one to be ruptured through the left frontal lobe angle by one adventurous trooper. Angled further below, the last trajectile would fly to the back of the neck, scratching the airway. He could not carry out the frontal attack that was the second part of HIS finishing combo. In a few seconds, Baki would have slumped to the ground as his brain and skull would have been perforated, but later a finishing move came out in form of a human-sized water sphere to shorten that time. "H-ho this happen...?" Hitting him flat up front with considerable force, the already helpless, arrogant, horny, manly Baki was knocked straight out of this world by the blue liquid that carried away his tainted soul. What a dumbo.

One weakling cannot do anything against a strong man. But a group of fodders can, and so this was the case. Rejoicing in the power of their numbers, they had successfully driven this Goliath back into his bowels of humiliation, as a guided one inch piece of shrapnel enhanced by chakra had ripped through the vulnerable cloth and punctured into the open legendary eyeball through the  the outer canthus in the inner flesh of the right eye that he had taken from a once-terrible Konohagakure Uchiha shinobi. Popping it immediately, blood would splatter all over from within the headband, although it would not show anything on his skin. writhing agony and excruciating pain would consume poor Zanji, as his inability to acknowledge the stray projectile that had precisely manuevered into his right cathus would also destroy the stolen KKG that he so prized. The training. The time and effort to refine his ability with an Uchiha's Sharingan, granted to an outsider by a heinous doctor. All of that - gone and wasted. Perhaps his life would come to an end, too?

The tyrannical Impaler has been overthrown as this sudden wrenching pain would have taken over his body. The guards who followed afterwards would have taken advantage of this lapse in action, toppling all over Zanji from behind until he's pinned down to the floor. The Bunshins gone, ten men were actually present. They began kicking him in the head while the writing pain of his destroyed eye was still there. Following that were punches to the genitals, stabbings at his hardened head by broken blades, and punching all over his body until they hope they can feel better. unknowingst to them are the chakra chains that Zanji still had on him.

The fodder men who threw the barrage of spears, blade bits, and swords could see that this was a lost fight. Their leader had just been been defeated by a water ball, and without their leader, all was lost. The thirty men who were 20 meters away from Zanji left together in a hurry, returning back to their camp in the outskirts of the Land of Wind. Leaving ten to fight in anger bitterment at how the evil Zanji slaughtered their comrades, hiding behind his rock-hard cocoon.


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

Bullets of blue aura, making their way from the legendary blade towards Junpei, action had to be taken quickly. His attacks had already been relinquished from his frame, so with freed hands, he gripped Nuibari's wire with one hand and formed the Half-Tiger seal with the other. A custom made Body Flicker dubbed Swift Flicker would shift the Daimyo's body about two meters away from the oncoming attack to a location that could be called safety. That was only for a small moment however. This hand used to form the half-seal, would have to move with precision and haste to the handle of his wakizashi that was still sheathed. Wind chakra exuded in a savage like manner from a body rotation as an enemy was spotted tossing an unnamed projectile at the ivory haired samurai; this chakra would form a dome of deadly wind. All projectiles meant for his frame shattered into bits, from turning, Nuibari would be recalled to Junpei from the wire being snagged on. Swimming back from the head of its previous target, the blade would be caught, but not held on for long. Released along with the wakizashi used to initiate the wind dome attack, one blade would pierce one offender as the other would dig into and take the soul of the other. Sand being spat about with no consideration for those around him, Junpei's kill count amounted to three. Sighing as the sand settled, he supervised the punishment Zanji had taken from his actions. Disappointment, was the word that came to mind as Junpei gathered his blades, Nuibari, Sakana, the Sword of Kusanagi, and now Hiramekarei. Not having a spot designated on his frame for Hiramekarei, he would have to carry this blade around in his hands, but first . . . it was dug back into the sand.

Vex plaguing the Daimyo's face as he watched Zanji, Junpei was ready to end this petty squabble. Handseals blitzed through, his palms touched the hot sand, marking the sand bandits for death. Dark mud, replacing the sand, a small island would exist around Zanji and the swamp would be placed in front of Junpei leaving him and his possessions safe. The bandits that hadn't escaped would be swallowed and forgotten, before the sand would again be allowed to appear in the Land of Wind. Grabbing Hiramekarei once again, Junpei's past had created greed in his heart and the blade was no longer for Sunagakure, it was his. Diplomacy was done as the invading forces were massacred. "You're welcome . . ." He spoke to Zanji and the Suna nin who were several meters away, meaning he shouted. "Back to the Land of Sound Zanji . . ." He had nothing else to say to the male as he walked to leave Sunagakure, his shadow stretched in front of him in a surreal fashion for many many many meters, that and Hiramekarei in his hand kept him satisfied.

[exit to Land of Sound]



Zanji let out a  loud scream as he felt the metal rip through his eye and canthus. His covered his right eye as he felt the hot red liquid pour down his eye. He began to  shake in anger his body trembling faster and faster his chains responding. He looked like a angered animal when he was about to strike the daimyo intervened. The daimyo had killed off the last of them and  his eye bled like a stuck pig. He  quickly lifted his headband  and pulled out the metal shrapnel  and let out a hissed grunt and tossed it onto the ground. He quickly made a few hand seals and used the mystic palm technique and placed his hands over his right eye and began to heal his wound.

He quickly deactivated his earth spear his body returning to its normal color. The bleeding quickly stopping. he  quickly closed his eye as the eye was now beyond repair at the moment and placed his headband over it out of habit and looked towards the suna gate and walked towards it. He soon walked past the daimyo who who said  to head back to suna. He nodded his head and said "Ill be right behind you my lord." he continued on his way and reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small syringe and stuck it into the young women who tried to fight off the invaders alone and took out some of her blood in a instant. It would feel like a pin prick as he walked past the kazekage and feigned loosing his balance and quickly do a hard blow to the back of her neck rendering her unconcious. He would then quickly slid his hand into her pocket and her money she had on her and pocketed it and then used the tiger hand seal and used his shushin no jutsu and would move 50 meters away from the gate easily catching up to the daimyo and pocketing the cash as he stared angrily at the lord for taking the prize he so desperately wanted. He put the syringe and money away in his back pouch and whistled.

(exit to land of sound)


Last edited by Zanji Uzumaki on Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:33 pm; edited 1 time in total



Zanji panted as he was being kicked the crap out of the men. But in reality he was laughing as after each one of there attacks there limbs that they were hitting him with caused them to break as they hit his blackened skin. He chuckled as they fell to the ground one after the other clutching there broken appendages. He sighed and quickly impaled five of them with his chakra chains through there foreheads and stabbed the remaining five through there hearts. The men let out cries of pain and would fall silent as the blood poured from there bodies staining the sand red. His chakra chains would return to his body after but oh well he had done quite a lot of damage. His chakra supplies were running low but he would be alright as long as he didn't run into anymore enemies.

He walked over to the daimyo and bent over him and placed his swords back in the daimyos respective sheaths. He then quickly proceeded to take a vial of blood from the daimyos arm and pocketed it with the dna of the senjuu women. He then made a few hand seals and used the mystical palms technique over the daimyos wounded body  and healed his wounds as best as he could and reached into the daimyos pocket and pulled out a sealing scrol and rolled it out and placed the daimyos body on it and sealed him inside the scrol with all the titems he had including the legendary swords he had.He sighed and headed out to the dessert after rolling up the scroll and placing it in his bag and began making his towards kirigakure he would need as much help as he could get since there was no one in oto with the required skill perhaps he would be fortunate and the kiri ninja will allow him entrance.

(suna exit)

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